Her Vigilant Seal

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Her Vigilant Seal Page 10

by Caitlyn O'Leary

  “Are you sure?”

  “I’m positive.”

  “I don’t know why I’m so nervous. He’s seen me without make-up. Hell, he saw me the night I was beaten. This shouldn’t matter.” Sophia pulled at a lock of her hair.

  “It’s your first date with him.” Sophia shrugged her shoulders in agreement, and winced. Truly, she should not do that it hurt. But it was her first date with the man, even if she had slept in his arms, and how great had that been.

  “You’re blushing. Is there anything you want to share?” Frannie looked at her with a twinkle in her eye.

  “No, there’s nothing I want to share,” Sophia said with an embarrassed laugh. “Actually, I think it’s time for you to leave.”

  “How about I tell him what time to have you home?” Frannie suggested with a wink.

  “How about you not.” Sophia gave her a quelling glance.

  “Okay, okay, I’m leaving.” Just then there was a knock on the door. Sophia groaned.

  “Be good,” she admonished Frannie. She went to the door and opened it. She was stunned. Mason was wearing a white dress shirt and black slacks. He looked good enough to eat with a spoon. She finally had the wherewithal to invite him in. He didn’t move.



  “Don’t you want to come in? I don’t think you’ve met my friend, Frannie DeLuca. She works at the food pantry where I volunteer sometimes.” She stepped aside so he could come in, but he continued to stand at the top of the stairs.

  “God, you look beautiful.” She’d never seen his eyes so dark blue before. She turned around and Frannie was standing behind her.

  “Hi Mason, I’m Frannie. Margie and Sophia have told me a lot about you. I hope it’s all true.” Frannie held out her hand and Mason took it for a gentle shake.

  “It’s good to meet you, Mrs. DeLuca. They’ve mentioned you as well.”

  “Well, I was just leaving.”

  “So were we. Let’s walk you out to your car,” Mason said. He let Frannie lead the way and then took Sophia’s keys so he could lock her door. He frowned as he checked out the locks.

  “What?” she asked.

  “I want to install a deadbolt.” His face took on that military look.

  “I think the lock I have is fine,” Sophia said looking at her door.

  “Humor me.” They followed Frannie to her car and then made their way to Mason’s truck.

  “Why do you think I need a deadbolt? Is it because of the men who attacked me?” Sophia’s voice was steady but she was pulling on a lock of her hair, which meant she was nervous. He pulled her hand away and held it on the seat between them.

  “No. I wanted to have one installed even before we talked to the D.A. That is not the best lock, okay?”

  “Fine, I’ll get a locksmith.”

  Mason chuckled as her chin jutted out. He decided to drop the subject. He’d just show up with his tools and a deadbolt. Tonight was not for arguing.

  “Do you prefer steak or seafood?”

  “I like either.”

  “Don’t you have a preference? I mean there is always a nice filet mignon, but sometimes I’m in the mood for a succulent white fish or salmon. What strikes your fancy tonight?” He spared her a quick glance before watching the road again. He could see she was confused.

  “But don’t you have a reservation somewhere?” Sophia questioned.

  “I have two reservations. So you name which you prefer and I’ll cancel the other.”

  “Oh. That’s really nice of you. But don’t you have a preference?” Damn she was going to kill him.

  “Tonight is about you, honey. We’ll have another date that’s about me. I’ll let you cook and bake for me. Okay?”

  “That’d be great,” she said with real enthusiasm. Whoo hoo, he got another date.

  “So which do you feel like tonight, steak or seafood?” he prompted.

  “Seafood,” she said decisively. He liked that. When she wasn’t worried about other people she knew her mind.

  He handed her his phone and told her what restaurant to call so she could cancel the other reservation. They made it down to Oceanside and used the valet parking for the truck. The restaurant overlooked the water and he’d asked for a table on the patio under the heat lamps.

  “Careful, honey, those shoes are beautiful but I don’t want you to trip.” He held her hand and kept his other hand at her lower back.

  “I can walk in heels,” she assured him. He never doubted it but he also remembered her being in the hospital less than a week ago. As beautiful as she looked, he should have said they were eating a casual meal. He really hadn’t thought this through. As they were seated at the table she gave him a look from beneath her lashes.

  “Stop it,” she admonished.

  “Stop what?”

  “Stop worrying about me. I’m fine. The stitches are healing. The bruises on my ribs are healing and my legs feel great.” She opened her menu and nodded at him to do the same.

  He let out a breath and smiled. “Honey, you might as well get used to me worrying about you. It’s in the job description. I worry about everyone. All of the men you met at my house are under my command. Their welfare is my concern. I certainly don’t feel like you’re under my command but I will always be concerned about your safety and wellbeing. It’s the way I’m wired.”

  “They’re all under your command? I thought they were your friends.”

  “They are.”

  “But isn’t there a rule about fraternizing or something.”

  “Nope, we’re a team. We all have one another’s backs. They’re my brothers. From now on they have your back as well.”

  Sophia let out a laugh.

  “What are you laughing about?” He pulled down her menu so he could see her clearly.

