Rock Reckoning: A Rockstar Suspense Romance Collection

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Rock Reckoning: A Rockstar Suspense Romance Collection Page 43

by Cari Quinn

  And they were going to buy a house.


  Yep, the anticipatory butterflies were back, with no accompanying baby punches. If that was what they’d been. It was Simon’s kid though, so anything was possible.

  She grabbed her bag, made sure she had her phone for pictures, and headed out to the parking garage. Felt like a good day to take Simon’s Audi. He had a sunroof, and it was absolutely beautiful out. Sunny, warm, not a cloud in the sky. Soon enough, the dog days of summer would be upon them and she’d be as big as a house.

  She kinda couldn’t wait.

  Inside the car, she plugged the address of the house in Santa Monica into her GPS. It shouldn’t take her too long to get there. Middle of the morning traffic was a lot better than rush hour. Still, she wanted to be back before Simon was done in the studio. Maybe she’d get dressed up and they could go out to dinner. Do something fun like a date night since they’d become sparser as time went on. Once their baby arrived, there wouldn’t be as many opportunities to sneak away for a night on the town.

  For now, she wanted to enjoy their time together as a couple. Maybe they should do one of those babymoon things she’d heard about. Go away somewhere exotic while she could still semi rock a bikini.

  She drove out of the garage and in no time, she was on the freeway. She hummed along with the satellite radio, the wind blowing in her hair from the cracked sunroof, and couldn’t help grinning when an Oblivion song soared out of the speakers. It still blew her mind to hear herself—to hear them—on the airwaves. By now it should be old hat, but it so wasn’t. She hoped the magic never faded.

  And she definitely hoped she never lost that little shiver that came from hearing Simon’s deliciously husky voice.

  A husky voice that was yet again about to be on her phone, because the music stopped in favor of a beep and an alert on the car screen—your honeybunch is calling.

  She laughed aloud and hit the touch screen to answer the call. “How the hell did you rig it to say that? This isn’t even my car.”

  “I knew you’d drive it. You like the power. The control. The sunroof.”

  “Option number three. Why are you back again? What happened to work? I thought you had to sing. You know, your job.”

  “Ian’s still gone. Oddest fucking thing. He booked out of here, and then Li came in for a second and wanted to know if I’d talked to you. She’s acting weird. I said yes, and then she was gone again before I could ask her what the hell was going on.”

  Margo frowned and signaled for the exit. She coasted off the ramp and took a turn, then another, and another after that. The house was conveniently located near the freeway, but not too close, which was another selling point. But right here, the area was nearly deserted.

  “That’s strange. Maybe I should call her. I know she’s freaked about Ian dating her cousin, but why would she run in to ask about me? She hasn’t tried to call, unless she texted and for some reason it didn’t show on your fancy in-car system. Oh. Look at that. Good timing.”

  She blinked as a call from Lila flashed across the screen.

  “I suppose I should take it. I’ll talk to you—”

  The car jerked forward, and the shriek of metal on metal screamed through her head.

  Her body jostled hard against the steering wheel, her seat belt snapping tight to anchor her in place. She didn’t even scream. Had no breath for it. Shock dulled her senses as the car ricocheted back and forth, aiming for the trees that lined the road. Woods.

  She tried to steer. Couldn’t gain control. But even as the car rocked, she somehow managed to glimpse at the rearview, and the boxy black truck behind her.

  Still coming. Too close. Far too close.

  Sunny day. Didn’t they see her?

  Another jolt came again, harder now. This time, there was no way to keep the scream from leaving her throat.

  Her baby. God, her baby!

  Simon’s voice filled the car, somehow competing with the crunch of metal on metal and screeching tires. And the pain.

  So much pain.

  “Margo? What the fuck is happening? Goddammit, Violin Girl, what is it?”

  Then silence.

  Just silence.

  Thanks for reading ROCK RECLAIMED. Ian has finally come clean, but is it too late for him and Zoe…and Simon and Margo? One-click the final book in the trilogy, ROCK REDEMPTION.

