Share the Moon

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Share the Moon Page 2

by Sharon Struth

  He grinned, easy and confident. “My kids will love this place.”

  Kids? Sophie buried her disappointment. “Are you and your wife looking at the other towns bordering the water?”

  “No. I like Northbridge. Oh, and I’m not married,” he said matter-of-factly. His gaze arm-twisted her for a response.

  She wanted to fan her hot cheeks but instead regrouped while pointing across the lake. “If you have a spare few hundred thousand and want to help the town out, take a look at Tate Farm. A developer wants to buy it to put up a large resort. Maybe you can outbid the guy.”


  “Uh-huh. There’s a public hearing tonight.”

  The hearing would be her first chance to meet the corporate vipers from Resort Group International face-to-face and she couldn’t wait to hammer firm president, Duncan Jamieson, with some tough questions. With any luck the zoning board would vote down their request so the offer she’d made, along with her dad and brother, would be back in play.

  The stranger’s brows furrowed and he stroked his chin.

  “Don’t worry. I’m confident our zoning board will vote no on their proposal and keep the nasty developer away. By the way, I’m Sophie.”

  He dropped his gaze to the ground for a millisecond then looked back up. “I’m Carter.”

  If Nana were still alive, she’d have said in her thick Scottish brogue, “Verra good sign, Sophie. Carter comes from the word cart: someone who moves things.” Nana held great stock in the art of name meanings.

  He’d certainly moved Sophie.

  Matt’s rusty sedan whipped into the lot, ending the lusty thoughts. Her son hurried over, unease covering every corner of his face. “Sorry I’m late.”

  “What took you so long?”

  “Grandpa called to make sure I helped you.” He dragged his hand through his messy dirty-blond hair. “We were talkin’.”

  She had her suspicions about the topic but rather than ask, she introduced him to Carter.

  He turned to Matt. “What do you say we let your mom take it easy and we’ll finish this job?”

  Matt nodded and trotted to the boats.

  At her car, Carter opened the driver’s door. “Better hop in.” His tone lowered. “Your hands were cold before.”

  Sophie’s knees softened and she tried to speak, but no sound came out. Turmoil reigned inside her body as he jogged away from her and caught up with Matt.

  She tried to shake off the lost control caused by this stranger. This little incident had stolen some of her strength and lately every morsel was necessary to stay afloat. On the roller coaster of life, she had been taking a wild ride. First due to a chance to own the vineyards, giving her a helping hand from her inner grief and fulfilling a life-long dream. Then two weeks ago, RGI had barged into town and yanked her offer from the table.

  Carter pointed to a kayak and said something. Matt laughed. The scene made her miss having a man in their household. Her heart softened, awed by the way this knight who’d arrived in a shiny white Camry galloped in and took charge…and how she’d simply let him. Was something good finally stepping into her life?

  Disappointment skimmed her chest. Who was she kidding? Nothing would come of this.

  Her cynical nature hadn’t developed overnight. Rather, she had soured over time. Lost opportunities, gone due to circumstances beyond her control: Mom’s cancer, Sophie’s unplanned pregnancy, her subsequent marriage to Mike, even her lost bid on the land RGI now wanted.

  Time to forget this guy and concentrate on her job. She’d have to work harder than ever to stick to her journalistic creed, but any teeny, albeit truthful, crumb of negative news about RGI or its president, Duncan Jamieson, could sway the scale on the zoning board vote. Then the greedy developer would disappear from Northbridge forever.

  Her family wanted that land. Land their ancestors were the first to settle back in 1789. Land where the winery plans of their dreams could come to life. The most important reason, though, was protecting the sacred place where her firstborn son, Henry, had died.

  Chapter 2

  A long line of cars pulled into the well-lit high school parking lot, higher than usual volume for a public hearing. Sophie grabbed her bag and hurried toward the entrance, hoping she could still get a seat up front.

