In The Name Of Love

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In The Name Of Love Page 7

by Rilbury, Jendai

  "Maybe next time, then," she said, leaning over and kissing his forehead, "I'm looking forward to tonight."

  This was the last thing he needed, but before he could say anything, she'd left the room. His hot breakfast was no longer so tasty, and as he pushed the food around the plate he couldn't help worrying. "I was hoping to spend the night with April, not another night with Joyce. Especially after last night's workout with Edna, which has left me exhausted. I will try to speak alone with April when they get home…"

  After a long and tiring afternoon spent canvassing small business owners on a local industrial estate about pension funds, and getting only one firm enquiry, it was past seven in the evening when he arrived home. The house was dark, cold, and empty, so he decided to soak away his tension in a hot bath.

  He was still in the bath some thirty minutes later, when he heard the giggles and chatter of April and Joyce as they climbed the stairs, so he hurried to dry himself and slip on his pyjamas and dressing gown so he could speak to his wife. The landing was empty when he left the bathroom, however, so he knocked on her bedroom door.

  "I'm just changing – I'll come to your room in a few minutes."

  "Okay, see you then," he said, and he walked into his bedroom. When he turned on the light, he was surprised to see Joyce walking naked through the secret doorway between the two rooms. "April's coming here to talk in a minute; you must go back into your room."

  "Give me a kiss first, and then I'll go back," she said, draping her soft body around him and kissing him long and hard on the mouth, while writhing her hips against his, knowing it would arouse him.

  His hands came up to caress her breasts, while she slipped her hand into his pyjama bottoms to caress his enlarged penis.

  "Joyce, you must stop now, please. April will be here any second." He tried to edge away from her, but she pulled his pyjamas down around his ankles, freeing his cock to wave invitingly at her face.

  "Ooh, just what the doctor ordered!" she said, bending down to take it in her mouth.

  "No, please," he said, shuffling backwards, but the pyjamas caught his feet and he fell backwards to the floor.

  There was a quiet knock on the door, and April said, "Can I come in?"

  In a split second, Joyce was through the secret mirrored door, clicking it closed just as the bedroom door opened.

  Grant was sitting on the floor, trying to pull up his pyjamas to cover his erection.

  "Well, if you think I'm coming in here while you sit on the floor playing with yourself, you can think again. I'm going to bed, and don't wish to be disturbed."

  Grant jumped to his feet, but April was out the door and back in her room, before he could fasten his pyjamas and make himself decent.

  "Damn woman, what makes her think I play with myself? Still, better she thinks that, than anything else. If she'd opened the door a minute earlier, she would have seen me with Joyce, and then I'd be in real trouble."

  He slipped on his dressing gown and went downstairs, but only found Cyril who was watching the television. "The girls are having an early night," said Cyril, "And once this movie is finished, I think I will hit the sack. It's tiring going into town."

  Grant sat down and said, "Was the movie in town okay?"

  "Yes, quite entertaining. Not my cup of tea, but both the girls loved it. I prefer a good detective story, like this one…"

  "I think I'll leave you to it, then, and get an early night myself."

  He went upstairs, and stood outside April's room for a couple of minutes. He could hear her radio, but decided not to knock as it may start an argument. Perhaps after they'd both had a good night's sleep, things would be better in the morning.

  As he opened his bedroom door, he wondered if there was any way he could prevent the secret door from opening, because he knew he could never talk Joyce out of whatever she had in mind. And tonight, he was just not in the mood for her.

  The light was on in his room, and he was startled to see Joyce sitting on the bed thumbing through a magazine. This angered him and he said, "What if April came in and saw you in my room, there'd be hell to pay?"

  "Not at all, we were in here together yesterday, looking through these old magazines I store in that cupboard over there. She knows I often read them…"

  "Well, you better go back to your room, now I'm here."

  "That's a good idea," she said, getting up and going over to the mirrored door on the wall adjacent to the bedroom door. "Let me show you how to open this, in case you need to come and see me."

  "That's not likely to happen," he thought, as she turned to smile at him, but he was intrigued to see her slip her finger in a recess behind the mirror and click open the door.

  "Very interesting, but how does the catch open the door?" he said, coming closer.

  "Look at this pulley, it has a weight, and when you release the catch, it pulls the door open. Now look over here," she said, showing him the catch on her side of the secret passage, "Click that upwards, Grant."

  He gave the catch set inside the jamb a push upwards with his thumb and the both doors on his and her end of the passage swung to and shut with a click.

  "Very neat, but now I must be going back to bed," he said, clicking the catch again, but this time nothing happened. "Okay, why won't it work for me?"

  Joyce had walked through into her bedroom and was sitting on her bed giggling.

  "It's a little trick, darling; when you push the catch upwards it locks both doors and stops them from opening. You have to click it down if you just wish to shut them."

  "Fine, well now show me how to open them."

  "Perhaps I'll show you later, and perhaps I won't," she said, slipping off the bed and letting her dressing gown slide to the floor, revealing her naked body once again."

  "As you wish," said Grant, walking towards her bedroom door, "In that case, I'll leave by this door." He turned the handle but the door was locked, and looking down he say the key to unlock it was missing. "Come on, Joyce, open this door."

