Taurus (Galactic Cage Fighters (Book Three))

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Taurus (Galactic Cage Fighters (Book Three)) Page 2

by K. D. Jones

  “Taurus the Ape Man is in rare form this evening.”

  “When he took a punch in the mouth. I think I saw a tooth fly out.”

  “He’s giving as good as he gets though, Johann. He’s determined to make his opponent work for every shot.”

  “Oh! Did you see that, Poland? The full Arian he’s fighting went to kick Taurus’s head, but Taurus caught the male’s leg in mid-swing and twisted it until the bone cracked. I swear I could hear the snap from our commentator’s box.”

  “It was an awesome sight to behold, Johann. However, it doesn’t look like the Ape Man is done just yet.”

  “Oh no, he’s not done. He has mounted the male and is pummeling him in the face. Right! Left! Right again!”

  “The male is out! The ref is counting it down.”

  “Five! Four! Three! Two! One! Taurus wins the match!”

  “Look at that, Taurus steps on the downed Arian and walks right over him to leave the cage.”

  “That’s why they say he’s the most anti-social member of the GCFA.”


  “Taurus, come on and try to have a little fun,” Zen whined to his friend at the after-party. Taurus looked over at the two females that Zen wanted him to share in the fun with. They were attractive. But he wasn’t that interested. He never was.

  “Not tonight, Zen.”

  “Then when?” Zen was frustrated with his friend, and worried. It wasn’t normal for a grown, vital male to not have sex. He had his own hang-ups, but this thing with Taurus was very concerning.

  Taurus was desperate to get out of the situation. He looked across the room and caught the eye of one of the female Venetians. The Venetians were males and females that were hired by the GCFA for sexual relaxation for the GCFA fighters. This one he knew personally. He nodded his head and the female made her way to him.

  “I already have plans, Zen.” He hugged the female when she reached his side.

  “Hell, why didn’t you say that to begin with?” Zen looked relieved as he made his way over to the two females he had on standby. He wrapped an arm around each female’s shoulder and led them out of the banquet room.

  “You wanted me, Taurus?” the tall, voluptuous Venetian asked.

  “Sorry, Gypsy…it was a mistake.” Taurus looked at her with sincerity.

  The Venetian reached out a hand to gently cup his cheek. She had shared his bed many times in the past and knew the issues he dealt with. “I understand. Maybe we could dance. No one seems to offer us that anymore. It’s straight up to the suite to get down to business.”

  “Of course.” Taurus wasn’t much of a dancer. But he would do this to appease Gypsy.

  He danced a couple of dances with Gypsy. When she had another offer, he said goodnight. He preferred being alone. Even when he did share sex on those rare occasions, he never had the females stay overnight.


  He was back at the orphanage again. June was there and they were playing outside.

  “Do you think we’ll ever be adopted?” June asked.

  “I doubt it. We’re different and most humans fear what’s different.”

  “But I’m nice. A whole lot nicer than Jenny.”

  “Ten times nicer than Jenny. And a lot prettier. But we’re not full humans. I don’t see the big deal in getting adopted. You go from one place where someone tells you what to do and punishes you if you don’t follow their rules, to another group of people doing the exact same thing. I think we’re better off here until we are old enough to leave.”

  “I just want a family. Someone who will always be there for me even when I make mistakes and will never forget me.”

  “I’ll be your family and I promise, I’ll never forget you.”


  Taurus woke up sweating. He hadn’t dreamed about June in years. He rubbed his chest right above his heart. It still hurt. After all this time, he still felt her loss. He got up and poured himself a drink, then another, and then another. He wanted oblivion, he wanted to pass out and not dream anymore. After his fifth drink he got his wish. He passed out on the bed.

  The next day he was rudely awakened by the pounding at his door. He wrapped a sheet around his bottom half and held it together with one hand. He preferred to sleep in the nude, but there was no way he was exposing himself to whoever was waiting for him.

