Iron Sinners

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Iron Sinners Page 11

by H. J. Bellus

  She continues to violently shake her head no. “Grizz,” escapes her lips.

  “I’m here. Always, Piper.”

  “They are bad. Gonna kill you—”

  Her words are cut off as she spirals into a seizure that completely takes hold of her whole body. I freeze at the sight. Mayley and Mayor bust into the room. Mayley instantly goes to work on Piper, flipping her over onto her stomach. She screams some orders at us bystanders, and before I know it, they have her loaded in Mayor’s van and are down my lane.

  All I can do is stand and watch them take her away. This time it’s her leaving, walking away, and not looking back. I now understand her pain.

  “I love you, Piper Jones,” I whisper as the white van carrying the love of my life exits my vision.

  Chapter 9


  The last thing I remember is Grizz. He’s always with me and surrounding me. He was coaxing me back to life. Crying, pleading and begging with me. His voice was the one thing I remember. It was him that kept me holding on to that last thread of life.

  “Piper, are you waking up?”

  I recognize that voice but can’t place it. It’s a female. She’s sweet and kind, and well, a little obnoxious. She keeps talking to me, begging me to wake up, but in all honesty there’s only one voice that can talk my eyes into opening. I need him. His voice and his sound and mostly his smells. The woman’s voice just won’t cut it. I drift back to the darkness.


  This time a much deeper voice fills me. It’s one I’ve yearned for, dreamt of, and was born to live for. It’s the voice which makes up all my dreams and nightmares. The one voice that lets me know I can take my next breath just a little easier. It’s my biker, Grizz.

  Still unable to open my eyes, I listen to him to talk. “Piper girl, I’m here. They tell me to talk to you and that it will help you recover. I don’t know what to believe. Shit ain’t settling right with me. They tell me you shot Chrome and tried to escape. I know that you wouldn’t hurt a hair on him, but he’s dead. I buried him behind my house. Just wake up so I can talk to you.”

  My mouth begins to work before I realize what it’s doing, “They’re going to kill you.”

  “Piper, wake up. I’m here.”

  With those words, I realize I was placed here on earth to love Grizz. His deep baritone voice, stubbly face, and foul personality were all created for me. Success, power, and money all fly out the window with the thought of loving him for the rest of my life. We’re both fucked beyond repair and live to hurt each other, but in all reality we each need the other to live a functional life.

  “I love you, Grizz. I’m sorry for what I did.”

  “Shhh, baby. Mayley is going to get the doctor. I know you were just trying to escape. I know. I took it all away and you were trying to leave. Piper, I live for you.”

  I finally open my eyes to see Grizz. “I didn’t escape. I tried to call you for help. Iceman. Animal. Want you dead.”

  Again, my body is unable to produce the right speech. My eyes close again, and I’m unable to open them. I will everything inside me to open my eyes and explain everything to Grizz. My body refuses to function.



  I let the doctor work on Piper. She drifted quickly back into her coma. Dr. Quintana works for the club. We’re at his house, where Piper is safely bedded and receiving the best treatment. Her words keep haunting me over and over. The look in her eyes told the true story of how scared for her life she really is. I feel like a complete ass for answering the phone the way I did when she called for help. I thought it was Animal, and I didn’t need him thinking I was sulking over Piper. In reality, I was laying in a hotel room while Digger fucked a little blonde in the bathroom. I even turned down Kathy at the club when she offered to suck me off.

  I had to leave the cabin before I tore Piper’s fucking head off. Staying there with her to take a fucking bubble bath was just not an option. When Mayor calls, I go, no questions asked. I went to the club to talk shit out with Mayor, but he was fucking tied up with the Northside drug club. Shit’s gone wrong every which way since that night in the alley.

  I find Mayor out on the couch talking to Mayley and Titan. The look on his face is not a good one, but I need his advice more than ever. With a nod of my head, he follows my signal and we both walk outside.

  “What’s the matter, boy?” he asks when we’re in private.

