Worlds Without End: Aftermath (Book 2)

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Worlds Without End: Aftermath (Book 2) Page 23

by Shaun Messick


  Earth Time: 2 days later, July 22, 2042 – Scott Air Force Base near St. Louis, Missouri . . .

  Adrian could tell that his older brother was nervous with anticipation. After all, he was about to meet a two thousand plus-year-old man, one of the original apostles of Jesus Christ. “You seem nervous?” Adrian asked as he looked at Ashley and Adam, who were waiting nervously as well, just outside the door to the conference room.

  “Will you just open the door?” said Kevin, annoyed.

  Adrian laughed and hesitated a few more seconds. He remembered how much he irritated his big brother when they were kids. His brother had the same look on his face that he gave Adrian whenever he was an annoying pest.


  Adrian laughed again and opened the door. The Palmer family walked in, and Adrian spoke first. “John, I would l—”

  “It’s you,” Kevin interrupted as he stepped ahead of Adrian.

  John smiled and stood. “You remember.”

  “Yes,” said Kevin, nodding.

  “I-I’m sorry, how do you two know each other?” Adrian asked.

  Kevin turned back to him. “We’ve met before. John was an answer to my prayers when I was worried that I would never see you or Jake again.”

  “Just doing my job,” said John.

  Adrian almost laughed at his brother. Kevin just stood there staring at the ancient apostle with an incredulous look all over his face. “I-I can’t believe I am standing here speaking to John the Revelator,” Kevin said.

  John seemed amused by Kevin’s nervous skepticism. “Well, believe it,” he said. “Not many know my true identity here on Earth – only you four, the acting President of the United States, Colonel Belnap, and Lieutenant Colonel Peterson and his team. And, I intend to keep it that way. As far as everyone else is concerned, my name is John Patshire, one of the few surviving consultants from the Pentagon with direct access to President Thompson.”

  Adrian smiled and made eye contact with John. He was amused with John’s choice for his last name. “Patshire, huh?”

  John chuckled, and his eyes sparkled as he looked at Adrian. “A little cheesy, I know. But if I used Patmos, people might have started to get suspicious.”

  Everyone in the room laughed. It was nice. John was a breath of fresh air, easing the intensity of the situation before them.

  John then turned and took a few steps toward Adam and Ashley. “So, these two must be your children, Kevin?”

  “Yes, sir … uh, I mean, John.”

  “John’s okay,” the apostle responded.

  Kevin nodded as he walked toward Adam and Ashley. He placed his arm around Adam. “John, I would like you to meet Adam and Ashley.”

  John extended his hand to each one of them. They both stood in awe for a few seconds before they each reached out and accepted his handshake. Adam didn’t say anything, and Ashley responded with hesitation in her voice. “I-it’s nice to meet you. Wow, I can’t believe I’m shaking your hand. I’ve often wondered about you and how you could stand to live so long. You look great for being over two thousand years old.”

  John smiled. “After a few hundred years, you learn quite a few tricks of how to support yourself. Also, being transfigured, I don’t need to work out that much or watch my diet.”

  Ashley chuckled and shyly ducked her head.

  John turned his attention back to Adrian. “So, Adrian, did you explain everything to your brother?”

  Kevin answered before Adrian could respond. “He did. And I personally hold myself responsible for what has happened.”

  The jovial expression on John’s face changed to one of empathy. He placed a comforting hand on Kevin’s shoulder. “Don’t blame yourself, Kevin. Your accomplishment in the creation of artificial intelligence will go down as one of the greatest inventions in history. The Lord is proud of all that you have achieved.”

  Kevin shook his head, looking down at the floor. “How can He be? I’ve not only unleashed hell on Earth, I’ve unleashed it on other planets as well.”

  “You doubt the Lord?” John questioned.

  Emotion crept into Kevin’s voice as he looked back up at the apostle. “Yes, I’ve created a tool for Satan to use.”

  John smiled compassionately at Kevin. “Don’t doubt the Lord, Kevin. Besides, I’ve got the big guy on speed dial,” he said, tapping the cell phone in his suit pocket. “I know for a fact he doesn’t blame you.”

