Ranger: A Phoenix Warrior Romance (Phoenix in Flames Book 10)

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Ranger: A Phoenix Warrior Romance (Phoenix in Flames Book 10) Page 6

by Catty Diva

  “Thank you. We like it. Can we interest you in any personal buying or trading?” Rinehart asked.

  “You have a list of prices? Or any idea of what you’d like in trade?” Flicker asked.

  It was clear he was wanting some for Teresa. Not for now when she was pregnant although doctors did say one glass of wine was fine. He’d want some later to celebrate life and all it held for them. Maybe he would try to buy some for Maple.

  “We sell them for these listed prices. All amounts are in universal but if you have something to trade, we can talk about it.” Rinehart advised.

  “I can get you some of these neat personal protection devices.” Flicker said holding up the device.

  They used those on missions. These could work as a Taser, a gun, a shield, or a knockout weapon. Rinehart nearly drooled as he stared at it.

  “How many do you have and what do you want?” Rinehart asked.

  “I have a hundred and I’ll take ten bottles of assorted wines and liquors for each.”

  “Sounds fair.

  “Send them down and we’ll assemble the alcohol.” The leader directed.

  Gods that was a lot of alcohol. Enough for everyone on their ship for years. Still all of them would buy a personal stash. Once the deal making was done, their purchases were onboard. He felt good about that. Even if he was unsure about what Flicker was up to.

  They continued touring the medical center and entertainment areas. It was good that they had more in their lives than just surviving. That was important for people. To live daily just to live another day would be terrible. He was impressed that Rinehart had thought of these things as well as basic needs.

  Soon they would eat supper. Then they would sleep here overnight. After breakfast, they would leave not only New York City, but Earth altogether. An interesting trip? Yes, but there were supposedly ten more cities they’d not seen. Not only that, but New York’s population was so much more than they’d heard.

  Their ship would be full of potential mates for the Mazlans and their holds were full of trade items from Ice City and NYC. The trade they had with the Mazlans helped them a great deal but Razar said that might have to end. He didn’t believe it. Limited? Maybe, but cut altogether when supplies were still need on Earth and mates by the Mazlans? That made no sense at all.

  Rinehart led them back to the dining room where the smell of fried food saturated the air. They were serving a traditional friend chicken dinner. His mouth watered with his large appetite. He saw the mashed potatoes, gravy, corn on the cob, and apple pie. There were other dishes as well, but those were the ones his eyes were on. The big hot rolls with butter looked good too. How did all these cities have such good food? All of them sat down and he chose sweet tea with this traditional southern style meal.

  “This is wonderful.” He complimented.

  “We have a new cook. Looks like she’ll be kept in that position.” Rinehart guessed.

  “What did she do before?” He asked.

  “She was a biologist setting up the greenhouse for the plants.” Rinehart admitted.

  “Looks like she did a wonderful job.” He praised.

  “She’s good at everything she does but she doesn’t get along well with her fellow scientists. They don’t agree with her and she gets mad.” Rinehart explained.

  “Who was right?” He asked.

  “She was but she has to learn to play better with others if she wants to be in charge there.”

  “What about the kitchen?” He wondered.

  “She gets along with all of them fine. They’re untrained and learning from her. Those people appreciate her ability to teach, the biologists think they’re already trained.”

  “Sounds like they have a bit to learn.” He pointed out.

  “Maybe they do, but they all got up in arms about the way she handled things. To keep them calm, I moved her. Made them take on extra duties. If there are any problems, I will punish them. There’s no place for ego or jealousy here. Rita’s happy enough to be away from them. It was the only way to handle it.” Rinehart explained.

  “If you want her gone, we’ll take her.” Flicker said.

  “Won’t your mate be jealous?”

  “She’s the one who wants to take her.”

  “Why?” Rinehart asked.

  “We are always looking for good people in the greenhouse, the kitchen, or anywhere else. Our people are cross trained. Sounds like Rita already is.” Flicker observed.

  “Yes, well. We’re not letting her go.” Rinehart insisted. “I might consider giving you the others in the biology team.”

  “We don’t keep trouble makers. Giving them their way comes back to bite you in the ass every time.” Teresa explained.

  “Sometimes you give them what they want and they discover they don’t want it. Rita is in on this plan with me.” Rinehart said.

  “Tell me how it all works out for you.” Teresa asked.

  “It’ll take a while but I’m sure it will all work out.” Rinehart insisted.

  That showed him everyplace had its own troubles. This place looked like it was run so well but he had difficulties with his leaders. Jealousy and ego, he’d said. There was something he’d seen cause pain and trouble all his life. Petty people worrying more about their personal problems than the care of their people and the safety of the group as a whole.

  Rinehart showed patience in the way he handled things. The guy was trying to teach them a lesson but that rarely worked. He wished him good luck and Rita, the amazing cook, even better luck. This was a meal that he not only enjoyed, but it took him back in time to happier days when his grandma had still been alive.

