First Contact (Terran Chronicles)

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First Contact (Terran Chronicles) Page 4

by James Jackson


  White House

  Washington DC

  Discovery of the incoming asteroids finally makes its way to a few civilian operated telescopes. At first the reports are treated as pranks, but as more information becomes public, people start to look up and wonder. Many turn to their governments for answers, then they turn on the news to find reporters having nothing to report of this event.

  With the release of the first blurred pictures, awareness grows into concern. Then concern turns to anger at the continued silence from the various governments around the world. People want answers, and yet none are forthcoming. Speculation is rife as ordinary citizens postulate their own theories ranging from a modern day hoax to government conspiracies, and many subjects in between.

  A small group of people armed with banners head to the White House seeking answers. They soon become a massive rowdy crowd as they feed on each other's fear and anger. Behind the closed gates stand a strong security contingent, all wearing heavy riot gear. Heated words and angry gestures come from the crowd. The guards do their best to urge them to go home. Tensions mount, more angry words from the unruly crowd. A shot is fired from somewhere inside the crowd. A guard falls, wounded, his comrades drag him back out of harm's way. Batons and pepper spray are replaced by pistols and assault rifles. Seeing the change in the guards’ equipment, the front ranks of the crowd try to turn back as the rear of the rowdy mob suddenly surges forward. The crowd does not stop, those in the front ranks have nowhere to go except forward, or be trampled.

  Behind the closed gates, the guards watch in a moment of stunned disbelief as the front ranks fall beneath the surging mass of people, or are pushed then crushed against the gates. The bloodied gates themselves start to creak and groan at the sheer weight bearing down upon them. Bones break, people scream, as they are crushed and bloodied. Tear gas is launched into the crowd, too late to save many, but an unwanted escalation none the less. Armed rioters fire shots through the expanding mist, hitting fellow demonstrators mostly, the rest just go wild. No more guards are injured this day, though many are sickened by the grisly mess that is building at the foot of the gates.

  Eventually the crowd disperses leaving the dead and wounded behind. Still no answers are forthcoming from the White House. Newscasters can only report on the loss of life due to circumstances surrounding a demonstration that went horribly wrong.

  Secondary news of the day is a newly announced Russian military exercise. Pentagon sources have confirmed the exercise and in a surprising move are supporting the initiative. Usually such military flexing is condoned as a waste of valuable resources due to Russia's ongoing civil and economic difficulties. A few newscasters run their own take on the story but even China shows little to no concern about the events in Russia. So as with all news that is overshadowed, it is soon dropped for more compelling events.

  With the world looking upward it's not just the Russians making plans or performing hasty refits. Other nations move troops, aircraft, and ships, as either a response to a neighbor’s actions, or from their own space observations. In either case the world now has more military assets on the move than at any other time in history.


  Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder (ASKAP)

  315 KM North East of Geraldton, Western Australia.

  Andrew looks at a countdown timer for the hundredth time as a phone is pressed into his hand by one of his assistants, twelve hours till the first impacts. The assistant quietly whispers. “It's a Demetri, who says he is from the RAN, whatever that is, he sounds Russian.”

  Andrew takes the phone, cups it, and says quietly to the assistant, “Russian Academy of Sciences.”

  “Demetri. This is Deputy Director Andrew, we met at the Space Sciences Conference in Paris last year. Did you get moved? I thought you were in Moscow with the Space Research institute.”

  “Ahh Andrew, yes I remember you from the conference. No time for your small talk my friend. We have turned some satellites around and have collected a lot more information. We have what you would call ‘bad news’, which I have been authorized by my government to share. What I am going to tell you is impossible, but also factual. I want you to carefully analyze this new data, but I am sure you will confirm our findings.”

  Andrew jumps in, “We should get the AOC on the line then, it may speed up our communication process.”

  Demetri sighs, “I don't get on well with that female director. I find her offensive, besides, you have the initial contact information which is all we need in order to confirm our findings. But if you insist, I can tolerate her for a short while.”

  Within minutes the three way conference is up and moved to a video conferencing room. Expressions are hard to hide, and it’s quite clear that Demetri and Barbara do not like each other.

  In an effort to break the silence and icy stares, Andrew speaks up first.

  “Director Barbara, you know Director Demetri, well he has some data to share, Demetri, please continue.”

  Demetri clears his throat, and after one more glare clearly aimed at Barbara he begins.

  “The facts I have to present to you are alarming and astronomically impossible. These impacts will only last for twenty-four hours then this combination of meteor and asteroid shower will be over. In addition, the density of these objects is far greater than anything previously discovered. We have compared the information given to us by the Australians with our own readings and find the data accurate. Do you concur with these findings Barbara?”

  Barbara looks down at a pile of notes on her table and glances at a pair of computer screens near her, before looking up.

  “How did you confirm the data so accurately? We are having trouble filtering out the residual radiation, but yes, our latest data supports the findings.”

  “Director, we both know that as a consequence of the cold war between our countries, we have many satellites in space. We have some high orbit, very high orbit satellites that we simply turned around.”

  Barbara is surprised by both his candor, and the admission of the existence of these satellites.

