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Strike Page 9

by Jennifer Ryder

  “I have a past. It’s not exactly something I’m proud of.” Not since meeting you. Yeah, I used to brag about my sexcapades, but it’s not like I didn’t know I was using girls. I have a conscience buried somewhere.

  “Who told you?” I ask as I fill both our glasses.


  At least Aidan didn’t open his mouth. “What did she say?”

  “She said Aidan doesn’t like you around her, especially after something you said about sharing.”

  Great. Aidan doesn’t trust me.

  A couple of years ago, if I’d had the opportunity to talk to Eevie again I might have tried to talk her around. She’s smart, funny and a natural beauty, much like April, but she’s no April. I want April.

  “I have some boundaries. I’m not a total arsehole. Aidan is my teammate. I just tried to rile him up. It was the first time I’d met her. Aidan was so over-the-top protective it wasn’t funny. He’s married now, with kids. I wouldn’t do anything to ruin that.”

  “Why not try for something? Why one one-night stand after another?”

  “You know it wasn’t all one-sided. Sometimes I was just treated as a ‘pretty face’. I was a novelty. It became a habit and people expected it from me. But in all honesty, I haven’t wanted to try for something … until you. You changed that, and made me want something … more.”

  “Is it because I haven’t slept with you yet?”


  “I’d prefer it.”

  “Maybe. But as much as I’m crawling out of my own skin wanting to, in a way it’s good we haven’t. You are the kick in the arse I needed. It was no life and I’m tired of it, but I don’t know any other way. It’s a lonely business, and when everyone around you is settling down and having kids, it’s scary as shit when you don’t know the first fucking thing about dating. Getting to know you … for the first time, I see a future with someone.”

  “Really? You see that with me?” She grips my hand and I squeeze back.

  “Yes, April. But you’re gonna have to make some allowances for me, because I really have no clue how ‘dating’ works.”

  “Have you had any kind of long-term thing?”

  “Not since college. It lasted about three months.”

  “What was she like?” Lisa. A wolf in sheep’s clothing.

  “She was nice. Just a regular girl. Attractive, intelligent, but —”

  “What happened?” she says in a tone that implies it was me who ended things.

  “She got trashed at a party and slept with a mate.”

  “Oh,” April says, her mouth forming an O.

  “Yeah. Oh.”

  “Hurts, doesn’t it?”

  “Yeah, it did. I was just pissed I didn’t see it coming. Apparently they’d had a thing before we’d gotten together, but neither of them told me about it. I didn’t find out what happened at the party straight away. They both tried to pretend they were innocent, but I knew something was up. They were weird around each other, around me. When I asked Lisa about it, she told me she’d slept with some random guy, but I didn’t believe her. I confronted my mate, and when he admitted it I beat the crap out of him.”

  “Did you love her?”

  “No.” I’m pretty sure I would have known if I did. I’ve never been in love, and hadn’t put myself in a position since where that might happen. The way people carry on about love, his or her ‘other half’, it’s as if you can’t breathe without that someone. I’ve never had anything remotely like that. Lisa and I were young. And I was dumb. “After that I wasn’t interested in a relationship.”

  “Yeah, I get that. Anyway, enough. Tell me about your very first kiss.”


  * APRIL *

  A cheeky smile spreads across his face. “I started young,” Spencer says, running one hand up the inside of my leg from my ankle to my knee.

  I try and pretend, that even though I’m still kind of annoyed at him, that his touch doesn’t send a shiver through me, making me all hot and needy. By the look on his face, he’s noticed.

  “How young? Kindergarten?”

  “Ha, give me some credit. Third grade, but it wasn’t your run-of-the-mill kiss.”

  I giggle. “Don’t tell me you French-kissed in third grade? No wonder you kiss so good. You’ve had nearly two decades of practice.”

  “I kiss good, huh?” Spencer smirks. He sits his glass down on the table and leans his chest into my knees.

  “Yeah. Don’t get a big head, but you’re a pretty fucking good kisser.” I run my tongue over my bottom lip and watch his smirk turn into a heart-stopping smile that has me squirming.

