Schooled: The Mastered Series

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Schooled: The Mastered Series Page 9

by Lorelei James

  “Stay still, because you wouldn’t want to jerk your hands too much and send your laptop crashing to the floor.”

  “The cord is still attached?”

  “Yep.” When he pressed his bare chest to her back, he growled at the feel of her bound hands digging into his abdomen. There was nothing in the world like having this woman so hot for him and writhing beneath him. He traced the outer rim of her ear with his tongue, pleased when a shudder worked through her. “Let’s see how well you can hold a charge.” He turned on the vibrator. Right next to her ear.

  “Oh god, Ronin, no.”

  “Oh, my sweet wife, yes. I’m gonna torture you a bit. I know how crazy it makes you when I do this.” He sank his teeth into the section of skin where the back of her neck met her shoulder.

  Amery bucked and arched.

  “Ah ah ah. None of that. You have to stay still because I do have you on a short leash today.”

  “You bastard.”

  He laughed. “Keep it up, sassy mouth, and I’ll add to your punishment.”

  “Punishment? What the hell? I didn’t do anything!”

  “Really? Making plans when I’m dead to the world and then ignoring me for fucking Facebook when I try to discuss those plans is something.”


  His breath drifted across the nape of her neck. “Feel free to scream and moan, but baby, you don’t get to move.” Ronin started out by kissing and teasing her upper back—one of the most sensitive sections of her body. He yanked down the front of her camisole and played with her nipples, amused by the arch and release of her spine when he worked both sides of her at once.

  When she’d settled down, Ronin upped the stakes by turning on the vibrator. First he used it on her nipples and the lower curve of her breasts, then he rolled it between her hipbones before he set it directly over her clit.

  Once again she bucked hard.

  “Let it happen,” he murmured against her shoulder. “But keep your body still.”

  “I can’t!”

  “You can. I know you’re gonna come hard, baby. So hard.” He sucked on the back of her neck, marking her. “I feel your blood pumping. I feel your heartbeat here”—he slid the vibrator up and down her slit—“and here”—he rocked his hips against her ass—“and here”—he pinched her nipple and held it. “I want you to feel all those places pounding when you come. But I do not want you to move.”

  “Ronin. Please.”

  “Can you do that for me?”

  After a moment she said, “Yes.”

  “You are so fucking sexy.” He dragged an openmouthed kiss across the breadth of her shoulders. Then he pressed his body down to hold hers steady as he cranked the vibrator to high.

  Within about ten seconds, Amery detonated. The only outward sign of her coming was her yelling, “Jesus-fuck-oh-my-fucking-god!” But she kept her body still. So still that Ronin swore he felt the deep spasms of her pussy muscles against his cock when she squeezed her butt cheeks together.

  When Amery dropped her forehead to the cushion and groaned, he knew she was done in.

  So was he.

  He shut off the vibrator and tossed it on the couch. After he straightened her camisole, he kissed the spot behind her ear. “You did great, baby.”

  “Can I move now?”

  “How about if you stay put and I move so you can give me that blow job you mentioned last night?”

  Amery slowly raised her head and turned to look at him. “You remember that?”


  She offered him a sneaky smile. “Poor baby. Tying me up always gets you so hard, doesn’t it? And add in that Master Black control-freak thing that you love to use on me and I bet it’ll take about a minute before you’re coming down my throat.”

  Ronin growled and smacked her ass again. He skirted the end table and stood behind the couch. He could not take his eyes off her mouth as he dropped his shorts and took his cock in his hand.

  Amery lewdly licked her lips. “Set the timer, baby, ’cause you’re going down.”

  He curled his hand around the back of her neck. “No, baby, you’re going down on me. You’ve got a little give in your cord so scoot closer.”

  She angled forward and ran her tongue around the head of his cock.

  He hissed at that first wet lash of heat. He didn’t paint her lips with the drop of pre-come or let her tease him with tiny licks. He held her jaw open and pushed his shaft over those perfect lips and across her tongue until her mouth was full of him. There was nothing like his cock surrounded by that wet heat.

