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Truth Page 15

by A. C. Bextor

  Emma turns her head and kisses my chest softly. Her fingers run the expanse of it before resting on my left piercing.

  Kissing the crown of her head, we sit in silence together, each thinking of what’s happening around us and understanding we have no control over any of it.

  “I need to check back in at the club,” I tell Em as I start to sit up.

  She releases me and pulls back to give me room to grab my phone. “I’ll start unpacking what we bought today.”

  “I’ll be out in a few minutes.”


  After watching Em change out of her robe, I wait until I know she’s gone.

  The call to Viktor goes through and he answers his office phone on the first ring, but doesn’t speak once it picks up.

  Unsure if it’s him, I say, “Still eleven?”

  “Eleven,” he tells me before hanging up to disconnect the call.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Leaving Emma after spending the evening with her was the last thing I wanted to do. She didn’t understand why I had to walk out at a moment’s notice. But that was all the notice I chose to give her. I didn’t want our short time together to be plagued with thoughts of where I was going, or the possibility of when or if I’d ever come back.

  The scheduled meeting with Viktor starts in less than fifteen minutes and rather than sit and wait for Dee Dee or Hangar to notice I’m on club grounds, I’ve decided to check on Casey. Viktor wasn’t in his office when I stopped in for the key a few minutes ago.

  Anna voiced no issue in giving it to me, though. She only told me to put it back when I was finished.

  Once the lock to Casey’s room is popped, I knock on the door once, giving her advance warning before entering. When I open it and find her lying in her bed with the covers drawn up to her chin, resting quietly, I decide not to disturb her. Of any person here, it’s she who deserves to rest.

  “She’s okay,” Anna whispers to my back as I step out to close and lock the door as quietly as I can.

  Turning around to look at her, I find her fighting a smile. Even though it’s only with her eyes, they reflect quiet humor.

  “Hey,” I greet, matching her whisper. “I told you I’d bring back the key.”

  “I know, but I didn’t want to talk to you in Viktor’s office, so I followed after I finished for the night.”

  “Talk about what?” I ask, unable to sense what she’s after.

  “Come,” she says, walking ahead of me but looking back to ensure I follow.

  As we take a few steps side by side, Anna’s attention remains ahead toward the kitchen. The light is on, but there aren’t any voices coming in anywhere around us.

  “The meeting with Viktor tonight,” she starts.

  Interrupting, I ask, “He told you about it?”

  “Yes,” she says with a small laugh, but it’s not genuine. “I know about all Viktor’s meetings.”

  “Then you know all about how he makes his money,” I accuse.

  She frowns. “I was once how Viktor made his money.”

  I knew this before, but she’s confirmed it. “And?”

  “I think you need to be prepared for whatever may happen. And it would help if you understood a few things first.”

  Not completely trusting her, as she’s already admitted even without words she’s on Viktor’s side on this, I wait for her to continue. When she doesn’t, I prod. “Understand what?”

  She stops us from walking, grabs my arm, and turns her body in the direction of mine. “You need to understand that whatever happens, it’s in Casey’s best interest you don’t fight what you see.”

  “Casey’s best interest.” I repeat her words for my benefit, letting them settle in my mind. Everything I’m doing is for her best interest, even from the start of this. It’s Anna who knows more than anyone.

  “Yes,” she answers as she turns to start walking again. “You care for her and she cares for you. I’m glad she has that.”

  “I’m not sure it’s any use to anyone how much I care for her.”

  “It is,” she insists. “It will be, I mean.”

  “You people talk in code,” I sternly voice my opinion.

  “Take my advice. Do as Viktor asks and let the rest go. It’s what Casey needs right now.”

  As we continue to walk, I stay quiet. I don’t understand much of this, but I’m getting the feeling that whatever tonight’s meet includes, I won’t be happy with its outcome.

  Once we’re standing inside the kitchen’s entrance, Anna turns to face me again. Her eyes are trained back down the hall to Casey’s door. “You have to trust me,” she pleads. “You’re all she has.”

  “She has you and, if I’m not wrong, she has Cilas.”

