10 Commandments

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10 Commandments Page 2

by Dark Angel

  “You’re the Travers’s daughter?”

  “Umm…yes. I am.”

  “Okay. We just need to verify the alibi of Lars Long, Draven Fisher, and Ash Vaughn. They’re suspects in a recent murder case, but as long as their alibi checks out, there’s no issue as usual.”

  “Oh, I see. I’m sorry, but this is actually my first day…I’m not exactly the right person to ask.”

  “Okay, well, have your parents call me as soon as possible so I can move on with this case.”

  “Umm…okay. Will do.”

  And click. No goodbye, nothing. I guess that’s just how cops are.

  But why are these guys wrapped up in a crime? And murder? Plus they have sex in the building! There are so many things wrong here I don’t even know where to begin.

  As I paw through the paperwork, I finally piece together that this establishment is a BDSM escort service. Women can hire men to dominate them in whichever ways the desire.

  What I don’t see anywhere is anything that says it’s exactly acceptable to sell sex. That’s definitely against the law and not something I want to be involved with at all.

  I walk out of the door of my new office and see the three of them lounging on the various, strange pieces of furniture. The two ‘clients’ appear to have already left.

  “Can you guys come speak with me really quickly?”

  I sit back at my desk, and they filter through the door at a slow pace.

  “What’s up?” Draven says.

  “I just spoke with the police, and they’re saying you three are suspects in a case. I’m not one to say one way or another, but that is a very strange first impression for me. What’s going on?”

  “Oh, that. Haha, well, that’s just part of business, boss,” Ash says. “Sure, we get scheduled for beatings and shit, but you know those old whores. They get horny, and who are we to say no, right? Obviously that’s off the books. Your folks were cool with it. Just vouch for us, and it’ll all be fine. Normal shit, ya know?”

  I tilt my head at him. “Well, first off, this isn’t their company anymore. It’s mine. And that sort of thing is quite unacceptable.”

  The three glower at me.

  “Furthermore, the call wasn’t about a prostitution case,” I continue. “It was about a murder case.”

  “We don’t know how they died!” Lars exclaims.

  “Yeah. It was Caroline that hired us!” yells Ash.

  Draven shoots daggers at the other two before looking back at me. “Look. If Caroline asks you to do something, you don’t say no. We were just doing a job, that’s all. We don’t know what happened afterwards. You gotta cover for us. Tell the police we were here like always.”

  “I haven’t the foggiest idea who you’re talking about,” I say. “But I will not tolerate this kind of issue in my company. You three are fired.”

  They stand there in stunned silence.

  “I’m sure you have some belongings to gather, and some…real clothes to put on. Please be on your way within the hour, and after that, if there’s anything of yours left, call ahead, and I’ll have it set out for you. Thank you, and have a nice day.”

  I shoo them out of the office, and they obey hesitantly, each of them too surprised to protest. Just before I shut my door, however, one of them finally speaks up.

  “You’re gonna regret this,” Draven says quietly.

  “I said, have a nice day,” I reply and then shut the door.

  I breathe a deep sigh of relief. I have a lot to rebuild in this company. Hopefully, that’s the last I’ll see of them.

  Chapter 3


  I breathe a bated sigh of relief over my paperwork. Those three are out of the picture, which is huge, but I still have a lot of work ahead of me.

  It seems they had a hold on the entire company, and I’m not sure if my parents knew about this or not. With them gone, I’m out of men.

  I hear the front door open with a little jingle. I installed a cute little bell. It’s just loud enough to hear from my office, but shouldn’t really disturb any of the more…immersed clients.

  Once we finally have some again, that is.

  First things first, though: I need guys. Badly.

  That…didn’t come out right.

  I sneak a quick glance in the mirror in my office before I go to see who came in. My hands run down my body to smooth out my skirt, and I put on a fresh coat of red on my lips to complete the look. Above anything else, I want to make sure that I’m always taken seriously.

  The moment I step into the holding room, I do a double take. Ten men are waiting for me.

  And if that isn’t bad enough, these are five sets of identical twins.

  I’m seeing double, five times over.

  I mean, I know I said I needed guys, but this is crazy.

  “Oh, wow! I don’t know whether to laugh or be shocked.” My voice cracks in the middle of the sentence. Shit. I hope they don’t think less about me running Scarlet.

  “I put out the ad for twins as a joke…I didn’t really think―well, do come in.” I open the door to my office and gesture at them to follow me inside.

  The security guard that brought the men back seems a little confused as well. He’s leaning back against the wall, shaking his head.

  Once we’re inside, the first two step forward. I’m trying hard not to let my mouth gape open as both men walk closer.

  “I’m Brandon, and this is my twin Drex. Nice to meet you, Eve.”

  I get a full body shiver just looking at them. “Er, Evelynn. Please.”

  Someone else introduces himself and his brother. “We’re Gustav and Robin. Identical as well.”

  Of course, I can’t tell which is which. But both of them are gorgeous.

  All of them are.

  Waving from the back of the room, two more announce who they are. “Theo and Max. As you can tell, we resemble each other.”