  Amery closed her eyes and moaned.

  The vibration traveled from the head of his cock, pressed into the back of her throat, clear down into his balls.

  Keeping one hand on her neck and the other on the side of her face, Ronin started to move. Fucking in and out of that suctioning heat. Moving faster with each plunge and retreat, knowing she could take it. Knowing how much she loved it when he became a mindless beast. When his world boiled down to the hot haven of her mouth.

  And goddamn if she hadn’t been right; he was about to blow.

  “Look at me, baby. See what you do to me.”

  Her eyes shone with possession and satisfaction as she gave him what he needed. Sucking harder when he started to come. Swallowing every hot spurt.

  At some point Ronin’s head fell back and he let that dazed sensation of completion wash over him. He opened his eyes and feathered his thumb across Amery’s cheekbone as he pulled out. Slowly. Wanting to keep this connection with her as long as possible. Once the tip slipped free, he said, “Thank you.”

  Amery nuzzled his hand. “I love you, Ronin. And if you really don’t want to go to the bondage club tonight—”

  He put his thumb over her lips. “I want to go. I’m looking forward to it.”


  Ronin hadn’t visited the clubs in Tokyo since before he’d been involved with Naomi. Although he’d done several kinbaku demonstrations, it’d been more performance art to titillate and shock because that’s what club-goers expected.

  While Amery fretted about what club attire to wear, Ronin dressed as he always did; with comfort in mind. Black jeans, black boots, a long-sleeved black button-up shirt. He ran his hands through his damp hair, realizing he hadn’t had it cut since before he left the States and it needed a trim.

  “Well, aren’t you looking every inch the black angel of death,” Amery said and then wrapped her arms around his waist. “Ninjas wear black to blend in?”

  “Always.” He kissed the top of her head. “You ready to go?”

  “Yep. Are we taking a car to the club?”

  “It’s better to take public transport. The part of Roppongi the club is in is rougher than other areas with upscale hotels and office buildings.” He looked at her curiously. “How’d you find out about this place?”

  “Google?” She shrugged. “I picked it since it seemed to be off the beaten path, which I took to mean it caters to locals. The cover charge is high so that probably keeps the tourists out.”

  It appeared she’d done her research.

  Amery tucked her phone in her front pocket and her ID in the opposite pocket. “You sure I won’t need money?”

  He lifted a brow.

  “Right. You da man. You always pay. Let’s go. I don’t want to miss anything.”


  Their stroll from the train station to the bondage and fetish club district in Roppongi was uneventful, besides their being accosted by members of a geisha drag club to watch their show.

  The pink and black sign above the door had kanji symbol for the number five—Go.

  Once they were approved by the bouncer, they entered a small entryway. The woman behind the counter focused on Ronin. “Cover charge for VIP section is thirty thousand yen per couple, which includes checking two cell phones.”

  Ronin removed his wallet and handed over his credit card.

  She rang up the sale and slid a baske
t with a lid across the counter.

  “What’s that for?” Amery asked.

  “Our phones. No recording devices allowed.”

  Her eyes searched his. “Seriously?”

  “It’s fine. Actually it’s good they enforce a privacy policy.”

  She dropped her phone next to his.

  The clerk handed Ronin a receipt and a metal claim tag for the basket. “VIP seats are in the first two rows. Read and understand the rules before you enter the staging area. The next show begins in ten minutes.”

  “Thank you.”

  Ronin held the black velvet curtain open and he ducked inside behind Amery. “You sure you want to do this?”

  “Yes, Ronin—it was my idea, remember?”

  Something didn’t fit. Then it clicked. “Was this really your idea? Or was it Yasuji’s?”

  A blush stole across her cheeks. “He mentioned I might enjoy visiting this club.”

  “How the hell did that come up in conversation?”

  “I’m your rope model, Ronin. He is your teacher. He suggested I see a rope demo from a neutral perspective. One where you’re not tying me or someone else.”

  He curled his hand around her neck, holding her head in place so she couldn’t look away. “I didn’t ask him to have a conversation with you.”

