First Contact (Terran Chronicles)

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First Contact (Terran Chronicles) Page 20

by James Jackson

  They work hard absorbing damaged portions and crafting new sections. Slowly, they make progress working together as a cohesive team.

  The news that night reports the bombing incident as a calamity. Dozens of people are dead, hundreds injured, and damage to the area into the tens of millions. Video footage shows the strange mix of human and Gamin vehicles as they work to clear, then repair, the damaged area. The reporters talk about the impact this terrorist attack could have on relations with the Gamin. Long after the media crews have left, the mixed group of humans and Gamin continue to work on, tirelessly repairing the damage. Soldiers arrive in force and secure the area, keeping curious onlookers at bay.

  The morning rays of sunshine reveal to New Yorkers the amazing sight of the ore train, once hanging so precariously, now unloading at the spacecraft. The entire bridge, including the rail line has been completely restored. Military personnel are now stationed at every bridge in the huge city of New York. Heavily armed soldiers walk beats with police armed in riot gear. Swat teams secure a number of roof tops around the city. New York City is effectively under martial law, even though no official announcement has gone out. All the while, the people responsible for this terrorist attack are nowhere to be found.

  The City Mayor and Governor give small speeches about catching those responsible. The Presidential speech that follows also talks of finding those responsible, as he gives a long winded speech about the effects of terrorism.

  Dr Lee is very busy at the morgue, as he reviews each body and assigns their cause of death. For many, he consigns the category of 'unknown projectile wound.' He sends a report to the two detectives, but doubts they will do anything more than file the information away.

  The days come and go, and make George wonder if he correctly heard the goings on when he was on the Regent’s spaceship. 'Soon' does not even mean the same amount of time for cultures on Earth, but is 'soon' a day, a week, or longer for these Gamin? While he ponders this, he and many others, spend their time making armor plates and various other metallic sections. Trains roll into the rail interchange with ever increasing regularity, keeping the Gamin ground vehicles busy day and night.

  Having finished for the day, he finds himself re-examining the truly massive spacecraft that has made Manhattan its home. Walking beneath it, he sees no sign of damage, even though he can't recall exactly when it was all repaired. Adding this to what he heard on the bridge a few days ago, causes him to look toward the cloudy skies. With a mixture of excitement and trepidation he wonders what is in install for humanity next. So Regent Voknor, how long is 'soon' for Gamin? He ponders to himself.

  Chapter Nine - The Long Goodbye.


  Forest area west of Clamart

  Paris, France

  The New York terrorist attack created waves of activity, reaching as far as Paris. Police and military personnel attempt to secure the city against any potential threat. Radclyf's team has laid low, following their own recent endeavors, and await further instructions.

  For three days, the team stays in their rooms, only venturing out to eat, or meet up to discuss their agenda. The third evening sees a commotion in the hotel’s foyer. With caution, Radclyf investigates to find people talking excitedly and pointing outside. Being unable to put together what is going on, he steps outside to see firsthand what is happening. He senses are assaulted by a powerful hum mixed with an odd vibration that washes over his entire body. There in the sky, rising up and away, is an alien spacecraft. Nearby, people are transfixed by what they are seeing and sensing.

  Stepping back inside, he spots a television displaying a news flash. It shows a reporter pointing at the spacecraft in the skies near him, as he holds a microphone. Unable to make out the reporter’s words, he quickly heads back to his room. His team is there with Peter, expecting him. They turn to the television and watch this new development. Sure enough, the spacecraft that was in Paris has taken off. Cameras follow its departure as it heads upward, and into space. The ground where it had been sitting has compressed under the craft’s immense weight. The depressions, where some of the landing struts rested are almost three feet deep. Peter watches as Jim switches from channel to channel, to find reporters scrambling over each other for the best story.

  As the reporters drone on Radclyf turns to his team. “Opinions, anyone?”

  “Surely they can't be done here?” Asks Henry, as he watches the repeating scenes of the mighty spacecraft closing its ramp and taking off.

  “What did they do here? A few seminars on medical knowledge?” Paul asks, almost in disbelief.

  “I would like to have gone to one of those.” Says Henry, he is very disappointed that this opportunity was denied him.

  Radclyf understands his disappointment. “Don't you still have a copy of the data from the French computer system we found?”

  Henry sags his shoulders a little. “No, this time I really did follow orders. I handed everything over to the courier. We have nothing here to connect us with the raid.”

  Radclyf raises both of his eyebrows as he turns to Peter. “Peter do you have any information?” He asks in a matter of fact tone, expecting him to have some idea. He always seems to have something.

  “No, I do not, though I expect our time here is done. Hopefully we will get to work together again.” Peter is also genuinely surprised at the news of the spaceship leaving.

  “Ok, I want everyone to get some rest, we must be prepared for whatever comes next.” Radclyf has no idea what will be in store for them.

  Sure enough, that night Radclyf receives new orders. It seems that Peter is to stay with the team after all. Taking the four vans, the team packs all they have and departs in earnest. Peter looks out the side window of Radclyf's van as they make their way through the quiet Parisian city streets.