  John’s humor seemed to ease Kevin’s mood. He even laughed. “Thank you, John.”

  “You —”

  Before John could finish his response, Colonel Justin Belnap and Colonel Christopher Peterson rushed into the conference room. Both soldiers stood at attention and saluted the ageless apostle.

  “I am sorry to disturb you, sir,” Colonel Belnap said. “But I have an urgent message.”

  “What is it, Colonel?”

  “We’ve just received an encrypted message from President Thompson. They have reason to believe that the Gnols are planning an attack on this base.”

  “When?” Adrian asked.

  With consternation on his face, Colonel Belnap replied, “Within the hour.”

  * * * * *

  A few minutes later, Kevin sat at the conference desk, along with John, Adrian, Chris Peterson, and his two children. Colonel Belnap stood at the front of the room before the large computer screen. Infrared images were scattered all across the display.

  “How many ships are we dealing with, Colonel?” John asked.

  Colonel Belnap turned and pointed his laser pointer at the images on the screen. “We’re not sure, sir. The Gnols destroyed all of the satellites we had in orbit. We were able to obtain these images from the remaining unmanned aerial vehicles we have left. From the infrared, you can see that there are ships massing in orbit right above our position.”

  Kevin turned his attention back to the apostle. John leaned back in his chair, his thumbs and index fingers forming a triangle under his chin, with his fingers touching his lips. A tone of grave uneasiness seemed to envelope the room. “Our forces aren’t strong enough to defend this base.”

  “No, sir, they are not,” Lt. Colonel Peterson said.

  John then closed his eyes and sat in quiet reverence. No one disturbed him. After a few minutes, he looked up, his eyes locking onto Adrian’s. “Adrian, you know more about these Gnols than any one of us here. You have even tapped into their power.”

  “Yes,” Adrian replied.

  “I am now putting you in charge of the defense of this base. You know their tendencies and weaknesses. Coordinate with Colonel Belnap and Colonel Peterson to plan how to best defend the base.”

  Adrian nodded.

  “Yes, sir,” Colonel Belnap said.

  John then turned and looked at Kevin. “Kevin, you will assist me in getting the civilians we have at this base locked into the underground bunker, along with your children.”

  Kevin nodded in agreement.

  John then stood. “Okay, everyone, you have your orders. Let’s move.” Everyone was about to go, when Adam finally spoke, making his way toward John. “With your permission, sir, I would like to stay and help fight.”

  “What? No!” Kevin said, grabbing Adam’s arm.

  John looked at Adrian. “That is up to the general in charge.”

  Adam turned and stepped toward his uncle. “Sir, I would like to volunteer to fight.”

  “No, he can’t, Adrian,” Kevin interjected. “As his father, I won’t allow it.”

  Adrian nodded toward his brother, and then smiled compassionately at his nephew. He grabbed Adam gently by both shoulders. “Stay with your dad, Adam. You don’t have the military experience. Besides, your courage and strength will be needed to help protect the civilians.”

  Adam began to protest, but Adrian pulled him in and hugged him. Adam stopped protesting and hugged him back.

  Before Adrian pulled away, Kevin heard him whisper into his son’s ear. “Be
strong, Adam. Protect your dad and your sister. They are going to need you.”

  * * * * *

  The transport landed with a thud in a partially destroyed suburban neighborhood near St. Louis. The ramp lowered, and Dorange walked down the ramp, adorned in complete black battle gear. Looking around, he observed the remaining homes in what was once a lavish neighborhood. Most of the homes were burned to the ground, others partially destroyed, with only a few left unmolested.

  Just before he stepped onto the blacktop of the residential street, he met the pale face and murky green eyes of Captain Ulion Rasuh. The captain looked haggard. He had been in charge of holding this quadrant on Earth, and from the looks of it, he wasn’t doing so well. The captain and his three lieutenants stood at attention.

  Dorange stopped after reaching the end of the platform, saluting the four officers in return. “Captain.”

