Page 4
The heat grew stifling, like a bubble of fire asphyxiating her. Kasey couldn’t breathe. She opened her mouth to shout, to scream for air, but nothing came out but a stuttering geyser of breath.
Her head dropped and she saw Eurasia, grinding one of the sponges into Kasey’s vulva, the other over her belly and into her breasts, looking up at her condescendingly. Her expression surprised Kasey, and then she realised she was unconsciously grinding her hips into Eurasia’s sponge to maximise contact.
Kasey looked to the villagers and realised they weren’t shouting in isolation - they were chanting now, clapping synchronously in accompaniment. ‘Udu! Udu! Udu!’ But time elongated.
She closed her eyes, tried to refocus. Her nipples felt as if they were going to burst. She felt Eurasia driving the sponge more intrusively with each thrust, and punctuating each chant of the crowd was a short, desperate breath - a short, desperate breath that Kasey identified as her own.
The villagers’ chant quickened, grew louder, until it melded into a solitary word. ‘Udududududududu!’ The clapping was so quick it was tumultuous, like a stampede of horses. And the fire around her body continuing to constrict, continuing to suffocate.
The sponge was suddenly removed from her body. She opened her eyes and found Eurasia withdrawing, the two other women, bearing the pail between them, following. She slumped limply. This was impossible. She couldn’t survive it.
Then silence, the villagers quietening as one.
Appearing in the doorway of the hut directly ahead of Kasey was the original native, wearing a cloak which looked like tiger’s pelt, drawn completely around his body. He stood motionless, but tall and resplendent.
And now Kasey understood. The villagers were chanting for him.
With each chant Udu took a step forward towards her, keeping his cloak drawn tightly around his body. His eyes fixed upon hers and did not move. Kasey drew herself up, standing as tall as she could, and took a deep breath in expectation.
He was inches from her now, releasing his cloak, which parted to reveal his naked body, gleaming as hers was, vapour seeming to rise from it in thin, dissipating wisps. His cock, long, stiff, and as thick as Kasey’s own wrist, hung between his legs. The sight of it alarmed her, but also excited her. She yearned for it, to feel it again, as she’d felt it back in her bedroom - but inside her.
She looked back up at Udu and he placed a hand behind her head and drew her face to his. His lips closed upon hers and his tongue filled her mouth. Kasey felt every alarm of lust within her body scream instinctively, and she kissed him in return.
As he kissed her he tore the vines from her wrists, then placed his hands under her armpits and lifted her, so that the vines snapped from her ankles too. Kasey reflexively locked her legs around his hips and felt the inside of her thighs slip upon his thighs, making it difficult to gain purchase.
His hands went to her buttocks and he carried her effortlessly to the slab, laying her down. The granite was cold - or maybe it was just that she was so hot. Once her back contacted upon it she hissed uncontrollably. But the surface was smooth and surprisingly comfortable.
His body pressed against hers, large and overpowering, and his kiss trailed down from her lips, down her throat, until he took her breast in his mouth, his tongue swirling around the nipple. One hand went to her other breast, squeezing painfully until she winced, his other hand poised upon her crotch, his thumb closing upon her clit, the tip of his index finger spreading apart her vulva and sliding into her, his middle finger pushing open her anus.
Kasey recoiled, tilting her head until it was hanging back over the slab, and she could see the villagers continue to clap and chant, ‘Udu! Udu! Udu!’ Standing behind them amongst the trees was Topknot, watching impassively.
Udu’s lips left her breast and he kneeled before her. His hands gripped her thighs, pried her legs back and lifted them above her shoulders. Then his mouth was on her pussy, his tongue pillaging her. Kasey arched her back and groaned. There was no subtlety to what he was doing.
His hands went to her buttocks, and as his tongue continue to drive in and out of her he lifted her, until her hips were perpendicular in the air, and she felt a pain in her shoulders as they took not only all her own weight, but his driving force.
