Taking the Fall: The Full Complete Series

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Taking the Fall: The Full Complete Series Page 19

by Alexa Riley

  “I thought you were on the pill.”

  “It’s kind of hard to take the pill when your boyfriend hides the damn thing from you. And then when you ask him about it he’s all ‘come here, Mama’ and starts sexing you up,” Jeanette complains, mimicking Saint pretty damn perfectly. Her voice seems agitated but her face sure doesn’t look it.

  “Stop smiling like a goof!” she snaps at me, but I just shake my head and keep smiling until she finally cracks one. “Don’t tell Saint yet. I know he’s been pushing this, and I want to be sure. It would break my giant of a man’s heart if he thought I was and then found out I wasn’t.”

  “Mm-kay,” I say, still rocking my giant-ass smile. They’re so perfect for each other. They fit so well together. Saint’s smiles and jokes work so well with the firmness he asserts with her. I don’t think there is anyone who can fit with her like he does. I just hope she really gets that and really lets him get close. She’s still keeping secrets and with a baby possibly coming she needs to straighten everything out so she can be just as free as Carter and I are now. She might not be running from anyone, but something is keeping her guarded.

  I’m about to say something to her when the bathroom door inside the gym opens and Carter walks out, freshly showered after his workout. I’ll just have to talk to her about it later.

  “Cherry, I’m hungry,” he says as he makes his way over to me from across the gym, like I have a freaking sandwich in my pocket or something.

  “Then go get something to eat, you caveman,” I tell him impatiently.

  “Babe, if I wanted something I could make myself I would, but I want your pu—”

  “Carter!” I yell at him, feeling myself blush. I know Jeanette and I talk about her sex life. Well, she talks and I nod my head, but I’m still a little bashful about openly talking about mine. I really haven’t had one for long to talk about before.

  As he reaches his hands out to help me up from the sofa, I spot something on his ring finger. Carter has been pushing for us to get married, but we haven’t done it yet so I’m more than a little surprised that he has a ring on his finger.

  “Why do you have that?” I ask, nodding at it. Before he can respond Jeanette pops up and grabs his hand to look for herself.

  “You got hitched without me, you little whore! I wanted to throw you a bachelorette party with strippers and all that crap!”

  “Over my fucking dead body is she having a bachelorette party with strippers. I’ll drop your asses off at a pottery-making class for a night or something and wait outside but that’s about it.”

  “You can’t be serious right now? You’re not the boss of us!” Jeanette blusters at Carter. This is nothing new. Jeanette and Carter can go at it. It’s actually kind of funny to watch. Saint and I just usually sit back and watch the show.

  “Fine, maybe a knitting class or some shit. I like the color blue. Cherry can knit me something.”

  “Are you fucking serious right now?”

  The look on their faces is hysterical, and it takes everything I have not to laugh.

  “Fine. I know Cherry loves pink so she can make me something pink. It doesn’t have to be blue. I bet I would look good in pink, wouldn’t I, baby?” he asks, glancing over at me.

  “What you look good in is that ring, but I want to know why you have it on. I don’t remember walking down a wedding aisle, but you’re one crafty man so I wouldn't put it past you that we’re somehow married already.”

  Carter blushes at my words. Actually blushes. I’m not sure I’ve ever really seen that happen. He glances over at Jeanette who has her hands on her hips, still ready to fight about this bachelorette party that’s never going to happen.

  “I just didn’t think it was fair,” he finally says to me, half-pouting. Yes, Carter is actually pouting.

  “What’s not fair?” I ask.

  “Well, if you won’t let us go down to the courthouse like I said the other day and get this finalized up real quick, then I need a ring too. Now. I’m not waiting for that shit. I want everyone to know I’m taken. That I finally got my woman and I’m hers.”

  I feel my eyes start to fill with tears.

  “Jesus, these guys are fucking good at getting what they want,” I hear Jeanette murmur, but I can hear the smile in her words.