  He found Zen standing there with a smile on his face. A smile from Zen meant trouble for him.

  * * *

  Chapter Two

  Maya was nervous. She had left her home that she shared with her grandparents and traveled halfway across the galaxy to get here. She was not going to back down now. She was starting a new life for herself. Though her grandparents were supportive of her brave adventure, she knew they would worry for her. As she would for them.

  After all the planning and saving of every dime she had earned over the years with the odd job here and there, she was finally here. She had one chance to leave a good impression. She had to make it count.

  Maya had read in a recent news release the Galactic Cage Fighters Association, GCFA, was having open calls for different positions available for the upcoming circuit tour. She was trying out for whatever position she could get. This was the moment she had waited for her whole life.

  The GCFA was the largest body sport promotion company in the universe. GCFA promoted full body contact sports involving mixed fighting disciplines such as boxing, wrestling, and martial arts. The fighters with the GCFA were full-blooded alien or half-alien and half-human called halfsies.

  GCFA produced events in different regions across the many galaxies. There were eight divisions. The GCFA circuit went to eight regions: Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Omega, Delta, Kappa, Theta, Zeta. Each region separated in four quarters; Eastern Quarter, Western Quarter, Northern Quarter, Northern Quarter, and Southern Quarter. Each quarter had a million galaxies.

  Maya hoped that not all the positions available were for fighters. She was only one-quarter Arian and mostly human. She did not have the strength or stamina as a halfsie or full species.

  Her grandfather was a full Arian and married her very human grandmother. Her father, Trey, was half Arian and half human, a halfsie. He got her human mother pregnant but refused to take responsibility. He left for parts unknown before she was ever born. Her mother did not want her either and gave her to her grandparents to raise.

  Her grandparents were wonderful. They cared for her, gave her love, and encouraged her to go after her dreams. Even though her dream was to work for the GCFA and travel most of the year with the circuit tour.

  She watched almost every televised match since she was little. Her real interest picked up after a new fighter was hired, Taurus the Ape Man. She was a huge fan of his. There was something about his dark brown eyes that looked so lonely. They called to her, making her want to seek him out. So, here she was, far from home and about to do anything she had to do to get this job.


  “Come on Taurus, pick one.” Zen nudged his friend who had remained silent through the whole audition.

  How did he get roped into doing this? Oh yeah, Zen volunteered him. Damn it! This was not what he wanted to be doing, auditioning new ring girls. He would rather be helping Zara train the replacement fighters. This was a joke.

  The GCFA had reserved a conference room at the local space station hotel for them to use to conduct their ‘interviews’. There wasn’t much interviewing going on. Zen was having the females parade around on top of the table. They had stripped down to their very skimpy bathing suits, though Taurus told them that it wasn’t necessary. Against Zen’s protests, he had to tell the females to put their clothing back on. It was embarrassing for him to watch, but Zen was in heaven. However, Taurus had had enough.

  He was about to call an end to the whole fiasco when the door opened and a small figure tumbled through. The clumsy person straightened up and Taurus felt every breath in his body sucked out. He had never seen such a beautiful female in all his
life. She had light brown hair with a widow’s peak that had natural curl despite her efforts to straighten it. Her eyes were light green and her facial features were delicate.

  “Am I too late?” she asked breathlessly.

  The sound of the female’s voice went straight to his groin. That did not please him at all. He grunted with disapproval. The sound carried to the young female who then pouted her lips. He knew in that one instance this female was going to be trouble for him. She was big trouble wrapped up in a small package.

  “We were about to call it a day. But I think we can work a sweet thing like you in,” Zen told her using his sexy voice.

  Taurus glared at him. “Zen.”

  Zen looked at him with innocent eyes. “What? We do have at least five minutes to spare for the pretty girl.”