  A tear tried to form in his eyes at those wonderful remembrances but he blinked it away. His favorite person in the whole world back then had been his sweet Nanny. While he loved his mother, he’d not missed her in the same way. She was still alive, he thought. They’d been rich and her and his father had fled with the other Earth Gov officials.

  “Please tell your Rita that this meal was amazing and just like my Nanny fixed when I was young.” He admitted.

  “She’ll be happy to hear that.” Rinehart said.

  They finished their meal and now they were on their way to their rooms. He was excited to finally spend time with his wonderful mate. It had been great to learn about this city, but nothing compared to time spent with Maple.

  Once they were in their room Maple jumped on the bed and he laid next to her. With her in his arms, he felt calm and happy. “Did you pick up on something between Rita and Rinehart?” Maple asked.

  “What was there to pick up on?” He asked.

  “There was a personal attachment. Clearly you didn’t notice it.”

  “No, I didn’t. Are you sure?”

  “No doubt and I wasn’t the only one who noticed.” Maple mentioned.

  “The whole thing was weird if you ask me.”

  “No one can really say what will work. It seems unorthodox, but sometimes those things work. We’ll probably never know how it works out in the end.” She said.

  “Every leader has their own way of managing.”

  “True, but his is really different.”

  “He’s trying to show them how valuable she is in a way that they ask her to come back.” Maple explained.

  “You really think that will work?”

  “Doesn’t matter what I think. He’s doing it and in time everyone will see if it worked.” Maple replied.

  “Alright. Let’s move on to us.”

  “What do we have to discuss?”

  “Nothing is as important as making love. Let’s undress.” He suggested.

  He stood peeling off his shirt then moving down. Soon he stood in front of her naked. The look on her face was the same as the first time she’d seen him naked. It told him that Maple loved and wanted him. As he looked back at her, she stood and began to undress slowly.

  “Gods, Baby. You are gorgeous.” He whispered as he stared at his mate.

nbsp; “Don’t just stand there. Get busy.” She said as she fell back onto the bed.

  He grinned as he approached. “You’re going to love this.”

  Getting on top of her he slid down her body kissing and licking all the way until he got to her center. Blowing his hot breath on her nether lips, he loved the way she shivered. His tongue flicked out and traced those lips sliding in between them. Her flavor was perfect causing a groan to be pulled from him.

  “Yes!” Maple screamed.

  His finger found her channel, pumping as his tongue whorled around her nub. It didn’t take long before he tasted her honey. Gods, he loved his mate and her taste was fine. Next he moved up her body until his cock was at the entrance to her center. Slowly he slid in to her hot wet depths.

  They groaned together as the delicious feeling of being one rolled over them. This was the best feeling in the world to him. After a moment of enjoying the pause, he began to move. Soon he was hammering into her enjoying every thrust until she exploded around him squeezing the seed right out of him. He rolled off her then pulled her into his arms. Her breathing calmed until he was certain she was asleep. His eyes closed and his breathing slowed until he was asleep as well.

  In the morning they rushed around getting ready then met their team at the dining room for breakfast. They managed to be the last to arrive and the food smelled really good. It was a southern style breakfast with white gravy and biscuits, fried potatoes, eggs cooked in a variety of ways, and even pancakes.

  “More good Southern food?” Maple asked. She began to fill her plate with many choices.

  “This is Southern goodness.” He replied.

  “She cooks to keep busy, but everyone likes it.” Rinehart admitted.

  “Your plan still on target?” Flicker asked.

  “The other scientists are running into trouble but won’t admit they need her. We’ll see what happens when chaos hits.” Rinehart forecasted. “For now, let’s enjoy our meal before you go.”

  The man had a point. The meal was amazing just like when his Nanny had cooked for him as a boy. It would be a shame to miss fully enjoying this meal. Few cooks in space could make any of these dishes decently.

  “This is fantastic.” He moaned around his mouthful of food.

  “I’ve never had anything like this before.“ She agreed.

  Everyone commented on the food. It was that good. Now they all just enjoyed the great food and good conversation until they were done. The shame was they had only got to visit two of the Earth cities. He would have liked to have visited all of them.

  “It’s a shame you need to leave so soon.” Rinehart declared.

  “That’s part of the military life. Schedules are generally tough and need to be followed to the minute.” Flicker replied.

  “Maybe you can come visit some other time. We get so few visitors here.” Rinehart invited. “Right now, I’ll lead you to the spot you arrived. Your engineer is waiting for you.”

  They all stood up and moved in line to follow Rinehart. He led them away as Ranger took a deep breath and said goodbye to his favorite foods. The group arrived in a few moments and were flashed up in seconds.

  In a way it was good to be back. They would have leave soon and he would get to meet Maple’s parents. He both looked forward to and worried about that meeting. Flicker led them to the meeting room as soon as they were onboard the ship.

