Taurus (Galactic Cage Fighters (Book Three))

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Taurus (Galactic Cage Fighters (Book Three)) Page 6

by K. D. Jones

  Hammer looked at Taurus. “Showtime.”

  * * *

  Chapter Eight

  The bell rang announcing the start to round one. Normally matches usually lasted three rounds, each round no longer than five minutes. Championship fights last for a maximum of five rounds. There was a one-minute rest period between rounds. Since this was a tag team match, during the first two rounds, Taurus and Hammer would take turns fighting their opponents. By the third round, both pairs of fighters would be allowed to fight simultaneously.

  Taurus opened with range-finding kicks, but none landed. The Leptan took the brunt of the kicks thrown but did not react to them much. The Leptan then landed two shots to Taurus’s body and knocked his head against the cage. He reached out to tag Hammer at the same exact time the Leptan had tagged his partner. The crowd went wild for Hammer.

  “Sledge Hammer! Sledge Hammer!” the crowd chanted louder and louder. It made the Artarian pissed. He came at Hammer swinging with all three arms. He did score quick, hard punches to Hammer’s body over and over.

  Hammer bounced back with an inside leg kick which made the Artarian stumble. He recovered quickly continuing with the punches. The Artarian got hold of Hammer’s throat with his third arm, but the bell rang announcing the end of round one.

  Coco was the ring girl and she walked across the mat going from one side of the cage to the next. She flirted with the males in the crowd getting them worked up. That was all part of the show.

  Round two began with Hammer retaking the fight where he left off. He managed to secure the Artarian with an under hook and pressed him into the cage. He tapped out and Hammer tapped Taurus’s hand to take his place.

  Taurus landed a right hand and pressed the Leptan back into the cage. The Leptan tried to respond with a knee in the clinch. There were more hard right hands by both. Then Taurus landed a two-punch combo scoring a hard body shot. Taurus refused to allow the Leptan to tap out. By the time the bell rang ending round two, the Leptan was taking in huge gulps of air and favoring his right side.

  Taurus went to his and Hammer’s side of the cage. He was breathing hard, too.

  “We need to get it together,” Hammer told him.

  Taurus nodded his head. “I’m with you.” He stretched out his toes wiggling them.

  The bell rang to start the third round. Now all four fighters were allowed to fight simultaneously. Taurus sent out a leg kick at the Artarian in an attempt at a takedown, but the Artarian wasn’t going to go down that easily. With his third arm, the Artarian hit him hard in the ribs.

  Hammer performed a back kick to the Artarian’s legs while he was fighting the Leptan. It gave Taurus the opening he needed. Taurus leapt up into the air flipping and latching out with his extended toes. Hanging upside down from the curved top of the cage, he grabbed hold of the Artarian. He swung the surprised Artarian hard against the side of the cage, then let his body fall unconscious to the mat. Simultaneously, Hammer pulled back his large beefy hand and let it hit the Leptan in the face. The smaller species flew across the cage hitting the fence, knocking him unconscious as well. The referee, who was a robotic arm with a camera attached, swung down to countdown and the bell rung announced the match over.


  Maya watched the fight by the sidelines close to the VIP section. The ring girls were expected to pass out t-shirts to some of the VIPs. She cringed several times whenever Taurus took a kick or punch. She didn’t know how he would be against the Artarian. But he used his special Priman abilities. It was fucking hot! Her breathing was rapid and she was wet between her legs. She wasn’t the only female that found it exciting.

  “Did you see Taurus the Ape Man swinging from the bars? That man is sex on a stick hanging upside down,” a blond human female sitting in the VIP section said.

  “Oh, yeah. He can take me like that any time. He’s hung, too. His package was clearly visible against those skintight shorts he wears. I wonder what he’d be like?” a large chested human female with red hair answered the blond.

  “You would date him?” the blond asked with surprise.

  “No! Of course not. However, I would definitely fuck him.”