  As she neared the large regional high school, she passed a noisy group standing in a circle at the front of the building, chanting the plea “Save our Lake.” Their signs bore the acronym “S.O.L.E.” stacked on the left and the words, “Save Our Lake’s Environment” extending from each corresponding letter. Protestors weren’t the norm at these types of events and their presence added a thick cloud of tension to the cool night air.

  Bernadette marched with the vocal group. Nana had liked to remind everyone how Bernadette was living proof her name theory worked. “I canna think of a better name for that lassie. She’s named to ‘be brave like a bear’ and sure acts the part.” There were times Sophie found any explanation about people’s behavior to offer a measure of peace. After all, a wise person took heed in all the messages around her and her name meant “wisdom.”

  She waved to Bernadette, who yelled with more exuberance than any other protestor. A rosy glow highlighted her full cheeks and her large green eyes burst with equal excitement. She shook a defiant fist in the air.

  “Nice boots,” Sophie yelled over their noise. Bernadette had tucked her jeans into new boots, with razor thin heels and pointy toes, which crossed the border into sexy. Opposite of the sensible heeled style Sophie wore. “You’re Northbridge’s own Che Guevera in her Jimmy Choo’s.”

  “You’d better start reading Vogue. These are from Target.” Bernadette pushed aside her sable brown bangs, which always seemed due for a trim. “Grab a sign.”

  “I’m working. Remember?” Any public appearance of bias while covering a story could get back to her editor.

  “Yeah, yeah. Same old excuse.” Bernadette punched a follow-up fist of solidarity at the sky and resumed her chant.

  The details about Carter would have to wait until after the hearing. Since Sophie’s chance meeting with the handsome visitor, she couldn’t shake her craving to learn more about him, a sensation that left her liberated and scared at the same time. Talking to the stranger was easy and comfortable, the way sliding into a pair of well-worn slippers let her know she was home, safe and exactly where she belonged.

  She turned toward the entrance and slammed into a stiff body, making her stumble back a step.

  “’Scuz me.” Otis Tate dipped his bushy eyebrows in annoyance, his Adam’s apple jutting out just beneath the scruffy edge of his white beard. As usual, his younger brother, Elmer, lagged several steps behind, shoulders stooped and taking away the extra few inches of height he held over the senior of the two septuagenarians.

  “Sorry. I didn’t see you.” A cold breeze sent a chill through Sophie’s wool skirt and tights, numbing her immediate reaction to scream “traitor.” The mere sight of them made her blood boil. After they’d accepted Resort Group International’s offer, they didn’t even have the decency to give her a phone call. Bernadette had learned about the deal at her law office and called Sophie, adding to her humiliation. They probably hadn’t given any consideration to the deep ties she held to the land. With no wives or children, their only goal was to sell to the highest bidder and retire near some friends in Florida, a consideration no self-respecting New Englander would utter aloud.

  Otis cleared his throat. “Listen, we want you to know this isn’t personal.”

  “I’d suggest you look up what personal means.”

  Both his brows arched. “Listen Sophie, we hadn’t signed anything with you yet. Business is business. You’ll find another spot for your winery.” He elbowed Elmer.

  Elmer flinched but didn’t respond. Instead, he stared at the protestors, his downturned mouth giving away his sadness.

  Otis leaned close enough for her to catch
the warmth of his breath. “I heard Cliff gave you this story last minute. I assume you’ll give it fair coverage.”

  The comment struck Sophie as hard as a kidney jab.

  Her tone downshifted to a harsh whisper. “Nana was a friend of your dad’s. She told me his name meant honorable. I wonder what she’d say about his sons.”

  Otis’ face turned beet red and Elmer’s froze like ice, as if her words cast a voodoo hex, Nana-style.

  She raised her voice. “You don’t have to fret over my coverage. I’ll report on this with the unbiased dedication of an attorney defending a murderer.” She turned to walk away then stopped and glared at both men. “Correction. Alleged murderer.”

  Elmer dropped his chin to his chest and it touched the ends of his flannel shirt collar. Sophie didn’t care if she’d shamed the nicer of the two brothers. He, of all people, understood why she didn’t want the land in the hands of strangers.