  “OK,” says Andrew slowly, “We have a twenty-four hour long meteor shower with about seventy asteroids in the mix, that in itself is not as alarming as you make it sound Demetri.”

  Demetri mutters something that sounds like a Russian obscenity, before he continues. “A twenty-four hour meteor shower of small, but very dense material. In addition, there are about seventy asteroids, five meters in size. According to the readings they are very dense as well, all with trajectories that show land based impacts.” He lets this sink in before continuing. “That is...”

  Barbara interrupts suddenly and quietly “Oh my God.” She looks at the two men on her screens. “That's impossible, I mean totally beyond any reasonable...” Her voice fades as she tries to accept the facts before her.

  Demetri speaks slowly but with conviction. “So we are in agreement then?”

  “Yes!” concurs Barbara, as she looks at Demetri with an expression of pure shock on her face.

  “OK folks, what did I miss?” says a mildly perplexed Andrew. He looks at the two of them on his screen “What the hell are you two talking about?”

  Barbara gets her voice back, “Andrew, we are under attack, this is no random meteor shower. But why all the smaller meteoroid size ones?”

  “ATTACK!” shouts Andrew, unintentionally loud. “You can't be serious,” he says with a little more control. “You two have been playing cloak and dagger games for far too long and see enemies everywhere.”

  He starts typing queries into his terminal. As he watches the screen, his skepticism is replaced with one of horror. How could he have missed this?

  “Oh no, no, no, no that can't be right. Those small meteoroids, they will effectively destroy all of our space-based satellites. The asteroids will impact many of our large ground based radio telescopes, including this one. By the time this is over we will have lost virtual
ly all satellite based communications.”

  Running can be heard coming down the corridor. Joe grabs the door frame, it creaks as he almost flings himself into the room, oblivious to the video conference. He clutches a pile of papers in his hands, some getting crushed by his clenched fist, others falling to the floor.

  “Andrew, we have a problem, I mean a really big problem.” Joe is either out of breath or scared.

  He looks at the screen, smiles sheepishly at Demetri and Barbara.

  “Yeah, we know mate,” says Andrew.

  Joe’s light brown eyes widen with fear. “No, no you don't. None of you do.” Looking frantically at each of them he continues in obvious distress. “There are some really big objects following the meteors and asteroids, and I mean really big. But that’s not all, the really big ones... they are slowing down.”

  Approximately twenty larger objects of various sizes follow these asteroids, and they too, are on a course for Earth. Soon enough even the poorest nation of Earth can detect what's happening in space. They too, are seeking answers, but there are none to be had.

  Newscasters from around the globe can find little information about what is actually happening. They find themselves creating stories ranging from the extinction of the dinosaurs to various end-of-times scenarios. Many attach as much factual information as possible to their fictions creating some thought provoking news stories. With little regard to the consequences of their actions, many newscasters try to top each other with bolder and bolder stories. An uneasy public fast becomes a frightened public, as answers are not forthcoming. Is this the end of the world?

  Churches around the globe have a sudden increase in attendance at their services. Many people start to horde food, weapons, and fuel. Supermarket shelves are stripped bare as uncertain people gather what they can. Some proclaim that this is the end of the world, pointing out quotes from various historical texts. The cost of basic necessities skyrockets, as price gouging takes effect. Crime rates climb, as civil order starts to crumble across the globe. Many people stay in their homes to watch the news, hoping for information on the events now unfolding.


  White House

  Washington DC

  Around the nation, and indeed the world, millions turn to their radios and televisions to listen and watch. People stop in the streets to look at the live news bulletin as it interrupts the regular scheduled shows. Millions more are at their computers watching the President of the United States of America speak. The familiar tall wooden podium with the Seal of the President stands before them, and behind it one of the world’s, if not the world's most powerful individual.

  An aide silently mouths, ‘Three, Two, One.’ Then politely points to the speaker.

  “To the people of America, and the world, in this modern age it's impossible for the events of the last twenty hours or so, to have gone unnoticed. Our planet is in danger, as indeed is our way of life. However we have the means to save ourselves. In an unprecedented historical act, many countries from around the world have joined forces so that we can meet this new threat from the skies. For those few who have not been watching the news of the last day, I will fill in some of the details. About twenty hours ago, a large field of small asteroids and meteors was detected. Over the next few hours many nations will be launching missiles capable of striking these objects just above our atmosphere. There will be a fantastic light show, and though we are confident of success, it is only prudent to also plan for failure. Many satellites will be destroyed by this meteor shower so communications will be hampered. Do not be alarmed by this. These objects are small and not expected to cause a great deal of damage, should any get past the missiles. However should this happen and any do get through, we must be prepared. Therefore, by Presidential order, I herby decree martial law to be in effect as of now. All National Guard personnel are to report to their respective posts. All non essential work places are to close immediately, non essential workers should head to their homes. Fire, police, and medical personnel should head to their usual place of work.”

  The President pauses now and stops reading from his notes as he continues.

  “I was advised not to present this message, as some people felt that a panic would cause more harm than the asteroids themselves. However, I have faith in my fellow people to act civilly in this time of uncertainty. Go to your homes, be with your families and may God be with us all.”

