First Contact (Terran Chronicles)

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First Contact (Terran Chronicles) Page 16

by James Jackson

  In lesser news of the day there is talk of China taking refugees from North Korea. China is set to send a delegation to Seoul to mediate the unification talks. There is no mention of representation from North Korea at all.

  Hayato wonders aloud. “Is China going to trade away the old North Korean resources while assisting in creating a unified Korea? They would get to rape a country and look good doing it, all the while placating the Gamin. What are the Chinese getting in exchange for abandoning such long term allies?”

  Daitaro remains silent for a short time. “I am sure we will get to find out soon enough.”

  The night sees the team travelling to a Beijing safe house where they settle in and again await instructions. With the arduous and stress filled mission complete, the four men are overcome with exhaustion and sleep well.


  Manhattan Island

  New York

  The mess hall buzzes with chatter about China, Korea, the aliens, and every topic in between. George, his wife, and son make their way to a quieter table to eat breakfast. As they eat, George sees many other teammates who have been working with him. Upon making eye contact, he gets a supportive nod, or a smile. Afterward, as he heads to the Gamin spaceship to suit up and work, he notices a lot more people lining up for accommodation, training, or work. This day finds the entire team assembled and eagerly ready to work. The group talks with a mixture of excitement and reservation. George tells them of the shooting, and of Sharz returning him to his quarters. He does not mention meeting the Gamin leader, Regent Voknor. He does, however, show them his body suit which has a small dent in its helmet. They are joined shortly thereafter by six more people. They too, are nervous and excited about the body suits and what is expected of them. It's still seems that very few can work the suits without being ill. George recalls Sharz telling him that it was because of the way human brains worked, which really only makes him more curious about the way Gamin brains work instead. What can be so different about the way they work?

  The group, all wearing Gamin body suits heads to the work area. The finishing touches are needed to merge the new rail line with the New York Metro. Throughout the day, the group works quickly and efficiently. George however, ends up spending much of his day training the newer members of the group on how to use their suits. By the day's end though, they are completely done. Looking at the handy work, George and the others are quite pleased. Not only is there a double rail link almost all the way to the alien craft, but there are interchanges allowing multiple trains to stop at once. Cargo can be unloaded quite quickly, thanks to a few additional innovations provided by the Gamin.

  Thinking that they are all done, they head back to the spacecraft. As evening sets upon New York City the group finds the Gamin have more work lined up for them. More bridges and roads to replace those damaged or lost. A few of the suit operators, however, are given a new task. George, and a half dozen others are met by a group of Gamin. Getting out of their suits, they watch as the Gamin remove a large component from the back of the suit and affix a new one. George smiles as he realizes how slow he has been, the suits are modular, different modules allow different functions. Suiting up again the group spends the last part of their day learning the new functions and features.

  The next few days finds George and this group making armor, of sorts. Massive armor plates to replace those damaged on the ships. George has been paying a lot of attention to the details on his display, and if these reading are correct, then the ships armor has a higher density than any material ever conceived by mankind. Made from multiple layers of various super dense materials, the ship’s armor is much more complicated than it first appears.

  Trains start to arrive, loaded with various ores and minerals. These are unloaded, creating massive stockpiles which have the same ground vehicles from the day of the landing reappearing. Their dual inward curved blades direct material inside the vehicle. George rightfully assumes that this material is absorbed and converted into base elements. The upcoming days will see these trains arriving with greater frequency. The number of smaller craft that fly to and from the parked behemoth increases slightly, but where they go or what they transport, is anybody's guess.

  Chapter Eight - Deals with the Devil.


  Beijing International Airport


  The Gamin spacecraft comes in low and with a flair unseen in any other landing. Having a relatively slender nose section that widens to almost one mile at its midsection, and stretching to two miles long, this spacecraft can be spotted long before it can be heard. At a distance of about a mile, the craft starts to bank and circle around Beijing's International Airport. The awaiting dignitaries, along with the many citizens watching are awed by the spectacle. As the mighty spacecraft approaches, its dented and scorched armor plates become visible. The obvious damage causes many to be even further awed by the encircling behemoth. Some cup their mouths in surprise, others just stare in bewilderment. Banking even further over, the craft reveals its upper hull area, which is encased in even more dented and scorched armor plates. The spacecraft tightens its circle as the armor plates on its top side and flanks retract, revealing a multitude of windows. Based on the windows alone, this craft is easily fifty or more stories tall. It starts to level off, and lowers massive landing struts as it comes in to land. Onlookers hold their breath as the craft comes in very low over terminal three. The monitoring tower at the end of the building seems about to be crushed as it disappears into the shadows. The touchdown sends small clouds of dust into the air, as the landing struts find purchase on the various runways of Beijing's International Airport. As the dust clears, onlookers can see that the tower is safe, scant meters from the rear of the visitor’s spacecraft. The humming diminishes. then ceases, as the multiple landing struts bear the load above them. A ramp lowers from underneath the craft and comes to rest on the concrete. The landing is so precise that nothing appears to be damaged, not even a fuel truck that was left out.