  I launch myself at my man and he catches me. I wrap my legs around him and his hands go to my ass.

  “Fine, we’ll get married tomorrow if you want.” I had been putting it off because I wanted to do it right. Not big or anything but with flowers, a dress and pictures I would have forever. I thought since we waited this long, what was the harm in a little longer, but clearly to Carter we had waited long enough. I get that.

  Carter squeezes my ass and gives me an even better idea “How about I take you to the courthouse, make it legal, and then you plan the wedding you want and we’ll do it all over again?”

  “Perfect,” I say happily, because I would marry this man every day for the rest of my life if he asked me to.

  Chapter Thirteen


  “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me, Cherry.”

  She giggles and I get more frustrated.

  “I’m three seconds away from ripping this dress down the back. Why would you get a dress with thirty million buttons? You should have just worn elastic or some shit. I could get that off so much faster,” I growl as I try to pop the buttons open. She walked around in the fucking thing all damn night, so of course my cock has been rock hard all damn night. She’s lucky I lasted as long as I did. One would think my lust for her would have mellowed over these past few months, but I swear it’s getting stronger.

  “Carter, if you rip my wedding dress, I’ll never forgive you. And calm your big self down. There are exactly five buttons,” she admonishes me and I try not to complain.

  She looked so beautiful today. We had a ceremony at the courthouse to make it official and now, a few months later, we are having the day Layla always dreamed of. It was small with only a few people, but it was everything she wanted, and that’s what I wanted.

  Now we’re in the hotel suite for our wedding night. All I want to do is make love to my wife, but I can’t get these goddamn buttons undone. “My hands are too big,” I grumble and finally get one of the tiny pearls to open.

  “See? Just four more and I’m all yours.”

  “You’re already all mine,” I remind her. She has been since I found her and will be mine until I take my last breath.

  She giggles again, and I go back to what I was doing. After what feels like ten hours I unhook the last button and the dress comes undone. It’s all I can do not to jump up in victory and pounce on her. Turning to face me I can see the heated look in her eyes that lets me know she’s up to something.

  She slowly peels off the rest of her dress revealing sexy white lace lingerie that clings to her body, with white garters and stockings. I grab my chest to keep my heart inside of it and almost fall over.

  “Goddamn, baby. You look beautiful.”

  “Are you sure? I feel fat,” she touches her baby bump, but all I see is my goddess ripe with our baby.

  “You’ve never looked more perfect, Cherry. So, so perfect.” I reach out and stroke her neck. I let my fingers trace her throat and down her cleavage. “You’re the most beautiful bride that’s ever lived, and I’m one lucky bastard.”

  Suddenly I grab her up and carry her across the room to the bed. “Is this like carrying me across the threshold? Because you’ve done that already, Carter.”

  “Just hush, baby, and let me carry my bride.”

  I lay her down gently on the bed and begin to kiss my way up her body, starting at her toes. When I get to her lace-covered pussy I kiss and lick her over her panties until they’re soaked through and she’s begging me to rip them off.

  Eventually I give my girl everything she wants because I always do. One little word and I’m a puddle for her. Hearing her “please” undoes me every time, and I
’m not even a little ashamed of how tight she has me wrapped around her finger.

  For so long all I ever knew was struggle and hate. I never knew love like this. I never knew my heart could be so full of peace and happiness. All because of this little cherry bomb – she blew my world apart.

  “Wake up, baby,” I whisper in Cherry’s ear as I kiss her naked back.

  She’s laid out on a bed of blankets in front of the fireplace. We’re on the last night of our honeymoon, and I can’t put it off any longer.

  She rolls from her side to her back, fully exposing her naked body and looks at me sleepily. “What time is it, Carter?” she asks and looks out the window.

  We decided to stay close to home since she’s so late along in her pregnancy, and I couldn’t chance her having the baby somewhere far away. We came to Tahoe for a week to stay in an isolated cabin. Just us. It’s been perfect.