  “Why wasn’t it a run-of-the-mill kiss?”

  “Because there were three of us.”

  “Of course there were.”

  “I took turns between two girls, but there was no French kissing.”

  I shake my head, and a giggle bursts from my mouth. “Come on. Show me how you kissed.”

  Spencer pulls my legs into his lap, and slides my body along the couch. He swings his leg over me and I wriggle beneath him, his chest hard against my boobs.

  He pecks me, ever so briefly on the lips, his mouth glued shut. “Do it again,” I whisper. I laugh against his mouth this time, and he pulls away and chuckles.

  “A regular Casanova,” I say and smile. I run my hand through his blond hair, tempted to tug on it.

  “Yeah. Has ‘em swooning every time. What about your first kiss?”

  Certainly not that exciting.

  “Ha. I think boys were scared of me. Mac would drop me off most days, and any boy that came near me he’d burn holes through. Maybe that’s why it took until seventh grade. When I started taking the bus.”

  “How was it?”

  “Horrid. I went behind the science block with … Toby, I think his name was. The kiss was all tongue and slobber. My dog could’ve kissed better.”

  “I won’t ask you to replicate it then.”

  “Good idea. Hey, Spencer …?”


  “Why don’t you kiss me … like you did that first night?”

  He grins with the challenge, and leans in close. “Did you like it?”

  “I texted you, didn’t I?”

  The smile that spreads across his face, is smug as anything. Arse. Spencer lifts my legs, and swings them off the couch. He gets up and takes both my hands, pulling me to my feet.

  “Where are we going?”

  “Come on, beautiful. We need to be standing for the full effect.”

  Spencer leads me to the nearest wall and pushes me up against it, pinning me in place with his warm body. He presses his lips softly against mine and then tugs at my bottom lip before his hot tongue melts into my mouth, traces of red wine adding to the sweetness. His kiss grows from soft to more urgent and my knees jitter, warning me they’re ready to buckle.

  He pulls away, just like I imagine I did.

  His sapphire-blue eyes zero in, and he rests his forehead against mine. “Tell me what you want, April. How can I prove myself to you? Name it.”

  I slide my hand under his shirt, over the firm lines of his toned torso. My eyes are desperate to feast on his naked body, so, so bad. But not until I know he’s in this for real.

  Spencer’s whole body shudders when I rest my hand over his thumping heart.

  “What I want is in here, Spencer. I’ve never known Jones. But I’m beginning to think I know Spencer. That first night, you were Spencer and I liked him, a lot. Almost enough to take him home and do naughty things to him, but—”

  “You wanted to do ‘naughty things’ to me?” Spencer interrupts.

  “Yeah, I did, but as I was trying to say, this ‘Jones’ guy, he’s got some work to do. He’s gotta prove to me I’m not disposable. I … I can’t be treated like that again.”

  He frowns, a deep line forming between his brows. “Okay,” he says, his focus shifting to the photo frame beside me on the wall. It holds his attention f
or a little too long. I wonder if he’s trying to figure out how to prove it to me.

  “Are you working every day this week?” I ask.

  He looks down at me, and runs his index finger softly over my jaw. “Yeah, I’ve got some time to make up, and I need to fit in the gym as well.”

  “I’ve got a pretty easy week. How about you come over tomorrow night when you finish work, and I’ll cook us dinner? We’ll hang out, talk, and watch a movie or something. Spend some time with me.”

  “’Kay. You’ve twisted my arm.” He smirks and then leans in, his hot breath creating a trail of treacherous goosebumps over my body as he nibbles at my neck. “You gonna let me stay a night, then?” he whispers into my ear. He positions his head back in front of me, so I get to experience the full effect of his puppy-dog eyes begging me to say yes.

  “Sure, but just to snuggle.”

  His genuine smile assures me he’ll do just that. Whether I’ll be able to handle just snuggling is another question entirely.

  “If it’s not too much trouble, can I stay tonight? With the beer with dinner, and the wine, I’ve probably drunk more than I should. I could take a taxi, but I’ll need my car tomorrow. I’ve got a full schedule and have to be in early.”