  “What you just said. That’s silly. They don’t know me.”

  “Give me your phone.”


  “Just give it to me.” He knew he was being demanding, but it was important she listen to him when it concerned her safety. She opened her purse and handed it to him.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I’m programming in my number as well as Drake’s. If there is ever, and I mean ever, a problem, and you can’t get ahold of me, you call him. He’ll be there. Do you understand?”

  She gave him a perplexed look. “That makes no sense.”

  He rubbed his hand through his hair and tried to think of a way to get through to her. “Sophia, do you believe Margie and Frannie are people you can depend on?”

  “Sure,” she said immediately.

  “But you weren’t going to call them when you needed a ride from the hospital, why is that?” he persisted.

  “I didn’t want to inconvenience them. They were both at work.”

  “From now on I want you to know you come first for me. You come before my work.”

  He handed back her phone, and she picked up her menu.

  “I think we should order.” Dammit.

  “Okay honey, let’s see what sounds good.” He turned his attention to the specials and tried not to grit his teeth.

  “I’m not trying to make you mad.”

  Which was the only reason he wasn’t going to get mad. He realized she wasn’t used to anyone watching her six. Therefore she couldn’t wrap her head around what he was trying to do. It was up to him to show her what teammates, what friends, what lovers, what loved ones, did for one another.

  “I’m not mad, honey, I’m hungry. What are you going to have?”

  She chose one of the two specials and he chose the other. When their dinner came, she closed her eyes and inhaled. It was one of the sexiest thing he’d ever seen.

  “This is divine. Oh they used tarragon and lemon with just a hint of cilantro. This is going to be so good.”

  He couldn’t wait to see her eat a bite. He was right, watching he
r eat was sexy too.

  They talked about how Billy did on his math test and he was happy to hear he aced it. She asked him more about his life in the military and about his renovations. He definitely noticed how she steered the conversation towards current events and his life. He was certainly willing to follow her lead for the main course. He knew how to bide his time.

  Sophia said she couldn’t possibly eat any dessert but he ordered the peach cobbler with a full serving of vanilla ice cream on the side.

  “So tell me about your plans,” he asked smoothly.

  “My plans?” she asked as she dipped a spoon in for a bite of peaches.

  “Yeah, you said yesterday you had plans that precluded you from moving in with me. I was wondering what they were.”

  “Oh, I talked to one of my friends who I used to work with at the cable company. She’s a supervisor there now. She said she could get me a part time job working four hours a night. It would be right before opening the diner. They need some phone support and they’re bringing some of it back to the United States, isn’t that great?”

  “Where would you be working?”

  “Up north,” she said slowly as she twirled her hair.

  “Up north where exactly?” Mason waited and knew he wasn’t going to like her answer.

  “Santa Ana.” One of the poorest and most crime ridden areas of Orange County. Great, just, great. It took every fiber of his being not to channel Drake Avery. He counted to ten. He counted backwards from ten to one. Finally he asked.

  “What are your hours going to be?” He was proud he kept his voice even.

  “Midnight to four, which is great because I’ll be able to get to the diner by four thirty and have all the baking started and the diner open by five thirty.”

  “You’re not going to take this job,” Mason started out reasonably.

  “Yes I am. This is a great opportunity. I worked there before when I was going to school. The hours are perfect. I’m going to be able to save up for a good apartment so Billy can come live with me.” Her eyes sparkled and she spooned up a huge scoop of ice cream and waved her spoon at him. “I should be able to have my first and last month’s deposit in no time. I’m not going to tell Billy in case something falls through, but this is wonderful.”

  “You didn’t hear me. You’re not going to take this job.” Mason smiled pleasantly. There was no point in ruining a wonderful date or her great mood, but he needed to get his point across.

  “Of course I am. I just told you it’s perfect.”

  “Over my dead body are you going to be waltzing around at midnight in fucking Santa Ana, crime central of Orange County. Do I make myself clear?” Fuck, he might as well be talking with a southern drawl. Sophia stared in disbelief. She didn’t say a word just stared. The waitress came up and topped off their coffees and brought the check.

  “I can’t believe you said that to me. Did you just say that to me? Really?” Sophia sounded genuinely aghast. He had a chance to back out and not sound like a total Neanderthal.

  “Fuck yeah, I said it to you. There is no way, on my watch, you are going to do this. We’ll figure something else out. You need the money to rent an apartment? Fine, I’ve got it, it’s yours. You need a part time job? I’ll find you one where it’s safe. But there is not a chance in hell you are going to walk around the streets of Santa Ana in the middle of the goddamn night.” He scrubbed both hands through his hair. Goddammit, he was pretty sure he now had ice cream on his head.


  Mason was serious. Mason was pissed. Mason had vanilla ice cream in his hair. She stared at him and covered her mouth. He looked horrified. She grabbed her napkin and tried to hold back. She couldn’t. She burst out laughing. She was laughing so hard. There he was, serious as a heart attack, planning on loaning her money, finding her a job, doing whatever was necessary to keep her safe, with ice cream in his hair. She had to stop laughing or she’d start crying.