  “We will be heading back to Oison right away. While we were gone nothing happened. There were no advances in the proposed peace and no attacks either.” Teresa explained.

  “Do we have a mission?” He asked.

  “No, not yet. Razar has suggested that those who wish to take leave do so now before things get hot again.” Flicker explained.

  “Who wants to go?” Teresa inquired.

  “I do.” Echoed around the room.

  This meant his meeting with Maple’s parents were in the immediate future. He knew it was important to her so it was important to him too. At least the others all appeared to be going with them. That way all the attention wouldn’t be on him. They hurried away to their bedroom. Once they were in, he shut the door behind them.

  “I can agree with that. Now what do you say we get bare and busy?” Ranger asked.

  Damn, he was so cute even saying something that male. “Why not?”

  “Let’s start it.” He said as he began to strip.


  They just landed near their parent’s home. Finally all four of them were mated. She knew her parents would be thrilled. Her hope was that they would be left where they were until their commission ran out. No fool, she knew her and Ash had been sent to their ship to find mates. Now they’d found them would they be allowed to stay?

  That would be up to her Dad who had a high rank in their government. Next she worried about how they would react to Ranger. He hadn’t gained many Phoenix traits and still felt fully human. Many of her kind didn’t feel the same about human males that they felt about the females.

  It was her hope her parents would be different. They had easily accepted her brother’s mates, but Ranger was different. Not just because he was male, but because he didn’t have the obvious skills the female mates did. His skills were more varied and still being learned. That she loved him would just have to be enough for her parents.

  The road to her parent’s house was nearly deserted. They were the only ones walking that way. They’d arrived at an off time, with few people around. Her parents would be up early today because they expected them. The sun was not yet risen but she’d swear her mother would have drinks and food waiting for them. It was just the way her mother was, perfect.

  She loved both her parents dearly. They were the best, both supportive as they pushed each of their children to be the best they could be. Soon, she hoped her and Ranger would be parents and that they would be half as good. Her biggest hope right now is that they would be accepting. They were all about to find out.

  They were nearly to the door when it opened. Her father often sensed when they were there. “You’re here!” He yelled clearly pleased to see them.

  “We came straight here.” Oak admitted. He and Angel headed inside.

  “Where’s Mom?” Elm asked and Father pointed to the kitchen. He and Mike moved on into the house.

  “It’s great to be home, Dad.” Ash said as he and Nila went through the door.

  Here they were, she and Ranger. As they moved up to the door and stopped, her dad and Ranger were frozen standing still while there they stood looking at each other. “You’re the newest one. You’ll do fine. Come and everything will be fine.” Her father led the way.

  “We’ll follow you.” She said. So far it sounded good.

  They entered the room her mother was in and she left Nila where she’d been fussing over her and headed to Ranger. “You’re a fine looking male.” She said as she hugged him.

  “Thank you.” He replied as he hugged her back.

  Food was on the table as they all sat down. It was traditional Phoenix food and Ranger seemed to like it. Her parents treated him much like their daughters by law. It was a relief to her that things were going well. Ranger seemed to like the food and complimented her mom which made her mom blush.

  “So tell me when you are planning to get married?” Dad asked with a questioning look at them.

  “We plan to marry when we go back to the ship.” She answered.

  “That’s good. I thought we’d have a celebration soon for all of you. It’s amazing that all four of our children are mated.” Mom had tears in her eyes.

  “Yes, it is.” Oak commented. “And we all found human mates.”

  “Life can be amazing, can’t it?” She asked.

  “It can. Now that you’re all mated, maybe you can come home?” Her dad asked.

  “Dad, you know we all want to pursue our career to its natural end.” She explained.

  He sighed heavily. “I suspected that would be the way it was. You’ll let me know w
hen you’re ready to come home to stay.”

  They all nodded. Their relief was high as they realized he was letting them all stay on their ship for now. “We would like to start building the homes as soon as we get the money.” Oak admitted.

  “Let me know when you want to start.” Their father said.

  “I have the money now. The others will have it soon.” Oak offered. “By the way, we all put in on this special bottle of wine.” He handed his father a bottle of the gooseberry wine from Earth.

  “Let’s have a toast.” Dad said. “To all my offspring and their mates, may they find happiness and be fruitful.”

  “Here, here.” Everyone agreed. It was the future they all wished for.

  Poisoned Earth series

  Book 1


  The Earth was poisoned. Little grew, the air was foul over seventy percent of the planet with most water requiring strong treatment to be drinkable. Put in charge of Ice City, Max struggled to make all the hard decisions. His personal life was much like it had been years ago. There was a one night stand when his need grew too much. Then he met her.

  She was considered a genius in almost all sciences. The Ice City had offered her the chance to test her theories and given her mind freedom to roam. It was too good to be true. Then she met him. He was perfect, but he ran hot and cold. That she couldn’t deal with.

  Two important people who belong together but will their positions stand between them?

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  (Catty Diva, Corre Deepe and Crystal Dawn)


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