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Kur of Gor

Page 57

by John Norman

  "They are then brothers?"

  "Probably not in the full sense in which you think of brothers, being raised together, and such, but the distinction is of genetic interest, and is often regarded as germane to desiderated bloodlines. To be sure, occasionally, a confederacy of sorts is formed amongst such brothers, in pursuit of a common concern, but that tends to be frowned upon, and is supposedly rare."

  "Supposedly?” said Cabot.

  "It is my suspicion that it is more common than is usually suspected,” said Lord Grendel.

  Cabot, softly, placed his hand on one of the wombs, which was warm, and pulsated.

  The hair had an oily feel.

  "Does the womb feel?” asked Cabot.

  "We do not think so,” said Grendel, “but it does have some irritability, for example, writhing and recoiling at the emergence."


  "Something like birth."


  "The young one, you might say the baby, or child, when ready, tears its way out of the womb. It is bloody. Here and there you can see blood on the floor. The blood attracts the scavengers, who come to feed on it. And they are usually the infant's first kill."

  "I see,” said Cabot.

  "The Kur, you see, is superior to the human,” said Lord Grendel, “for the human is usually quite helpless at birth, and for some time afterward."

  "It must cause great pain to the womb,” said Cabot.

  "We do not know,” said Lord Grendel. “In any event the womb has no vocal apparatus."

  "How are wombs reproduced?” asked Cabot.

  "They bud,” said Grendel. “Parthenogenesis."

  "How did this begin?” asked Cabot.

  "We do not know,” said Lord Grendel. “It was long ago. One supposes some sort of biological engineering was involved, something intended to free the Kur female from some of procreation's more grievous burdens."

  "How do the wombs live?” asked Cabot.

  "They are alive,” said Lord Grendel. “They have an orifice. They are fed meat, and given fluid. Yes, there are teeth, and fangs, within the orifice. Do not place your hand into one. Excretion is emitted through the same orifice, it serving for both purposes, and the waste products are exuded onto the body. Perhaps you have noted the oiliness of the pelt."

  Cabot drew back his hand.

  "The metabolism is very slow,” said Grendel, “and the wombs are often metabolically dormant for weeks at a time. Periodically, the pelt is wiped clean and sanitized, and always when an emergence is imminent."

  They continued to tread the tunnel, and the wombs became more frequent. Some moved, as what was within them stirred.

  "Be careful where you step!” said Lord Grendel.

  Cabot moved a bit to the side, to avoid stepping on what he took to be something dropped in the tunnel, a wad of cloth, a crumpled rag, a lump of tissue.

  "What is it?” asked Cabot.

  "An infant,” said Grendel. “Probably waiting for a scavenger."

  "Is it alive?"


  "It is not moving."

  "I would not put my hand on it, unless you want to lose a finger,” said Lord Grendel. “Just avoid it. These things are picked up, periodically, with gloves, or tongs, and boxed, for conveying to the nurseries."

  They had not moved more than three or four yards when there was a sudden, frightened squeal, and Cabot spun about, to see a flurry of fur and teeth behind him. Then the mound was still, save for the sound of feeding.

  "A scavenger came too close,” said Lord Grendel.

  It was some minutes further in the tunnel, when Cabot stopped, and stared at one of the wombs, for it seemed to shudder, and heave.

  "Smell it,” said Lord Grendel.

  "Disinfectant, alcohol?” said Cabot.

  "There is going to be an emergence,” said Grendel. “Step back. Do not approach it closely, for you might be soiled."

  The living thing adhering to the wall, large, and bulging, haired, began to shudder and writhe. Cabot saw its outer side, at one point, project, and pull back, and then project, again. Then a tiny whitish tooth appeared through the wall of the womb, and blood ran from the tiny aperture.

  "I do not think I want to watch this,” said Cabot.

  "It is the way of life,” said Lord Grendel.