  Taurus grunted. The girl wasn’t pretty, she was beautiful. It bothered him that she kept her gaze on him the whole time. Normally, all eyes would focus on Zen when he was in the room. His friend was male model beautiful and he had that sex inducing voice that seemed to make the females’ clothing fall right off. Taurus preferred not to draw female attention. So it was a surprise and unwelcome when the female almost ignored Zen’s presence. He definitely did not like the girl being oblivious to Zen, and he did not like the way Zen was checking the girl out.

  Maya shuffled from foot to foot. “What should I do first? Uh…I should first ask what I am auditioning for.”

  Zen gave her a wink. “We are looking for new ring girls. Did you bring a bathing suit with you?”

  Ring girls? Right. They were the ones that walked across the cage to announce the end or beginning of a round. They would wear really skimpy clothes, mostly bathing suits. She had not thought to bring one with her when she packed her bags.

  “I don’t have a suit. But I have a sports bra and boy shorts on.”


  “Zen, let the girl go. She doesn’t need to strip to her underwear.”

  Maya saw her chances of getting the job dwindle right before her eyes as the two males were arguing. She quickly stripped out of her jeans and sweater. She came up to them and tapped both of them on their shoulders to get their attention.

  “Is this okay?” she asked with a shaky voice.

  Taurus felt his blood pressure go up. She was definitely not a girl. Not with that body. The dark green sweater she showed up in had been way too big and baggie. It had hid her petite but curvy figure. Taurus hated his body’s response to her and wished she would put her sweater back on.

  With her so close to him, he felt like a giant before her. He was six foot eight inches tall, which towered over her five foot two inches. He noticed she had goosebumps on her arms and shoulders. He had this strange desire to pull her into his arms and warm her. What the hell was he thinking? Maybe it had been too long since he had been with a female. He needed to call one of the Venetians to come and take care of his physical needs.

  He looked up to see Zen eyeing the female like she was a sweet treat he wanted to taste. “Zen, stop eye fucking her. Let’s get this over with.”

  Zen laughed and gave Maya another wink. “Spoilsport.”

  Maya hadn’t really been paying attention to the other fighter. Her body and mind were reacting to being so close to Taurus. She was disappointed that he didn’t seem to notice her like his friend had.

  “Did you fill out an application?” Zen asked her.

  “There weren’t any more out on the desk in the hallway.”

  “That’s okay, you can fill one out later. We’ll ask a few brief questions. What’s your name, age, and species?”

  “My name is Maya, I’m twenty-three years old. I am one-quarter Arian.”

  “Are you married or have a boyfriend?”

  She blushed as she gave Taurus a quick look. “No.”

  “Okay, how about we have you walk across the room. Stop midway and do a full circle with both arms raised up in the air as if you were holding a sign for everyone to read. Then finish walking to the other side. We will take a few digital shots of you and I’ll give you a piece of paper with a slogan on it. The ring girls participate in the advertising and promotion of the GCFA fights so if you can do great in promotional pictures and commercials, then you will be more valuable.”

  She nodded her head and started to walk across the room. She had to make a great impression. So far, she didn’t think they were very impressed with her. She swung her hips more than she usually did when she walked. She held her shoulders back so her slightly smaller breasts thrust up and out. She had never felt more uncomfortable in her entire life.

  “Okay, now spin slowly in a circle. Look out and flirt a little. It gets the crowd going,” Zen told her. He then turned to Taurus and made a low comment. “She’s got a nice round firm ass and those tits are smaller than Coco’s but still very luscious.”

  “Shut the hell up and start taking the digital shots,” Taurus growled at him.

  Zen laughed as he lifted the digital camera. As he took a picture images appeared on a television screen. Taurus stood there transfixed. Each picture of Maya was better than the last. She looked amazing and sexy. He felt his already stiff cock harden even more. When Zen had her read a commercial slogan, it was all he could do to not grab the female, throw her over his shoulder, and take her to his suite so he could fuck her all night long. The sound of her voice somehow caressed his whole body. It was warm and throaty. Damn, the female was hot!