  The camera goes out, allowing news men and women take over the airwaves, each with their own slant on the speech.

  “Mr. President we must leave now. Marine One will take you to the airport where you will board Air Force One.” The Secret Service agent is quite formal with a hint of haste to his tone. He too, wants to get away from here.

  “I should have told them the full truth, the whole truth. God help us all.” The President says to no one in particular. The President looks about at his many staff and continues. “Please go home and be with your loved ones, we really don’t think Washington is a target.”

  News stations across the world take up where the speech ends with stories ranging from how to cope without a cell phone, to end of world scenarios. With impact sites still mostly unknown, it's impossible to plan evacuations. People are encouraged to stay in their homes, stock up on water, batteries, canned goods and the like. Most newscasters are sensible and calming as they explain how to cope, in case of power and water disruptions.

  Those that fear being trapped in cities without services leave, some head to friends and relatives, others, to campgrounds. Roads and highways become congested, traffic slows, then in some places stops completely. Police do their best to get folks moving, but even without any visible threat many people are starting to panic.

  Hospitals feel the burden as some doctors and nurses do not show up at this time of need. There are numerous fender benders keeping the remaining ambulance services busy as they try to negotiate congested streets. Suicides escalate, some take drugs, others shoot themselves, others add to the mayhem as they jump from city skyscrapers, tall bridges, or in front of busses and trains. Most cities find their transport services slowing, then stopping. People become trapped, unable to move in the gridlock that is created. As people abandon their vehicles and start making their way on foot, fear escalates further. Gun shots fill the air in some cities as fear boils over into anger. Gangs start to walk many city streets as anarchy takes over. Airlines suspend services worldwide as they have been grounded either from their own fears or under instructions from various governments. More and more people have to wait this day out where they are stopped. Some fear being trapped in their homes, but with nowhere else to go find vantage points to watch history unfold in the skies. Many of the media are promising a fantastic light show, as they expect the meteors to burn up in the atmosphere.

  The President rubs his forehead as he reads last minute updates on the chaos, not only across his nation, but around the world. So much damage has occurred even before any of these objects strike. He shakes his head as casualty estimates stare at him from possible strike zones. With evacuations in order or deemed more hazardous than the strike itself, he wonders how history will view the decisions made these last two days.


  North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD)

  Cheyenne Mountain, Colorado Springs, Colorado

  Deep inside the Cheyenne Mountain General Walker once again steps onto the floor area of NORAD's Command Center. Gazing about, he can see a lot of nervous people looking to him for answers.

  “Increase readiness to DEFCON Two.” Looking across the room he watches the condition lights switch from yellow to red.

  “Prepare to receive the President in three hours. This is real people, make it happen.”

  This comment makes many heads turn in the room. The General ignores the looks of surprise as he retires to his office where he spends quite some time debating a personal dilemma of his own. Finally, he calls his officers to a meeting where
the General raises his concerns. The discussion is short, with a sigh, the General rises from his chair, and with his cap under his arm walks back into the control center.

  “All listen up and listen well.” He looks about the room making eye contact with as many personnel as possible, his face an unreadable mask. “ What I am about to do violates my standing orders.” Again, that pause as he looks at everyone around the room.

  “Contact your families, and your friends, get them into this facility, you have ninety minutes people. Security will be doubled and they are to have access only to the areas they are assigned, understood?”

  For many with families, the orders are nothing short of a miracle. Standing beside the General is his entire staff, their support obvious. As the General’s staff look on, those with families close by make hasty calls. Those with family too far away can only languish at the situation.

  Husbands, wives, children, and friends alike are all numbed as they enter Cheyenne Mountain. Heavily armed soldiers are seemingly everywhere directing all newcomers deep into the mountain. Many stare in awe at the massive blast doors as they enter this once forbidden realm.

  With only minutes to spare the last civilian is escorted inside just as the President's motorcade comes roaring down the road. Tires screech as the vehicles stop. Secret Service agents scramble to get the President to safety as they frantically look at their watches, then upward, time has run out.

  Watching the President’s progress via monitor, General Walker issues further orders to the staff in the command center.

  “Seal the mountain, go to DEFCON One, I repeat DEFCON One, this is not a drill.”

  The color indicator switches to white for the first time since its inception. As the light engages, General Walker can only hope that all their plans succeed. Around the base massive doors close and lock. Whether these measures will protect, or entomb the occupants is not known. The base will stay on external power for as long as is possible, but is now automatically using the internal water reserves. General Walker has no idea if they will be inside for days, months, or even longer. They have food and water to last a couple of years if needed. Even so, with the additional people inside the mountain water rationing is immediately implemented. Teams get to work monitoring the air and water quality continuously. Each of the six diesel generators were test fired as soon as the DEFCON status moved from five to four. They are ready to kick in at a moment's notice, and with their enormous reserves of fuel can run the facility for a long time. Even so, General Walker plans to implement power rationing to extend the life of these engines. He is the right man for the job as he prepares the facility for the worst possible scenario.


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