  I lost everything.

  Stripped of all I’d found, now even my name is a scar.

  A reminder of how far I’ve fallen and what was ripped away.

  By my own devices, if not my own hand.

  My music is all I have left, and the memories of the only woman I ever truly loved.

  Zoe, who owns my heart.

  I’ll do anything to earn her forgiveness. Even lay myself bare.

  And I want my brother back.

  Finally, I have a family, if they’ll have me. A real life beyond the trappings of fame.

  I’ll do whatever it takes. Even start all over again.

  But not all the demons of the past have been laid to rest. Now my final reckoning is at hand.

  And those I love most may get caught in the crossfire.

  Author’s Note: Find redemption with Ian Kagan, our new rockstar anti-hero in the conclusion of our super hot, romantic suspense trilogy, Rock Revenge. The trilogy occurs in the Oblivion world though it can be read on its own. Rock Redemption is a full-length novel with a HEA.

  One-click ROCK REDEMPTION now.

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  Now…turn the page for a special sneak peek of ROCK REDEMPTION now!

  Rock Redemption

  She woke in darkness.

  It surrounded her, so complete that it felt as if she was being crushed by its weight. As if she’d been dropped at the bottom of a well and left to wither away.

  Margo Kagan’s mouth opened to scream yet she tamped down on it at the last moment, somehow knowing she should not make a sound.

  The only safety she had left was silence.

  A nightmare. Just a bad dream. If she kept her eyes closed, the frightening sensation of drowning in the oxygen-less space would abate. She just had to breathe through it. Shallow breaths. Quick breaths. Not unlike the ones she would have to learn when she had her baby—

  She shot up straight and couldn’t stop a whimper from escaping at the pinch in her wrist. Not just one, but both. She was restrained. Shackled like a wild animal. Arms. Ankles. The chains rattled as she tugged and shifted, futile tears springing to her eyes.

  Just stay calm. This is just a nightmare. You’re fine.

  If she didn’t panic, she’d wake soon. She had to. This couldn’t be real.

  Please, God, don’t let this be real.

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  Oblivion World Character Chart

  Beware...spoilers aplenty in this character chart. Read at your own risk!

  Aidan Roth: Roth Defense CEO and head security detail for Warning Sign

  Brother to Marcus

  Alexander Nash: Record producer

  Best friend Kyle Brady, friends with Logan King, involved with Lindsey York

  Angel Martin: Singer

  Ava Templeton: Blogger, runs Hammered website and blog, writing book on Hammered

  Sister to Callie

  Beckett Manning: Owns Happy Acres Orchard

  Brother to Zoe, Hayes, and Justin

  Bent: security for J Town, JoEllen Foundation

  Callie Templeton: Photographer

  Sister Ava, married to Owen Black
well, daughter Lily

  Chloe Adams: Waitress

  Married to Michael Shawcross, son Axl (bio-father Snake Scotsman), daughter Hope

  Cooper Dallas: Brooklyn Dawn drummer

  Daisy Flannigan: Stylist

  Darcy: Brooklyn Dawn stage manager

  Deacon McCoy: Oblivion bass guitarist

  Married to Harper Pruitt, daughter Alexa Grace, co-founder of Oblivion

  Denver Casey (nee: Casey Lewis): Tour bus driver for Rebel Rage and Warning Sign

  Donovan Lewis’s niece, married to Ryan Waters

  Dex Munroe: Ripper Records executive, manager for Hammered and Warning Sign

  Donovan Lewis: Ripper Records CEO

  Uncle to Denver Casey

  Ethan Haywood: Professor at UCLA

  In a relationship with Molly McIntire and Luc Moreau, best friend Lauren Bryant

  Evie Pierce: MMA fighter

  Sister to Sutton, friends with Lindsey York and Jamison DuCaine, involved with Johnny Cage