  Down the ramp skims a smaller flying craft. At about sixty feet wide and two hundred thirty feet long, this small craft has stubby wings and a narrow nose. It too, hums and floats its way to the awaiting dignitaries. This craft settles down on its own smaller landing gear, a ramp opens up as a metallic voice comes from within.

  “Prepare to meet your planet’s representative of the Gamin.”

  Down the ramp strut three aliens. Easily six and a half feet tall, with green skin and long snouts filed with teeth. One has a robe with many decorative looking emblems on it, clasped about his body. The other two members of the party are obviously armed guards, with holsters holding some kind of hand gun. These two do not have robes, but instead, wear some sort of combat suit that covers much of their bodies. The trio stops before the gathering of Chinese officials.

  “We meet you in peace.” States the robe clad Gamin. “May our encounter prove beneficial and prosperous for all.”

  The Chinese dignitaries all bow, one steps forward and bows again.

  “I, the Premier, welcome you to China. We offer gifts of fresh food.”

  Hayato, watching from a distance catches something off to the side, trucks, a lot of trucks. He can't help but wonder how much of this was planned ahead. The convoy drives right up to the large space craft and parks near the ramp. A small fleet of tracked vehicles come down the ramp and in no time, have set up an uploading area. Truck, after truck, takes their turn unloading pigs, cows, and chickens. More trucks arrive, indeed a never ending convoy of trucks. Panning his binoculars back Hayato curses to himself as the entire delegation has gone, including the three aliens.

  A few hours go by with nothing more than truck, after truck coming and going. Hayato almost misses it again. An aircraft, perhaps a transport craft, with its long cylindrical shape, departs from the top of the spaceship. It heads skyward until it's too small to be seen. Eventually there is movement from the terminal. The trio of Gamin struts out to their small craft, bo
ard it, then fly inside the parked spaceship.

  Hayato continues his lonely vigil throughout the rest of the day, and into the night as truck after truck comes and goes, unloading various livestock. Once in a while an alien transport craft lands as others leave. Akira relieves Hayato as the team starts a rotational watch on the spacecraft.


  Planetary Orbit


  Thousands of satellites orbit the planet providing exceptional coverage for the various media systems. Each being solar powered with electric based reactionary motors, ensures they stay in orbit indefinitely. The data the Gamin gather from these is extensive.

  In the armada's command ship, Regent Voknor stares at real meat for the first time in longer than even he cares to admit. Those on lesser ships have gone much longer, living purely off synthesized rations. The samples sent up from the planet, having passed all the inspections needed to meet Gamin food requirements, now sit on a plate before the leader. He hesitates for a moment, alien meat is not always good tasting. He tries to recall the planet whose meat was foul beyond all comprehension. His plate has three samples, one white and two pink. The white meat though filling, does not impress the Regent. One of the slabs of pink meat however, is a pleasant surprise, he devours it and demands more. The bridge crew relaxes, clawed hands pulled back from various controls. If only the Chinese knew that everything hinged on this one plate of meat. In an uncharacteristic moment of pure satisfaction Regent Voknor issues a rare order.

  “Make sure that all are given the three meats.”

  Usually only the lesser foods are distributed, but this planet has yielded and is complying. With a single word, the fate of the Chinese is determined, as is that of the world.


  Regent Voknor understands the value of morale, his fleet has been damaged, ships destroyed, and lives lost. He can see that the bridge crew is extremely happy with the orders, as they make haste to implement them before he can change his mind. A shrewd bridge crew, he expects nothing less.

  “Launch the transport, we will honor the bargain.” Regent Voknor is indeed, quite satisfied with the way things are going.

  With the Gamin receiving fresh water, and now fresh meat, all that remains is for the repairs to his fleet to be completed. Shortly thereafter, a large transport ship departs. Within its hold, an amazing gift for the Chinese. As the transport departs Regent Voknor issues another order that day. He plans to retire shortly and eat some more of that delicious meat in the privacy of his quarters.

  “Get the base fully operational. We must be replace our losses.”

  The Regent wants his fleet repaired as fast as possible. From past experience, he has found that subjugating a planet’s population takes time, and a lot more resources than they have to spare. With the hundreds of satellites that make up this planet’s grid being complete, he feels much more comfortable. There should be few surprises from this planet now.

  As he sits back relishing the day's events, an aide approaches, interrupting his thoughts.

  “What is it?” He is quite annoyed at the aide.

  “Regent, there is new activity from the planet.” The aide is quite uneasy at presenting this news.

  Had his taste buds and belly not just been sated, the Regents response may well have been very different. Instead he sits back, ponders the development for a moment. With the smile of a chess master, Regent Voknor issues his instructions, he is very specific as he leans forward and concludes his orders.

  “No mistakes this time, understood?” The bridge crew quietly assent the orders as they follow them carefully.

