Femme Metal

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Femme Metal Page 13

by Nathalie Gray

  Sekmeth’s hands resumed their dance on her shoulders then slid lower on her back. Tingles of excitement rushed up her spine.

  “What are you doing?” she asked, heat rising to her cheeks. This looked a lot like an invitation.

  “You know.”

  Ah. So she did.

  When she turned to face him, she noticed he only wore some thin metallic skirt thing glittering at his hips. And he was very, very happy to see her, which wasn’t helping her resolve any.

  Then her gaze settled on his pectoral where her tattoo gleamed inky black. “He let you keep this one?” she asked, regretting she was bringing up the subject again. Good going, woman.

  Sekmeth ran gentle fingers over the fresh ink work, tracing the petals so similar to what was presently throbbing and making her all wet. “If this one was ever removed, it would kill me.”

  Alex wasn’t sure she should trust his tone, which was deadly serious, or the rakish lift of his lip. Before she could ponder it any further, he bent down and kissed her. It didn’t take ten seconds before Alex was wet, horny and ready to throw all doubts through the airlock. His tongue flicked out and grazed her parted lips. She sucked it all in then held it there with her teeth. He grinned, and she released him.

  “There’s something else I want to taste, too,” she said. He raised an eyebrow when she pushed him back against the thermoplastic, taking care not to hurt his injured shoulder, and went right down to his skirt thing. After fiddling with the clasp for a bit, she figured it out and let it drop to the ground. His member bobbed into view, its head a glistening invitation.

  “I do not think it will fit in your mouth, Alexandra Novona.”

  She grinned. “Don’t you worry about that, sir,” she replied, fisting his member and pumping once. That silenced him. He closed his eyes and leaned his head against the clear panes. Around his head, a multicolor halo formed with the bright lights from outside and the force field above the city. His silver hair was full of static and stuck out at the ends.

  Alex went down on one knee, which creaked noisily. A few licks to moisten it then she took the glossy organ in her mouth. Working clockwise with her fist, she pumped slowly while she licked and wrapped her lips around as much as she could take in. With her other hand, she gathered his balls in her palm and squeezed firmly. He hissed something in Yithian.

  “Too hard?”

  He shook his head emphatically.

  Alex spent a while running her hands under and around his shaft while she kept her mouth around the tapered end. A sugary liquid—the Yithian equivalent to pre-come, she surmised—shone near the tip. After sucking it, she wrapped her lips fully around his member and glided almost right down to the base. His breath caught in his throat. She allowed a bit of time for her throat to become used to the fullness then proceeded to give Sekmeth her most vigorous performance ever. With a hand, she countered the rhythm of her mouth while she squeezed and kneaded his testicles. Mouth up, hand down. The silky skin was pulled taut and glistened. Sekmeth groaned.

  Alex stopped and stood. Staring at him, she pulled her top off and her panties down. He reached out to touch her but she batted his hand away. “How do you want me?”

  A feral grin tugged at his lips. With shaking hands, he spun her around and pressed her chest against the thermoplastic while he pulled her hips back toward him.

  “Reach up with yours hands,” he said, caressing her flanks when she did what he asked. Sekmeth stood behind her and spread her legs wide. Planting his feet in between hers, he forced them even wider, until she stood with her legs spread-eagle, her chest against the panes but her butt sticking out toward him.

  “This is how I want you.”

  He made it sound like a request, so Alex nodded then let her head loll back.

  Encircling her waist, Sekmeth reached down toward her mons and slipped his ringed finger inside her. Happy juices made his movement extra sweet and a moan floated out of her throat. The hot pearl was just the best friend a girl could have. Good, good man he was! Within seconds, she came, right in his hand. Waves of pleasure rippled out to her whole body, curled her toes.

  She growled. “Jesus, man, fuck me. Now.”

  As if he’d been waiting for it, he grabbed her hard by the hips, used his thumbs to stretch apart the inside of her thighs and thrust his member into her.