  Laying prone on a nearby rooftop, a solitary figure dressed in black from head to foot, studies the convoy. Through his sniper rifle’s scope, he can clearly make out Peter’s face as he tracks his target. He waits and watches for the right moment, it comes minutes later. Once the observer receives his message, he packs up his gear, and clears away all traces of his presence, he too leaves Paris. Radclyf looks across at Peter, asleep against the van’s side window, as he considers what to think of this man. He does not trust him yet, but he can sense the potential.



  Western Australia

  During World War Two, the allies were able to build a new merchant transport ship every week in a single dry dock. They had numerous dry docks, allowing a never ending flow of ships to be built and launched. With the Gamin having access to virtually an entire world’s resources, and nothing to slow them down, they are able to add to their fleet very quickly.

  The Gamin shuttle comes in low over the Australian desert. Its single occupant very focused on the task ahead. Entering through the lower ramp, the shuttle lands smoothly. The ramp closes, allowing the landing area to be pressurized. Protective armor plates move away efficiently, revealing one hundred fifty Gamin standing in formation inside the spacious hold of this newly built spacecraft. The shuttle’s sole occupant stands and adjusts his attire.

  Stepping out from the shuttle wearing the flowing cape associated with the rank of 'Prime', walks Sharz. He looks at his crew, all dressed in uniforms denoting their respective departments. A full dress reception for him, he is being properly honored, the old way. Looking over his crew with pride, he delivers his first speech as their leader.

  “I have personally selected each and every one of you. We are a small crew compared to some, but we will make our Regent proud. We must complete this new addition to the fleet quickly.”

  Sharz lifts his chin up, raises his left hand in the air, then clenches it into a fist. “Regent Voknor, my life is yours!” Shouts Sharz loudly, and he means it.

  As one, the Gamin before him lift their chins and raise their left hand. They then clench their raised hands into fists, Sharz is ple
ased as they deafen him with their words, “Prime Sharz, my life is yours.” Thus, is the way of the Gamin, sworn allegiance to their immediate commander, as has been done for countless generations.

  Lowering his hand, Sharz looks over his crew as he continues. “Get us off this planet and into space where we belong.” Sharz makes his way to the bridge area and finds the raised central chair most welcoming. Finally his own command, he has dreamed of this day for years.

  Sharz's spacecraft measures almost one mile at its widest, and just over two miles long, as it rests inside the cradle of the massive construction dock. The many arms of the dock retract, internal systems direct power toward the spacecraft’s gravity systems. Internal gravity progressively engages, as life support systems purge the last of the local atmosphere. Dust stirs under the mighty spacecraft as landing struts retract up and into the hull. Slowly but surely, the hovering craft lifts itself up and out of the construction dock. Once fully clear, the spacecraft accelerates away quickly leaving the ground behind.

  Sharz watches his bridge crew as the spacecraft enters space for the first time. “You have done well. We have little time to complete the rest of the installation.”

  As soon as the spacecraft leaves, the construction docks upper workings close, allowing the construction of yet another spacecraft to begin. The stockpile diminishes as the days roll by, allowing much to get done. Suited Gamin work feverishly as they build and install everything available to them.


  Amazon River, near Afua


  The mighty spacecraft has been resting, straddling the world's mightiest river, collecting water for long enough that, that it has became a part of the very landscape it dominates. The initial shock of the craft’s arrival having long since passed for the villagers. Children fearlessly fish and swim about the landing struts, though they stay clear of the four central pylons that water flows through. The local fishermen have adapted, and find great new spots to fish in the swirling currents created within the shadows of the mighty vessel.

  Suddenly a hum starts from deep inside the spacecraft. Birds roosting on the spacecraft’s upper hull squawk, and take flight. Nearby animals quickly scurry and flee from the strange sounds. The fishermen take their gear and start to put some distance between themselves and the noisy spacecraft. The four massive sections through which the mighty river has flowed, now lift up out of the water. Weeds and debris from the river hang from these sections for a time, before falling back into the flowing waters. Solid clunks resound as these four sections come to rest flush against the hull.

  The humming sound increases in intensity as a shimmer appears along the underside of the spacecraft. Slowly it lifts its bulk up, and out of the water. As it does so the landing struts start to retract. They too, are covered with reeds which eventually fall back into the Amazon. As the mighty vessel banks away on a slight angle, those watching are able to once again see the massive rent in the spacecraft’s hull. The damage indeed, extends a long way across its forequarters, almost as if something had been trying to carve the spacecraft in two.

  As the spacecraft leaves the area, some of the inhabitants wave, as is customary when bidding farewell to a visitor. With the craft a mere speck in the sky, and its hum no longer audible, the locals turn their attention back to the tasks associated with village life. Birds return here and there, many seem confused that their nesting places have disappeared.

  Stories of the ship’s arrival and departure soon enter into village lore as another chapter to be remembered, and handed down to future generations.


