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Devil's Punch cs-4

Page 12

by Ann Aguirre

  Sometimes I sensed eyes on us, though. We were definitely being watched. I whispered to Greydusk, “Can you lose her spies?”

  “I’ll see what I can do.”

  Outside the Luren compound, my tension eased a little. The whole way I’d thought Gilder or Lash would pop out to restrict our passage or to scream “THIEF.” They hadn’t. At least we’d cleared the first hurdle.

  Our demon guide chose the most circuitous path I’d ever seen, applying itself to my instructions. Soon, I was hopelessly lost—and so were our pursuers. I hoped. Traffic teemed around us. In this way, it was a city like any other. But the citizens—they were strange and shocking. I didn’t let my eyes linger long, as staring had to be rude even in Sheol. Oddities gnawed at my senses, reminding me forcibly just how far from home we were.

  As if he sensed my unease, Chance twined his fingers with mine. “Where to?”

  At first I thought he was asking me, but then I saw his gaze fixed on Greydusk. Who set the pace as it considered. I had no resources here, except the Imaron’s knowledge and willingness to help. Some queen. But as Kel had told me, the mark of strong leadership wasn’t the ability to do everything yourself; it was being capable of recruiting key personnel, and I was doing okay for my first day on the job.

  “You could probably tell us,” I said, as the idea struck me.

  Chance’s expression brightened. “You want me to turn my luck to it?”

  “If you can.” He’d managed it in the tunnel, but we were in the city, surrounded by demon magick. In Kilmer, due to the demon magick that sealed the rest of the town away from reality, Chance had trouble with his luck. That shouldn’t be the case here, though, unless those who took Shannon had known to shield her. Since Chance’s ability wasn’t one I’d encountered before, it was safe to guess they wouldn’t have planned for him.

  “I’ll try.”

  The air crackled with power, and he closed his eyes. Greydusk watched with apparent fascination as Chance spun in place. It took several moments, but he eventually said, “That way, pretty far, I think.”

  “Still in the city?” the demon asked.

  Chance shrugged. “How would I know?”

  “What’s the fastest way to travel?” I asked.

  Please tell me it’s not that Klothod-fueled carriage.

  In reply, Greydusk summoned something like a pedicab, but it was pulled by a hulking, red-skinned demon. I noted the resemblance between this cabbie and Caim, which made it Hazo caste, lower in rank than the knight.

  It growled, “Where to?” as we slid onto the box seat.

  The Imaron thought for a second. “Toward the Barrens. I’ll let you know when.”

  “People usually give me an address,” the cabbie muttered.

  “You’ll earn your tip,” I put in.

  Redskin sniffed the air appreciatively, and said in a bass rumble of a voice, “Mmmm. Human. Lost, pretty thing? Want to—”

  “Drive,” Chance said softly. That was all.

  That was all he needed to say. Something had shifted in him; and even though he didn’t alter in appearance, he gave the impression of being larger and more menacing, as if he held power enough to snap the cabbie’s spine.

  “Yes, boss.”

  Greydusk regarded Chance with new respect. “What did you do?”


  It wasn’t, but I didn’t press. Neither did the demon, which spoke volumes on how much scary Chance was channeling. In a way I couldn’t nail down, he was different here in Sheol. Not himself. From what Greydusk had said, he was becoming less Chance and more the consort. I didn’t like the idea of him losing himself, but hopefully, we’d be in and out before he yielded everything that made him Chance. Once we got out of Sheol, he should return to normal.

  Shouldering the poles, the Hazo took off, weaving into traffic with kamikaze intent. The other vehicles weren’t like those in the human world. Some were obviously Klothod-powered, and others were pulled by demons. Yet others ran in a disconcertingly magic/mechanical fashion. The carriage next to us had a pair of spindly legs that didn’t look strong enough to bear the weight, but they clattered on, running, running. It and reminded me of the legend of Baba Yaga’s house.