One of his fingers returned to her clit, running furiously back and forth over it until Kasey’s groan heightened to a wail. His tongue continued to drive in and out of her. She writhed her hips, and she was sure he’d drop her; either let her buttocks crash back down upon the slab or let her fall completely off it. But he held her firm, his large fingers biting into her flesh.
She squeezed her eyes shut and revelled in the feeling of his tongue inside her, his thumb upon her clit. There was a desperation about the way he assaulted her, a primal lust that was exhilarating and intoxicating. Matt had never been like this. He’d been gentle to the point of diffidence, but Udu was aggression and lust and savagery.
He lifted his face from her crotch and lowered her back to the slab. Kasey’s eyes found his as he rose to his full height, and she lifted and opened her legs in anticipation. He pushed them back dismissively, pushing her ankles up onto his shoulders, and as she felt the head of his cock suddenly opening her pussy she bit her lower lip.
‘Udu! Udu! Udu!’
Kasey snarled noiselessly as he drove his cock into her, clamping her eyes shut and gritting her teeth. He felt so big and hard and beautiful and she thought he’d enter her forever. When she felt his balls bounce against her buttocks she whimpered delightedly and opened her eyes to look at him.
He leant over her until his face was just inches from hers; until he’d pushed her ankles - her legs splayed by his forearms - over her shoulders. Kasey grimaced, her hamstrings stretched taut to the point of snapping, tight cords of pain strained in her back. He was going to break her in two - he didn’t realise how big he was!
Kasey planted her hands on his shoulders and tried to push him up, but it was futile. He remained unmoved - immovable. The villagers, who had been continuing to chant and applaud rhythmically, silenced, and the silence reminded Kasey of their existence, and wondered how this looked to them, what it meant to them.
She turned to Udu, and found he was looking directly at her. His eyes were depthless, but the cast of his face almost tender, and Kasey wondered whether he had empathy for her situation, or whether he felt something for her. He put his hands down on the slab to either side of her shoulders, and she immediately felt the gravity of his weight upon her lighten.
Then he kissed her lightly.
‘Udu!’ the villagers chanted again.
He began to rotate his hips - just gently, so that Kasey could feel the bulk of his cock moving inside her.
With each gyration of his hips he would draw more of his cock out, before slamming it back into her, Kasey’s entire body rocked, her breasts bouncing, her back scraping across the granite slab.
Udu’s pace quickened, his thrusts growing longer, deeper, more powerful, and almost unconsciously - between her own cries, between the thunderclap of Udu’s hips slamming into the underside of her buttocks - she realised his depredations were synchronised to the metronomic chanting and clapping of the villagers.
Kasey’s staccato wails elongated into one uninterrupted guttural cry as Udu pounded in and out of her, the villagers’ chanting and clapping growing frenetic, Kasey feeling their energy feed Udu, feeling Udu’s lust consume her, feeling her own orgasm building and ready to explode.
Udu pulled out of her suddenly - the villagers silencing instantaneously - Kasey waiting for him to come upon her, just as Matt would.
She looked at him with underlying disappointment, feeling robbed of orgasm yet again. But Udu stood over her, measured and purposeful. He wasn’t coming - he didn’t appear close.
He reached out and took her hand, hoisting her up to a standing position. She almost stumbled, her legs weak, her hamstrings and lower back screaming in pain, her chest heaving laboriously, but she didn’t mind because they were all good pains.
Udu lay on the slab and gestured to her, Kasey understanding he wanted to change positions. She guided herself onto him, scaled him. The goo and sweat made progress slippery. She almost slipped and fell, but he took hold of her assuredly.
Kasey reached for his cock, and when she took it in her hand its size surprised her - and intoxicated her. She couldn’t close her hand around it. And it was like the granite slab itself - hard, inflexible and unyielding. She ran her fingers up it, felt its contours, its veins. Just the thought of it excited her and she lifted it upright, and guided herself down onto it.
