The Submission of a Mafia Princess

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The Submission of a Mafia Princess Page 4

by Sandra Bunino

  Toni stood and walked to the window. “Look. I didn’t come to talk about this and I’ve probably said too much already. I want to set up my scene for tonight.”

  “With which Dom?” Mia asked.

  Toni swung her head to meet Mia’s stare. “Mick, of course.”

  “You’re sure about that?” Mia asked and raised her eyebrows.

  “I take it you know about my past with Brax Malone.”

  Mia nodded her head. “Asher spoke to him when he returned the lounge last night. Want to talk about it?”

  Toni blinked away tears and took her seat next to Mia. Leaning back, she squeezed her eyes closed. Inhaling a deep breath, she let it out slowly in an attempt to keep her emotions under control.

  “Brax is the reason I came to SRE but I had no idea he was here. You see, ever since I met him three years ago, I’ve craved to feel the way I did when we were together. I was a different person with him, yet, I’d never felt so secure and happy in my own skin. Brax made me feel sexy and alive. He took control and I never had to worry or second-guess myself. Only feel. I haven’t been able to recreate that with anyone else after him and I need to feel it one more time before I marry Angelo.”

  Mia studied her face for a moment before responding. “You know what my next question will be.”

  “Why don’t I want a scene with Brax?” Toni responded flatly. “I wish it could be. Hell, I’d do anything to go back in time and be with him again. I fell in love with him that summer and after last night, I know I’ve never stopped loving him. But my fate is sealed, and if Angelo finds out Brax is back in the picture, he’ll kill him for sure. Not that Brax wants anything to do with me anyway. He’s furious with me.”

  Toni turned toward Mia who had tears in her eyes. “I wish there was something I could do for you, sweetheart.”

  “You’ve done so much for me, Mia. You’ve given me the chance to live a fantasy I’ve had since a boy on a Harley opened the door of kink to me. I need this one night to let go and give me a memory to tuck away and cherish for the rest of my life. When I submit to Mick tonight, I’ll close my eyes and pretend he’s Brax. But that’s as far as it can go. I can’t feel his hands on me again. It’ll be too hard to let go and I’d never forgive myself if...” She shook her head as she recalled the day Angelo took Brax away.

  Mia placed her hand on Toni’s arm. “Okay, I understand and I’ll grant the scene under one condition. I don’t want you leaving the hotel today. If Manzanno finds out what you’re doing, he won’t let you back. Worse, he might hurt you. Call him and let him know you’re spending the night with a couple of friends in the city. I’ll book you a suite here at Rosebud on the private spa floor. Pamper yourself today. You deserve it.”

  Toni’s mind raced in a million directions. “My clothes, I need to go home to pack a bag.”

  “It’s too risky. We’re in New York City, sweetheart. Anything you can ever want or need is here. We’ll take the private limo out shopping together a little later. There’s a great boutique where you can get something to wear tonight. I just need to take care of some business first.” Mia stood and beckoned Toni to follow her to the concierge desk.

  “Courtney, would you please book a room for Miss Azzari on the spa floor and get her a massage appointment?”

  “Of course.” Courtney smiled and picked up the phone.

  Mia walked Toni to the elevators where Mia gave her a big hug.

  “I’ll see you later,” Mia said, pulling away from the embrace.

  “Okay, thank you. Really. I can’t believe how much you’ve done for me,” Toni couldn’t stop the tears forming in her eyes.

  Mia looked down as though she were deciding what to say next and shook her head. “I’d feel awful if I didn’t tell you this.”

  Toni raised her eyebrows. “What is it?”

  Mia sighed. “Braxton Malone is not over you.”

  “That’s where you’re wrong, Mia. He’s over me. He was so cold last night.”

  “I can tell by the look in his eyes. Sometimes there’s a fine line between love, lust and anger here at SRE. Come, I’ll show you,” Mia said and held her hand out.

  Toni sighed, took Mia’s hand and walked with her toward the hallway containing SRE’s ten suites. Mia stopped at an unmarked door.

  “We normally don’t allow members in here, but I’ll make an exception for you. Just give me a second.”