  “It’s early, but I…I have something for you.” I look around nervously and she senses my apprehension.

  “What is it? Is everything okay?”

  “Yeah, baby, everything is perfect. I just…I feel silly is all. I have something for you.” With a deep breath I walk over to my bag and retrieve a box. Cherry sits up as I walk back, and I sit down beside her.

  “This is my wedding gift to you. I’ve always wanted you to have it. I just think there is a part of me that will always be vulnerable when it comes to your love.”

  “Carter, what are you talking about?”

  “Open it up, Layla.”

  She unties the red ribbon and opens the lid. I close my eyes, and I hear her gasp.

  “They’re all there, baby. Every. Single. One.”

  I watch as she pulls out the first letter she ever wrote me when I was in prison. It’s yellowed and worn, just like all the others. I read them so many times the paper is barely intact. It got to a point I didn't even have to look at them anymore. I remembered every word. They were the only thing that kept me sane: a reminder that when I got out of that prison I would have her. She would be mine.

  I see the tears start to fall down her cheeks as she goes through the box and sees all of them. “Oh, Carter. You saved them?”

  “I did more than save them, baby. I memorized them.”

  She gives me a quizzical look and I smile. “April 25. Dear Carter, I don’t know what happened, but you’re not here…”

  “You didn’t!” she exclaims and flips to one of the letters in the middle.

  “October 13. Dear Carter, I’m trying to think of what I want to be for Hallowe’en…” I say and she smiles so big.

  “Oh, my God! You did!” She flips to one in the back.

  “June 11. Dear Carter, I never thought I would miss someone like I miss you…” I laugh. “That one was one of my favorites.”

  “I love you so much. This is by far the most romantic thing ever.”

  “Nah, just a man longing for the love of his life,” I say casually and try not to blush. God, I feel like such a pussy, but I don’t even care. My love for her is stronger than my momentary embarrassment.

  Cherry puts down the box and then crawls in my lap. She rains kisses on my face and I feel like a giant weight has been lifted off my shoulders.

  “I love you so much, Carter. Thank you.”

  “I love you too, Cherry.”

  One day, when she isn’t busy loving my body, I’ll tell her the letters I wrote her are in there too.



  About 18 months later…

  “Put me down, you brute,” I snap while the world turns upside down as I’m thrown over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. It’s the first day I actually get to use Carter’s new gym. It opened about four months ago but between my being heavily knocked up at the time and then waiting for the all clear from the doctor, I’m finally ready to start trying to drop some of this baby weight. I could use the one at home, but I wanted to come see my man at work and this is as good of an excuse as any. Carter says he loves my body and it’s pointless because he’ll be planting another baby in me soon. This is probably true as, since the doctor gave him the okay, there hasn’t been a night I haven’t fallen asleep with him still inside me, and many mornings I wake up the same way. I don’t know where he finds the energy because he gets up with the baby during the night just as much as I do.

  Draped over his shoulder, I wiggle to get free. I can hear chuckles coming from some of the guys who are training for an upcoming fight. I flip my hair out of my face and I can see them openly staring at us while Carter’s muscular legs eat up the distance across the gym as heads in the direction of his office.

  I feel my face heat and I’m sure it’s as bright as my red hair.

  “What the fuck are you guys looking at?” I hear Carter growl, causing everyone to turn as if they magically don’t see us anymore. I don’t blame them. Most of the men here are big from all their training but Carter is in a league of his own.

  “Still,” he utters through gritted teeth and smacks my ass to stop my wiggling, causing goosebumps to break out across my body. One would think I’d be used to all of Carter’s growling by now but I know what’s coming. I’m just a little shocked he would do it so openly. He always likes people to know I belong to him but he normally does it in a way that isn’t so sexual. He doesn’t like anyone thinking of me in a sexual way. Ever.