  Two weeks after her son died, Elmer had paid Sophie a visit. Several people in town wished to set up a memorial garden for Henry, right on the spot where he’d passed away on the Tates’ land. Elmer had requested her permission, admitting he wanted the memorial too. Henry had worked their farm every summer since turning fifteen and had grown close to Elmer, often calling the gentle old man his surrogate granddad. She’d agreed to the garden.

  Now the place was hallowed ground. She visited there every year on the anniversary of Henry’s death, his birthday or any other time she needed a tangible reminder of his life.

  “If you’ll excuse me, I have to get inside.” The thick lump settled in her throat and tears burned in the back of her eyes.

  Once inside the auditorium, she managed to get one of the last seats in the front row. On stage, members of the Northbridge Zoning Board had already taken their places behind a dais of two old rectangular fold-up tables with several microphones spaced along the tops.

  She took a breath to relax. Attitude accounted for ninety-nine percent of any situation and regret over her backlash at the Tate brothers moments ago hit hard and fast. The wall clock showed three minutes before seven, so she used the time to scribble more questions for RGI on her notepad. A minute later, the group of protestors noisily filled the empty row behind her, where they’d left a few belongings to save their seats.

  “How’d we sound out there?” Bernadette craned her neck to examine the crowded auditorium and slipped off her coat to reveal a white tee shirt with green letters spelling out S.O.L.E. printed across the bust line.

  “Menacing. Only a fool would face you guys.”

  Bernadette pointed with her chin to the back of the auditorium. “Speaking of fools, here they are now.”

  A group of five men in suits had entered. Amongst town officials, she recognized the lawyer from Hartford representing RGI, who dressed fancier than the locals in his expensive-looking suit. She studied the two men to the attorney’s side and stifled a gasp. The pitter-patter of her heart picked up speed.

  Bernadette tapped Sophie’s arm. “There’s the head fool himself. Duncan Jamieson, president of RGI.”

  “Which one?”

  “The hot tamale on the end, with wavy hair and wearing a navy suit.”

  “Are you sure?”

  A puzzled expression flitted across Bernadette’s face. “Absolutely. He came into the office two days ago to schmooze with one of the senior partners.”

  Sophie’s mouth went as dry as dust. Bernadette had just identified Duncan Jamieson, head of RGI, as none other than Carter.

  His presence begged for attention and separated him from the other men. Besides the expensive shine to his suit, assuredness permeated from every pore. He surveyed the crowd then leaned close and said something to his attorney, who nodded.

  The group of men walked toward the stage. As he neared Sophie’s section, his gaze met hers then dropped to the press badge dangling from her neck. He looked at her again and blinked. She held her breath, as much afraid he’d remember her as he’d forgotten her. After a negligible pause, his lip curled into a smile of clear delight. Before she could react, he winked and sealed the acknowledgement.

  Sophie’s pulse pounded in her ears as she neared code red. His cozy wink not only told others they’d met but dredged forth the lusty awareness of him which had consumed her body earlier. A sharp poke jabbed her back.

  “What the hell was that?” Bernadette whispered. “Do you know him?”

  “In a manner of speaking.” She refused to turn around.

  Carter, a.k.a. Duncan Jamieson, took the steps up to the stage and sat behind the long table with the other men. That guy had played Sophie more smoothly than a winning hand of poker, but she wasn’t about to take his lies in silence.

  Chapter 3

  “Welcome to tonight’s public hearing. For those who don’t know me, I’m Northbridge First Selectman, Buzz Harris.” Buzz spoke close into the microphone and his rough voice made the speakers screech. “Since this is a zoning matter, our moderator tonight will be….”

  Sophie’s anger drowned out his chatter. She clamped her jaw vise tight as she watched the man she now knew as Duncan Jamieson whispering into his lawyer’s ear.

  She flinched when both men stopped talking and stared right at her. She glanced stage left to the dark curtains as her neck and ears went impossibly hot. Wait. She wasn’t the liar. She snapped her head in their direction, but they’d turned their attention on Buzz.

