Hot Alpha Alien Husbands: Book One: Daxx and Jetta

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Hot Alpha Alien Husbands: Book One: Daxx and Jetta Page 27

by Scarlett Starkleigh

  “My skin burns so badly, Daxx.”

  “It’s okay. You’ll be okay. I have medicine at home for it. You’ll be okay, promise.”


  Thankfully the tracker part of the ear thing was part of the language implant that was deep in my ear canal. I’d figured the tracker was the gemstone and I was so glad I was wrong.

  He nursed me back to health over the following week, dressing my sores with an ointment made from some of the herbs in his greenhouse. I ran high fevers and hallucinated for the first few days as my body fought off the poison from them, but then I started to feel better. We were lucky that the storm was a daytime one as those tended to be milder. Apparently, those yellow streaks in the sky were a sign of the mildness of the storm. And if the hail stones hadn’t been so tiny, they would most likely have killed me. They could have killed me anyway, had I not gotten treatment right away.

  Lars’ boat washed up on shore not far from Daxx’s property line a few days later. Lars was not on it. We didn’t know what happened to him but his propeller fins washed up a few days later on Strom’s property.

  The ointment worked miracles and in a week the sores had all cleared up and there were no scars. By the time they were fully cleared up and I was feeling well again, I was more enamored with my hot alpha alien husband than ever. I was ready to get physical again (we hadn’t been able to since he’d rescued me because of the sores).

  The day I was starting to feel normal again, he had been busy with Strom in the vineyard and he had given me a phone device to communicate with. I couldn’t text him because I didn’t read or write in the Phallyx-language but he’d put his number on a speed dial icon for when I needed him.

  I had had enough of spending time in bed doing nothing, thank you very much.

  He called me.

  “How are you feeling, little beautiful wife?”

  “I’m feeling lonely. Are you almost finished work?”

  Banshee was with me. He’d barely left my side. I think he had PTSD from my kidnapping. He was a sensitive little bear-dog. He had stopped playing with his fetch toy. I figure he was blaming it for being unable to save me. He’d been out chasing it in the water when Lars appeared on the shore that day to steal me.

  “I’ll be ten more minutes. I have a surprise. Do you feel well enough to order us a pizza for movie night? I want to watch your Wizard movie with you.”

  “I’m saving that one for the popcorn.”

  “I have the popcorn,” Daxx said.

  “Ooh. Really?”

  “Really. It arrived today.”

  I’d seen a boat arrive out back and had been nervous about it. My heart had raced. But I saw Daxx on shore talking to the guy and it wasn’t Lars so I was very relieved about that.

  We hadn’t had a pizza in a while so I didn’t bust his chops about his obsession with it.

  “Okay, where do you want to watch it? In the family room or the bedroom?”

  “Family room?” he asked quizzically, “Which room is that?”

  “Um… the main floor room near the top door?”

  He laughed low, “I like that. Family room.”

  “What do you call it?”

  “Lounge usually.”

  “Oh. We call it a family room because it’s where a family kind of hangs out.”

  “I like that name,” I could hear the smile in his voice. I felt all gooey inside. He was indirectly acknowledging the idea of a family.

  “But how about the bedroom this time?” he suggested.

  “I was really sick of being in the bedroom but maybe being in the bedroom will be nice. It’s been a little while since you’ve, uh, done anything but sleep in the bedroom after it gets dark.”

  “Does it have to be dark?”

  “Um no. I don’t think my skin looks so hideous anymore so nope.”

  He laughed, “You were beautiful even when you were covered in those welts. I only haven’t touched you much because I didn’t want to hurt you, baby.”

  “I know,” I said softly, “You won’t hurt me if you touch me now. See you soon.”

  Ten minutes later, he was there, kissing me. He was damp with perspiration and he smelled amazing. I yanked his shirt off, “I’m taking a shower with you,” I insisted and walked him into the bathroom and hit the buttons to start up a shower.

  He had a heated look in his eyes. I threw my nightgown off. I’d been wearing light clothing to minimize friction on my sores.

  The second his pants were off, I was pulling him into the shower and I was ravishing his chest with my mouth.

  He lifted me up by grasping my legs and hefting me up placing me against the wall.

  “You’re sure you’re well enough?” he asked.

  “I am. It’s been so long…”

  He laughed against my forehead and kissed it, “It has only been a few days.”

  “It feels like it has been years.” I put my palms to his skin, which was all bubbly as the water had sprayed some shower gel out. I worked his shoulders into a lather. His hands glided up my torso to my breasts and then down again. My legs were wrapped around his waist. He fitted us together and then his thumb went to my clit and my head rolled back against the tile. His hand went to the back of my neck and his other stayed supporting me against the wall and his mouth hit mine.