  Using a key secured by a ribbon around her wrist, Mia unlocked the door and slipped inside. A moment later, the door opened again and she gestured to Toni.

  “Come on in and meet Nate. He’s the head of our security team.”

  Nate stood and extended his hand to Toni. Her hand felt so small in his large but gentle grasp. “Nice to meet you, Toni.”

  “Nate queued up a clip of footage from the lounge last night I’d like you see.” Mia pointed toward a bank of monitors. All were turned off except for the large screen in the middle of the wall.

  Mia flashed a confident grin at Toni as Nate sat and pressed a couple of buttons on the control panel. It was video footage of SRE’s lounge from the night before. Brax was behind the bar serving a woman a drink.

  “How do you have this?” Toni asked, waving her hand at the monitor.

  “SRE is under video surveillance twenty-four seven. I wasn’t at the bar last night but Asher told me about Brax’s reaction to seeing you again. I needed to see it for myself so we viewed the recording. Now watch.”

  Mia pointed a manicured finger at the screen as Brax came to life. He served shots to the three women at the bar and clinked glasses with each of them. He was about to take a drink when something off camera captured his attention.

  “Look at his face here.”

  Brax blinked a few times and his eyes narrowed.

  “Check out his hands.”

  Her gaze focused on the opening and closing of his fists. An action she’d seen him do before when he was stressed.

  “See how his face is getting red?”

  Brax said something to the woman in front of him, who stood from her chair and stepped aside, as he placed his palms on the bar and vaulted himself over it.

  “Hmm, impressive,” Toni joked.

  The camera angle switched and Toni watched Brax approach while she leaned against the bar talking with Mick. Mia tapped the screen and the picture froze.

  “Look at those eyes, Toni. He’s taking in every part of you. He’s staking his claim to you with just one look.”

  “You know what it looks like to me? Like he’s pissed as hell, that’s about it.”

  “Brax does a good job of building walls around himself and allowing people to see what he wants them to see. Trust me on this.” Mia rubbed Toni’s arm. “Go enjoy your day of pampering. I’ll pick you up in a few hours for a little shopping excursion.”

  Chapter Seven

  Toni glanced at the storefront window from the idling limousine. Lace bras, panties and baby doll negligées taunted her from their proud perches. She glared at the size zero mannequins then to her own healthy thighs.

  “You’ll love Mimi deMont’s. Let’s go find something sexy for your evening,” Mia said.

  Toni grabbed Mia’s arm. “I’ll wait for you here. There’s nothing for me in there, Mia.”

  “What are you talking about? You’d look great in anything. Come, I’ll help you find something perfect.”

  “You don’t understand. Those things are for women like you. Beautiful and thin with legs that go one for miles. There’s nothing in there for my size ten ass.”

  “Oh, hon. Come with me, please. Give me a chance to show you how stunning you are.”

  Toni rolled her eyes and sighed. She didn’t have the heart to turn Mia down. She’d done so much for her.”

  “Okay, but you’ll see why I can’t wear things like that.”

  A guard let the women into the locked boutique where they were greeted by a well-dressed older woman.

  “Francine, thank you for t
aking us on such short notice,” Mia said and kissed both of the woman’s cheeks.

  “It’s good to see you again, Mia. This must be Miss Toni. Follow me to the dressing room. I pulled a few things for you to try already.”

  Francine ushered her into a posh dressing area complete with a privacy screen in the corner. “Why don’t you get undressed and slip on the robe hanging on the hook there. I’ll pass you things to try. And don’t look so serious, Miss Toni. We’re here to have dress up fun,” Francine said in a singsong voice.

  “I’ve never enjoyed playing dress up but I’ll try on what you have for me,” she said, taking her place behind the screen.

  The first hanger contained a black leather corset, G-string and stockings with garters. “Slip this on and come on out so that I can lace the back for you.”

  Toni stared at the corset and shook her head. She couldn’t put it on and parade her fat ass around the two women, no matter how well-meaning they were.

  “I-I’m sorry. This isn’t right for me,” Toni said and held the hangers out for the woman to take.

  “You can’t tell without trying it on. Give it a chance,” Francine pleaded.