  I laugh, almost snorting at his words. I don’t know why I’m suddenly…giddy.

  “Gideon and Jake back here,” says someone else.

  Not to be left out, someone from the last pair speaks up, “We’re Finn and Gunther. Nice to meet you, Miss Evelynn.”

  I’m in a state of euphoria. I don’t know if I should run away from or embrace the luck that has been bestowed upon me―er, well, my business.

  “Well, it’s nice to meet you all. I’m sure you know why you’re all here?” I sit in my leather office chair and smile up at them.

  Fuck, I hope they don’t think I’m being flirtatious―though I admit that I find them all extremely attractive.

  I clear my throat, still a little anxious about the whole thing. I didn’t expect this, but thinking about it, well, this could turn out to be a godsend.

  Scarlet could have not only a batch of new men, but identical twin brothers at that. If that doesn’t open the door to some taboos, I don’t know what will.

  This kind of thing has never been available at any club. The women will flock here in droves when stories of something this dark comes out.

  “Well, I certainly didn’t expect to walk in and find ten men here, but I must admit, I’m intrigued,” I say, smiling.

  I find that I have a hard time making full eye contact with the one who introduced himself as Brandon. He’s looking at me like a wolf before it devours its next meal. It’s exciting but nerve-wracking at the same time.

  “We’re replacing our prior staff of three, and, well, though ten is a little much, I definitely like the twin thing.” My finger rests on my chin, tapping lightly.

  “Do you all have experience in this sort of business?” I ask, looking briefly at each of them. “I’m looking only for those who can produce, not drain the business.”

  I can’t help but think this would be what my mother would want. She’d find this as appealing as I do, and though I’m not one to be cash-driven, the dollar signs are definitely flashing in my head right now.

Finn grabs a chair and places it in front of me. “We’re all experienced, and we know your parents’ reputation. You can’t go wrong with us here, Miss Evelynn.”

  I watch his face, trying to read him for lies, but there don’t seem to be any. He seems, well―they all seem like the real deal.

  “My parents started this place, and though they aren’t running it anymore, I plan to keep the same standards. Absolutely no sex between any of you and the clients. Even if you’re offered a substantial tip, we do not do that.”

  I know I’m being overly cautious, but this place is important to me, as hard as it is to wrap my head around the fact that my parents were running this kind of business. They entrusted it to me. I will not fail. Not now, not ever.

  Finn’s twin is standing behind him, smiling. He is the complete mirror image of his brother―the only thing different is the clothing. Thankfully, they aren’t wearing the same thing. I would be lost.

  For a moment, I just sit there. I need to think. To let myself absorb all of this.

  Hiring ten men to replace three is a lot to digest all at once, but my gut tells me this is going to make us the most talked-about the club this city has ever known.

  “I will need a few things from each of you. First will be a complete drug test and a physical. After that, I will get you all settled in, and we can go from there.” I hesitate for a few seconds, but then I decide to listen to this little voice in my head saying, Fuck it.

  “Welcome aboard, gentlemen. You’re about to go on a hell of a ride.”

  I did it. I hired them.

  I hired ten of the hottest men on the planet to be the dominants in what is now my club. I feel excited and nauseous all at the same time. This will either make or break Scarlet, and whatever happens―it’s all on me.

  Chapter 4


  Oh, man, it’s like a fucking dream working at Scarlet. These last few days have been fucking awesome.

  Sure, the women are a bit stuffy, but I’m not one to complain. I fucking love the attention, and the fact that Evelynn is laying out all the expectations for the customers takes such a huge load off of me.

  It got really exhausting at my old job when I had to explain to little old ladies that I’m legally not allowed to, and I quote, “Eat my ass like my best friend did when my husband was out fighting the Great War.”

  I mean, what the fuck, right?

  Speaking of Evelynn, what a fucking beauty! Not only can she handle herself, especially around guys like us, but she really knows what she’s doing with the clients.

  Sure, we have to pretty much constantly coach her on the specifics, but it’s kinda cute seeing how innocent she is when we whisper this or that in her ear about whatever request a client is making at the time. Especially when she has to hide a blush at some of the more…involved things.

  During the interview with me and Drex, she was so well composed, too. I know neither of us is easy to handle on our own, but when we’re together, we’re a force to be reckoned with. That’s why I was so hyped when I saw an ad for twins in sex work: it’s literally perfect for us.

  Despite that, she laid out all the expectations without any hesitation, explained her position and the state of the company, and honestly just brought everything together for us. And what a job to have, for sure. Some days I wonder how the hell I even get paid for what I’d be doing for fun.

  I especially like it when Evelynn’s curiosity about our work is piqued. There are plenty of times where I look over, and she’s standing just outside her office, watching us with our clients.

  Her expression is usually somewhat uncomfortable, almost naïve, but there’s also a strong determination to understand and accept her new life as well. I really admire it.

  A sharp knocking on the front desk jars me out of my daydreaming. I blink away the subtle fantasies of my boss and glance over towards the sound.