  We passed by a market with vendors hawking and customers haggling. I would’ve liked to have taken a look, as I could imagine the kind of items for sale in Sheol. But at Chance’s direction, the Hazo ran on. It was incredibly strong and fast, and I remembered the terror of facing down Caim in Peru. More of the beasts I’d first glimpsed outside the city circled in the air above us. Greydusk had called them quasits.


  The turn carried us into a narrow alley between buildings. On the other side, the neighborhood deteriorated swiftly. In big cities, it was often like that. Two or three blocks could mean entering a different world. How odd that it would be the same in Xibalba. More twists, until I was hopelessly lost. These small thoroughfares were a warren of crumbling stone and dangerous characters. And you’d get a lot worse than mugged if you wandered off alone.

  “Stop,” Chance said at last. “She’s nearby, I think. I should get a better fix if we walk from here.”

  Elated, I slipped from the pedicab while Greydusk paid the Hazo. Into his shovel-size palm, the Imaron counted out a number of ivory disks. I guessed those were coins, but they didn’t look like any I’d ever seen. The cabbie growled a farewell, leaving us in the Barrens. As he lumbered off, we drew some interest, but Greydusk discouraged it with a gesture.

  “Who runs this part of the city?” I asked, noting its influence.

  “It’s neutral ground. Each caste controls its own territory with the exception of the Mhizul. We came from the Luren sector, which is called the Mirror.”

  “Because they’re obsessed with them or because everything is shiny?” I asked.

  The demon bared its teeth at me in an appreciative smile. “Both.”

  Chance had his eyes closed, circling. It wasn’t exactly like the dowsing that witches did to find water. Instead the luck drew him in the right direction, which would in turn put us onto something that would help us in the case. For the first time, I wondered why he hadn’t just done that to find his mother, why he’d needed my help at all. So I asked.

  “I can’t effectively turn it on people I love,” he answered. “I tried when my mom first went missing. But it was erratic and my emotions got in the way.”

  “Would you be able to use it to find me if I was in trouble?”

  “Not a chance.”

  Crazy, but his reply sent a thrill through me. Time to focus on the big picture, though. Chance got a fix and I trailed after him, keeping my purse tight to my side. Butch stared out the top of it warily, eyeing one demon that looked like it might be considering us for a snack. The Chihuahua growled and then graduated to yapping; his ferocity wouldn’t deter this creature, which had the look of a deformed child with a big head and green skin. Through thin lips, it licked sharp teeth and took a step toward us.

  “Do not interfere, Noit.”

  Was that the thing’s name or caste? I waited to see what the other demon would do. Beside me, Chance was ready for a fight. Since our arrival, he had become steadily more aggressive…and it worried me. He’d never been the alpha-dog type, at least not in this way; it made me wonder if something in his heritage was reacting to the pervasive presence of demon magick. What would he turn into if we stayed?

  “Not interfering. I sees things. Knows things.” The Noit did a little jig at our feet, edging closer.

  Greydusk took a step forward. “Be advised that you bargain with your life. Do you still wish to trade?”

  Shit, it was going to kill the Noit if it didn’t go away. That shouldn’t bother me. It was a demon, after all, even if it was short and had a crazy-playful look in its muddy eyes. Without understanding my reasons, I put myself between them.

  “Wait. Let’s hear what it has to say.”

  “That may prove a mistake, Bin
der. The Noit are notorious for their mischief.”

  I ignored the advice. “Speak your piece, but stay away from my dog.”

  “Mmm, dog…” The Noit stared at Butch for a few seconds, and then tilted its head back to meet my gaze. “Binder, binder, never find ’er. She’s gone, gone, for a song, into the heart of where it’s dark, and nevermore, forevermore.”

  Before I could ask any sensible questions, the Noit scampered off, cackling madly. Greydusk heaved a sigh. “I told you.”

  “Let’s check out Chance’s lead.”

  The split and bloody sun threw a queer, scattered light over the broken stones. I pictured Shannon here, as I had avoided doing up until now. She must be so terrified. If I knew her at all, she would cover it with bravado, but deep down she must be wondering if she’d ever get out alive.

  You will, I promised.