  “Piper’s trying to tell me Animal and Iceman are out for me.”

  “You believe her?”

  His question is a loaded one. He’s testing my loyalty to the club and the desire of my heart. Piper was right about one thing, I’m damn good at walking away. I walked away from my sister the night she was kidnapped, I walked away the night my grandmother died, and I walked away from Piper the other day. I’m done.

  “I do, Mayor. Something isn’t right. Shit’s happening, and I don’t know what it is. Trust me on this.”

  Mayor sits down on a half brick wall, scrubbing his face in deep thought. I can already tell I won’t like the next words he speaks.

  “Boy, you have to let her go. I’m taking her somewhere else. She’s created doubt in you. Tried turning you against the club. I ain’t got time, nor respect for that shit. I know you don’t see eye to eye with Animal or Iceman. You’ve let all this other shit cloud your head. Let it go. Go fuck her out of your system. Get right in the head, boy, then come back.”

  “What if she’s not lying?”

  “And what if she is lying?”

  “I really don’t think she is.”

  “Choose, boy, right fucking now. Your cut or her.” Mayor grabs me by the throat and throws me up against the wall, “Your motherfucking cut that has had your back the last eight years or that dying cunt on the bed. Choose now.”

  Digger immediately comes between us.

  “The choice is yours, Grizz. Step up or leave,” Mayor yells again.

  Like a pussy, I reply, “My cut.”

  Heading for my bike, I never look back to the house or Piper. I have to leave, ride and clear my mind. He was right about one thing, I have to let her go.



  “You look hot, little momma,” Mayley chants as I make my way from the bathroom.

  It’s been a little over two weeks since the attack. The wound on my forehead is still very apparent. It required twenty-two stitches. The intense swelling has finally faded away, but the bruising still masks the entire area around my scar. A four-inch scar will forever cover my forehead. Mayley has promised me with certain creams and lotions the scar will fade in time.

  I’m staying with Titan and Mayley at her little apartment in town. They are the only two people I have seen since leaving the doctor’s house. Mayor visited me the day I left the doctor’s house, explaining Grizz’s worries and the choice he made that day.

  Dreams are made to be broken, and Grizz is just one more example. I try to keep him from my thoughts, but find it difficult when everything I own reminds me of him. The man sneaks into every one of my thoughts and dreams.

  “You’re wearing those things again?” Mayley asks.

  “They’re my favorite,” I say, shrugging my shoulders.

  “You still wearing his boxers, too?”


  I join Mayley on my bed and get ready for her sure fire lecture on loving a biker.

  “You can’t help who your heart loves, Piper.”

  “No, but I can help who breaks it. I’m never again having sex, feeling emotions for another man, and definitely never falling in love with a man’s dog again. I still can’t believe Grizz believes their story. I can’t remember everything that happened, but I do know I didn’t shoot Chrome.” I barely get it all out before I cry.

  I haven’t cried for Chrome or the loss of Grizz and Digger. The dam of sorrow finally breaks within me and I relive every ounce of the pain.

  “I know you didn’t shoot Chr

  “I wish I could remember why I went out into the living room. All I remember is HAVING to get out in the living room, but for what?”

  “I know I’ve suggested it before, but insulin?”

  “No, Grizz had me set all up with that fridge in my room.”

  “But your levels were off the charts, babe.”

  “It wasn’t insulin. It just wasn’t.”

  “Piper, don’t be so hard on yourself. It will come to you, just give it time,” Mayley whispers and wraps me up in her arms.

  “I wish you were him. I still love him. Why didn’t he believe me?”

  “Bikers are weird creatures. Deep down, I do believe he did believe you and is still fighting to be with you, Piper. But he’s doing it his way. You have to figure out if you trust him enough.”

  “Thoughts like that are the kinds that get princesses killed in fairy tales.”

  “God, you’re a morbid bitch. Let’s go order pizza and watch Friends.”

  “Titan, won’t mind?” I ask, knowing that he’s home for the rest of the evening.