  The door to his office slams shut when he kicks it closed with his foot. Sitting me down on his desk next to the door I hear him click the lock into place. His office isn’t huge – just a small desk where Carter works at, a mini fridge stocked with nasty protein drinks, and a sofa for people to lounge on when they’re in here with him. Mainly me. I napped a lot on that thing when I was knocked up and Carter would drag me to work with him. Thank God for my e-reader or I might have died of boredom. He said I had to come with him because if I didn’t he’d just rush to get back home. He needed to be here when they first opened to make sure things were getting done how he wanted them done. If I tried to talk to some of the guys he would pop up out of freaking nowhere and push me back into his office. He would even growl at them if they made me laugh, saying it wasn’t safe for my belly to bounce like that with the baby in it.

  “Jeanette have Little C?” he asks, sliding between my legs. I look up at him and nod my response. Jeanette is the only one who has watched the baby since he was born. I call it training because she is due any second now.

  “Don’t get me wrong, Cherry, I love seeing you here, but what in the ever loving fuck are you wearing right now?”

  Looking down at my outfit, I have no clue what he is talking about. I have on black yoga pants, a sports bra with a pink baby tee on over it and sneakers. I still have a few pounds I would like to drop since the baby got here, so it’s not like I’m running around in skimpy workout clothes or something. I feel like this I’m a lot more covered than what I’ve seen other women work out in. Not that other women work out here. This is mainly an all-male gym because Carter says women distract the men, which is clearly true for him with me.

  “Yoga pants?” I say, more as a question than an answer, not understanding what could possibly be wrong with my clothes.

  “That what you call these things? It’s like a second skin.” He pushes me back so I fall flat against his desk. He reaches under my ass and pulls them off, taking my underwear and shoes with them.

  “Yeah, naked is clearly better,” I say, wanting it to come out snappy but it comes out all breathy. My legs fall even farther apart, giving Carter an even better view of my pussy.

  “You don’t show off my shit to other men, Cherry. Now I gotta remind you who you belong to…or is that what you wanted? To come to the gym and get a rise out of me so I would give you a good fucking? Am I not giving you enough, Cherry? You need more cock, baby?” he asks. He grabs my thighs and pulls me to the edge of the desk.

  Carter is only wearing basketball shorts and I can clearly see the bulge of his cock through them. Re
aching inside them, he gives a little tug and his cock springs free. Then he’s on me, caging me in, his chest to mine. Before I can respond his hand is over my mouth, his lips next to my ear, his cock dragging against my clit. I feel my pussy contract, jealous of the attention my clit is getting from his cock. I moan into his hand.

  “You’re going to be a good girl and take my cock. I’m going to fuck you so hard the desk is going to pound against the wall. Everyone out in that gym is going to know I’m fucking my woman in here, but you don’t make a fucking peep while I do it. You got that, Cherry? They don’t get to hear your passion.”

  He doesn’t wait for a response. I feel his other hand reach down between us, guiding his cock into me, then he thrusts to the hilt in one long hard motion. God, I love when he gets possessive of me. What could make a woman feel more beautiful than having a man who thinks you’re so perfect that everyone must want you like he does. Closing my eyes tightly to try to stop myself from moaning, I make a mental note to buy more yoga pants.



  About 5 years later…

  “I can’t believe you did this to me again,” I whisper up at the white ceiling.

  “Cherry, baby, I can’t help it. You make the most beautiful babies, but I promise this is the last time. I can’t do this labor shit anymore,” he says, kneeling next to the table. Turning my head so we are eye-to-eye, I give him a death glare that gets me a half-smile. He’s always nervous when it’s time for me to give birth, but this will be the last time.

  All my babies have been C-sections. My little body can’t seem to push Carter-size boys out of it on its own. We’ve had two boys already, and now we’re about to have two more. I told him one more baby, one more. What does Carter do? He shows me by knocking me up with twins – boys. I only agreed on the third pregnancy because I wanted my little girl, but now here I am about to bring two more boys into this world. I don’t know what I’m going to do with all this testosterone that will be running around our house now.


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