  It was my fault. I’d make it right.

  Chance led us to a building constructed of strange red stone. It looked almost like blood and dirt, baked into bricks, but surely not. Even demons weren’t that awful. Were they?

  I cast a questioning glance at Greydusk. “What’s this made of?”

  “You don’t want to know.”

  Oh, man. I imagined I could make out glimmers of bone in the mortar, and my flesh crawled. I can’t go in here. Chance shoved open the door, less squeamish, and I fixed my gaze on his back. It’s for Shannon. I’d gone through the caves and the portal, and followed a lizard-dragon-worm through the earth. What was an apartment building made of blood and bone?

  Inside, it smelled. Nothing I could pin down, but it was…unpleasant. It made me think of dark things, musty rooms, foreboding whispers and cold fingers on the spine. I’d never encountered an odor that carried so many feelings before. But it was more than just the scent of the place—it was like moments had burned themselves into the walls, flashes immortalized in the chipped and peeling paint. The furnishings had mostly been broken or carted away. They lay in bits of wood and scraps of cloth, mementos of another time.

  “What is this place?” Chance asked.

  “Hard telling now. It used to be a club, but that was a long time ago.”

  I raised a brow. “A club…like with music and dancing?”

  “Not so much. More of a special-interest group.”

  By the way this room felt, I had some idea what that might have been. I made a mental note not to let my focus slip while we prowled around inside. The revelations might scar me for life.

  Shadows moved on the far walls—without a light source. Cold darkness stalked toward us. There was no time to think, only react. I’d fought these creatures in Laredo. Shades. They hated all life, human or demon. Once, I thought they must come from Sheol. Either way, someone had left these for us as a surprise. That likely meant we wouldn’t find Shannon here at all; it was a trap.

  And it was time to fight.

  Burn It Down

  Chance whispered a word—the command Greydusk had taught him—and flames flowered around his fists. The glow showed clearly how many we were up against, but it didn’t faze him. He grinned in pure delight and then ran at the shades.

  “Careful! If they touch you—”

  “Don’t worry. I’m fast.”

  And he was. That edge I’d been noticing translated to speed. As I watched, he danced around, just outside their range, burning them down with the power of his demon-fueled fists. Each blow sizzled and ate into the size of the shadow. Each time, he wheeled away, sometimes spinning, flipping, sweeping low. I’d never seen anything like it, and he’d kicked some ass with me before.

  “Can you help him?” I asked Greydusk, racking my brain for a spell that would have any effect on these things.

  Freeze wasn’t cold-based; it stopped physical, kinetic motion, and these creatures were energy. So really, I needed some kind of drain or absorption spell, and I didn’t have one. Even with Chance’s startling prowess, we were outnumbered, and if he got hurt or tired, one lucky strike—

  Fortunately, Greydusk did not seem worried. “These creatures are an inconvenience. We shall prevail.”

  That’s right; he’s a soul-stealer. So he might’ve absorbed some ability that would kick some tail right now. We needed it, as I still couldn’t think a single spell that would turn the tide one way or another. They had no eyes, so blindness was out. In Laredo, they seemed to track us by heat—

  Genius. I had a plan.

  Beside me, the demon’s skin boiled. Bone crackled. Joints popped. Shape-shifting looked horrendous…and painful. It wasn’t an ability I would want, but if it could help Chance, well, I looked away. Accepted it. And pretended I didn’t care at all what the Imaron did in our names.

  Needs must. Devil drives.

  I whipped out my demon athame and it responded with an excited buzz. The spell I wanted was deceptively simple and not one I’d expected to find useful. It was one of the five I committed to memory because I thought it might help us elude pursuers. I’d never envisioned deploying it like this. Bracing myself for the burn, I dropped my blocks and let the power come. It fell on me like a dark rush, a swarm of locusts chewing through my veins, and my head went dark and heavy.

  Nausea rose in equal measure to the energy. Yeah, no question, this wasn’t good for me. I pushed on, bringing the magick to my fingertips. As I cast, Chance destroyed one. Or banished it. A second managed to brush up against him, and he cried out. I knew all too well how that numbness spread, how fast the cold could pull you down. He stumbled back, clumsy.