  Am I ready for tonight? Is it too soon? What’s the difference? We’re not sleeping together … yet. He’s got work to do before we’re in that place. Let’s see if he’s ready to put the whole “snuggling” thing to the test.

  “Sure. Come on. I’ll get you a shirt to wear to bed.” I tug him down the hallway, towards my room.

  “But I always sleep in the nude,” he informs me. Instantly, the picture of a proud, gloriously naked Spencer is in my head. Crap.

  “Not if you wanna sleep in my bed. You have to at least wear whatever you’ve got on under those jeans, and one of my over-sized T-shirts, or else you sleep on the couch.” I hope he’s not going commando, because he might hold me to what I just said.

  “Deal. As long as it’s not pink. I have my pride.”

  “You’ll wear what I give you, and you’ll like it.” I put my hands on my hips to let him know I’m not messing around. I should pick out a pink one, just because I can. I bet he’d wear it too.

  Spencer clears his throat, but I can tell he wants to laugh his arse off. He knows I’m the one calling the shots. Can’t say I don’t love it.

  “Whatever you say, beautiful,” he says. He sits on the edge of my bed, and takes off his shoes.

  I dig through my wardrobe, and take out a powder blue T-shirt. I think I bought it overseas, because it’s got some imported beer logo on it. I usually wear it to bed because it’s so damn comfy. It’s more like a nighty than a T-shirt, so it should fit him.

  I throw it at him, and he holds it up. He nods, and then starts unbuttoning his shirt. I snap my head back around to stare in my wardrobe. I do not need the visual of his naked chest. Not if I’m sticking to snuggling.

  I pull out a black singlet top, and some blue three-quarter length pyjama bottoms. On a mission, I rush out of the room to get changed in the bathroom. I wash my face and brush my teeth.

  When I return, Spencer has my T-shirt on, but he’s under the covers. His jeans and shirt are folded neatly over my chair.

  “You know that grin on your face is ridiculous,” I say, slipping under the freshly washed sheets to face him. I hadn’t changed them thinking I’d have company tonight, but I’m glad I did.

  He waggles his eyebrows. “Ridiculously pretty?”

  I roll my eyes back into my head. “Yeah. Something like that.”

  “Are you gonna kiss me goodnight?” Spencer says, his fingers crisscrossing between mine.

  “I’ve got a better idea. Do you wanna make out like teenagers?” I press my lips together tight, and hope he doesn’t think I’m backward for suggesting it.

  “Hell yeah,” he says. His lips brush over mine, but I pull away. I don’t want him to think it’s an open ticket to sex.

  “And then we snuggle,” I warn.

  “Yes, April. Then we snuggle.”

  “And then we sleep. Okay?”

  “Yes, April. Then we sleep.”

  “Do you snore?”

  “Of course not,” he scoffs.

  “Mmm. I’ll be the judge of that.”



  It’s time to stop. I could do this all night—exploring April’s sweet mouth, every lick, every stroke of our tongues—but my dick can’t handle it. He’s a cranky fuck, and he knows what he wants. He’s just not getting it. And he won’t until I can show April that I can be the man she deserves.

  April makes one of her cute little moans into my mouth, reminding me of when she came the other night. God damn.

  “We’d better stop, April.”

  “Yeah, I think you’re right. Mmm, that was hot.” She runs her fingers over her now swollen lips. Yeah, I guess I ravished the hell out her.

  I breathe out loudly, trying to calm down my racing heart. “Do you want me to kiss you goodnight?” I ask, and smirk at her.

  She laughs, and runs her hand through my hair. “I think we just about covered that, Spencer.”

  “Just one more.”

  “Okay then, make it quick.”

  Third-grade Spencer works his magic with a quick stone-mouth peck to her lips that barely even makes that ‘kiss’ noise.

  April laughs softly, and squeezes me into a hug. “No wonder there was two of them fighting over you.”