  “I know. I’m here out of curiosity and respect to you, Master Black.”

  Ronin pressed his thumb under her chin, angling her face to kiss her. She tasted of sake, with a hint of mint. His tension drained away and his smile broke the seal of their mouths. “Then let’s take in the show.”

  The space had theater-style seating on three sides around the stage. Most people were in their seats but a few milled around looking at the photos decorating the walls. The mainly Japanese crowd numbered about a hundred. Some were eccentrically attired in fetish clothing; others wore the usual club clothes.

  After they settled in the front row, Amery said, “No one else paid for prime seats?”

  “Some people want to be far back to get the whole scope. I’d rather be closer to watch the rope-tying technique.”

  “You’ll be judging his skills?”

  “Of course. The sign outside claims every demonstration is given by a bakushi—a kinbaku and shibari master.”

  “You don’t believe the hype?”

  Ronin shrugged. “Easy to say one’s a master; harder to prove.”

  “So the proof is in the knots?”

  He smiled at her. “For one thing. I’ll reserve my final judgment for when the demo is done.”

  “Which clubs around here did you demo in?”

  “None of them are in business anymore.”

  “What were the women like? Professional rope models? Or rope bunnies?”

  Rope bunnies. She’d definitely been talking to Yasuji. “I was a student, Amery. None of the women were memorable. I was all about refining my rope skills, not my sexual techniques.”

  “Don’t get snippy.” She paused. “I have a right to ask you questions.”

  “Yes, you do. But I have to know where all these questions are coming from?”

  “From curiosity. From jealousy. But also from pride.”

  “Explain that.”

  Amery lowered her voice to a whisper. “I’m the luckiest person in the room tonight because I have my very own rope master. I don’t have to fantasize about all the different ways I’d like to be bound. All I have to do is ask you to do it.”

  Such sweetness. Ronin brushed his mouth over her ear. “Anytime, baby.”

  “Remember you said that.”

  The house lights cut out. A voice boomed through the loudspeaker. “Tonight at Go, Bakushi Iggy will tantalize your senses with his rope mastery.”

  Ronin translated.

  The lights came up and a young woman stood center stage. She wore a school uniform—a short pleated skirt and a white blouse tied at her sternum, her large breasts spilling out, her lower torso exposed down to her hipbones. Her hair was in pigtails and her lips were glossy red.

  Jesus. They’d set the scene like this was soft-core porn. The only thing missing was the girl blowing bubbles with a wad of gum or licking a sucker.

  Whack, whack, whack sounded and Iggy strode on stage, smacking a thick ruler on his palm with every step.

  When he reached the girl, he gestured to her clothing and sneered. She clasped her hands together, silently pleading with him to overlook her clothing violation. But he shook his head and grabbed her arm, leading her to a yellow line.

  The man demonstrated that he wanted her to stand at attention. She refused and faced away from him with her hands on her hips. He moved behind her and in one quick movement he latched on to her wrists, pulling her arms together behind her back, trapping them between his thighs. Then he ripped her shirt open, exposing her enormous tits.

  Ronin glanced to his right. The audience members seemed enthralled by the scene.

  The principal—or whoever he was supposed to be—tore away her skirt and tossed it aside, leaving her in a thong. Then he yanked one of her pigtails, spun her around and bent her over.

  Big surprise what came next. The girl got her bare ass spanked with the ruler.

  From that point on Ronin made a game of predicting how the scene would progress. The girl was gagged for crying out during her spanking. When she tried to cover her breasts with her hands, he bound her upper arms with her torn shirt and hit her nipples with the ruler. When the tips hardened, he placed clothespins on them.

  Amery leaned in. “If this is a kinbaku scene where are the ropes?”

  “Good question.”

  A couple in the row next to them glared at them for talking.

  Ronin watched as Iggy uncoiled a lump of hemp rope that looked frayed. He wrapped a half-assed, uneven gauntlet from the girl’s elbows to her wrists. Then he fashioned a chest harness, pinning the girl’s already abused nipples between two tight sections of rope. When he plucked off the clothespins, the rush of blood sent her swaying forward, and he jerked her upright—by yanking on the back of the rope harness.

