and animal instinct
and faith in Christ
human infant’s linking of ideas
Hume on
and rejection of religion
rules moral sense
Unitarian faith in
Recollection, distinguishing between memory and
Regal Pocket Book, The
Regent’s Park
Registrar of Births, Deaths and Marriages
CD’s beliefs
CD’s growing dislike of established religion
at Down
Emma’s beliefs in
and science
“Researchers into the Natural History of Limpets” (Bulwer-Lytton)
Responsibility in Mental Disease (Darwin)
Restraint, conflict between aggression and
Rich, Mary
Richmond, George
Richter, Jean Paul Friedrich
Rio de Janeiro
Riot Act
Ritchie, Anny Thackeray on death of Darwin
Robertson, Frederick William
Robertson, George Croom
Ross, Sir James, expedition to Antarctic
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques
on chimpanzees and orang-utans
Royal Botanic Gardens
Royal Brompton Hospital
Royal College of Physicians, Maudsley’s lectures at
Royal College of Surgeons
museum of
Royal Infirmary (Edinburgh)
Royal Institution, lecture by Huxley at
Rugby School
Ruskin, John
Stones of Venice
St. Anne’s Well
St. James Square, London library in
St. Pancras New Church
Sal volatile
Sandwalk at Down House
Sartor Resartus (Carlyle)
and civilisation
the Fuegians
and hunting
and man’s place in nature
mental powers
nation of the weak
similarity of minds with the civilised
Scarlet fever
Scenes of Clerical Life (Eliot)
CD’s perennial interest
the imaginative approach
knowledge and understanding
poetry and
and religion
Scott, Alexander John
Scott, Susy
Scriptual Revelation
Sedgwick, Adam
field trip to North Wales
geological expedition to Wales
as president of Geological Society of London
Settlers in Canada, The (Marryat)
Severn Vale
Sévigné, Madame de
Sewell, Elizabeth, The Earl’s Daughter
Sexual reproduction
Shallow bath
Shared ancestry
Shaw, George Bernard
Shell collection
Shelley, Percy Bysshe, “Ode to Liberty,”
Silas Marner (Eliot)
Singing of birds
Sismondi, Jessie (1777-1853)
correspondence with Emma
death of husband
recommendations on hiring governess
religious beliefs of
CD’s attitude
Josiah Wedgwood I and
and man’s place in nature
slaves as a separate kind of being
Smith, Andrew, Illustrations of the Zoology of South Africa
“Social Darwinism,”
Social instincts, Darwin on
Social precedence
Social virtues, Hume on
Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge
Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
Soul, her Sorrows and her Aspirations, The (Newman)
Soul, the
South America
CD’s book completed
CD’s theory on the raising of
HMS Beagle surveys the coast
Souvenirs entomologiques (Fabre)
creation of new
the difficulties of distinguishing
extraordinary variety
and flora of islands
Galapagos Islands
natural theology views as fixed
origin of. See Origin of species
shared ancestry
transmutation of
Spectator, on The White Babies
Speech, as distinction between humans and other mammals
Spencer, Herbert
Spinal wash
Spiritual Anthenaeum, formation of
Wedgworth factory in
Sterling, John
Stones of Venice (Ruskin)
Stories for Sunday Afternoons
Straits of Magellan
Suffering, Darwin on
Sulivan, Bartholomew
Sun pictures
Survival of the fittest, Darwin on
Sussex, beaches of
Swainson, William
Sweating by the lamp
Syme, Patrick
Werner’s Nomenclature of Colours
Symonds, William
Old Stones
Syms Covington
Darwin’s visit to
shells collected and listed with
System of Nature (Linnaeus)
Tagart, James
Taine, Hippolyte
On Intelligence
Tait, Dean
CD’s barnacles
evolutionary understanding of taxonomic relations
importance for natural historians
mankind put in a taxonomic order of its own Owen’s sleight of hand
Tayler, John James
Taylor, Ann
Hymns for Infant Minds
poetry of
Taylor, Jane
Hymns for Infant Minds
poetry of
Taylor, John James, Christian Aspects of Faith and Duty
Tenby, a Sea-side Holiday (Gosse)
Tennyson, Alfred
In Memoriam
Thackeray, Jane
Thackeray, Minnie, birth of
Thackeray, William Makepeace
Theological view of theory
Thomson, Dr., return from India
Thorley, Catherine (governess)
Annie’s death and final illness and
concerns for Annie
correspondence with Emma over Annie
in Malvern
stay with mother following Annie’s death
trip to Ramsgate with Annie and Etty by