  “Sir,” Captain Rasuh replied. “We have established a base of operations in one of the still standing homes.”

  “Good, let’s see it,” Dorange said.

  The Captain ordered his other three lieutenants to their stations and escorted Dorange to a mansion within a cul-de-sac at the end of the street. As they walked in silence toward the home, memories of Dorange’s past life on Earth flooded into his mind. The home directly ahead reminded him of the home he grew up in within a rich neighborhood near San Francisco.

  Gritting his teeth, he tried to push the memories back to the deep recesses of his mind. He hated thinking about his past. It was another life; one he did not want to remember. But he couldn’t help the thoughts flooding into his mind as he approached the mansion.

  Donald Garrett, as he was known as then, was the only child of a wealthy billionaire and his trophy wife. He never had a close relationship with his parents. In fact, he always had closer relationships with the nannies that his parents hired to raise him. His father was always gone on business, and his mother … well, he despised her. Feeling abandoned by her husband, Rachael Garrett found comfort in the arms of other men, drugs, and alcohol. All of which pushed her only son further away. In fact, his own father and mother never even attended his graduation ceremony when he graduated from college. After several years, he lost contact with them. There were times, however, that he often wondered what had happened to them. They were probably dead now. But deep down, he had hoped his Gnol brethren captured them. The vengeful thought brought a little so-called joy to his heart. Oh, what he wouldn’t give to see them under the control of a Gnol Enforcer.

  “Here we are, sir,” Captain Rasuh said, opening the large ten-foot mahogany doors that led into the posh home.

  Dorange stopped before entering. The home had obviously been looted. All of the expensive furniture that had been in the home had been replaced by computers, satellite links, and other communication devices. The battle support staff inside consisted of thirty-three Gnols, six of which were women. Upon seeing Dorange just outside the door, they all stood at attention, crossed their right arms across their chests with their fists clenched, and bowed their heads.

  Dorange walked in, his eyes scanning the newfound point of operations for the attack they were about to lead on Scott Air Force base only fifteen miles away. “At ease,” Dorange said.

  The support staff then scurried about to their stations as Captain Rasuh escorted Dorange to the large living room and pointed to the seventy-two inch viewscreen hanging on the wall. “As you can see, sir, we have seven ground units surrounding the base. There’s no way for anyone to get in or out. We also have six squadrons, consisting of ten fighters above to prevent an aerial escape.”

  Dorange nodded. He walked forward, staring at the satellite image of the entire base. “Are you sure that your teams have covered all escape routes?”

  “Yes, sir. Everyone is in position. On your order, our destroyers in orbit above will fire their missiles.”

  Dorange turned and glowered at the captain.

  The captain lowered his gaze from him. “S-sir, is that not what you wanted?”

  Dorange looked back at the screen. “There’s been a change of plans, Captain. I’ve ordered our destroyers to only fire on specific defensive targets,” he said as he pointed at various spots on the screen.

  Captain Rasuh stepped forward, joining his general. “But, sir, I don’t understand. Didn’t you want total destruction?”

  Dorange turned his gaze back to his captain. “Not anymore, Captain. You are to stay here and coordinate the attack with our destroyers in orbit, as well as our land and air forces. As for me, I will personally lead a ground unit into the base. There is a high value package we need alive, and …” He paused as he looked back at the screen.

  “And … what, sir?” Captain Rasuh questioned.

  “And, I want to personally look into Adrian Palmer’s eyes when he dies from my blade.”

  * * * * *

  “Is everyone in place?” Adrian asked.

  Colonel Belnap looked around the perimeter of the base. “Yes, but I don’t think we’re going to hold them off for long,” he said, pointing out toward the perimeter of the electrified fence surrounding the base.

  Adrian looked out toward the perimeter as well. The colonel was right. Just outside of the fence, he could see the Gnol transports landing, carrying the teams of soldiers about to surround the base. He then scanned inside the perimeter. Sandbags and makeshift machine gun nests were scattered about, manned by teams of three men. “How many anti-aircraft missile stations do we have at our disposal?”