  The second-term selectman gripped the sides of the podium, his brown suit jacket tightening around his stocky arms. He continued his opening statement in support of the resort project, the lines on his square face pulled more taut than usual. A sweep of his fingers through the thick gray hair near his temples, a habit of his whenever controversy was present, confirmed his discomfort.

  Buzz continued his opening address. In his role as a full-fledged member of the local old boy’s network, he manipulated the boards under his reign with ease. Sophie kept a careful watch on politicians like him, just waiting for them to cross the fine line into genuine corruption. What kind of pull did he have with zoning on this matter?

  As she scribbled down one of Buzz’s statements, she remembered her five dollar bet with Cliff. Would he consider “Reporter Wooed by Nemesis” an adequate win?

  Buzz introduced Duncan Jamieson. The handsome executive strode to the podium with the self-assurance of a king. He leaned with his elbows on the walnut top, fingers steepled together while he surveyed the crowd. His gaze lingered over her longer than the others. This time, she didn’t look away and tried out her best death glare.

  He cleared his throat and scanned the room. “First, I’m happy the hearing is so well attended. One thing is clear. The residents of this community care about its well-being.” His arms opened wide, a gesture that would’ve made Dale Carnegie proud. “The vision RGI holds is for our resort to become a part of the lake’s history and to honor the people who live here by our contribution to the area.”

  The confidence Duncan had exhibited when taking over Sophie’s boat problem was magnified in his formal presentation. He addressed Board members with familiarity, as if he’d known them forever, and discussed the town with the authority of a newly anointed mayor.

  Bernadette’s dated auditorium chair squeaked. Her breath gushed next to Sophie’s ear. “Jeesh, you’d think this guy was the new grand pooh-bah.”

  Sophie turned sideways. “Confidence isn’t one of his problems.”

  Bernadette raised a questioning brow.


  “RGI is committed to working collaboratively with all parties.” Duncan put on a contemplative frown. “Especially those who have concerns. We hope to have a partnership with S.O.L.E. because my firm cares about the environment as much as the rest of you.”

  Bernadette exhaled, so loud Duncan’s head jerked in their direction. Her seat squeaked again and she whispered in Sophie’s ear. “I’ll bet he thinks he’ll finish and waltz
out of here tonight without a single question. Guess he doesn’t know how things work in Northbridge.”

  Sophie nodded. Their small New England form of government was called a town meeting format. The residents were seasoned pros at public forums, where local decisions were often made. Public hearings were their idea of a fun night out. Bernadette liked to brag she could recite Robert’s Rules of Order with the same ease she could list the ice cream flavors at the Dairy Inn.

  “Most important, RGI wants full disclosure of all information.” His gaze drifted to Sophie, causing the same jolt she’d received the first time they met. “I hope to work closely with the local press to ensure everyone is informed.”

  She attempted no outward reaction. Inside, though, her emotional needle swung back and forth between desire and rage.

  Bernadette surfaced again with the persistence of a pesky gnat. “Hmm. I’ll bet he does.”

  Sophie narrowed her gaze at Bernadette, who leaned back in the seat, her lips pressed into a thin smirk.

  How could she interview this guy afterward? His flirty wink suggested he hadn’t thought twice about the sham he’d tried to pull on her.

  He finished to applause mixed with low boos. The moderator and zoning board chairman, Adli Zimmerman, went to the podium and opened the floor for public comments.

  Bernadette popped from her seat, in perfect position to win the relay race to the microphone. Several others lined up behind her. Adli ran an anxious hand across his bald scalp, centered between trim white mounds melting into sideburns.

  She grabbed the microphone fast and tight. “Bernadette Felton. Twenty-four Appletree Drive.”

  Buzz hurried from his seat and went to Duncan, his forehead crumpled with deep lines of worry. He whispered in Duncan’s ear. The executive nodded, but the slight wilt of his shoulders suggested the secret stole some of his confidence.

  Sophie’s nerves twitched. One question circulating around town about this project was founded in pure gossip. Nobody had the nerve to ask this in a public venue. Nobody except Bernadette.


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