Despite the sex they’d just had, despite how wet she was - as well as slippery from the goo - there was still pain as the head of Udu’s cock stretched her open. But it was like the pain in her hamstrings and in her back; it was gorgeous pain that metamorphosed into ecstasy as his cock filled her.
When she had settled onto his crotch she reached back and teased his balls with one hand. They were tremendous, like cantaloupes. She placed her other hand upon his chest, tracing the ravine between his pectorals. He was a savage, but his expression endeared her - she’d seen that look on the faces of boyfriends and countless fans.
He was infatuated with her.
His hands went to her shoulders, and then slid down, her breasts swallowed in those huge black palms. Kasey shuddered, revelling in his touch, which felt hot - almost unbearably hot. Was that just the chemistry between the two of them? Or maybe it was some sort of chemical reaction of the goo. Was that what it did? Did it heighten the physical response of interaction? Again she quavered, and Udu glided from her breasts down to her hips and then under her buttocks.
She and Udu built their rhythm to the chanting and clapping of the villagers, Kasey relishing his cock ploughing up into her, but mentally reciting lyrics to distract herself from her building orgasm. She wanted to prolong this for as long as possible.
But it was of little use.
As her bouncing grew frenzied the fires of her passion grew overwhelming. Her fingers clawed his chest and she tilted her head back, orgasm ready to consume her.
Then his hands were under her armpits, lifting her clear off his cock - again the villagers silencing - and setting her down on the slab. Kasey stumbled into a sitting position, the granite feeling cold and clammy against her bottom. All thoughts of orgasm disappeared from her mind, dissipated from her body. She looked at Udu, who rose to his full height as he held out a hand to her. He gave no evidence of his own disposition, of how close he might be. Kasey took his hand and he guided her into a new position, turning her around and bending her forward so that she was leaning upon the slab.
She felt him behind her, one of his hands resting on her buttocks, his other guiding his cock to her pussy. Kasey closed her eyes, clenched her teeth in expectation, and grunted as he entered her, and then held himself there, just as he had done on the previous occasion, until the villagers resumed their cadence.
When he thrust into her again it was with a force that hadn’t been there before. Her whole body rocked and shimmied and she clawed her hands on the slab to brace herself. The crash of his hips into her buttocks was like a machine-gun, punctuated only by her shrieks of intensifying passion, shrieks that exploded into a piercing scream that filled the village as orgasm wracked her body. The strength seeped from her legs.
For a moment she had some small awareness that she was falling, but then she felt the slab under her back. She was lying back on it; Udu must have positioned her there. Then she felt a hot gob of cum splash into her breasts, followed by another, then another, and then another.
As clarity returned she saw Udu standing above her, his great chest heaving, one hand stroking his cock, which although limp was still mammoth. Then to her astonishment she saw him stiffening. He was ready to go again - already.
But Eurasia appeared behind him, wrapping him tenderly back in his cloak. She shot Kasey a venomous glower, then escorted him away, back to the hut from which he’d emerged.
Kasey continued to lay on the slab, exhausted, sore, but satiated. The villagers were rising, dispersing, the way fans left an arena after a concert. Nobody paid attention to her, and as she weakly pushed herself into a sitting position she found not one of them looked at her.
Then Topknot appeared, and held out his hand.
‘I need to clean up,’ she said wearily, feeling Udu’s cum on her breasts growing sticky.
Topknot remained unmoved.
Kasey indicated her breasts, gesturing she wanted to wipe it away. ‘Can you give me something to clean up?’ she asked.
Still Topknot remained unmoved.
She took his hand, hoping he was going to take her somewhere to clean up. Instead he led her back to the edge of the jungle and through the trees, and she realised he was going to take her home. She picked leaves and used them to clean herself up as she followed him, and rubbed the residue into her flesh. When she got back she was going to need yet another shower.
But it wasn’t long before following Topknot became unworkable. Exhaustion grew and she had neither his sure-footedness nor his resistance to the terrain. Topknot repeatedly paused to wait for her, and eventually he knelt down on one knee, offering her his back. It took Kasey a moment to understand, but then she climbed onto him so she could piggyback.