  “Does the fucker have a choice?” She giggles.

  Titan orders pizza for us, then sits back while we dominate the TV and enjoy ourselves. We laugh, throw food at each other, and even end up punching each other until one of us make up the ‘trust’ rule. Whoever hollers trust basically freezes the game for a few minutes. Juvenile at best, but it sure entertains us and frees my mind from Grizz for a few happy hours. Titan keeps shaking his head when we slug each other.

  “Damn, you bitches are mean,” he finally growls.

  A knock at the door silences all of us. Titan signals us to go to my room. Before we have a chance to move, a voice comes booming through the door. “Let me in.”

  My heart sinks at the tone of the voice. It’s Grizz. Titan immediately strides across the room, opening the door without any hesitation. Grizz steps in with Digger on his heels. The two men look tired and filthy. They both have the starts of very thick beards and unkempt hair. I try to avoid looking at him, but only find myself staring harder. Everything inside me wants to run to him. Be with him. Slap the fucker, and then jump into his arms.

  I feel as naked as I did the day the newscast was aired in front of the whole club. This man has stripped me down, pulled away the hard exterior life built around me, and has left just me, Piper Jones. The new Piper with no mission, goals, or dreams to achieve. Instead she only holds a broken heart in her empty hands.

  Grizz makes eye contact with me, takes two steps towards me before stopping. He whispers, “I’m sorry for everything.”

  He then turns his back, strides over to the dining room table and sits with his back turned to me.

  “Room now, Mayley,” Titan barks out.

  He leaves no room for arguing. Mayley clearly understands the demand, grabs me by the arm, and starts dragging me towards my room.

  I’m sorry is all I get from the motherfucker who destroyed my career, my life, and now me. The asshole who showed me how much we could have and then walks away from it.

  Planting my feet into the carpet, I turn back towards the men in the dining room. “That’s all I get, you motherfucker? Yeah, Grizz, I’m talking to you. I know you hear me. You may have your back turned on me, but you listen to me, motherfucker. You’re damn good at walking away. You walk away from everything worth having in your life. I hope you get used to it and this fucking club, who is going to kill you, so I just hope it gives you everything you want in life. You had a choice to save me, make up for your sister’s death, but you walked the fuck away. Mayor told me everything. You left me; you didn’t believe me.”

  Grizz flies out of his chair, storming in my direction. I can hear the voices of the others surrounding us, yelling and screaming warnings. He reaches me, grabs me by the throat, throws me against the wall, and then pins me to it with his large body.

  I don’t let his temper intimidate me, I keep going. “You’re a fucking coward.”

  “You have no clue what you’re talking about,” he growls.

  At the sound of his voice, the proximity of his body and his smell, everything comes back to me and suddenly I remember it all. Immediately, I start slamming his shoulders.

  “I remember. I remember, Mayley. I remember it all,” I begin to scream.

  Grizz doesn’t ease up on me, instead he keeps his whole body pressed against mine. Through it all, he never physically hurt me. If anything, I can sense his need and want for me, but I am damned and determined to keep that door shut.

  “Get off her,” Mayley squeals.

  “Back the fuck off,” Titan says.

  I see the tip of Digger’s head over Grizz’s shoulder and then watch as he grabs him by the arms, peeling him away from me.

  “Sit,” Titan demands, pointing at the couch.

  “And you, sit.” Titan points at me.

  “You two will not touch each other again. I don’t know the whole story, but calm the fuck down, both of you. Now, Piper, tell us what you remember,” Titan instructs.

  Mayley joins me in an over-sized ottoman chair, while Digger leans up on the counter, Titan remains standing between Grizz and I.

  “Not that it matters, because I know Grizz doesn’t believe me. Mayor told me so. He asked me to remain quiet until my release and to never talk to Grizz again.”

  “Fuck,” Grizz yells, as he slams his fists into the coffee table, sending splinters sailing in all directions.

  “Grizz, calm the fuck down,” Digger yells.

