Sacred Sierra

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Sacred Sierra Page 37

by Jason Webster

  Gúdar (region), 6

  herbal remedies

  see plants and vegetables

  superstitions and traditions

  trees and shrubs

  Heston, Charlton, 257

  hoopoe (pu-put; bird), 260

  ‘Horse’s Leap, The’ (story), 249–50

  ‘How the Rosemary Flower Turned Blue’ (story), 273–4

  hunting and hunters, 26, 54, 55–9, 84, 101

  see also wild boar

  Iberians (ancient peoples), 159

  ibex, 10, 20, 107–9, 110

  Ibn al-Awam, Yahya ibn Muhammad

  see Book of Agriculture, The

  Ibn Azib, al-Bara, 74, 99, 172, 192, 217

  Ibn Khaldun, 31

  ice houses (neveras), 304–8

  Immaculate Conception, feast of the (Immaculada), 104

  ink, making of, 260–2

  Inquisition, the, 124–5, 199, 258

  Jaén (province), 107

  James I, King (of Aragon), 6

  John the Gazelle (Yahya al-Ghazal), 336–7

  John XXIII, Pope, 258

  Khayr, Abu al-, 74, 146, 338

  ‘Knight Templar and the Moorish Girl, The’ (story), 143–5

  Knights Templar, 143, 197–8

  La Estrella (abandoned village), 181–6

  la Pastora, Juana, 164, 293

  land exploitation

  see commercial development

  language and dialects, 2, 5, 7, 198, 292–3, 294

  Les Useres (village), 195–7, 210, 310

  Les Useres, Els Pelegríns de (pilgrimage), 195–7, 267–8, 295, 324

  Llucena (town), 249

  Luard, Elisabeth: Truffles, 150, 172–3

  Madrid, 4

  Maestrazgo (region), 6, 200, 206, 319

  maquis (anti-Franco resistance fighters), 162–4

  Marina d’Or, 65, 66, 185

  Marinet (mountain), 207

  Martin V, Pope, 259

  masos (small farms), 6–7, 8–10, 19, 62, 157, 161, 164

  Mauri, Guillemeta, 201

  Mauri, Pere, 200, 201–2

  ‘Mig Cul Cagat’ (story), 43–5

  Millars River, 177, 320

  Montgó (mountain), 131

  Morella (town), 198, 199, 253, 259

  Moriscos (Spanish Moors), 292–3

  Mount Montcàtil, 143, 144

  oak trees, 1, 21, 36, 46

  holm oak (also holly oak), 83, 114, 302, 331–2

  kermes oak, 331–2

  oak bush, 157

  oak-galls, 260–2

  planting, 83, 110, 114, 123, 150–1, 176

  Pyrenean oak, 287

  see also trees and shrubs


  ‘Old Mother Misery and the Pear Tree’ (story), 71–3

  olive trees, 100–2, 192–3, 275–6, 338–9

  olive oil, 46, 104–7

  see also trees and shrubs

  parasitic insects, 49

  ‘Parrot, The’ (story), 171

  Pendle Hill (Lancashire), 230–1, 232, 235, 303

  see also superstitions and traditions

  Peñíscola (municipality), 253, 257, 258, 259

  Penyagolosa (mountain), 5–6, 48–9, 100, 133, 265, 286, 287, 318–21

  Perpignan (France), 258

  Philpot, J.H.: The Sacred Tree in Religion and Myth, 136

  pig killing, ritualised (matanza del cerdo), 124–5

  pilgrimages, 193–7, 202–11

  Plain of the Cross (Pla de la Creu), 207

  plants and vegetables

  artichokes, 102, 217–18

  asparagus, 193

  bruquerola, 27, 29–30

  chamomile, 102

  cotton lavender, 218

  honeysuckle, 62–3

  irises, 226–9, 276–7

  mistletoe, 334–5

  mushrooms, 54–5

  oleander, 256

  onions, 180, 256

  rock tea, 102

  rosemary, 86, 103–4, 195, 273–4

  savin juniper, 102

  thyme, 102–3, 273

  tobacco, 289–90

  Pliny the Elder: Natural History, 331

  postal system, 59–60

  praying mantis, 255–6

  Qalqashandi, Al-, 31

  Rahman II, Abd al-, 336

  Raimonda (‘wife’ of Guilhem Belibaste), 200