  I fought the tremor in my hand as I etched the sigil in the air. Fear would make me careless; worry would kill us all. I had to be resolute. I whispered the Latin word for steam and released the demon magick in a devastating rush. My whole body went weak, and I almost blacked out. Staggering, I rested my trembling body against the wall. Shit, I’m not ready for this. I’m not trained. I don’t know how much power to use or how much to give each spell. It’s a wonder I didn’t cook us.

  But my intent had been clear, so I produced excess volume, not heat, and the room filled like a sauna. I’d hoped the shades would have a hard time finding us if we blended with the ambient temperature of the room, giving Chance an opportunity to recover and Greydusk the time to finish its transformation and wade into the fight.

  For my part, I scrambled back toward the door. The steam made it impossible for me to tell what was happening, and it would be the height of stupidity to wander into it, giving a shade a chance at me. Better to hold still and trust in my people. My men would win this war for me. They existed to serve me, after all.

  The moment I registered the thought, I froze, despite the heat washing over my skin. Damp heat. Sticky. And I was cold as ice. That couldn’t have come from me. I didn’t feel that way. I didn’t. There was no war. I wasn’t trying to win anything.

  Just to find Shannon and go home.

  When we had a free minute, I really needed to talk to the Imaron about what the hell it meant by “ascending.” Clearly it was some kind of transformation, but would I become a demon or what? It was a little too murky for my peace of mind how the Old King had gotten his power over demons. The stories weren’t clear. Kel had told me it came from the archangels, which meant it wasn’t a bad thing, but if the demons were on board with my arrival—some of them, at least—then that seemed to call everything I knew into question.

  Muffled noises reached me, but I resisted the urge to investigate. It took every iota of self-restraint, and it felt like forever before Chance stumbled out of the cloud and toward me. I reached for him since he was cradling his right arm against his chest.

  “Numb?” I guessed.

  He nodded.

  “It wears off.” I raised my voice. “Are you all right, Greydusk?”

  An enormous shape lumbered into sight. Horrible. Monstrous, even, but the arms like swords gleamed with magick, darklight capable of destroying even shades. Whatever this creature was, clearly the demon had drained it at some point and gaine
d the ability to take its form. And its power. Beneath my weary gaze, it slipped into its own form. It looked easier this time around, as if its body sighed a little with relief at being permitted to resume its natural lines.

  “Well enough. The hide on this Swordwraith was thick enough that the drain takes longer. I told you all would be well.”

  Though I wasn’t sure this would work, I gave it a shot. Not a spell whose forms and rituals I’d memorized. My mother’s charms shouldn’t work anyway, so clearly I was driving without a license, practicing demon magick here. Best to see what I could accomplish when our life didn’t depend on it. Clutching the athame, I called the power to me again. It enveloped me, still cloying and unpleasant, and it tried to smother my head. I forced it down and out to my fingertips, where I held the blade. Then I whispered a single word and let it go. More delicately, as if it were a silken rope lowering an inch at a time. In response, a puff of wind swept the room, blowing away the remaining steam. This time I felt a little sick, but not on the verge of puking or passing out, as I had when I’d summoned the steam.

  Greydusk nodded. “Better control. Do you lack training, Binder?”

  Since it was on my side, I figured I could be straight with the Imaron. “Precious little. I haven’t been able to access my mother’s magick for very long.”

  “Interesting. There was a block?”

  “No. I think her power was held in reserve for me in her pendant, but she died, and Maury had the necklace in his lair, so I didn’t get witchy right away.”

  “So you came into the power late. I understand.”

  “We should wrap up,” Chance said. “And take a look around before something else pops up.”

  “Agreed.” I turned to Chance, waiting for him to find the path.

  There had to be something of Shannon’s here. Maybe she had been held nearby at first, and then they moved her. Or…maybe the shades had been posted as guards. She could still be captive in the building somewhere.


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