  "My dear boy, you spend a long night in my bed and then waltz up to Leeds and leave me all alone, while my body yearns for you. Now come here and give me a kiss, and you'll soon be tucked up in bed."

  "Yes, but which bed, that's the question."

  "You'll never know, until you kiss me," she said, throwing her arms around his neck and kissing him on the mouth.

  Grant returned her kisses with equal vigour as he ran his hand over the smooth skin of her soft body. His erection was already rampant, and pressing against Joyce, while lust and desire surged through his body.

  "Perhaps if I just spend a few minutes with Joyce, she'll let me go back to my room…"


  April lay on her bed listening to the radio and thinking about her afternoon with Cyril and Joyce at the movies. They'd all enjoyed watching Tiara Tahiti, and while they were waiting in the lobby coffee-shop for Cyril to arrive before the movie, Joyce surprised her by saying, "I want to thank you for the attention you're giving Cyril, it has cheered him up no-end and I think you may be the answer to his problems at work."

  "Good gracious, I'm not paying him any special attention, Joyce; I just seem to get on well with him. And as for solving his problems with the young ladies at work, I must agree that he does like to touch me a lot."

  She saw Joyce's eyes raise and in a panic she said, "On my arms and knees, I mean. He's never touched me anywhere else."

  "I know, my dear, he does love your company so much, and he couldn't do anything if he wanted to. I promise you that it is taking his mind away from the attractions at work. So, please don't stop him."

  "Of course I won't, he's a real gentleman and you must be proud of him."

  "Don't be surprised if he holds your hand during the movie!"

  "Oh dear, I don't want to make you jealous, so what shall I do?"

  Joyce threw back her head and laughed so hard she had to take out a handkerchief and dab at her eyes. She said, "Oh, April, you are such a
n angel. Of course I'm not jealous; quite the opposite. You know that Cyril and I have not shared a bed for almost a decade, but we continue to enjoy life together and neither of us plan to make any changes."

  "I've kept Grant out of my bed as you know, but I don't think it will last a decade!"

  "I don't wish to pry, but you're not still angry with him, are you?"

  "Well, things just don't seem to be going right between us at the moment. It's as if he has another woman, but I know that's not true, because he just doesn't have the time. I guess it will sort itself out soon."

  "That's good, and in the meantime you can enjoy Cyril's company – here he comes now."

  There was just time for him to take tea with them, before they took their seats for the matinee show beginning at 2:00 p.m. Joyce's prediction soon came true, and Cyril took hold of her hand within a few minutes of the main feature starting, and didn't let go until the end of the movie.

  April was embarrassed by his action to start with, but as she became engrossed in the movie she forgot all about it. He gave her hand a squeeze on occasion, and she turned to smile at him, taking care to see if Joyce was watching, but she appeared not to notice. She glanced at him from the corner of her eye, trying to gauge his age and guessed he was in his early fifties. "More than twice my age," she thought and then, "Now why did I think about that? Just stop thinking woman, and watch the movie…"

  She chuckled aloud at the memory, thinking that she behaved like a young girl on her first date; holding hands all through the movie! As one of her favourite tunes came on the radio, her thought turned to Grant, and for about the tenth time that evening she wondered why he was lying on the floor nursing a huge erection.

  Getting off the bed she went over to the dressing table and sat on the stool, staring at her reflection in the mirror. In the couple of years they'd been married, she'd never know him to masturbate, and perhaps that was what shocked her so much. "Get a grip of yourself, woman, he's a grown man who needed you.

  When he knocked on your door earlier, you refused to let him inside the bedroom and told him you were dressing," she said to herself in the mirror. "If you continue to turn him away, and keep him from your bed, you'll end up losing him!"

  Her hand went to her mouth in shock. This thought had not occurred before, and talking aloud, letting the words flow randomly, had let the idea loose. No doubt it had been skulking at the back of her mind, but she'd never realised it until now.

  "You're going to have to get him into your bed again, so pretty yourself up and then go and get him!" her image instructed her. "Shut-up," she replied, "I know what to do…"

  She went over to her dresser and found a silk nightdress she'd been saving for their holiday, which never happened. She slipped off her underwear and pulled the short nightdress over her head, her skin shivering at its silken touch.

  Sitting once more at the dressing table, she applied a little makeup and rouge to her face, then a touch of red lipstick to finish the job. She brushed her blonde hair ten times with each hand, letting the waves bounce around her neck and shoulders, before standing up and admiring her petite figure in the mirror. "This should do the trick," she said to the mirror, before making her way to the door.

  She hesitated at the door and returned to the dressing table, where she picked up her favourite perfume. A large dab went behind each ear and for good luck a large dab was applied to the top of each small breast peering bravely from the low neck of the pale blue nightdress. She went over to the bed and turned on a small table lamp, and returning to the door she put out the main lights.

  A glance around the room confirmed everything was just right and welcoming for her husband, and she slowly opened the door, checking that she was alone on the landing. She stood in the open doorway for a couple of minutes, but could hear no sound, so she made her way along the landing to Grant's room.