  There was then more blood and then, clearly, in moments, a tiny head appeared, with red fangs. Tiny reddish eyes then opened, perhaps for the first time, tiny, blazing eyes, and glared balefully outward at Cabot. Then a small paw, with claws, thrust through the widening hole, tearing at it, scratching at it, widening it. Then there seemed a frenzy of activity within, an energetic wriggling, and the whole head and a shoulder emerged, ears laid back, all glistening and bloody, and blood began to run down the side of the womb, profusely, and Cabot stepped back, further, and then, suddenly, a small body emerged, and clung to the outside of the womb, head downward, its claws fastened in the skin, and then it dropped to the floor, belly down, and more blood flowed about, and Cabot stepped even further away. He was then aware of movements about his feet, and several of the tiny urtlike scavengers in the tunnel rushed toward the blood, crouched down in it, and began to lap it up, and one was caught by a hind foot and pulled squealing backward toward the newcomer, and Cabot turned away, and continued down the tunnel.

  "Do not be disturbed,” said Lord Grendel. “Is a human birth so different? Does not life begin in brutality, just as it often ends in such, as well?"

  "What of the womb, its rupture, its wound?” asked Cabot.

  "It is a young womb,” said Lord Grendel. “I think it will heal. Some wombs have survived as many as fifty emergences."

  "How long will we stay here?” asked Cabot.

  "We will spend the night here,” said Lord Grendel.

  "Far from the wombs,” suggested Cabot.

  "Certainly, if you wish,” said Lord Grendel.

  At last they came to the end of the tunnel. Cabot could see the darkness of the world's arranged night outside.

  "We will leave, early in the morning,” said Lord Grendel. “I would sleep sitting up. I would not put my head or face on the floor."

  "I understand,” said Cabot.

  In the morning Cabot started, awake, but there was nothing near him. He breathed more easily.

  Lord Grendel was already up, fastening his harness.

  Cabot looked about.

  "Dear Grendel,” said Cabot. “What are these scratches? I did not notice them last night."

  "I do not know,” said Grendel. “There are many of them, they seem the effect of desperate, agitated movement. They affect an area not more than a few inches in height and width. They are not fresh."

  "I do not understand them,” said Cabot.

  "Nor I,” said Lord Grendel.

  Cabot, now intent, began to examine the floor of the tunnel, near the exit. “Here,” he said, pointing to the floor of the tunnel.

  "Yes,” said Lord Grendel. “A print."

  "That of a human foot,” said Cabot.

  "A small human foot,” said Grendel, examining it.

  "See the tininess, the high arch, the delicacy of the print,” said Cabot.

  "A pretty print,” said Lord Grendel.

  "That of a human female,” said Cabot.

  "Clearly,” said Lord Grendel. “Killer humans have been in the vicinity. It is probably that of one of their females."

  "What of the scratches?” asked Cabot.

  "I do not understand them,” said Lord Grendel.

  "Nor do I,” had said Cabot.

  They then left the area, and continued their journey to the camp, at which they arrived a second day later, as earlier indicated.

  Chapter, the Fifty-Fourth:


  "Dear Cabot,” said Statius, “I find the actions of humans mysterious. I fear I will never understand them."

  "You may find this incomprehensible, dear friend,” said Cabot,
“but humans, in their turn, do not always understand the doings of Kurii."

  "You left the camp this morning,” said Statius, “with a haunch of tarsk, and you returned without it. Scarcely would you devour so much meat in so short a time. What did you do with it?"

  "I performed an experiment,” said Cabot.

  "And was this experiment successful?” inquired Statius.

  "More so than I had hoped,” said Cabot.

  "May I inquire into the nature of this experiment?” asked Statius.

  "I may respond obliquely,” said Cabot, “if you have no objection."

  "No,” said Statius. “Do as you wish."

  "Surely you are aware,” said Cabot, “that more than one enemy has perished within pasangs of the camp."

  "I have heard so,” said Statius.

  "At least four, discovered, and perhaps more, undiscovered,” said Cabot.

  "I have heard so,” said Statius.

  "The area is dangerous, clearly, for Kurii,” said Cabot, “and yet our human foragers and scouts, alone, and those accompanied by Kurii, our brothers, have traversed the same terrain with impunity."

  "It would seem so,” said Statius.

  "Indeed, even noble Flavion, alone, in his numerous and courageous excursions in our behalf, has fared similarly."

  "True,” said Statius.

  "Do these impunities, and exceptions, not seem peculiar?"


