Michael L. Cooper

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by Theodore Roosevelt

  Swainson, Bill, editor. Encarta Book of Quotations. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 2000.

  Wagenknecht, Edward. The Seven Worlds of Theodore Roosevelt. New York: Longmans, Green and Company, 1958.


  Adams, Henry

  Alabama(Confederate raider)

  Alger, Russell A.

  American Museum of Natural History

  Antiquities Act of 1906

  Arthur, Chester A.

  Baer, George

  Ballinger, Richard Achilles

  Benton, Thomas Hart

  Berryman, Clifford

  Blaine, James G.

  Boone, Daniel

  Boone and Crockett Club

  Bryan, William Jennings


  Bulloch, Anna

  Bulloch, Grandmother

  Bulloch, Irvine

  Bulloch, James Dunwoodie

  Bunau-Varilla, Philippe

  Carow, Edith (see Roosevelt, Edith Carow)

  Children’s Aid Society

  Chimney Butte Ranch, Dakota Territory

  Civil Service Commission

  Civil service exam

  Civil War

  Cleveland, Grover

  Coal mining


  Columbia University

  Congressional elections 1902 1910 1918


  Cooper, James Fenimore

  Crane, Stephen

  Crockett, Davy


  Cutler, Arthur

  Czolgosz, Leon Frank

  Dakota Territory

  Davis, Richard Harding

  Debs, Eugene V.

  Democratic Party (see also Congressional elections; Presidential elections)

  Derby, Dick

  Dewey, George

  Edmunds, George F.

  1st United States Volunteer Cavalry Regiment (Rough Riders)

  Food and Drug Administration

  Forest Reserve Act

  Frick, Henry Clay

  Garfield, James A.

  George, David Lloyd

  George, Henry

  Gould, Jay

  Grant, Ulysses S.

  Great White Fleet

  Groton School, Massachusetts

  Hanna, Mark

  Harriman, E. H.

  Harrison, Benjamin

  Harrison, William Henry

  Harvard University


  Hawthorne, Nathaniel

  Hay, John

  Hepburn Act of 1906

  Hill, James J.

  Hobart, Garret A.

  Hoover, Ike

  Houghton Mifflin

  Howell, John A.

  Hughes, Charles Evans

  Hunt, Billy

  Hunting Trips of a Ranchman(Roosevelt)

  Interstate Commerce Commission

  Jefferson, Thomas

  Jones, Hell-Roaring

  Jungle, The(Sinclair)

  Kettle Hill, Cuba

  Knox, Philander

  La Follette, Robert

  Lincoln, Abraham

  Lodge, Henry Cabot

  Lodge, Nannie

  Long, John D.

  Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth

  Longworth, Alice Roosevelt (see Roosevelt, Alice Lee (Baby Lee))

  Longworth, Nick


  Manifest Destiny

  Manila Bay, Battle of

  Mann, Elliott Roosevelt

  Mann, Katy

  Markle, John

  Marshall, Edward

  McKinley, William

  McManus, “Big John,”

  Meat Inspection Act of 1906

  Metropolitan Museum of Art

  Michtom, Morris

  Miller, Bronco Charlie

  Mitchell, John

  Monroe Doctrine

  Morgan, J. Pierpont

  Morris, Gouverneur

  Mount Rushmore, South Dakota

  Muir, John

  Murray, Joe

  Mutsuhito, Emperor

  National Forest Reserve

  National Forest Service

  Naval War of 1812, The(Roosevelt)

  New Nationalism

  New York Evening Post

  New York Herald

  New York Journal

  New York State civil service commission

  New York Sun

  New York Times

  New York Tribune

  New York World

  Nicholas II, Tsar

  Northern Securities Company

  Our Young Folks magazine

  Outlook, The, magazine


  Panama Canal

  Panic of 1893

  Pendleton Act of 1883

  Perkins, George W.