  “No. I don’t think so. I’m just too heavy to wear it.”

  There was a full half minute of silence and Toni was sure the women were staring at each other, unsure of what to do next.

  “Give us a moment, will you, Francine?” Mia asked.

  Toni heard the woman’s footfalls disappear followed by a soft knock on the screen.

  “I’m sorry to embarrass you,” Toni said and looked to the ground.

  “Honey, pick your head up.” A soft hand cradled her cheek. “Where did you get the idea that you’re too heavy to wear this?” Mia held up the corset.

  “Look at me,” Toni said.

  “I am and all I see are sexy curves I would give my eye teeth for.”

  Toni blushed. “You’re just being nice.”

  “I’m serious and we’re not leaving here unless you see what I do. All I ask is that you try it on.”

  “Mia. May I see you for a moment?” Francine called.

  “Try it on and I’ll be right back.” Mia arched her eyebrows and smiled.

  Toni nodded. “Okay, fine.”

  Mia left the dressing room and Toni slid the silky robe from her shoulders and unclipped the lingerie from the hanger. Taking a deep breath, she pulled the corset over her head. Soft leather smoothed over her stomach and a coolness encompassed her full breasts. Leaving the laces loose, she stepped into the G-string panties. Her body heat ticked through the buttery leather that clung to her body’s curves.

  Footsteps approached the opening of the dressing screen. Toni reached behind her back and grabbed the corset ribbon ends. “I can’t believe I even have this on. Would you please tie the laces?”

  The ends were taken from her hand and pulled snug. Before the strings were tied, the ribbons were carefully smoothed and tightened from bottom to top. Fingertips grazed her spine before a bow secured the corset in place.

  “Beautiful,” a voice whispered. However, instead of Mia or Francine’s voice, this was husky and masculine.

  Toni twirled. Her hair whipped around her face until her eyes settled on the owner of the mysterious voice.

  “Brax,” she said breathlessly.

  “Hi there, I hope you don’t mind me joining the lingerie party,” he said with a crooked smile.

  “Crap. No, I mean yes, I mind. I didn’t want to put this getup on in the first place, let alone have anyone see me in it,” Toni sputtered as she tried to grab her robe.

  “I can’t imagine why. You look amazing. Have you seen yourself?”

  Toni shook her head.

  Brax’s eyes shifted to the bench behind her. “You left the best for last,” he said and jerked his head toward the black silky stockings folded on the seat. “Sit,” he ordered.

  She followed his glance to the bench and then returned to his face.

  “There’s no going back now,” he said and quirked his eyebrows.

  He had a point. She may as well go through with the entire charade. Shrugging, she shuffled her feet and sat on the bench.

  Brax knelt at her knees and reached for the pair of stockings. He patted his thigh, signaling Toni to lift her right foot and placed it on his muscular leg. He found the opening of the stockings and bunched them with his thumb and forefinger to the foot of the stocking. Toni pointed her toe and slipped her foot inside. He pulled the silky stocking over her calf and stopped at her knee. Their eyes locked as he reached under each of her knees and gave them a swift tug so that her ass balanced on the edge of the padded bench. He continued pulling the stocking up to the top of her thigh. Finding the other stocking on the floor, he performed the same act on her left leg.

  “Stand,” he said roughly and cleared his throat.

  Without taking her eyes off him, she stood and watched as he pulled the clips from the bottom of her corset and secured the stockings.

  “You’re good at that,” she said smiling.

  He chuckled. “I’m going to bring you out to the mirror. No peeking.”

  Brax held her hand and brushed his fingers up her back. Toni’s feet stayed planted.

  “Come on, trust me. You’ll be pleased. Keep your eyes closed until I say to open them.”

  Toni took a deep breath and allowed him to lead her out from behind the privacy screen.

  “Inch up a little and I’m going to slip a pair of heels on your feet. Good. Open your eyes, gorgeous.”

  Toni squinted, afraid of what she’d see. Her line of vision started with a pair of silver heels.

  “Ooo, I do like the shoes.”