The return home was a haze, Kasey feeling increasingly tired. She wondered what time it was. What time had Udu awoken her? How long had it taken to get to his village? How long had Eurasia and the other women massaged her with goo? How long had Udu fucked her? They were all a series of adventures that had seemed to go on forever but which, in reality, she thought probably only occupied two or three hours.
When they got back to the house she was worried about how she would get back inside. Would she have to sneak back in, naked?
But Topknot was unaffected. He leapt up to the patio effortlessly, completely oblivious to her weight.
He carried her into her bedroom and lay her down on the bed, and then pulled the sheet over her. His gentleness surprised her. He certainly hadn’t been as considerate on the journey to the village. Of course, that was before she’d fucked his chief. What did that make her? Some sort of groupie? The thought almost made her laugh.
Topknot rose before her bedside, looking down at her. She wasn’t sure what he wanted - a tip, maybe? Again she almost laughed. She was exhausted - exhausted to the point of delirium. What she needed now was to sleep. She felt like she’d sleep for days.
‘I don’t understand,’ she murmured.
He leaned over her, touched her lips with the tip of his index finger, then pointed at his crotch - a gesture that roused her. Did he want a blowjob? Was that his gratuity? She sat up and pulled the sheet over her breasts. He’d seen her naked, he’d seen her fucking, but she felt the gesture would convey her inaccessibility.
‘No...’ she said.
He leaned even closer, but as he went to dab her lips with his finger she pulled away. Unbothered, he pointed again to his crotch, but now he added another gesture, this time pointing in the direction from which they’d come.
Then, leaving her bedside, he walked out to the patio and leaped onto the balustrade. He turned and looked back at her once, although he was a silhouette to her. Then he slipped down and out of sight.
Kasey stared at the empty patio, then lay back down onto the bed, and within minutes she was asleep.
Chapter X
‘Kasey? Kasey?’
She woke grudgingly, finding Charles standing over her. Her bedroom was full of light and heat - just another typical morning. She yawned before her state clicked to her: she was naked, lying on her front, her sheet resting just above the well of her buttocks. Self-consciousness invaded her and she turned her back to him and pulled the sheet up above her shoulders.
‘Charles!’ she said. ‘What the hell are you doing in here?’
‘I knocked. There was no answer.’
‘What the hell do you want? Get out!’
Charles thrust forward a mobile phone. ‘It’s Matt,’ he said.
Clutching the sheet tightly to her chest, Kasey took the phone from him as the events of the night filtered into her mind. Had that really happened? The muscle soreness in her legs and back told her it had. But what... exactly had happened?
‘Do you mind?’ she asked Charles, and he turned and left her bedroom.
‘Hey,’ Kasey said into the phone.
‘What’s happening?’ Matt asked. ‘Everything okay? What took you so long to answer the phone?’
‘Nothing,’ Kasey said, getting out of bed and walking into the bathroom. ‘I just slept in.’
‘Are you okay?’
‘Just tired,’ she said, drawing a bath.
She returned to the bedroom and stood before the full-length mirror, naked, expecting to see marks upon her back from grounding into the granite slab, maybe some bruises on her hips or buttocks from where Udu had held her, but there was nothing.
‘How’re things down there?’ she asked.
As Matt prattled on about the latest emergency with Ravenstone - something about a tantrum following creative differences between the band and their producer - Kasey’s mind went back to the village, went back to her episode with Udu.
It amazed her that she had felt neither self-consciousness nor fear during the entire experience. She gave herself enough credit to know that she was confident, but not to that extent. What had happened then? Had the incense mesmerised her somehow? That was being too simplistic also. Maybe the incense affected her, but not to that extent. If anything, maybe it had liberated her desires. Was that being simplistic also? Upon reflection, she thought not. The truth was the first time she’d seen Udu just the sight of him had aroused her. As had the memory of him later.