  “Hello, I have an appointment with Brandon?” A meek yet sharply dressed woman utters barely above a whisper.

  That’s my cue. Job mode starts now.

  I saunter up to her, making sure to hide some of my best features for the moment. “That’s me, love. I won’t bother asking how I can help you…I already know the answer to that.”

  I flash her a million-dollar smile, and I can tell her knees are already going weak.

  “I’m going to say this once. I won’t ask you questions. I will only give you statements. If at any point you are uncomfortable, say ‘yellow.’ If you want everything to stop, say ‘red.’ Nod now if you understand.”

  She nods slowly, her eyes staring up at me as her face stays low.

  I place my finger under her chin and pull it up so she faces me. “You’re not going to hide your pretty little face,” I say, slightly softer, but still with command and authority in my voice. “We’re going to have a fantastic time, love.”

  I sweep my arm around her and guide her to our main room, letting her take in all the sights to behold.

  “Now I understand this is your first time, so we’ll ease into things some. Go ahead and pick out three toys that catch your interest. That will be plenty to cover our time here today.”

  She stares at them in silence, slowly taking in all the different instruments on the walls and around the room. I watch her face, taking in each expression as she looks at different things, gaining a swift understanding of her exact needs. I see her linger on certain objects, but she’s still much too shy to say exactly what interests her.

  “Well, how about this: I’ll start with our lovely starter kit, and we’ll see where things go from there?”

  I wait for her nod to make sure she’s okay with it. When she does, I wheel over a cart with a box on top, hiding its contents from her view.

  “Trust me, this will be fun.” I smile genuinely at her, and she nods, more comfortable this time.

  I take her into my arms and slowly begin to massage and caress her body, focusing especially on her tense shoulders. As I move around her body, I subtly grab a collar and swiftly clip it around her throat. A quick yelp of surprise is all that utters from her, but she leans her body into me to show she’s more comfortable now.

  I slowly strip her clothing, paying close attention to more sensitive zones across her body. I caress her sides gently, grip her ass tightly―only for a moment―and admire her legs as I move back up her body.

  “Here’s where things get interesting,” I say finally. My words are met with a lovely shiver of anticipation from her.

  I pick up a light riding crop and show it to my client. She bites her lip and nods slowly, without me even asking. She learns quickly; that’s good.

  I bring her over to a chair and clip her collar to a short leash on the back of it, then sit her up on her knees, facing backwards, her ass up in the air. I slowly caress and tease her― slapping her ass lightly with my hand a few times to warm her up, then quickly and sharply swat at her pale skin with the crop. She lets out a yelp that quickly turns into a light moan.

  A few more strikes and the crop leaves bright red streaks across her ass. I can see she’s squirming and starting to get positively soaked through her panties. Not my role, but I appreciate that she’s having a good time.

  I look over to Evelynn’s office, and with little surprise, I see her standing, watching me with the client.

  I smirk at her, staring at her as I whip my client’s ass with a calm rhythm.

  I take a break from the crop and slowly caress her skin. Girls come to me and to Scarlet to be cared for more than anything. Sure, they have closet fetishes they don’t want to expose to the world for one reason or another, but it’s always more than that. This is therapy for them.

  I think that’s what keeps Evelynn so determined about this job. She must realize this is important for our clients. They need to have some sort of catharsis―and for many, it’s pain or degradation.

  Each of us has our specialties, too, and she’s making sure
to slowly learn what those are to better help our clients. She’s fucking great at her job. That sort of dedication and willingness to learn gets to me more than any client ever could.

  I decide to dig deeper in the toy chest to find a specific paddle. This one has a bright red heart on it, and I make a show of twirling it and kissing it just for Evelynn. Sure, it’s probably bad to flirt with my boss, but there’s no way in hell I could ever help myself when it comes to her.

  A few swings of this paddle leaves my client panting heavily, bright red hearts scattered across her ass and hips.

  “Yellow…that one is rough,” she says.

  “Understandable, love. You’re doing a fantastic job with it,” I say, leaning into her, providing her warmth from my body as I feel her shake.

  She moans and starts to grind her ass into my crotch, then winces from the pain and bruises I just left on her.

  “I think it’s about time we wrap up,” I say, shutting that down gently as I unclip her collar from the chair and pull it off her neck. “Go home, take a bath. Take care of yourself and heal up before you come back, okay? I want that ass fresh for the marks I have for you next time.”

  I embrace her fully, letting her relax against me. This is probably the most important part of my job: the aftercare. They have to feel wanted, cared for. Even if we have no real emotional connection, this is what we’re here for.

  I look back at Evelynn’s office, and she’s nowhere to be seen. That draws my curiosity, for sure. As good as I am with women, I still can’t quite place what it is she needs.

  And I really, really, really want to know.

  Chapter 5


  “What the fuck do you mean there’s no sex involved? That’s bullshit! I pay good money for these men, and I demand sex!”

  I’m in my office when the ordeal breaks out. It was a quiet night―or rather, an uneventful night―when the screaming started. Whoever it is needed to be regulated, and since I’m the boss, well, I guess I have no choice but to handle it.


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