  “We have enough,” he called out to get Zen to stop shooting Maya.

  She watched as Zen walked over to the television to view the images that he had taken. This was one of those many moments she wished she was more Arian. Her hearing was more like a human’s so she couldn’t hear what they were saying to each other. Taurus was shaking his head, but it didn’t look like Zen was caving in.

  She looked down and realized that she was still in her bra and boy shorts. She quickly got dressed and hoped that she would not be turned down. She didn’t have a backup plan. Her grandparents would be happy to have her come home, but that would be a last resort thing. She was a little startled when Taurus made a small outburst before storming out of the room.

  “You’re hired,” Zen told her.

  * * *

  Chapter Three

  She may not have made a good first impression with Taurus, but at least she was hired. She wished she knew what it was that made him storm out of the room like he did. She hoped it wasn’t something she had done or said. She always looked to the bright side of things. Now that she had a job with the GCFA, she would have plenty of time to work with Taurus, getting to know him, and hopefully more if she had her own way.

  Zen told her to check in with the GCFA coordinator at the front desk. The GCFA ship was getting ready to leave for the next spaceport on the tour. She had brought her bags with her to the auditions so she didn’t have to go anywhere to pack. The coordinator didn’t make any comments about that for which she was grateful. She spent about half an hour filling out paperwork and listening to the coordinator explain about the rules and regulations.

  A helper took her bags to her suite while Maya was given a tour of the ship. It took about an hour. Then she was shown to a suite where she would share with another ring girl. The fighters were on higher levels of the ship. Maya wasn’t sure what to expect from the other girl. She walked into the suite and called out.


  There was a pause and then a female a little older than her with bleached blond hair came tumbling out of one of the bedrooms. She was half-dressed and breathing hard. “I didn’t realize you would be here so soon.”

  Maya smiled warmly. “I had all my things with me.”

  The female laughed. “Were you that confident you would get the job?”

  “No, I just had all my stuff packed already and with me.”

  There was an awkward pause. “Did you run away from home? Because if you did, I am totally cool with that. I wanted to run away too many tim
es to count.”

  “I didn’t…I didn’t run away. I’m twenty-three years old and left to make a new start for myself.”

  “Oh. Well, that’s cool, too. My name is Coco. I know, it sounds like a stripper right? But I swear that’s what my parents named me.” She walked over to shake hands with Maya.

  Maya tried not to stare at the female’s barely covered cleavage. But her breasts were so large and bouncy. The tiny straps to her very short baby doll gown looked like they were straining against the weight. She blushed looking away before getting caught staring.

  “I’m Maya.”

  “Are you human?”

  “I have some Arian in me. But yes, I am mostly human.”

  “Oh. Just to warn you, a lot of the halfsies do not like humans. I would tell them that you are an Arian halfsie, leave out the rest of it.”

  “Thanks for the warning. I’ve dealt with that most of my life.” Her family had mixed circles of friends back home. The full species look down on her for being mostly human, and the humans looked down on her for having alien DNA.

  “Come on, Coco, I need to come so bad I hurt,” a sexy male voice called out from Coco’s bedroom door.

  Maya turned toward the source of the voice and had to quickly look away. It was not quick enough though. She got an eyeful of Zen the Sin. He sure did live up to his name. Every perfect, naked inch of him was sinfully delicious. But he wasn’t the one she was interested in.

  “Hello again,” Zen greeted her with a sexy smile.

  Don’t look…don’t look…don’t look. She kept telling herself that as she answered him.

  “Yes, you too.”

  “Coco, come back to bed. You left me hanging like this and my cock feels like it’s going to fall off,” Zen complained, winking at Maya.

  Maya saw the wink. She looked, okay. She couldn’t help it. He was a beautiful piece of art, with a full arousal waving in the air. Oh shit!

  “Okay, okay, I’m coming!” Coco yelled at him.


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