  The force of his entry practically lifted her off her feet. She bit her cheek to stop the cry swelling her chest. Sekmeth pumped into her, deeper, harder than anything she’d ever had. His breath rattled in his chest. He pumped and thrust and writhed, all the while keeping his searing ring crushed against her clit, the warmth of his arm around her waist the sweetest caress.

  “Yesss,” she murmured, when she meant to scream.

  His panting stirred hair in her face, which she pressed against the pane. Her breath steamed up the membrane, made halos of lights from buildings outside while the immensity of space loomed over them. She arched back as far as she could and braced her elbows to receive the full thrust of his ardor. His movement quickened, so did his breathing. Sweat slicked his thighs and hands.

  The inferno built up in her gut again, spread and danced over her skin, butterflies of fire. Another wave hit her, this time Alex couldn’t suppress the moan. A second later, Sekmeth emitted a soft growl before slowing down then stopping altogether. He was panting heavily.

  “Good god, man, whew.” Alex leaned her forehead against the panes while he pulled out of her.

  “Please come and sleep with me,” he said in her ear.

  “Sleep, yeah, right.”

  He chuckled as he retrieved his skirt garment. To her amazement, Alex decided to follow him to his room, something she’d refused earlier in the evening when he’d first offered. How things change after a good lay! Grinning to herself, she entered the bedroom after him and slid the door behind her.

  Sekmeth went to a cube-shaped piece of furniture by his bed and clicked on the corner. A portion of the top flicked open. After retrieving something from the opening, he sat on the bed.

  “You will sleep standing?”

  Alex shook her head as she leaned against the wall opposite the bed. “What’s that?”

  He showed her a clear wand with a ring at one end and a tapered tip at the other. Grinning, he beckoned her to the bed.

  “Sleeping, huh?”

  “You do not have to do this, Alexandra Novona.”

  For reply, she went to stand in front of him and took the wand. “What do you do with it?” she asked, rolling the thing in her hand. As if movement had triggered something, it began to pulse softly then grew warm.

  “Yithians enjoy this with their special partner,” he replied, reverently caressing her scarred knee. “Do you wish to try?”

  How could a girl say no? Alex slapped the pliable wand against her thigh, provoking a feral grin from Sekmeth. “How does it work?”

  He took it back then began to rub it against the inside of her legs, up and down, then in circular motions. Slowly, the thing heated up, the pulsations grew more rapid. A sheen covered it, almost like oil. Yep, there definitely was potential in this thing.

  “Slide the ring down like this,” he said, taking her hands in his and guiding them to his stiff member.

  She threaded the glistening blue rod in the wand. It was a tight fit. “What now?”

  He closed his eyes briefly, took a deep breath then lay on his back, the soles of his feet square on the floor. “Now put it in me.”


  Knowing to speak would kill the moment for him, Alex gritted her teeth and bent the other end of the foot-long wand so it curved inward between his thighs. Sekmeth spread his knees wider, hooked them on either side of hers while he stretched as a cat and let his good arm drop over his head.

  Slowly, Alex angled the tapered end near his anus, careful to do it right. Keeping the middle secured in her fist, she inserted the point into Sekmeth, marveling at the ease with which it slid in. A hiss escaped him.
  She froze. “Did I hurt you?”

  He shook his head, said something in Yithian.

  Continuing her advance, she slid the wand in until the knuckles of her other hand rested against him. A series of images like rapid gunfire flashed in her mind. Sekmeth writhing on the bed while she pumped the wand in him, slid the other end up and down along his member.

  Alex gasped at the intensity of the images. His mental ability to transfer his thoughts still shocked her. But she kept a tight fist over the middle of the wand and began to move it out of him. Slowly at first, she was bolstered by his obvious pleasure. Then she too began to enjoy giving him pleasure this way. She felt powerful, sexy, in control. In and out she thrust the tapered end of the wand into him which glided the ring back and forth along his entire shaft. He arched his back, bunched the sheets in his fists, rolled his head side to side while murmuring in Yithian the whole time. His toes curled up, which made Alex smile. Some things transcended any species. Tremors shook his entire frame. Then he grew still.

  “Thank you, Alexandra Novona,” he whispered.

  Alex gently slid the wand out. Though she knew he’d come, there wasn’t any liquid so she surmised the tight ring had choked it back.