  Beijing International Airport


  The flow of trucks headed to the spacecraft at the airport drops to zero quite suddenly. One minute there is a line of trucks, the next there are none. As the last of pigs, cows, and chickens are loaded aboard. The pens that had been placed for these animals are removed by suit wearing figures. It is not long before the main ramp leading up into this mighty craft closes. Suddenly a deep resonating hum starts to emanate from the spacecraft. The humming increases in pitch and intensity as the underside of the vessel starts to shimmer. The craft then departs as carefully as it had landed. Looking closely at where the landing struts were, reveals subtle depressions into the hardened concrete of the airport’s runways.

  News of the departing spacecraft reaches Hayato shortly before orders to return to Germany. With little ado, the four men quickly secure their belongings into the two utility vans. Within an hour, the safe house has all signs of their presence removed, and the team is well on the way out of Beijing.

  As they begin the long trek back to Germany, Hayato continues to ponder recent events. The Chinese government must have known the Gamin vessel was leaving, how else could they have coordinated the cessation of all those trucks? China also boasts a new power plant, but again, what did they do to earn that? He also tries to piece together what North Korea had to do with all this. China is clearly assisting in the Korean unification, but to what end? So many questions, and then what of America and Russia, with the two even larger craft occupying their cities?

  The two vans continue the long and arduous trip back to Germany, hoping to be unhindered by border guards or mechanical breakdowns. The trip will take them a few days at best. The four men are looking forward to a relaxing hot shower, and a night's sleep in a warm safe bed.


  Manhattan Island

  New York

  The news of the spacecraft departing Paris, Brazil, and then China travels fast to the people in New York. Many look to Manhattan and wonder if that ship is leaving as well? These last few days have seen a massive increase in rail shipments of ore. These large stockpiles are gone now, leaving only traces of rock and dust in their place.

  George and Lisa are woken up by their very excited son, Johnny. “Mum, Dad, quick come look at the wall screen.” He is almost on their bed as he shakes them awake. “Hurry, before you miss it! Hurry up!”

  “OK son, ok, were getting up.” George rubs sleep from his eye as they reluctantly get up to see what the fuss is about.

  Johnny is staring at the screen on the wall. “Look!” He says as he points at the screen excitedly.

  There before them, is the now familiar banner showing the off green colored face of a Gamin inside a multicolored circle. In the past this has signified an upcoming speech. They are not disappointed.

  Minutes later, familiar drum beats start, then comes a repeat of the same fateful words that were heard when the Gamin first arrived.

  “Be prepared to receive the words of Regent Voknor of the Gamin.”

  These words were first spoken in what seems like a life time ago. George cannot believe how much has happened in a few short weeks. He has not spoken to Sharz since the terrorist attack either, which up to this moment, had not bothered him. The explosion in New York occurred only days ago, but he feels as though it were much longer than that. While George muses, the wall screen switches to the familiar scene of the Regent's bridge with Earth in the background. Regent Voknor has his back to Earth as he gazes into the camera with those yellow eyes.

  “We will be departing soon, but expect us to return at any time. The satellites will stay in place and continue to provide communications for your citizens. This satellite grid is not to be interfered with.”

  With these few words, the screen returns to the cartoon channel that Johnny had been watching earlier.

  Even through the walls of their residence George can feel vibrations from somewhere outside. The Stanton family throws on some dressing gowns, then heads outside to investigate. Stepping out into the morning light, they are just in time to see the mighty spacecraft that had made Manhattan its home, rising up into the air. George looks across at the empty rail interchange. It dawns on him that someone knew they were leaving. Sometime during the night the ore trains must have stopped running.

  The three of them head back inside to find an attract
ive newswoman delivering a bulletin showing the massive craft departing the New York area. Another scene is the one leaving St Petersburg in Russia. She then shows various video clips of other smaller craft leaving Paris and China. A photo, showing another in the Amazon River pops up as she continues her telecast. As a final epitaph, this photo is replaced by one showing the river without the spacecraft adding as much dramatization as is possible.

  “May you have many offspring George.” The voice surprises him, he had totally forgotten about the earpiece.

  Though unsure Sharz can hear him, he still quietly replies. “You too Sharz.” Involuntarily, he touches his ear with its tiny translator comfortably lodged in place.

  Lisa glances across at George but says nothing, he often mumbles to himself, she realizes. “Let's go and get some breakfast, while we can.” Lisa wants her family well fed while the mess hall is still there for them. With the aliens leaving, she doubts that it will continue to be supplied by the government.

  Once properly dressed, the three of them head to the massive mess area. There they meet up with many others, that just like them, are wondering what will happen next. George is surprised to see over one hundred people eating this morning. He never got to work with more than twenty or so at one time. Some people near the doorway get up and start pointing at a commotion outside. Those inside have their curiosity sated quickly enough, however. An older military man steps confidently inside the door way. His chest adorned with all manner of emblems. He looks about the mess hall with a practiced authority.


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