  Faith ‘Keys’ Keystone: Hammered keyboardist

  Married to Quinn Alexander

  Felicity Hudson: Waitress

  Sister to Robin, in a relationship with Myles Vaughn

  Flynn Sheppard: Solo country rock artist

  Friends with Luc Moreau, Ian Kagan, and Rory Ferguson

  Fred Ronson: Owns Happy Acres

  Married to Laverne, daughter Lila, stepgrandsons Michael and Malachi Shawcross

  Gray Duffy: Oblivion rhythm guitarist

  Married to Jazz Edwards, son Dylan Edward, daughter Briana

  Harper Pruitt: Tour chef

  Brother Randy*, married to Deacon McCoy, daughter Alexa Grace, best friend Jazz Edwards

  Hayes Manning: Owns Happy Acres Orchard

  Brother to Zoe, Beckett, and Justin

  Hudson Wyatt: Hammered drummer, former Formula 1 racecar driver

  In a relationship with Piper Lockwood, best friend Hunter Jordan

  Hunter Jordan: Hammered lead singer

  Brother to Noah, married to Kennedy McManus, best friends Hudson Wyatt and Reed ‘Bats’ Mason

  Ian Kagan: Solo artist

  Brother to Simon, engaged to Zoe Manning, son Elvis, best friend Rory Ferguson, friends with Flynn Sheppard and Kellan McGuire

  Indiana West: Hammered band manager

  Isabella Grace: Bookstore owner in Winchester Falls

  Married to Logan King, daughter Nichole, son Jared

  Ivy Beck: Waitress at the Rusty Spoon and owns Rolling Cones ice cream truck

  Sister to Caleb and August, engaged to Rory Ferguson, best friend Kinleigh Scott, friends with Maggie Kelly and Zoe Manning

  Jamison DuCaine: Brooklyn Dawn lead guitarist

  Best friend Lindsey York, friends with Evie Pierce

  Jazz Edwards: Oblivion drummer

  Sister Molly McIntire, married to Gray Duffy, son Dylan, daughter Briana, best friend Harper Pruitt

  Johnny Cage: Rebel Rage lead singer and solo artist

  Involved with Evie Pierce

  Juliet Reece: Warning Sign guitarist

  Sister to Margo, married to Tristan Eves, in a relationship with Randy Pruitt*, son Joshua Randall

  Justin Manning: Owns Happy Acres Orchard

  Brother to Zoe, Beckett, and Hayes

  Kellan McGuire: Lead singer of Wilder Mind, solo artist

  Brother to Bethany, married to Maggie Kelly, son Wolf, friends with Rory Ferguson, Ian Kagan, and Myles Vaughn

  Kennedy McManus: Publicist for Hammered

  Married to Hunter Jordan

  Kyle Brady*: Former drummer and current studio technician

  Best friend Alexander Nash

  Lauren ‘Lo’ Bryant: Author and occasional Warning Sign pianist

  Married to West Reynolds, best friend Ethan Haywood

  Laverne Ronson: Owns Happy Acres Orchard

  Married to Fred, daughter Lila, stepgrandsons Michael and Malachi Shawcross

  Lila Ronson Shawcross: Ripper Records executive and Oblivion’s manager

  Married to Nick Crandall, daughters Charlie and Avery, stepmother to Michael and Malachi Shawcross, cousin to Zoe, Beckett, Hayes, and Justin Manning, best friend Margo Reece

  Lindsey York: Brooklyn Dawn lead singer

  Best friend Jamison DuCaine, friends with Evie Pierce, involved with Alexander Nash

  Logan King: All the King’s Men lead singer

  Married to Isabella Grace, daughter Nichole, son Jared, friends with Alexander Nash

  Luc Moreau: Warning Sign co-lead singer

  Brother to Katie, in a relationship with Molly McIntire and Ethan Haywood, former lead singer for The Grunge, friends with Flynn Sheppard

  Maggie Kelly:

  Married to Kellan McGuire, son Wolf, best friend Kendra Russo, friends with Ivy Beck and Zoe Manning