  She continued her glance upward to a pair of legs she almost didn’t recognize. Damn! Are those mine? Her eyes opened wide, taking everything in. The corset fit perfectly and hugged every curve of her hourglass shape. Glancing at the tiny triangle of leather at her mound, she silently thanked the spa attendant who talked her into the Brazilian wax.

  “So?” he asked.

  “I’m shocked. I don’t know how, but this getup works.”

  “I think you’ve been told things about yourself your whole life and took them for fact. This is all you, sweetheart. You’re sexy as sin.” Their eyes met in the mirror. “Check out the back.”

  Toni scooted around and looked at her reflection in the three-way mirror. She followed the crisscross of the ribbon from the top of her back to the dangling ends tied neatly at her bare ass. Only a thin band of leather covered her full ass cheeks, making them starring features. Her glance moved to Brax in his black leather motorcycle jacket, and warmth flooded her belly.

  “Now do you see what I do?” he asked trailing his fingertip down her arm.

  “I don’t know about that but I’m thinking it’s a keeper.” She giggled.

  “I guess that’s a start.” He winked. “Come, I’ll help you with the laces.”

  She turned once they returned to the other side of the privacy screen and waited for him to pull the ends of the bow. Instead, he grasped her shoulders and led her back to the bench.

  “What’s your safe word, Antonietta?”

  She twisted her head and met his stare. “What?”

  “Your safe word.” His eyes bore through hers and stoked the embers burning deep in her core.

  “Fire,” she said quietly.

  “Okay. Don’t be afraid to use it. Ever. Now sit.”

  She complied, and his hands moved to her stocking clips. Four snaps sounded before the silky fabric slinked from her legs and was replaced by warm hands traveling up the inside of her thighs. Hooking his thumb around the scrap of fabric at her waist, he yanked the G-string off in a fluid movement. Warm hands were back at the sensitive skin of her inner thigh as he pushed her legs apart. Moving closer, he blew a light breath over her exposed folds, eliciting a quick tremble and making her whimper for more. He growled as the swirl of his tongue sent waves of heat through her core. Toni opened
her legs further and leaned backward until her back rested against the wall. Clamping down on her thighs, he lifted her legs slightly off the cushioned bench and continued to intimately reacquaint himself with her slick heat. She closed her eyes and moaned deep as the tip of his tongue circled just outside her bundle of nerves.

  “Look at me. I want to watch you come undone.”

  Her eyes flicked open. “Please don’t stop,” she said in a voice she didn’t recognize. It was throaty and desperate. She was transported to a time when her life was simpler, a time when all that mattered was Brax and the love they shared.

  “Touch yourself,” he commanded.

  Her fingers were immediately at her mouth. She deliberately licked her index and middle finger then ran her wet fingers down her body to the juncture of her thighs. The single touch set off a deep moan from the back of her throat that even surprised her. She moaned again, slightly louder than the last time as her fingers slid along her slit to right below her most sensitive spot. Her fingers slowly circled her clit once. Twice. Three times. A powerful orgasm was building in her core and sent her over the edge as his tongue plunged deep within her channel. She bit her lip to stifle yet another throaty moan.

  “What the hell was that about?” she asked when she caught her breath.

  “Just something to remember me by,” he said before standing, turning from her and leaving the dressing room.

  Chapter Eight

  North Caldwell, New Jersey - three years earlier

  Toni’s quick footsteps echoed through the foyer mixed with the purr of Brax’s motorcycle. Stopping in the kitchen, she kissed her father on the head.

  “Oh, hello, Angelo.” She walked around the far side of the table to avoid a sweaty kiss on the cheek. “Bye, Dad. Don’t wait up for me.”

  “You know I will, Ton.” He smiled.

  “You’ve been spending too much time with that guy, Toni. He’s not like one of us, you know,” Angelo grumbled.

  “Um, yeah. I do know and it’s refreshing,” she said over her shoulder as she walked out of the kitchen. A late summer breeze nipped at her face as she opened the front door, reminding her to grab a sweatshirt. After a wink and holding her index finger up to Brax to indicate she’d be back, she closed the door and started up the stairs to her room when she heard her name. Halting her footfalls on the oak stairs, her ears perked to the conversation.


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