  Colonel Belnap’s face went white. “Only two, sir. Most of them have been wiped out from the previous attacks on the base. Without a coordinated war effort from Washington, we haven’t been able to bring in any more.”

  Adrian frowned, shaking his head. “How many pilots and aircraft do we have?”

  “Only eleven.”

  Desperation began to set in as Adrian looked out beyond the fence again. “We’re going to need a miracle. The Gnols will not allow an escape route. They will either kill us all or enslave us for their slave camps they are setting up.” He then turned back and looked at Colonel Belnap.

  For the first time since he had arrived at the base, Colonel Belnap had the look of fear in his eyes. “What do we do, sir? We’re all that’s left. From the reports I’ve gotten, the Gnols are easily gaining a foothold on all of the world’s militaries. We just can’t surrender.”

  Adrian met his fearful gaze. “No, Colonel, we can’t. We’ve got to hold this base.”

  Colonel Belnap didn’t respond. He sighed and looked out toward the perimeter. In the distance, they could see the Gnol troops exiting the transports and establishing defensive positions.

  Adrian heard a crackle within his earpiece. On the other end was the voice of Lt. Colonel Christopher Peterson. “Sir, my team is in position. On your order, we will attack.”

  “Roger that,” Adrian replied. “Remember … wait for my order. If you go too soon, we lose the element of surprise.”

  “Understood, sir,” replied Lt. Colonel Peterson.

  With a look of surprise on his face, Adrian turned and looked at Colonel Belnap. “Colonel Peterson and his team are good. I had doubts they could sneak past the Gnol line, but they’re in position.”

  “He’s the best, sir. That team may just be our only hope.”

  Adrian tried his best to crack a smile and looked up toward the heavens. “Yes, and God.” Adrian then bowed his head and closed his eyes, and began to offer a heartfelt prayer to the Lord. Colonel Belnap remained respectfully silent. Adrian knew the situation was bleak, and the only way they were going to get through this was with God’s help. After his prayer, he raised his head again to look ahead out toward the perimeter when a massive explosion blasted from behind. Both men were flung into the sandbag wall that protected them. “High orbit missiles!” Adrian yelled.

  Colonel Belnap made it back to his feet as debris rained down upon them. “They got one of our anti-aircraft missile stations.�

  “All aircraft, launch now!” Adrian ordered. Another earth-shattering explosion exploded at the far end of the building. Then missiles began to rain down from the sky, specifically targeting every defensive position on the base. The few F-81 Tigers available tried to take off, but each one was taken out from the ground forces surrounding the base.

  “Sir!” Colonel Belnap yelled, trying to speak over the reign of destruction all around them. “We need to retreat to the bunker now!”

  The colonel was right. Adrian nodded and clicked on the comlink within his ear. “Peterson, move now!”

  He waited a few seconds, but no response came. “Colonel … come in. Colonel Peterson!”

  “Sir, we have to go now!” Belnap shrieked, grabbing Adrian’s arm.

  Another set of deafening explosions emitted from just outside the perimeter of the base. Both men looked above the sandbag barrier. Teams of Gnol troops began pouring in, firing plasma blasts in all directions.

  Colonel Belnap grabbed Adrian’s arm again. “Sir, we have got to go now!”

  Adrian issued the order for the retreat, but before he left, he tried to contact Colonel Peterson again. “Colonel Peterson, come in …”

  Again, no response.

  “Colonel P—”

  “Adrian Palmer.”

  Anguish flashed across Adrian’s face. “Dorange … Where’s Colonel Peterson?”

  Dorange’s sinister voice crackled back through the comlink. “Oh, he’s here. Beaten, but alive.”

  Gritting his teeth, Adrian responded, “What about his team?”

  “Them? They’re dead.”

  Adrian glanced up at Colonel Belnap, who was listening to the conversation as well through his own comlink. His face was pasty white with fear and dread. They were beaten.

  “What do you want, Dorange?”

  “Oh . . . Adrian, do you not know when you are beaten? Surrender now, and no one else has to die. You’ve got strong men and women here. Men and women that will serve well in work camps.”


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