  Malachi Shawcross: Warning Sign drummer, former racecar driver

  Brother to Michael, married to Elle ‘Ricki’ Crandall

  Marcus Roth: Roth Defense CEO

  Brother to Aidan

  Margo Reece: Oblivion violinist

  Sister to Juliet, married to Simon Kagan, daughter Raine Lila Kagan, best friend Lila Ronson Shawcross

  Michael Shawcross: Warning Sign guitarist

  Brother to Malachi, married to Chloe Adams, daughter Hope, best friends West Reynolds and Ryan Waters

  Molly McIntire: Warning Sign co-lead singer

  Sister to Jazz Edwards, in a relationship with Ethan Haywood and Luc Moreau

  Myles Vaughn: Former Wilder Mind pianist and solo artist

  In a relationship with Felicity Hudson, friends with Kellan McGuire

  Nick Crandall: Oblivion lead guitarist

  Twin brother to Ricki ‘Elle’, married to Lila Ronson Shawcross, daughters Charlie and Avery, best friend Simon Kagan, co-founder of Oblivion

  Noah Jordan: Roth Defense specialist

  Brother to Hunter, best friend Quinn Alexander

  Owen Blackwell: Hammered bass guitarist

  Married to Callie Templeton, daughter Lily

  Oz Taylor: Brooklyn Dawn bass guitarist

  Piper Lockwood: Owns Rosie & Hank’s Pussy Palace Café

  In a relationship with Hudson Wyatt

  Quinn Alexander: Roth Defense specialist, former Navy Seal

  Married to Faith Keystone, best friend Noah Jordan

  Randy Pruitt*: Warning Sign roadie/lead lighting technician

  Brother to Harper, in a relationship with Juliet Reece and Tristan Eves, son Joshua Randall

  Reed ‘Bats’ Mason: Hammered lead guitarist

  Best friends Hunter Jordan and Zachary Kane

  Ricki ‘Elle’ Crandall: Warning Sign guitarist

  Twin sister to Nick Crandall, married to Malachi Shawcross

  Roman: clothing designer

  Rory Ferguson: Record producer/rhythm guitarist

  Brother to Thomas and Maureen, engaged to Ivy Beck, best friend Ian Kagan, friends with Flynn Sheppard and Kellan McGuire

  Ryan Waters: Warning Sign jack-of-all-trades

  Married to Denver Casey, best friends Michael Shawcross and West Reynolds

  Sabrina Price: Ripper Records executive who manages Ian Kagan and Brooklyn Dawn

  Simon Kagan: Oblivion lead singer

  Brother to Ian Kagan, married to Margo Reece, daughter Raine Lila, best friend Nick Crandall, co-founder of Oblivion

  Teagan Daly: Brooklyn Dawn keyboardist

  High school friend of Ricki ‘Elle’ Crandall

  Tristan Eves: Head chef at The Hollow

  Married to Juliet Reece, in a relationship with Randy Pruitt*, son Joshua Randall, best friend Hunter Jordan from Hammered

  Victoria Sheer: Actress/Model

  Involved with Reed Mason, ex-girlfriend of Hunter Jordan

  West Reynolds: Warning Sign keyboardist

  Brother to Raven, married to Lauren Bryant, daughter Chloe (isn’t in her life), best friends Michael Shawcross and Ryan Waters

  William ‘
Snake’ Scotsman*: Oblivion ex-drummer

  Father to Axl with Chloe Adams, co-founder of Oblivion

  Zachary Kane: Hammered rhythm guitarist

  Best friend Reed ‘Bats’ Mason

  Zane Landry: Brooklyn Dawn rhythm guitarist

  Zoe Manning: Artist/photographer

  Sister to Beckett, Hayes, and Justin, engaged to Ian Kagan, son Elvis, cousin Lila Ronson Shawcross Crandall, friends with Ivy Beck and Maggie Kelly

  *denotes deceased

  as of 09/05/19

  Crescent Cove Character Chart

  Beware...spoilers aplenty in this character chart. Read at your own risk!


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