  “No one is going to take you from me ever again, baby,” he said as he powered into me, his hips surging forward over and over as his nimble fingers on one hand massaged the back of my neck, and on the other hand massaged my clit deliciously.

  “Nope,” I agreed, “I’ll murder them myself. Because if they take me from you then those motherfuckers are taking you from me. And no one will ever take you from me.”

  He liked that. He liked that so much that he carried me, soaking wet, out to the bedroom where he pressed me full frontal up against the bowed window that overlooked the water. He surged into me from behind and said, right against my ear where that gem had been, “All of them. Anyone out there. They won’t get anywhere near you. You are mine.”

  “Yes,” I said, looking out at the water, at the pink sky, feeling my orgasm coming, ready to smash me to smithereens. A fucking freight train was speeding up my body. And it was awesome that I knew that the minute I got to experience that climax, he would immediately rip another one from me. I felt like Daxx liked that second one better than the first one because he knew I would fight it, feeling like it was too much sensation, and then at that moment of surrender, he saw something that made him know he 100% owned me and that I knew that, too, well and truly in the depths of my bone marrow, heart and soul.

  He hadn’t taken things well the day after he rescued me from under that rock when he found out that Lars tried to have sex with me. I was in bed, heavily medicated for pain and fever, and slathered with ointment when I’d been alert enough to finally tell him the whole story. I’d raged with dangerously high fevers all night while he kept watch that first night and he told me later that he was worried I wouldn’t make it through that night. He’d called in three doctors who’d flown in and stayed with us that first two days until I was out of the woods. When I was out of the woods, he asked me, pain in his eyes, if Lars had taken what was only his, if Lars had raped me.

  The look of relief on his face was so immense, it was nearly immeasurable. He curled up beside me, not touching me so that he wouldn’t hurt any of the blisters that hadn’t yet healed.

  “I didn’t even let him kiss me, baby,” I said, “I kneed him in his junk and got away.”

  He laughed and then he reached over and put his hand on my face with his left hand and took my hand and put it on his face with the other. And then he fell asleep beside me. He slept so deeply that I knew that he a) could sleep because we were touching one another. He knew I was safely in his orbit. And b) he slept, finally, because he knew I hadn’t had to endure sex against my will.

  My hot alpha alien husband was a good and decent man.

  By the time I was
up and about, there were new security systems at the beach level that would alert Daxx if anything larger than a fish tried to breach five hundred feet from shore.


  So, purplish blue space popcorn is ten times better than Earth popcorn. No joke.

  Daxx liked The Wizard of Oz. He found it highly amusing. And at the end, when Dorothy talked about there being no place like home, I looked at Daxx, lying next to me and thought, yeah.

  Because I’d always felt like something was missing in my life. My folks were not great parents, too wrapped up in their own ongoing drama to worry too much about me. I’d always known that life would be what I made of it. And here, on Phallyx, I felt at home. I felt like I had the ability to make the best of life, for the first time in my life.


  Three Months Later

  It was our wedding day. Our ‘Earth wedding’ day. We weren’t on Earth but we were doing it Earth style.

  We were having that party that he told me I could have. I said I didn’t even need one, but he insisted. And now I was glad because it meant I’d see a ring on his finger, a ring that meant he was mine.

  I’d ordered rings for us and they were beautiful. I had mine made from the same material as my new ear gem so it would immediately turn red when he put it on my finger. Yes, I was in love. His was a gorgeous gold ring with intricate red written as an inscription that had my name and his, in Phallyxian script, which looked like a cross between Aramaic and old English calligraphy.

  We had just exchanged vows in front of Strom who had served as officiant, which he’d done after learning about wedding rituals from Earth as part of his research to get ready for his wife’s arrival. I’d done a fair amount of coaching to help him avoid some of the follies that Daxx and I had dealt with. I liked Strom a lot and his earth wife would be a lucky girl.

  He performed the clergy role well, getting us to recite vows to one another but also surprised us by incorporating a few different elements from former Phallyxian wedding celebrations (from before the laws were changed) and they included binding one of our hands together with a type of golden rope-like twine made from the bark of a tree that bore the fruit that was in that love punch. The twine wasn’t breakable and the symbolism was said to have a positive effect on our intimate lives as well as my fertility. In addition to a kiss to celebrate the Earth tradition of pronouncing us husband and wife, we were showered with flower petals in every color of the rainbow, a blessing of beauty for our marriage.

  I wore a lovely but simple white off-the-shoulder dress with white rose-like (without thorns) flowers in my hair. Daxx wore a white tuxedo but instead of a bow tie it had red jewels at the collar. Our ceremony was done at the beach near sunset and then we were having a bonfire and loads of food. We wouldn’t remove that rope that bound us together until we made love that night.

  “What if I have to pee?” I whispered in his ear and he laughed, “Then I’ll take you to pee and close my eyes while you do.”

  Tanya and Zane had come with Ollie.