  His member had begun to shrink, so she could pull it out of the ring. Heat flushed her cheeks at what she’d done. When he opened his arms to her, she lay by his side, laying her head on his tattooed chest so she could hear the mad thump of his heart.

  “Do you wish to try?”

  Alex shook her head. “Maybe another time.”

  Sekmeth dug his fingers into her hair and twirled curls around a finger. “Another time.” His breathing slowed, became deep.

  Grinning, she went up on an elbow to watch him sleep. There was nothing she could remember being more beautiful than this. Silver hair fanned out around his head, eyebrows smoothed in peaceful sleep, thin lips curved at the corner in a contented smile. Her gaze was drawn to his chest, where the tattoo he’d done for her gleamed inky black over his heart. Now if she could only let him into her own. Alex sighed.

  Chapter Fourteen

  A beep woke Alex. She bolted upright when she realized where she was. She heard Sekmeth’s voice outside the bedroom door. Gathering the clothes he’d bought her so she didn’t have to walk around in that awful rubber outfit, Alex marched out of the room and happened on Kim as she was coming down the corridor, apparently to get her. Her expression was tight but better than the day before.

  “Drokesh sent Sekmeth a message.” The girl gave Alex a handheld decoder.

  Alex and Kim joined Sekmeth in the living room where he was busily wiping the thermoplastic panes with a cloth. Heat rushed to Alex’s cheeks.

  “Did you read it?” she asked. The message was in Yithian, and though she could scribble a few lines of it in toilet stalls, she couldn’t read it very well.

  He nodded. “Drokesh says we can collect your females at the docking stations at twenty-three standard hours. Our ship has been cleared for take off for the twenty-three-fifteen slot.”

  Oh, it was “our ship”, now was it?

  Alex shook her head. “I don’t like this. Doesn’t smell right.”

  “Drokesh’s a disgusting pig, Cap’n, but I don’t think he’s a backstabber. He never hid what he had in mind. I should know.” Tears came to Kim’s eyes. “We can’t stay here. I want off this place. We have to go with what Drokesh says.”

  A look of sadness flashed across Sekmeth’s face. He nodded. “The little one is right. We all need to be off the Gorgosh before anyone learns of this. And the sooner the better.”

  “Or before Drokesh decides he wants a bigger cut,” Alex muttered under her breath. This plan smelled like days-old shit.

  * * * * *

  “You sure you won’t pass out on me?” Alex asked again. She studied the Yithian and found him too pale for her liking.

  Sekmeth flexed his injured arm. “I should be well enough to get you off this place. Then you will have to take good care of me and abide by my every wish.”

  Kim tried to hide her grin behind a hand but failed miserably.

  “What are you laughing at?” Alex said, crossing her legs and staring out the hovercraft’s porthole.

  She felt exposed and useless without a weapon. But Sekmeth was right, two human females wearing inhibitors and stunners would attract attention. Since she could appreciate why he’d want to keep his transaction private, she’d agreed to go sans stunner. Still, she didn’t have to like it.

  The clothes Sekmeth had bought for them felt so much better compared to the awful stuff escorts were supposed to wear. Slaves, remember, they’re slaves. It wasn’t her old army fatigues, but the blue one-piece suit would have to do.

  They sat in silence the whole way. Buildings flew past in dizzying strips of colors and light. The darkness of space overhead flashed in the porthole when the craft veered tightly down into a large tunnel. Green triangles made of some reflective material indicated the way as Alex craned her neck to see outside. Soon, darkness settled onto the small craft as it descended into the brothel-ship’s underbelly.

  Then the docking stations came into view. Space loomed large there. As their craft zipped by, Alex spotted crews working on ships, loading and unloading cargo. She hoped there wasn’t anyone onboard the Femme Metal. Not that it mattered much. They had Drokesh’s blessing.

  “There,” Sekmeth announced as they slowed near the end of the docking stations.

  Outside, a deserted dock greeted them.

  The Yithian scowled as he scanned left and right before activating the latch. After a puff of steam, it hissed open and he stepped out.