  Maya glared angrily at the two females. How dare they talk about Taurus that way, like he was a thing and not a person with feelings. Sure she was pissed at him for being with the Venetian, but he hadn’t promised her anything. They had only shared a moment. He had every right to be with anyone he wanted. But to listen to these human female fans go on and on about him without having any real interest in being with him for more than a few hours, it made her want to punch something. She threw the t-shirts back inside the box she got them from. She stormed off toward Coco who was waving her to come that way.

  “What’s wrong? Did one of the VIP males touch you inappropriately? It happens sometimes,” Coco asked with concern.

  “No. It was the human females. They were talking about…one of the fighters. They only cared about sleeping with him, not about dating him.”

  “Oh, that. We get that all the time. The humans see us halfsies as a challenge. If they sleep with us, it’s their way of sleeping on the wild side. The full species can be just as bad. They see us halfsies as more human. Most hate us because of it. Then there are those that get a kick out of sleeping with something close to a human. But most full species have no desire to mate with a human or a halfsie, we’re not good enough for them,” Coco explained as they made their way to wardrobe.

  The ring girls changed their costumes in between matches.

  “Can I change out of these heels? I am terrified that I am going to trip and fall and break my neck,” Maya complained to the wardrobe lady.

  “Absolutely not! You are way too short and these make your legs appear longer,” the wardrobe lady reprimanded her.

  “Don’t worry. You have one more match to serve as ring girl then it’s over for tonight. You’ll be fine. What could go wrong?” Coco tried to reassure her.

  Somehow, that made Maya feel even more dread. Yeah, what could go wrong?


  Taurus hated having to go to the healing facility. It was required that after each match all fighters report in to the healers. Sometimes the matches were brutal, almost near death. When it got so severe, the healers would insert healing implants to help them heal faster. The fighters had to be in fighting form for the next day so healing implants increased the natural healing abilities that all aliens species had.

  He was impatient with the whole procedure. All Taurus wanted to do was seek out Maya and try to talk to her again. He got weird vibes from her earlier that he didn’t understand. At the photo shoot the female was all over him. But now, she barely looked him in the eye. He didn’t like that at all.

  “Turn on the television so we can see the match,” Taurus ordered the healers.

  “Sit down and let the healers help you,” Zen ordered as he walked into the room. He went over to the television and turned it on. The channel was already set to the televised GCFA event. He gave Taurus a questioning look. “Better?”

  Taurus grunted, “Thanks.”

  “Who’s supposed to be fighting next?” Hammer asked as the healers started working on him.

  “Zara is fighting a full Beastial female,” Zen answered.

  Taurus ignored his friends so he could watch for Maya.

  During the match, Zara tried to kick the Beastial’s legs in an attempt to knock her down. The Beastial wasn’t falling for it. The two fighters circled one another landing punches and kicks. No one was getting close to pinning the other. The bell rang announcing the end of round one. Taurus leaned around the healer to see the screen better.


  Maya took a deep breath and entered the cage on wobbly legs. She plastered a smile on her face and held the sign up over her head. She took a slow step forward but noticed Coco signaling her to move faster. She sped up her steps and made it to the other side of the cage.

  She was relieved she made it acros
s. Now she had to make her way back. She gave some of the males in the crowd a wink before she started back. She didn’t see the small spot of blood on the mat. The cleaners who come in between rounds missed it when they came in to clean up the blood.

  She got halfway across the cage holding the sign up over her head. She swung her hips side-to-side like Coco showed her in practice. She hoped her grandparents weren’t watching this. She was distracted by some of the crude things the males called out to her that she didn’t see the slick spot until it was too late.

  Her right heel hit the slick spot and caused her to slip. Her leg kept going until she ended up doing a split. It happened so quickly that she had no time to try to catch herself. She kept hold of the sign she was holding the whole time. The crowd went wild. They thought she had intended to do that. She tried to play the whole thing off by waving at the crowd. She used one hand to continue to hold the sign up while she quickly got to her feet. Well, she certainly made an impression.