  Titan nods his head at me, signaling me to go on. “The night Grizz and Digger left me, I overheard Animal and Iceman talking about their plan to take over the club. Animal wants to be president of Iron Sinners. They’re working with the Devils. They told the Devils that Grizz shot those men in the alley. They’re feeding them all sorts of inside information. They’re going to kill you, Grizz, and deliver me to the Devils. They went on about their plan to take out Mayor without the rest of the Sinners knowing. That’s when I snuck back to my room. I waited for the right time to go out in the living room to find some sort of communication. I found a phone on the counter. The first number I dialed, a Devil answered, and then the second was you, Grizz, while you were fucking someone. Then the battery died. I went back out to the living room, found another phone, dashed for it, and that’s when Iceman pushed me down and everything went black.”

  The room falls silent as the last words leave my mouth. My heart finally feels whole, knowing I just shared my story. The truth is out and Grizz can choose me or his club.

  “Oh my god!” I shriek.

  “What’s wrong?” Digger asks, jumping to my side.

  “I just remembered there were club whores there, sucking the guys. Kathy and another one. Ask them, if you don’t believe me. Ask them. I didn’t shoot Chrome—” I try to finish, as fucking tears start to flow and my words become more muffled.

  “It’s okay, Piper, stop. You don’t need to say anymore,” Mayley says.

  Through my tears and sobs, I say my final words to Grizz. “No, I do.”

  I stand up and face Grizz. “You may think that you kidnapped me that night in the alley, but you didn’t—in fact, you saved me. I hated you for making me realize how horrible and worthless my life was. I hated you for that until you made me fall in love with you. I love you, Grizz. I want it all with you, even now after all the hell you’ve put me through. It frustrates me to no end that I can love a guy who has brought out all my insecurities and taken away all my powers, but it’s simple. I love you and want you to promise me forever. I don’t care if you believe my story or not, Grizz, just know one thing, you will always be loved by me even if I can’t have you.”

  With my last words, I turn from the crowd and head for my room. Mayley tries to follow me, but I shake my head no. I need to be alone and truly digest all the words I just said. For the first time in my life, I spoke from my heart. I didn’t allow greedy thoughts or success to mar my view.

sp; ***


  Piper’s word cut me. The death of my family members, prison time, and killing haven’t ever touched or threatened to hurt me as much as her words just did. The woman loves me. The simple truth is I love her too, but might not have enough courage to do the right thing.

  “I fucking knew it,” Digger yells after Piper retreats to her room.

  “Those bastards. What do we do?” Titan asks.

  “We can’t go to Mayor—those assholes have him blinded,” Digger says.

  “We kill them,” falls out of my mouth. “We kill them before they get to Piper.”

  “Grizz,” Titan warns.

  “It’s the only option,” I reply.

  “Dude, she just fucked with your head.”

  “They have to die,” I mumble again.

  Rising to my feet, I know it’s the wrong thing to do, but the only place I want to be. I knock on Piper’s door, not surprised to find no answer.

  “Piper, let me in.”

  I hear her crying grow louder, but no sounds of movement.

  “Are you going to make me rip down another motherfucking door?”

  Moments go by, when I hear the unlatching of the lock. She doesn’t open the door. I take a deep breath and open the door. Piper has made her way back to the bed and has her face buried in the pillows, crying.

  “I need to shower.”

  I strip off my clothes before her. Even though she’s not looking, it does my heart good to know that once again I can be with her. As selfish as it may seem, I need her right now before I make the biggest move of my life. Piper doesn’t acknowledge me, and for that I don’t blame her.

  I climb into the hot shower and relax for the first time since leaving Piper at doc’s house. I’ve been hell bent on the road to find the truth. Piper just confirmed every single one of my suspicions. Iceman and Animal are snitches hell bent on taking down Mayor and all the other loyal members, with me on the top of their list. All they need is Piper to finalize their plan. They’re banking on her reward money to finish off their plans, but if my gut instinct is correct, they’re going to get the reward money, kill Piper, and then finish with the long list of other members.


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