  Smiling, Anna looks up to me. Her eyes brighten in reaction to my observation. “Yes, she definitely has Cilas. I can tell a lot from the protection he gives her. He keeps her close to him, even when he knows he shouldn’t. I think he’s rather fond of her.”

  Looking to the ground, I contemplate telling Anna things she doesn’t already know. I want to tell her about Aimes, Low, and Brayden. She seems to understand that, even from her position, Casey doesn’t belong here. I say nothing, though; I’ve no reason to truly trust her.

  “I’ll do what I can tonight,” I ensure and watch as the light in her eyes dims to what I deem is sudden sadness. “I appreciate the heads-up,” I add as I turn around and head alone in the opposite direction.

  * * *

  As I walk closer to Viktor’s office, I contemplate Anna’s words and how she expressed that my behavior benefits Casey. These people talk as if they’re speaking in another language. Everything is veiled, and I hate getting caught up in the mix of never understanding what they’re actually saying.

  “Max,” Viktor greets with a smile as I enter. “Good to see you again.”

  Looking around his barren office, I find, other than Viktor, I’m the only one in here. “You said eleven, is that right?”

  “I did,” he replies, motioning with his hand for me to close the door behind me. “The others have arrived, so we’ll wait for Anna to bring them in.”

  “Anything I’m supposed to be doing in the meantime?”

  “No.” Standing up, Viktor signals to the small bar behind the desk.

  “None for me, thanks,” I answer, knowing I could use a drink, but I also need to keep a clear head.

  As he pours himself a shot, he asks, “How’s Casey this evening?”

  I don’t hesitate before answering. He already knows my feelings about her. “Good. She’s sleeping. I gave Anna back her key.”

  “Very well,” he tells me before turning around and settling back behind his desk. He places the glass on the top and looks at it briefly. Finally lifting his gaze to mine, he gives instruction. “You’re going to do all I ask tonight, Max. This is important. You’ll keep quiet and you will not interfere.”

  His Russian accent, so thick with intimidation, doesn’t shake me as he thinks it should. “Got it.”

  “Yes,” he replies. Moving his eyes to the computer screen, he smiles carefully before looking to the door. The moment he does, there’s a small knock.

  “Enter,” he barks.

  When I turn my eyes to aim behind me, I watch as Anna walks in first. She doesn’t spare me a glance, but I note she looks flustered and nervous. Keeping up with what she’s asked me to do, I casually nod my greeting.

  My hands grasp the arms of the chair when I turn around to see who’s about to enter the room.

  What the fuck?

  Aimes looks as though he just walked out of a photo shoot. His hair is short, neat, and clean. His face is void of any traces of his usual beard or stubble, and his clothes are impeccably ironed and meticulous. I swallow my nerves and move to stand. His eyes find mine, the narrowing of his the only signal I’m given to stay quiet. I feel my pulse beat wildly throughout my body. My head pounds with anticipation.

  What the fuck is he

  This was his reason for staying under the radar? He’s been setting up a meet with Viktor, one on one, for himself? There were a thousand opportunities over the last two weeks when he could’ve sent word that this was the plan. But instead, he insisted I not know.

  Jesus Christ, this is a bad fuckin’ play.

  Taking Viktor’s words of advice, I say nothing to Aimes. Instead, as the room stays quiet, I make my way to another chair, the one which sits furthest away from Viktor’s desk. It’s the last chair in the back, and seeing that Viktor only wants me to observe, it’s the best place for me. I’m cloaked in the dimness of the office.

  Anna doesn’t offer a look in my direction as I take my seat. She stands quietly next to Viktor as he remains seated behind his desk. Her eyes are trained directly on Aimes and even from behind him, I could bet his are zeroed in on her. It’s suspicious, and in the soundless tension of the room, their unsaid words are making a fuck of a lotta noise.

  Again, what the fuck?

  Breaking the quiet, Viktor finally stands and offers his hand in greeting. “Mr. Ahrens, it’s good to finally meet you. I’ve heard many things.”

  Jesus Christ. Mr. Ahrens?

  Motherfucker. Aimes is Dextor Ahrens. The global human trafficker Viktor referred to before.