  Next he pushed the girl to the floor and did a cross tie on both ankles. When he started a reverse shrimp tie by connecting the girl’s ankles to her bound arms with no ropes supporting the girl’s legs, or her torso, Ronin almost stormed the stage. This guy didn’t know what the fuck he was doing and there was a real possibility the girl could get hurt.

  “Ronin, baby, remember to breathe,” Amery murmured.

  “Jesus, Amery, this is all fucking wrong.”

  “I know. This place isn’t what I thought it was. We’ll leave as soon as we can.”

  That’s when he noticed the guy on stage, who should’ve been focused on his rope model’s frame of mind and physical state of being, was glaring at them.

  Ronin glared back.

  But Iggy couldn’t hack Ronin’s hard stare for more than five seconds before his gaze darted away.

  That’s what I thought, you motherfucking worm, you’re a fraud.

  The girl turned her head toward the audience. Her eyes were wide with fear, not glassy from blissed-out rope subspace. She was shaking her head, trying to remove the gag so she could speak. It was obvious she wanted to stop the scene, but Iggy wasn’t paying attention to her.

  When her frightened eyes met Ronin’s, he was instantly on his feet, striding onto the stage, snapping, “Yamete!” He crouched and removed the girl’s gag. “You wish to end the scene?” he asked in Japanese.

  She nodded.

  Ronin stood and reached for the safety scissors next to another pile of ropes.

  “What are you doing?” Iggy demanded. “Get off my stage.”

  He ignored the man’s blustering and sliced through the gauntlet. Then he snipped the ankle ties and gently lowered her feet parallel to her body. Once the girl was free of ropes, she scurried into the shadows, followed by Iggy when another man strutted onto the stage.

  The guy walked right up to Ronin and said, “Pl
ay along, Master Black,” and moved center stage to address the audience.

  Who the hell was this guy? And how did he know his name?

  “The type of bondage we showcase here at Go takes years of dedication, and hours of practice to learn … the ropes, so to speak.”

  The audience laughed.

  Ronin glanced at Amery; the conversation was totally lost on her.

  “Sometimes a scene doesn’t proceed as planned. Luckily tonight we had an expert in the audience, and once he saw the potential problems with the scene, he stepped in to stop it.” He not so subtly pushed Ronin into the spotlight. “We are honored to have Master Black with us this evening. Master Black is an accomplished kinbaku and shibari rope master, a true bakushi. Not only has he studied with the great Master Yasuji for the past two decades, he’s been Japan’s record holder for the fastest hojojutsu tie for years. This man knows his way around ropes.”

  The audience clapped and whistled.

  “While we’re setting up the next demonstration, please stretch your legs, or visit the lounge. And a reminder there is no recording allowed in Go. Thank you.” He bowed to the audience and then faced Ronin.

  “Master Black, you have my eternal gratitude for putting an end to that shameful demonstration.” He bowed again. “I’m Go-jen. Owner of Go. I would like a chance to speak with you in my office.”

  “As long as my wife can come with us.” Maybe Amery could keep him calm because he was seething.

  “Of course. Follow me.”

  Ronin held out his hand to Amery when they passed by their row. He expected her to demand to know what was going on—the language barrier put her on edge—but she remained quiet.

  Go-jen said, “I apologize for the lowbrow entertainment that forced you to take action.”

  “That guy knew little about rope play. How can you pretend those types of scenarios bear any resemblance to kinbaku or shibari?” Ronin demanded.

  “I don’t.”

  “But don’t you advertise this club as such?”

  “Advertising as a ‘bondage club’ leaves the definition open to interpretation. Tonight my usual performer and his model were both out sick. I couldn’t cancel tonight’s first show because of the second act”—Go-jen shot Amery a questioning look—“so my day manager found a replacement. Iggy dabbles in rope play at a fetish club. His job was to tease attendees with a soft-core S-and-M scene. But he is a performer and he took it too far. I would’ve been here to oversee the scene, but transportation issues made me late.”


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