  “She’s certainly flexible,” Zen commented, trying to hold back his laughter. He was watching the match closely.

  “That’s not funny. She could have seriously hurt herself in those heels.” Taurus was pissed. The female was a born klutz and the wardrobe people outfitted her in the tallest heels known to man!”

  “Yeah, but she recovered good. Plus, those heels were fucking hot,” Zen told him.

  Taurus growled, “Stop talking about her that way.”

  “I’d shut it if I were you, Zen. He’s very sensitive when it comes to the pretty new ring girl,” Hammer said, watching his friend closely.

  “Both of you are going to be eating my fists soon if you don’t shut the fuck up!”

  * * *

  Chapter Nine

  Maya recovered from her minor slip with no problems, she suffered from slight humiliation. The crowd seemed to think it was planned. When she walked out of the cage the coordinator for the events asked if she could do a split every time she did her run. She told him that it would have to be practiced well in advance before she agreed to that. She wasn’t sure how she was going to do something on purpose that had happened accidentally.

  “Come on, Maya, let’s get showered and changed for the after-party.” Coco pulled her along with her to their suite. “That was quite an impression you left. The crowd went nuts.”

  “I forgot to mention that I am a klutz. Always have been. That’s why I was scared of walking in the heels to begin with.”

  “Well, we might be able to get slightly shorter heels, but they are going to want you to do the split. It looked sexy.”

  “I’m not sure I can make it happen again. It sort of just happened.”

  When they got to their suite, Maya immediately kicked off her treacherous heels. She didn’t care what wardrobe said, she was not going to wear those death contraptions again.

  “Do we have to go to the after-party? I just want to crawl into my bed and sleep for two days,” Maya complained, sitting on the couch to rub her feet.

  “As part of our job requirements, we are expected to make an appearance at every after-party. We have to dance at least one dance with one of the male fighters, pose for pictures, and flirt with the male VIPs.” Coco also removed her shoes and rubbed her own feet.

  Coco stood back up and headed to her room. “Take a shower and change. Wardrobe sent up an evening dress for you to wear. We have a makeup artist and hairstylist on their way here to get us ready.”

  Maya sighed, “How long will all that take?”

  “One hour at the most. They want us to get to the party quickly.”

  “So, there’s no time to take a small nap?”


  “At least I can leave early once I dance, get a picture taken, and flirt some with the VIPs. That should take maybe fifteen or twenty minutes,” Maya said standing up.

  Coco giggled. “Honey, you’re split stunt is going to make you the talk of the party. You’ll be lucky to get out of there in one hour.”

  “Great, I’m famous for an unplanned split.”


  Taurus wanted to go straight to Maya’s suite after leaving the healing facility. But he knew that he needed to shower and change. Zen reminded him the ring girls were required to put in an appearance at the after-party and that Maya would be there. He rushed to take his shower and change. He practically tore the door off the hinges on his way out.

  “Whoa, why are you in such a hurry?” Hammer was standing out in the hallway waiting on the elevator.

  Taurus blushed. “I’m not. Just want to get this whole after-party appearance over with.”

  “Hm…hm. You wouldn’t be in a hurry to get to a certain flexible ring girl would you?”

  Taurus glared at Hammer and tapped the elevator call button impatiently. “Why are you giving me shit about possibly being interested in a female?”

  They both walked inside the elevator and waited for the doors to close. It was quiet halfway down. Then Hammer turned to look into Taurus’s eyes.

  “I think of you and the other GCFA fighters as part of my family. When I needed you, you all were there for me. I understand a little about what was done to you while growing up, and though I grew up differently, I would not wish what you had to deal with on anyone. This is the first female you have shown a real interest in since I’ve known you. I don’t want to see you get hurt.”