  I clear my throat and adjust in my chair, trying to take this in without verbally wanting to end this meet. Every fiber of my being is used to keep me in place.

  Aimes doesn’t verbally respond to Viktor’s greeting and with his back to me, I can’t see his facial expression. He shakes Viktor’s hand, the movement of his head barely leaving Anna. Their silent communication continues as the rest of the room seems to have fallen away.

  Aimes, what the fuck are you doing?

  “Sit, please. Would you like a drink?”

  Speaking for the first time, I hear Aimes utter with his deep voice piercing the room, “No. This isn’t a social call. Won’t be here long”

  “You Americans are always in a rush,” Viktor retorts. “That being the case, let’s move this along.”

  Aimes nods.

  Viktor turns to Anna. Finally, she breaks her gaze from Aimes to look down at Viktor. He scowls slightly, catching her attention on Aimes and not appreciating it. “Anna, get Cilas. Tell him Dextor is here and he’s in a rush.”

  Anna nods, but doesn’t get away soon enough. Viktor’s hand darts to her wrist and he pulls her back. She bends down for him to whisper in her ear. Anna’s usually delicate features fall to an expression I can’t think about without wanting to once again storm this meet.

  Once Viktor pulls back from her, she straightens and he smiles at Aimes, who shifts in his seat, crossing his ankle to his knee, but says nothing. Anna walks the distance from the desk to the door without chancing a look at any of us.

  “My associate, Max, back there,” Viktor lifts his hand to point in my direction, “is only here to observe. I trust you had a good welcome.”

  “I did,” Aimes speaks, but it’s short and clipped. He’s angry. I’ve known my friend long enough to know he’s livid. What he thinks he’s so livid about, I don’t know. He’s only just gotten here and has yet to see the things I have. But judging by the reason why we’re here, he’s about to get a taste.

  “Good. With the boys out of town, there are only a few lingering.”

  “Boys?” Aimes asks with a surprise.

  “Yes, the club members. This isn’t my place anymore.”

  “Leaving soon?” Aimes inquires. This time, his tone isn’t questioning—it’s sarcastic.

  Watch yourself, brother. You’re in the lion’s goddamn den.

  “I am,” Viktor replies, clicking the mouse on his computer then reaching to shut off its monitor.

  The voices coming from the hallway are muffled. I hear Anna attempting to soothe whoever is whimpering in pain or fear. I’ve never heard any of Viktor’s girls deliberately cry out in fear or pain, so the one I’m listening to is alarming.

  Just as Aimes is about to turn around, I tilt my head toward the door and watch as Anna enters the office first. Her eyes, again, go back to Aimes, but just as quickly she corrects herself as she walks behind Viktor’s desk to stand at his side. Her long, dark hair drapes her face once she looks down to focus on her hands clasped in front of her.

  Cilas enters first, his hand holding a woman’s arm still beyond the door.

  Once he pulls her through, I watch first as Aimes stands. His eyes shoot to me in a hurried fashion before directing them back to the whimpering woman Cilas is holding in his grasp.

  I’ve never seen the woman before. She’s young; I imagine younger than Emma. She’s tall and thin with reddish-blonde hair, but nothing about this strikes me as odd. What does is the fact that she looks worse for wear than any woman I’ve seen here, including Callie, the pledged club whore.

  Her face is swollen and red. Her shirt is riddled with a few scattered stains of blood. She has bandages on her elbow and arm. Her hair is matted and dirty. I take a breath after realizing I’d been holding it too long then swallow the bile in my throat.

  Looking to Aimes’ hand, I watch as his finger twitches in place. I doubt he’s armed, but I also have no doubt if he was, he’d have drawn his weapon and holy chaos would erupt. He starts to take a step toward the broken woman and I clear my throat, luckily capturing his attention. His back foot drops, leaving him to stand in place.

  Cilas’ face remains guarded, his jaw ticking in an even beat as he moves the woman to the center of the room. Her legs are shaking, but she’s using all her effort to remain still.

  “Cilas, let her go. She’s not going anywhere and you’re holding her hard enough to bruise her,” Viktor demands as though he’s bored.

