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Select Dictionaries and Encyclopedias
A Dictionary of Buddhism. Damien Keown, ed. Oxford, 2003.
The Encyclopedia of Gods. Michael Jordan, ed. Great Britain, 1992.
The Encyclopedia of Indo-European Culture. J. P. Mallory and D. Q. Adams, eds. New York, 1997.
The Encyclopedia of Islam (11 vols.). H.A.R. Gibb et al., eds. Leiden, 1986.
The Encyclopedia of Religion (16 vols.). Mircea Eliade et al., eds. New York, 1987.
The Encyclopedia of World Mythology and Legend. Anthony S. Mercatante, ed. New York, 1988.
The Encyclopedia of World Religions. Wendy Doniger, ed. Springfield, Mass., 1999.
The New Encyclopedia of Islam. Cyril Glasse, ed. Walnut Creek, Calif., 2002.
The Oxford Dictionary of World Religions. John Bowker, ed. Oxford, 1997.
The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Modern Islamic World. John L. Esposito, ed. Oxford, 1995.
DR. REZA ASLAN is an internationally acclaimed writer and scholar of religions. His first book, No god but God: The Origins, Evolution, and Future of Islam, was an international bestseller and has been translated into thirteen languages and named by Blackwell as one of the hundred most important books of the last decade. He is also the author of How to Win a Cosmic War: God, Globalization and the End of the War on Terror (published in paperback as Beyond Fundamentalism), as well as the editor of Tablet & Pen: Literary Landscapes from the Modern Middle East. Born in Iran, he now lives in Los Angeles, where he is associate professor of creative writing at the University of California, Riverside.
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