  I don’t know how I stopped myself from groping her in my sleep. Small fucking miracle. At least I don’t think I did. I’d made her snuggle up to me, spoon-like, because I was pretty damn sure I didn’t trust myself to spoon her. Snuggling is all fun and games until someone gets a boner. Waking up with my morning glory perched against April’s firm arse, pyjamas or no pyjamas, would have driven me to the point of despair.

  Sitting dressed on the edge of her bed, I watch April, if only for moment. She’s so peaceful. So perfect. It’s a shame to wake her, but I could never leave without saying goodbye.

  “Hey … I’ve gotta go,” I whisper, tucking her unruly bed hair behind her ear. Even all mussed up she’s adorable.

  April stretches out her legs, and yawns as her eyelids flutter open. “What time is it?” she asks, her voice croaky. She rubs her eyes and stretches her arms above her head, giving me a first-class viewing of her hard nipples beneath her singlet. Damn, she’s not wearing a bra. Why didn’t I pick up on that last night? Actually, it’s fucking lucky I didn’t.

  “It’s a bit after five.”

  April leans up on her elbows, and stretches her neck back, pushing her tits out to me. Fuck. I’ve gotta get out of here before my hands take over and I maul her senseless.

  “Do you want me to make you something for breakfast?” she asks, blinking her long lashes at me as she wakes up that little bit more.

  “No. Thanks, though. I’ve got a breakfast meeting, so it’s covered. You go back to sleep. No point both of us being up this bloody early.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yeah. I’ll see you tonight, April.”

  “I’m glad you came over,” she says, and my heart does this funny little dance in my chest. I’m getting somewhere with her. I just wish this day would hurry the fuck up and be over with so I can be right back here. Where I wanna be.

  “Me too. Thanks for letting me stay.”

  “No problem. Maybe you should bring some things … you know, work clothes, save you some time in the mornings.”

  “Are you saying I can stay here more than one night then?”

  “You behaved last night, so I can’t see why not. That’s if you wanna stay.”

  I roll my eyes. As if I wouldn’t want to. I’d consider giving up my left nut for another chance. “I’ll see you tonight … and I’ll bring stuff.” I kiss her softly, and tuck the covers under her chin. I don’t need a hard-on at breakfast, and thos
e perky please-take-me-in-your-mouth nipples are still toying with my mind.

  “See ya,” she whispers.


  This time, I walk out of April’s apartment without any reservations.


  * APRIL *

  After Spencer left I couldn’t get back to sleep. I’d woken up horny as hell, desperately wanting to go back to my sexy dream. In the dream, Spencer was going down on me, and I swear if he didn’t wake me up to leave I would have come in my sleep. I’d lain in bed for what felt like hours after he left, but the ache between my legs hadn’t waned. I’d thought about making myself come about a hundred times, but I’d guessed that Spencer probably didn’t have time to do it, rushing off to work, so I thought I’d hold off. If he didn’t do it, then neither would I. I thought about texting him and asking him if he jerked off this morning, but thought that might move us into territory I wasn’t sure I was ready for. But if he were going to be spending more time here, it wouldn’t be long before we were there.

  I thought about Spencer when I made my breakfast. I thought about him while I was in the shower. When I brushed my teeth. Getting dressed. Especially when getting dressed. Ah!

  My T-shirt that he’d worn last night was neatly folded on the end of the bed. Unable to stop myself, I pick it up and smell it. Fuck. His aftershave might as well be pure pheromones. It smells like him, and that deep ache between my legs is back with a vengeance.

  I look to the clock. Just after eight-thirty. I smell the shirt again, taking it deep into my lungs.

  Fuck, this is gonna be a long day.




  Her text is enough to cause an urgent rush of blood to my pants. Thank Christ I have all of today’s meetings out of the way, and am confined to the walls of my corner office until the end of the day. I have some reporting to finalise and a few calls to make, and then I’m getting the fuck out of here.

  I knew I should have jerked off in the shower this morning, but I didn’t want to be rushed. When I do it, I wanna think about April … touching her sweet body, having her hands and mouth all over me, not checking the clock giving myself a deadline to come. There’s no fun or satisfaction in that.


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