visit to Knole
visit with Annie to London
Thorley, Sarah, Annie’s letter to
Three Weeks in Wet Sheets, Being the Diary and Doings of a Moist Visitor to Malvern (Leech)
Tierra del Fuego
and CD’s theory of evolution
and recovery from grief
Times, The
Tollet, Ellen
Tommy (chimpanzee), exhibit of, at Zoological Gardens
Traveller’s joy
Treatise of Human Nature (Hume)
Treatise on Education (Locke)
/> Treatise on Pulmonary Consumption (Clark)
Trent and Mersey Canal
Tubercular disease
Tubercular meningitis
Annie and
cause of
diagnosis seen as a death sentence
Dickens describes slow onset of
Koch first identifies the bacillus
little understood
and a marriage of first cousins
no effective cure at the time of Annie’s death
patients in denial
in Potteries
spreading again
Sterling’s death from
Tommy’s death from
widespread fear of
Tuberculosis peritonitis
Tulliver, Maggie, The Mill on the Floss
Unitarian Chapel
Unitarian Christianity
Unitarian Creed
and the “First Cause,”
seen as a machine
University College
University College Hospital
Liston’s medical practices at
Ussher, Archbishop
Variation of Animals and Plants Under Domestication, The (Darwin)
Vestiges of the National History of Creation (Chambers)
Victoria, Queen of England
death of Prince Albert and
Henry Holland as Physician Extraordinary to
on the hippopotamus
as princess
treatment of animals and
View of the Scripture Revelations Concerning a Future State, A (Whately)
Vivian Grey (Disraeli)
Voyage of the Beagle, The (Darwin)
Wales, geological expedition to
Wallace, Alfred Russel
belief in spiritualism
correspondence with Darwin
on natural selection
reading of paper to Anthropological Society
Waring, Anne
Waste Land, The (Eliot)
Water Babies, The (Kinglsey)
Water Cure in Chronic Disease, The (Gully)
Water treatment. See Hydrotherapy
Wedgwood, Alfred (Annie’s first cousin)
Wedgwood, Allen
Wedgwood, Amy (Annie’s first cousin)
Wedgwood, Caroline. See Darwin, Caroline
Wedgwood, Cecily (Annie’s first cousin)
Wedgwood, Clement (Annie’s first cousin)
Wedgwood, Elizabeth (Bessy) (née Allen, Emma’s mother)
Annie’s death and
and CD’s second daughter
dementia in
letter to Aunt Fanny on birth of Horace
spinal deformity in
Wedgwood, Elizabeth (Emma’s eldest sister)
Annie’s death and
birth of Annie and
birth of William Erasmus and
and CD’s fifth son
on death of Caroline’s baby
spinal deformity
Wedgwood, Emma. See Darwin, Emma
Wedgwood, Ernest (Ernie; Annie’s first cousin)
visits with Annie
visit to Down House
watercolour of
Wedgwood, Fanny (Emma’s sister)
Wedgwood, Fanny (née Mackintosh; Hensleigh’s wife)
at Annie’s funeral
on Annie’s personality
lobbies for Mazzini
in Malvern
Wedgwood, Francis (Frank; son of Josiah II; Emma’s elder brother)
Annie’s visits to
management of Wedgwood works by
on Sophy
Wedgwood, Henry (Harry; Emma’s brother), The Bird Talisman
Wedgwood, Hensleigh (son of Josiah II, Emma’s elder brother)
at Annie’s funeral
and Erasmus Alvey Darwin
and Fanny’s lobbying for Mazzini
home in Chester Terrace
home in Upper Gower Street
as a man of letters
social life
Wedgwood, Hope (Annie’s first cousin)
Wedgwood, James (“Bro”; Annie’s first cousin)
visit to Down House
Wedgwood, Josiah I (Emma’s grandfather)
anti-slavery medallion of
as member of the Committee for the Abolition of the Slave Trade
Wedgwood, Josiah II (Jos; Emma’s father)
Annie’s death and
management of Wedgwood works and
testimony on child labor to parliamentary committee
visit of Annie and family with
visits of Darwin to
Wedgwood, Josiah III (Joe; Emma’s eldest brother)
at Leith Hill Place
loss of a child
sells his shares in the Wedgwood partnership to Francis
Sophy’s christening
Wedgwood, Josiah IV,
Wedgwood, Julia (“Snow”; Annie’s cousin)
Charles’ last days and
essays written by
on séances
visit to Down House
writing by
Wedgwood, Katherine Euphemia (1839-1934) (Effie; Annie’s first cousin)
Emma’s gift of Annie’s embroidery case to
visits with
visits with Annie
Wedgwood, Lucy (Annie’s first cousin) reading instruction for
Wedgwood, Margaret (Greata) (later Vaughan Williams; Annie’s first cousin)
Annie’s friendship with
Annie’s visits to
mention of, in Annie’s diary
reading instruction for
Creation Page 47