  She knocked softly on the door, and then turned the handle to open the door. The light was on in the room, and as soon as she entered the bedroom she saw it was empty and the bed untouched. "He must be in the bathroom," she muttered to her image in the full length mirror on the left of the door, as she left the room.

  The bathroom door was open and the room was in darkness. Still, she put the light on to check, but he wasn't there. Her image looked from the mirror over the sink, raising her eyebrows before saying, "Perhaps he went down for something to eat…"

  She returned to his bedroom, just in case she'd missed him, but it was still empty. Closing the door quietly, she heard voices coming from Joyce's room.

  "That's funny, because Joyce said Cyril never came to her room…" April's voice tailed off as she recognised Grant's laugh, which was followed by the unmistakeable noises of a couple seriously engaged in the act of ‘making love'.

  Her heart sank, her world collapsed around her, and she spun on her heel to run back to her bedroom. Standing at the other end of the landing, she saw Cyril's tall figure in the doorway of his room, and without thinking she found herself running towards him.

  "Cyril, hold me," she said, as she ran into his open arms. They clasped around her like bands of steel, and she felt herself floating in the air as he closed the bedroom door and carried her towards his bed.

  The room was quite dark, with no light on, but the velvet curtains were open and the flickering light from a street lamp shone through the trees and net curtains to give a little light. She looked up at his face, which was severe, yet kind, and for the first time realised he was quite handsome and must have been a real good-looker when Joyce first met him.

  He leaned over to lay her down on the bed, but her arms had closed around his neck, stopping him from standing. Their faces were inches apart, their eyes flitting about as they looked closely at each other – as if for the first time.

  His right arm was trapped beneath her thighs from when he laid her on the bed, so with his left hand he stroked her hair from her eyes, and then leaned down to kiss her forehead. As she felt his warm lips, she pulled harder on his neck, and his kisses moved down the length of her nose and then his mouth was poised right above hers.

  "Oh, please don't stop now; I really need a kiss," she thought, willing him to make the first move, while thinking, "He has to kiss me first, or he'll think I'm some kind of hussy, so I'll wait for him. I'll let my perfume do its work, but if he starts to move away, I will then kiss him. I'll kiss him so hard he'll wonder what hit him!"


  Their lips touched, lightly at first and then with increasing pressure as their passion mounted. Her lips parted and she felt Cyril's tongue flick along her lips and then retreat, as if embarrassed. She let her tongue slide along the length of his lips and then gasped as he put his arms around her body; squeezing her tight while he kissed her firmly with rising fervour.

  His tongue became more adventurous and darted in and out of her mouth like an elusive elf playing among delphiniums. She wrapped her tongue around his and sank into the pillows as she felt his hands start to explore her body.

  He ran them gently up her legs, and then beneath the nightdress that had ridden up her body, until he cupped her breasts in each large hand. As his fingers gently squeezed her nipples, she writhed with pleasure and kissed him with more passion than she knew she had.

  She needed to feel him inside her body, which was now aching for love, so she reached down and slowly undid his pyjama buttons until she was able to slide the top off his shoulders.

  Cyril was still standing on the floor as he continued to explore her body, pushing her nightdress up until it ringed her neck.

  April giggled and said, "Slip it over my head, Cyril, it's choking me there…" and she lifted her head as the silky material brushed over her face. As she lay back on the bed, she glanced up at Cyril who seemed to be staring at her naked body, as if in a trance.

  "Don't you like what you see?"

  "I adore every inch of what I see. You are the most beautiful woman in the world."

  She bri
dled with pleasure, but said, "I think that's a slight exaggeration."

  Cyril leaned over to kiss her breasts, the nipples crinkled with pleasure, and she felt a stirring of hot desire deep within her body.

  Reaching out with her right hand she caught the cord holding up his pyjama bottoms and pulled it, freeing the loose knot and allowing the pyjamas to slide down his thighs to the floor. She was pleased to see how well endowed he was, but more than a little disappointed to see that his penis still hung limp and inactive.

  This past few days Joyce had told her on many occasions that she believed Cyril was now impotent, after so many years without active sex, so she was prepared for it, but had hoped for some reaction after their hectic kissing and caressing. She reached out and took the flaccid flesh in her hands, gently kneading it with her fingers, but there was not a twitch of life in response to her efforts.

  Cyril stopped kissing her breasts and said, "I'm afraid I'm not going to be able to finish what I started." He stood up and reached for his pyjamas.

  April jumped off the bed and put her foot on them, stopping him from picking them up. She said, "Don't talk nonsense, Cyril, I don't care about that. I just need to feel your arms around me; to hold me tight and to comfort me."

  She pulled back the covers on the bed and taking his hand she said, "Come on, between these sheets with me and kiss me again. You're a wonderful kisser…"

  They snuggled down between the cool sheets, their lips fastened together and their hand exploring each other's body. She felt so good in his arms, and as their kissing slowed down, she relaxed with a contended sigh.

  "Cyril, I want to ask you a personal question. You needn't answer, of course, but I would just like to know what your sex with Joyce used to be like…"

  He didn't answer for a while, and she worried that she'd upset him by the question, but then he said, "Brief."


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