  The doors opened. Taurus stopped Hammer by touching his arm. “Thanks.” Hammer just nodded and continued out of the elevator.

  He felt lucky to have friends looking out for him. Other than June, he never had that before. “Where’s Zen?”

  Hammer smirked, “He said he was going on ahead to keep an eye on Maya for you.”

  “What?” Taurus pushed his way past Hammer speeding up his walking to almost a jog. He was breathing hard by the time he got to the banquet room. He took a moment to get himself under control. He would probably scare the female if he walked in at that moment. Scared is not what he wanted her to be feeling about him.


  Maya was ready to go. The whole after-party turned into a nightmare. There were television screens all around the room that replayed that evening’s best moments and her little impromptu split was on constant replay. Sure, she laughed the first four times it played, especially when they did it in slow motion. But now, she was wanting to rip off all the televisions. Quite a few of the partygoers even asked her to demonstrate it for them all, like she was a show dog performing tricks.

  She not only had to relive her most embarrassing televised moment, she had to put up with handsy VIPs. She wasn’t experienced with males, and this was getting to be too much for her. Surprisingly, Zen the Sin was her savior.

  “Dance with me,” Zen said as he pulled her onto the dance floor.

  “Thanks, I didn’t think I could take another male’s hands on me,” she leaned up to whisper into his ear. Though he had exceptional hearing, she didn’t want the VIPs to overhear her.

  “They can’t help themselves, you are a beautiful woman. That dress is amazing on you.”

  She blushed. “This is not what I would have picked to wear. Trust me. I am totally out of my comfort zone.”

  Zen took the time to look at her from head to toe. Her curly light brown hair was piled on top of her head emphasizing her widow’s peak. The makeup artist had used a light foundation that blended well with her pale complexion. The black mascara brought out her light green eyes. The wardrobe people put her in a gold, tight fitting, sleeveless sheath dress that reached just above her knees. The gold heels she wore were not nearly as high as the ones she wore earlier in the cage, but they did make her legs look longer.

  “You look beautiful,” he told her sincerely, still checking out her legs.

  A growling sound from behind them had both Maya and Zen turning around. Taurus was approaching and he did not look happy. She turned back to look at Zen who gave Taurus a wink.

  “My time
is up, sweet Maya. I hope you have a much better evening.” He leaned forward and kissed her cheek. Then he was suddenly gone.

  She was left on the dance floor alone, with a very angry Taurus coming at her. What did she do to piss him off now? She shouldn’t care. She was still upset about the whole thing with the Venetian, though she shouldn’t be. She turned her back on him and started across the room. She didn’t make it far before he stopped her with a large hand on her arm.

  “Where are you going?” Taurus demanded. He was furious to rush here only to find her in Zen’s arms. The male slept with any female he could. He was going to beat the crap out of Zen the next time he saw him.

  “I’m tired and want to go back to my suite.” She tried to pull her arm out of his hold, but he was much stronger.

  “You didn’t look too tired rubbing yourself all over Zen. Are you planning to meet up with him later? Is that where you were going?”

  She stared at Taurus in complete shock. Who was this male? This wasn’t the shy and quiet male she had first met. This male was angry and aggressive. She had never seen or heard him like this before.

  Though she was intimidated, she also felt herself reacting to him physically. Her nipples hardened and she felt an uncomfortable wetness between her legs.

  Taurus sniffed in her direction. He growled and suddenly pulled her against his body.

  “What are you doing?” she asked breathlessly.

  He walked her back to the edge of the dance floor and began a slow sway to the music.


  This wasn’t good. “I don’t want to dance,” she protested, but it was half-heartedly. She found herself pressing closer and rubbing her breasts against him. She placed her hands on his chest but didn’t push him away. She didn’t want to.

  “Why were you leaving?” he asked again, keeping his hands moving slowly over her body.

  “Why don’t you go look for your little Venetian. I’m sure she is sleazing around somewhere.”


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