  "And perhaps they require some explanation?"

  "Coincidence,” said Statius, “oddities, random fortuities. No other explanation is possible."

  "You are familiar with coin gambling?” said Cabot.

  "Certainly,” said Statius, “and stick gambling, and pebble gambling, and so on. We are fond of gambling."

  "Suppose that the same face on a coin turned up repeatedly,” said Cabot. Say, it turned up a hundred times, a thousand times, would you not find this surprising?"

  "Surely,” said Statius.

  "Would you deem it a remarkable fortuity?"

  "I would want to see the coin,” said Statius.

  "Precisely,” said Cabot. “And that is what I did this morning, examine the coin."

  "It had the same face on both sides?"

  "So to speak,” said Cabot.

  "Tal,” said Lord Grendel.

  His greeting was returned by Statius and his human ally, Tarl Cabot.

  Behind Lord Grendel, pressing closely, came the scout, Flavion.

  Greetings were exchanged with him, as well.

  "How go matters?” asked Cabot of Lord Grendel.

  "Our plans proceed apace,” said Lord Grendel.

  "You have dispatched the runners?” asked Flavion.

  "Yes,” said Lord Grendel.

  "It is unlikely all the bands will be located,” said Cabot.

  "It will be easier for us to locate them than for the enemy,” said Grendel, “as they will not vanish before us, as before them."

  "I trust that all the groups will be contacted,” said Flavion.

  "Surely most,” said Lord Grendel.

  "And those with power weapons?"

  "We trust so,” said Lord Grendel.

  "We will need as many as possible, to conduct a raid upon the palace,” said Flavion. Concern was clear in his Kur, but this concern was not, of course, evident in the dispassionate account rendered in virtue of Cabot's translator.

  "Certainly,” said Lord Grendel.

  "Do you know the location of the bands?” asked Flavion.

  "Of some,” said Lord Grendel, “and of the others, generally. Would you like particulars?"

  "No,” said Flavion. “Certainly not! The fewer who know of such things the greater our security."

  "True,” said Statius. “Under torture, even a Kur might weaken. And under suitable drugs, even a Kur would speak."

  "We will risk all, on this bold stroke,” said Flavion.

  "Your role in this is significant, Lord Flavion,” said Lord Grendel, “for, as you know, we must have a secret gathering to marshal our forces and coordinate our plans."

  "I have a place in mind,” said Flavion, “a shallow, lonely place, which will not be suspected, yet not far from the habitats, and within a brief march of the palace."

  "You will have to scout its safety, and determine its appropriateness for our purposes, before we join there, and we will depend on you in this matter,” said Lord Grendel.

  "You may rely upon me,” said Flavion. “If there should prove to be the least danger, or even a semblance of danger, you will be instantly informed."

  "Good Flavion,” said Statius.

  "Noble Flavion,” said Lord Grendel.

  Lord Grendel then, accompanied by Statius, turned about, to attend to other concerns.

  "You have not groomed me of late,” said Flavion to Cabot.

  "May I have the honor of doing so, presently?” inquired Cabot.

  "The honor is mine,” said Flavion. “But it had occurred to me that you, though human, stand high in the camp, perhaps highest amongst the humans, save for dear Peisistratus, and that I, though Kur, am lowly, and no more than a scout."

  "But you are Kur,” said Cabot, “and I am only human."

  "True,” said Flavion. “But I, more appropriately, I think, now command such services from certain of the female slaves of the camp, the Corinna of Peisistratus, for example."

  "I have seen her, naked, combing you,” said Cabot.

  "I like her naked,” said Flavion.

  "That is understandable,” said Cabot. “Too, it is appropriate for her. She is a slave."

  "You require such services of female slaves, do you not?” said Flavion.

  "Surely,” said Cabot. “We use them to bathe us and towel us, to comb us, to dress us, to tie our sandals, which they bring to us, naked, crawling, on all fours, in their teeth, and such."

  "I have seen the female of Statius humbly grooming him, as well,” said Flavion.

  "She has been conquered,” said Cabot.

  "A worthless she,” said Flavion.

  "Statius does not think so,” said Cabot.