  Regent Voknor looks at the forward screen as he manipulates some controls hidden in his chair. The view zooms in on Earth, focusing on one small area of the planet before him. The planet’s northern icepack stares back at him. Smiling again, he sits back to watch as his orders go into effect. He is looking forward to the next few days. This is an interesting planet indeed. He thinks to himself.

  Regent Voknor retires to eat more meats as his orders go into effect.

  Hours become days, as the Regent samples more foods from the planet below, some pleasing and some not. Thus, the list of desired food items is generated, and sent to the various governments below as additional requirements.

  Meanwhile, the space armada has been busy conducting repairs, among other duties. The average Gamin has much to do, but is also pleased that repair crews and supplies are now getting to every ship in the fleet. It is rare that the Regent shares the best samples with the lower ranks, but this time he has held nothing back. Even the lowest ranking Gamin has tasted all of the various meats from this planet, boosting morale incredibly.


  Manhattan Island

  New York

  As the days roll onward, so do the ore trains. With startling regularity, they move into the exchange area built by the people working for the aliens. The amount of material being delivered is staggering, as is the speed in which it vanishes into the spaceship’s cavernous hold. Transport craft come and go with increased regularity, causing those few that are paying attention to raise their eyebrows. The spaceship is obviously being repaired, as damaged armor plates can be seen being fixed or even completely replaced. The cranes, with their upward extending arms, move around as section after section is repaired.

  George finds that he has a lot more free time. He spends his time training others, or fixing their mistakes, very few of the others seem able to properly operate the body suits. Family life settles down, as their daily duties start to become a normal routine.

  George, with little to do on yet another fine day, heads back to see what his wife Lisa is doing.

  “Oh good, you’re home early. I would so like to go into the city!” Exclaims Lisa out of the blue.

  “Well, we should stay here in the Gamin Quarter. We have everything we need, besides, the protestors concern me.” He can almost hear their anti Gamin slogans and hateful remarks.

  “All they do is rant and rave, besides the police move them off from time to time.” Lisa is almost pleading to get out, and into the city.

  “Not just yet, my love.” He sighs. “We are alien sympathizers in the eyes of many and even though the protestors are moved away, they just come back claiming it's their right to have freedom of speech.”

  She sighs as well, resigned. “Alright, you win this time, but I want to go to the city and shop, even window shop soon. I just want a change of scenery for an afternoon.”

  “As soon as it’s safe, I promise we will go to the city and you can browse all the shops you want.” He hopes he can fulfill that promise soon, the protesters are quite vocal at times.

  Elsewhere in the city, Dr Lee keeps detectives Jones and Edwards appraised, as he gets new corpses with the same tell tale head injury. With analysis of the projectile found stalled, all the detectives can do is gather a list of victims and locations. Finally, sickened by the ever growing list, the detectives come up with a plan. In an act of desperation, they organize teams that travel to each roof top. There, they paint warning signs on the roof tops that they hope will get the message across.

  Any would be hero wanting to 'bag themselves an alien' is greeted by a very basic message. “They Shoot Back.” The two detectives sign off the case, as it’s very clear to them that closing this case by conventional means is just not going to be possible.

  Sharz is also in the New York area reviewing the progress being made, and he is most pleased. He has found a suitable human representative for the Regent. It's always nice when the natives are cooperative and this George is quite intelligent and social as well, an added bonus.


  Beijing International Airport


  As the morning rays of sunlight encroach upon the airport, Hayato is rewarded for his patience. The six hour watches have been quite dull. Observing the endless parade of trucks with their cargo of pigs, cows and chickens has been quite mind nu
mbing. Transport-type craft continue to come and go from the massive spacecraft every now and then. One incoming transport does not land at the spacecraft, but comes in low, as it heads toward another part of Beijing. This change almost gets unnoticed by Hayato, but only almost.

  Hayato hurries to his parked van, where he contacts his men.

  “Chokichi, come in.” He stretches as he speaks, these long periods of doing nothing have stiffened him up.

  “Reading you.” Chokichi glances at his receiver making sure their line is secure.

  “Get the others and head to...” He glances up at the transport as it moves away. “… damn it. I can’t tell you where exactly. There is an alien transport, or shuttle coming in, and it's not landing at the airport. We must find out where it's going and what it's doing.”

  “Copy that, moving out.” Chokichi puts his finger in the air and makes a quick circle as he places the handset down.

  Daitaro takes the remaining van, and with Chokichi and Akira, they head out. They are dressed in civilian clothing and have made sure that all their weapons are secured inside the van’s various secret compartments.

  Thirty minutes later both vans are converging on one of Beijing's power stations. They arrive just in time to see an alien craft taking off. A few police cars arrive quickly and try to secure the area. The aliens have delivered a metallic looking building which just rests there mysteriously, next to a normal building.

  A policeman heads over to intercept Hayato who is walking purposely toward the power station.

  “You have to move back, this is a restricted area.” His voice is firm and authoritative.

  Hayato stops and shows papers indicating his work status. “I am under contract to work on these power stations.” Not exactly what the papers say, but perhaps close enough to fool this man.


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