  rainfall and water supplies, 21, 151–2, 211, 235–41, 256, 268, 276, 288, 289–91

  see also climate and weather

  Rhazes (medieval physician), 331

  River Villahermosa, 339

  romería del Rocío (pilgrimage), 195

  roqueret (crag martin), 127

  St Andrew, University of (Scotland), 258

  St Anna, 333–4

  St Anthony the Great, 135

  St Anthony’s Day (festival of Sant Antoni), 133–8, 266, 335

  St Francis of Assisi, 135

  St James the Apostle, 249–50

  St John (Sant Joan de Penyagolosa), sanctuary of, 195, 197, 208–11, 330, 341

  St John the Baptist, 265

  St Lucy’s Day (La festa de Sta Llúcia), 106, 335

  ‘St Peter and the Fig Trees’ (story), 17

  Salt del Cavall (ravine)

  see ‘Horse’s Leap, The’

  San Juan, la noche de (Midsummer’s Eve festival), 262, 264–5, 269–70

  San Lorenzo, Lágrimas de (meteor shower), 301

  San Mateo (Sant Mateu, town), 199, 201, 259

  San Vicente Ferrer (The Angel of the Apocalypse), 253–5, 257, 258

  Sant Miquel de les Torrocelles (sanctuary), 195, 204–6, 208, 324

  Sarrión (town), 128

  Seville, 31

  sheep farming, 80

  Sicre, Arnau, 200–2

  Sierra de Espadán (mountains), 161, 292, 293, 320, 338

  silk worms, 335–6

  Siwa oasis (Egypt), 288

  snails, 221–3

  snakes, 240–1

  Soria (province), 113

  Spanish Civil War, 162–4

  superstitions and traditions, 85–91, 106, 231–2, 233–4, 265, 269–70, 289, 304, 334–5

  Duende Stone, 237, 238

  duendes, 62, 88–90

  see also Pendle Hill

  Tarragona (city), 66

  termites and woodworm, 251–2

  Teruel (province), 83, 91

  ‘Three Lemons of Love, The’ (story), 189–91

  ‘Three Pieces of Advice, The’ (story), 297–9

  tourism, 65–7

  trees and shrubs:

  almond, 22–9, 30, 146, 327–8

  apricot, 178

  brambles, 32–3

  carob, 328

  cedar of Lebanon, 178

  cypress, 177, 178, 329

  elder, 330

  elm, 87, 330

  fig, 1, 17, 20, 21

  gorse, 32–5

  juniper, 102, 332

  laurel, 289, 333–4

  magnolia, 178

  mastic bush, 334

  monkey puzzle (araucaria), 178–9

  mulberry, 335–7

  nettle tree, 9, 179, 337–8

  pine, 9, 36, 49, 158, 240, 339–40

  pomegranate, 180

  strawberry tree, 177, 340–1

  tree of life (thuya), 179

  yew, 177, 178, 341–2

  see also oak trees

  olive trees


  cooking, 149–50, 172–3

  cultivation, 83, 110, 114–15, 123, 150–1, 176, 218, 302

  markets, 128–31

  truffle brandy, 244–5, 268–9

  truffle oil, 150

  truffle-hunting, 74–8, 83, 110, 112–16, 123

  varieties, 75, 173

  see also oak trees

  wild boar

  Truffles (Luard), 150, 172–3

  Valencia, 2, 7, 66, 257, 310, 323

  Vannes (Brittany), 253

  Vilafamés (town), 67

nbsp; Villerouge-Termenès (town), 200, 202

  ‘Virgin of the Pillar’ (statue), 53

  Vistabella (village), 206, 209

  wild boar, 25–6, 123–7, 150, 176

  see also hunting and hunters


  Xodos (village), 111, 175–6, 207, 320

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  Version 1.0

  Epub ISBN 9781407093239

  Published by Vintage 2010

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  Copyright © Jason Webster 2009

  Illustrations © Laetitia Bermejo

  Map © Reginald Piggott

  Jason Webster has asserted his right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 to be identified as the author of this work

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