  "She seems now content, and happy, and fulfilled,” said Cabot.

  "Worthless!” repeated Flavion.

  "I suspect,” said Cabot, “she would now die for him, and he for her."

  "I do not understand these things,” said Flavion.

  "It is simple,” said Cabot. “She is his slave, and he her master."

  "But they are Kur!” said Flavion.

  "All rational species have slavery,” said Cabot. “Females seek their masters, males seek their slaves."

  "I see,” said Flavion.

  "Incidentally,” said Cabot, “in the case of the girl, Corinna, did you speak to Peisistratus, concerning her service?"

  "Should I have done so?” he asked.

  "One does not put another's slave to use without his permission,” said Cabot.

  "But I am Kur,” said Flavion.

  "It is a matter of courtesy,” said Cabot.

  "I did not know,” said Flavion. “I must hasten to apologize to Peisistratus."

  "Your civility is impeccable,” said Cabot.

  Flavion hesitated. “With respect to your Lita—” he began.


  "Would you like to recover her?"

  "The trail is cold,” said Cabot. “It is no longer possible."

  "But would you like to recover her, if it were possible?"

  "Certainly,” said Cabot. “She is naive and stupid. She has much to learn about what it is to be a female slave. And I would not mind if she learned it at my feet."

  "Perhaps you should not be impatient with her,” said Flavion. “Perhaps she did not fully understand what she was. It seems she was angry, and proud, and terribly upset, and not thinking clearly. Doubtless she felt abandoned. Desolated. In anguish. Doubtless she was swept away by her emotions. Indeed, it may have been from the very love of you that she fled." />
  "There are no excuses for her,” said Cabot. “She is in a collar."

  "Of course,” said Flavion.

  "And now she is lost,” said Cabot. “And so let us now put the worthless slut from our mind."

  "Perhaps her trail might be found,” said Flavion. “What would you give for her?"

  "If we were on Gor,” said Cabot, “perhaps a handful of tarsk-bits, merely to bring her again to my feet."

  "She means so little to you?"

  "She is only a slave,” said Cabot.

  "If I knew where she was,” said Flavion, “I would not charge you so much as a single tarsk-bit."

  "You sound,” said Cabot, “as if you knew where she was."

  "Certainly not,” said Flavion. “But I have wondered, sometime, if it might not be possible for one to find her trail."

  "Not even a sleen could trace her now,” said Cabot.

  "Doubtless,” said Flavion.

  "But I might be interested in recovering her,” said Cabot, “if only to have her learn what it is to be a female slave, and then, doubtless, to sell her."

  "I thought so,” said Flavion.

  "Do you think you might be able to find her trail?” asked Cabot.

  "It does not seem likely,” said Flavion.

  "Then, let us forget the matter,” said Cabot.

  "Very well,” said Flavion. “But forgive me now, for I see noble Peisistratus, and I must hurry to him, to beg his forgiveness for imposing upon him, however innocently and inadvertently, in the case of his Corinna."

  "Do not overly concern yourself,” said Cabot, “for she is only a slave."

  "True,” said Flavion. “But, as you have reminded me, she is not mine."

  Chapter, the Fifty-Fifth:


  It was now some ten days later.

  The runners had returned, and had met with unexpected success. To be sure, the groups were now muchly reduced, for many of the opposition to Lord Agamemnon had availed themselves, ultimately to their sorrow, of the proffered amnesty. The place of meeting had been made clear, and in accord with Flavion's arrangements. The groups then, unless otherwise informed, would meet at the place designated, which was a broad, sloping, shallow place known as the Vale of Destruction, from an incident which had occurred there more than a hundred years ago, between rival factions for the Theocracy, adherents of the Tenth and the Eleventh Faces of the Nameless One. It was now an isolated area, save for a modest memorial stele, stating the outcome of the dispute. Its location apart from the major courses of the world doubtless recommended it to Flavion. Despite its isolation, and practical remoteness, it was, however, as indicated earlier, not altogether removed from the vicinity of the habitats, and it lay within a night's march of the palace. From it, as a point d'appui, the palace might be attacked at the world's dawn. Certainly it seemed suitable for its purpose, and, as it turned out, this proved to be the case.


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