  “Sophia. Honey. Are you okay?” Of course he’d ask that. Of course he’d be worried about her. She dipped her napkin in her water glass and leaned over the table to clean the ice cream out of his hair.

  “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.” It had gotten dark and there were just the heaters on and the candlelight on the table, but his eyes looked much darker than normal, almost black. He was so freaking handsome.

  “Talk to me, honey. Tell me I’m toast. Tell me you’re going to boil me in oil. Just don’t shut me out.” He looked so worried. At the same time if she said she was taking the job no matter what he thought he wouldn’t look worried. He’d look like a marauder. Some man who thought he had dominion over a woman. But as soon as she had the thought she dismissed it. That wasn’t true. Mason didn’t want to have power over her. He wanted to keep her safe. There was a big difference between a man who wanted to boss you around because of some kind of ego trip, and one who wanted to protect you.

  “Sophia? Say something.”

  “I take it you don’t approve of my plan.”

  He snorted. “You could say that.”

  “So what’s the next part of this date?” she asked.

  “What?” Sophia grinned, happy she’d thrown him off guard.

  “I asked what is ‘stage two’ of this date? Or was dinner all you had planned?” She gave him a pleasant smile.

  Mason stared at her and then finally responded.

  “There was definitely a ‘stage two’. I talked to Margie, she said you only had to work lunch shift tomorrow, right?”

  “It seems like you and my boss have gotten kind of cozy. First she lets you into my apartment. Now she’s telling you my work schedule. Are you sure you shouldn’t be dating her?”

  Mason blinked. He definitely wasn’t sure how to take her teasing. It was obvious he thought he was going to be in trouble for dictating to her about the job and he couldn’t figure out her mood. Well good. It was kind of fun to see him disconcerted.

  “Nope, I’m dating the one I want to be dating. But Margie is my backup plan.” He grabbed her hand, and guided her to his truck. She loved how pampered she felt.

  “I thought we could go to a place in the Gaslight district. It’s a little bar I know that plays some great live music.”

  “I’d love that.”

  Mason was right. The band was top notch and he even managed to find a seat for her at the bar while he stood next to her. At one o’clock he whispered it was time they head home so she could get enough sleep for work. Since she’d been ogling him most of the night she couldn’t agree more. When they got on the Five Freeway heading north to San Clemente she was stunned.

  “Where are we going?”

  “I’m taking you home, honey.”

  “But I thought…”

  “We’re going to go out on a few dates and get to know one another, Sophia.” She didn’t know if she was happy or pissed. She finally decided she was impressed and deprived. He came up to her apartment, unlocked her door, and insisted on checking out the interior of her apartment. Then he kissed the hell out her and left. Yep, definitely deprived.

  The next day when Sophia went down to the diner to start work, Mason was there talking to Margie at the lunch counter. Sophia made her way to the hostess stand and started seating customers. When she had the majority of people seated and orders taken she sat next to Mason.

  “So did I forget another date?”

  “I was going to come install a deadbolt on your door, remember?”

  She stared into innocent blue eyes and wondered how often his mother let him get away with things because of that look.

  “I called a locksmith, he’s coming tomorrow,” she lied.

  “Cancel him. I bought the lock and brought my tools.”

  She let out a breath. This was a stupid thing to have an argument about especially when it would be nice to have the added security.

  “All right.”

  He leaned in and kisse
d her. Her toes curled.

  Mason was done before the lunch shift ended and then he talked her into a movie on Wednesday night.

  After her shift was finished she went over to the food pantry to talk to Frannie and Tony. She told them about her plan to earn money for the apartment for her and Billy.

  “Are you out of your mind?” Frannie exploded.

  “Over my dead body,” Tony said in a low voice.

  Sophia sighed. She had been somewhat excited at the prospect of landing a job with hours that would dovetail with the diner but she knew there was a downside, which is why she didn’t tell the DeLucas sooner.

  “You know you sound a little like Mason,” Sophia complained.

  “The man has good sense. Sounds like someone I’d like to meet.” Tony slapped the table and smiled.

  “He reminds me a lot of you, Tony, back when you were in a uniform.” Frannie cupped Tony’s face and kissed him on the cheek. He blushed, and turned his attention back to Sophia.

  “So what kind of stupid idea is this? Working in Santa Ana in the middle of the night? Hell girlie, it ain’t the best place to be working during the day.”

  “That’s not true. Some of it is poor, but some of it’s nice.” Sophia defended her choice. Tony glared at her and she glared back.

  “Fine, I was making generalizations. But still there is gang activity and you’re not going work there from midnight to four in the morning and that’s final.”

  “I know. I already decided not to. I’m going to call Shelly tomorrow. But I still need to find something else to supplement the money I’m making at the diner. It’s hard to find one that will work around the hours.”

  “You’ll find something. You’re amazing. We’ll talk to all of our friends, kiddo.” Tony leaned forward and pinched her cheek.

  “You guys are the amazing ones.” She hugged both of the DeLucas.

  She left the food pantry knowing she still had a problem to solve. How was she going to get the money for the bigger apartment so she could petition the courts for custody of Billy?

  Chapter Eleven


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