  Pershing, John

  Philadelphia Record


  Pinchot, Gifford

  Platt, Tom

  Populist Party

  Portsmouth, Treaty of

  Presidential elections 1884 1888 1892 1896 1900 1904 1908 1912 1916

  Proctor, Redfield

  Progressive Party


  Puerto Rico

  Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906



  Red Badge of Courage, The(Crane)

  Reform Charter Bill (“Roosevelt bill”)

  Republican Party (see also Congressional elections; Presidential elections)

  Rice, Cecil Spring

  Robinson, Edwin Arlington

  Rockefeller, John D.

  Roosevelt, Alice Lee

  Roosevelt, Alice Lee (Baby Lee)

  Roosevelt, Anna “Bamie,”

  Roosevelt, Anna Hall

  Roosevelt, Archie

  Roosevelt, Corinne “Conie,”

  Roosevelt, Cornelius Van Schaack

  Roosevelt, Edith Carow

  Roosevelt, Eleanor

  Roosevelt, Elliott, Jr.

  Roosevelt, Elliott “Ellie,”

  Roosevelt, Ethel

  Roosevelt, Franklin

  Roosevelt, Gracie Hall

  Roosevelt, James

  Roosevelt, Kermit

  Roosevelt, Martha “Mittie” Bulloch

  Roosevelt, Quentin

  Roosevelt, Theodore

  anti-corruption efforts of

  assassination attempt and

  as assistant secretary of the navy

  birth of

  birth of children

  books read by

  books written by

  brother Elliott and

  character and personality of

  childhood of

  as civil service commissioner

  clothing and

  coal miners strike and

  competitiveness of

  conservation and

  courage of

  courtship of Edith

  criticism of Taft by

  criticism of Wilson by

  daughter Alice and

  death of

  death of father and

  death of mother and

  death of wife and

  economic policy and

  education of

  election of 1888 and

  election of 1896 and

  election of 1900 and

  election of 1904 and

  election of 1908 and

  election of 1912 and

  election of 1916 and

  eyesight and glasses of

  as father

  father and

  financial affairs of

  first marriage of

  foreign policy and

  as governor of New York

  Great White Fleet voyage and

  health of

  homes of

  hunting by

  intelligence of

  as law student

  natural history and

  as New York police commissioner

  nickname of

  Nobel Peace Prize awarded to

ma Canal and

  pets of

  photographs of

  physical appearance of

  political ascent of

  popularity of

  as president

  race and

  as rancher

  regulatory legislation and

  second marriage of

  siblings of

  in Spanish-American War

  as speaker

  speaking tour of (1910)

  sports and

  teddy bears and

  third term issue and

  travels of

  trusts and

  as vice president

  voice of

  as war hero

  White House life and

  World War I and

  Roosevelt, Theodore, Jr. (Ted)

  Roosevelt, Theodore, Sr. (Thee)

  Roosevelt Corollary

  Roosevelt Republicans

  Root, Elihu

  Rough Riders

  Rough Riders, The(Roosevelt)

  Russo-Japanese War

  Sagamore Hill, Oyster Bay, New York

  Sakhalin island

  San Juan Hill, Cuba

  Scott, Sir Walter

  Sedition Act of 1918

  Shafter, William Rufus

  Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890

  Shrank, John

  Simpson, Hashknife

  Sinclair, Upton

  Sioux Falls Press

  Spanish-American War

  Square Deal

  Standard Oil Company

  Steffens, Lincoln

  Strong, William

  Taft, Charley

  Taft, Helen

  Taft, William Howard

  Tammany Hall

  Teddy bears

  10th Cavalry Buffalo Soldiers

  Tillman, Ben


  Tsushima Strait, Battle of

  Tweed, William M.

  United Labor Party

  United Mine Workers (UMW)

  United States Postal Service

  USS Maine

  USS Nashville

  Wallace, William

  Wanamaker, John

  Washington, Booker T.

  Washington, George

  Washington Post, The

  Westbrook, T. R.

  White, William Allen

  Wilson, Woodrow

  Winning of the West, The(Roosevelt)

  Wister, Owen

  Wood, Leonard

  World War I

  Yellow journalism

  Yellowstone National Park




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