  The Femme Metal dwarfed them, looking like a giant metal flea.

  “Don’t she look happy to see us,” Kim said as she stepped out of the hovercraft.

  Alex came out last, looking left and right. There was nobody there. Not a soul. “Shouldn’t the place be crawling with workers?”

  Sekmeth slung his thin bag over a shoulder. He’d shared with Alex earlier how he doubted he’d ever come back to the Gorgosh. Sekmeth shrugged then something must have caught his keen ears for he turned to his right and pulled a stunner out of his jacket. She hadn’t even known he carried one.

  “Took you long enough,” Ebinay said, coming out from behind cargo crates. She wore an outfit entirely white and glittering with each step. She rushed toward the trio and rubbed her hand over Kim’s hair. “Been stuck here for hours, had to find a place to sit. Good to see you, kid.”

  “I never thought I’d say this, but it’s damn good to see you, woman,” Alex said to Ebinay who winked.

  “So, he’s coming with us, is he?” Ebinay asked, hooking a thumb over her shoulder.

  Alex’s face tightened. “He is.”

  A shrug put Alex’s worries to bed. Ebinay didn’t seem to care either way.

  Annabelle followed, placidity incarnate. “Captain,” she said, her melodious voice a sharp contrast to her massive frame. She wore the clothes she’d had on the Femme Metal. She just nodded to the Yithian and walked by.

  “Let’s, like, get the hell out of here, okay?” Kim said, passing Sekmeth and trying to run-walk toward the ship and retain some dignity.

  He followed with a scowl on his face. Alex and Ebinay reached the ship just as Kim dispatched the lock with barely an eye for it. She hadn’t lost her touch with systems. The hatch hissed and popped then gaped open to reveal complete darkness beyond.

  Kim batted her hands. “Come on, I want off this chunk of metal.”

  They went in, Ebinay checking the dock one last time. Then they closed and sealed the hatch and climbed up to the main deck.

  The Femme Metal smelled nice to Alex as she clambered up the steel ladder and rushed to the bridge. It hadn’t gone too bad, all in all. Maybe Drokesh would keep his word and be content with his disgusting price. She grinned for the first time in days. Things were looking up.

  “We’ll go fire up the computers in the engin
e room,” Ebinay announced before disappearing down the other ladder, Annabelle on her heels.

  Without a word, Sekmeth rushed down the corridor leading to personnel quarters, the bag containing his possessions bouncing against his thigh. Amid the tumult, Alex didn’t ask what he was doing. There’d be time for that later.

  Alex slipped into her seat while Kim leaped over her own to land with her usual precision. She’d discarded the killer heels somewhere between the ladder and the bridge. Her painted toes wriggled like blue-faced worms.

  Sekmeth, back from whatever he had been up to, leaned in close behind her. “Something is not right,” he murmured.

  Alex waved in front of her. “Damn right, we still have to get off the place. Nothing’s done yet.”

  “That is not what I meant—”

  “Shit,” Kim said from the next seat over. She clicked with furious determination on her computer and several systems flickered on. A low whirr could be heard as the generator kicked into life somewhere under them. “She’s rusty, Cap’n. Rusty like an old nail.”

  “The thrusters should be up and running in about two minutes, Cap’n,” Ebinay announced through the comms.

  “I don’t like it either, Sekmeth,” Alex replied, turning to him. “But we don’t have a choice.” Then, turning to Kim, she added, “In case things turn to shit, when it’s time, you give me a nice jump point two inches in front of the prow.”

  The girl rubbed her hands in anticipation.

  More systems checked in, lights and buzzers filled the bridge. Soon, the Femme Metal shook itself into full life.

  A wave of nervous tension tightened Alex’s stomach. “Waiting for clearance.”

  Not even a second after she said it, a sharp command came over the waves. Sekmeth nodded. “They have cleared us. We may proceed.”

  “Release the mooring clamps,” Alex said.

  Kim punched her computer screen. “Ah, shit!”


  Kim clicked, frowned then clicked again. “It won’t release. They probably do it from their end at the tower. That’s too gross. I’ll try to—oh, wait, here we go.”


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