  Nodding once, Cilas sets her free, and I watch next as Aimes can no longer control himself. He walks toward her with care. His paramount concern laced with disgust is obvious.

  Aimes reaches out to touch her face and a loud yelp of fear escapes the woman before she cowers in place. Without reacting to her fear, Aimes stops, lifts her head with his hand, and grips her small face. I watch as he squeezes her jaw to keep her still. He’s moving her head in the opposite direction of where I sit.

  “Do not touch her,” Viktor calls out.

  Aimes ignores his demand and continues to position her face to his. His head draws in closer to hers and I watch, as if in slow motion, as every bit of his features go soft. The reaction is immediate. The woman calms, if only slightly.

  Anna makes a move toward them. I assume it’s to stop Aimes from touching the woman, but Viktor grabs her wrist as he had done before to stop her. “Let this happen.”

  Anna stops in place and nods. Then her eyes seek mine and she nods again.

  We all watch as Aimes talks to the woman as if he’s really in position to buy her. “Settle, sweetheart. I won’t hurt you, unless you don’t keep quiet, and then I’ll show you how to do that whether you want to or not.”

  I know Aimes. He wouldn’t harm her and this is only for show, but it’s painful to watch as she shifts back and forth on her feet, her face being held in place. Her beat-up tennis shoes are unlaced and if she’s not careful, she’ll fall.

  Looking at her but speaking to Viktor, Aimes’ voice is clear. “She’s older than we discussed. And she’s not clean, as I had requested.”

  “As I told your associate on the phone before you got here, this one hasn’t been here long.”

  Hearing the others speak of her as if she’s not here, she pulls her head from Aimes’ hand. I can’t see her face to know if she’s still scared or is now pissed, but I’m hoping for a bit of both. It’ll keep her spirits up, as well as mine, to know she’s not already broken.

  “Take her away,” Aimes voices and I sit up, readying to jump in.

  “You’re sure?” Viktor asks.

  “I want her,” Aimes confirms, and I sit back slowly as to not be noticed. “I want her cleaned, fed, and cared for. Until I’m a
ble to get you what you want for her…”

  “One hundred thousand,” Viktor says as though challenging Aimes to debate the price.

  “That’s more than we discussed.”

  “That’s what she’s worth. Look at her hair.” Viktor raises his hand in the woman’s direction, noting her long, blondish-red strands. “She’s rare.”

  “I don’t want to fuckin’ breed her,” Aimes snaps back, losing his temper momentarily.

  “Watch your tone, Mr. Ahrens. It’s unwelcome.”

  “One hundred grand is too much,” Aimes reiterates in a less-angered voice. “There are thousands of these girls. They’re a dime a dozen, and you know this.”

  “Again,” Viktor tells him. “Don’t insult me.”

  “And again,” Aimes smarts back. “I’m not paying one hundred large for what I didn’t ask for.”

  Viktor raises his gaze to Anna and she bends to listen. Once she stands, I hold my breath as she walks toward the woman, places her hands on her cheeks to wipe the tears, and turns her toward the door.

  “Sit,” Viktor tells Aimes. “Let’s discuss.”

  The room fills with sudden silence. Aimes doesn’t chance a look back at me, but points over his shoulder. “He needs to go.”

  “He stays,” Viktor refuses.

  “I’m not comfortable with your choice of company when I haven’t vetted them myself.”

  Viktor smiles. “Yet you walked into this godforsaken hole just to do what we’re doing. Talking. Your associate said you trusted me.”

  Looking around the room in an almost casual way, Aimes finally turns his body in my direction as I continue to sit quietly in place toward the back of the office. Viktor can’t see my friend’s face, but I can. I keep my expression hard, not giving away our acquaintance. Aimes smiles quickly then winks.

  The cocky son of a bitch is playing with fire.

  “Well?” Viktor calls his attention.

  “I need forty-eight hours.”

  “Ridiculous,” Viktor returns. “You’ve got twenty-four. Anything more and I assume you’re working with something or someone I don’t trust or like.”

  Aimes sighs, and I hear the frustration in it as he does. “Forty-eight,” he says again. “I need time to get her a passport and documents.”


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