  So had Spar and Treya and their two newborn baby girls.

  Daxx’s cousin Quid and his wife Elaina and their baby girl Hope (Elaina was pregnant again) were also here. Daxx was doing his best to help me not feel so lonely so he had talked about us going to visit with Quid and Elaina in a few weeks at their home if Elaina and I hit it off. I had a good feeling about her. She and I had a lot in common. I found out she was drafted, too, against her will and had made Quid work for it, kind of like I had made Daxx work for it.

  And now with Strom’s new wife Sindy moving next door, I’d have a female nearby and hoped we would hit it off, too. Zane and Tanya lived near Spar but were thinking about moving here at least part of the year. Tanya really liked the scenery and wanted to be close by me so said she’d work on Zane.

  We still didn’t know, for sure, what had happened to Lacey. Well, there was a theory that she was on the other side of the world with a Phallyx man, a criminal named Joran known to be involved in the rebel movement.

  Spar told me that they had to redirect resources so weren’t still actively looking, but that someone fitting her description and his description had been seen in another territory on the other side of the planet. She’d again disappeared before she could be questioned or identified but appeared in good health and had been spotted being rather cozy with that Phallyxian man in a restaurant of a small village. She had no cartilage piercing on her ears and the witness said she spoke Phallyxian but it was looking by the description that it was her. There had been thousands of women matched up already and there was a rumor that a rogue group had brought about two hundred women in that they’d kidnapped from Earth (but they had been apprehended and some of the women had been recovered by the Phallyx government) so it was possible that it might not have been Lacey but Earth women were still a novelty so any woman would be noticed, particularly one without an ear cartilage piercing.

  Tanya and I hadn’t had much of a chance to chat so far but she looked happy. Her husband was extraordinarily handsome and very doting. And he was the one who ran for and grabbed her the minute those gates opened. He’d been watching her on those live feed videos, too, and he took no chances anyone else would get to her first. Ollie had a big part in choosing her and Zane was determined to have the woman that both he and his son wanted for completing their family. Ollie was sitting in cute a little suit beside his father and although I only spoke to him briefly and he seemed shy, he also seemed like a lovely little boy. I say little but he wasn’t the size of an average four-and-a-half-year-old, clearly, with how tall the men were here. And it did something to me when I spoke with him because he had green eyes just like Daxx and Spar and I couldn’t help but imagine having my own milky jade-eyed babies.

  Daxx and I hadn’t talked about having kids yet, but I was feeling a little bit like my ovaries were doing gymnastics after seeing Spar and Treya’s baby girls, seeing little Ollie, and seeing that Strom’s new wife Sindy was already up the duff by her earring color.

  Sindy was lovely. She was a curvy and gorgeous East Indian girl in her early twenties, with thick gleaming curly hair to her waist and dark eyes. She smiled at me as he sat and pulled her onto his lap and wrapped his arms around her. Strom jerked his chin at Daxx and then gave me a tip of his head.

  He looked ecstatically happy. So did she. Strom had only met her three days ago.

  Her gemstone was amber, like Treya’s had been. More twins. Treya had given birth to two identical baby twin girls and they’d concerned everyone because it had somehow happened that all babies born in the past few years to Phallyxian mothers and fathers had been male and so there were concerns about that.. Both baby girls were happy and healthy newborns. Treya and Spar sat at our reception with them in their arms and I couldn’t wait to hold them. Spar looked ecstatically happy as a doting daddy and husband. Treya seemed happy, too, but there was something about her that just didn’t seem right. I saw her giving Tanya dirty looks a few times.

  Spar had to pay a large fine of restitution to every man in the round that I had been in for what he’d done in taking Treya. He was also being subjected to some sanctions in his position, being watched, on probation to ensure that he was not doing anything else that might be considered unethical. Because Lars was disqualified, my father-in-law argued that the numbers were still even. It probably helped his cause.

  Her earring was blue now that she wasn’t pregnant. Maybe she was in love, we wouldn’t know for sure since her chemistry made it so that love wasn’t recognized in the same way. Tanya’s was red so I was happy to see that she was in love, too.

  Maybe it would always be a little bit awkward for Treya around Daxx but she had been nice to me on our ‘Earth wedding’ day; she hadn’t looked at me like I was shoe crud so far that day (not that I’d seen, anyway). Maybe she still felt that way, I didn’t know, but Daxx didn’t trust her. Whether she was trustworthy or not remained to be seen but I was kind of glad she wasn’t in our every
day lives.

  “I brought it. It’s in your office,” I heard Strom say to Daxx.

  “Brought what?” I asked.

  “It’s a surprise,” Daxx said and kissed me, “After the bread.”

  “You mean the toast?” I asked.

  He smiled, “Yes, toast.”

  So, we moved to the table that was set up with delicious champagne that Daxx had made especially for the occasion. He’d blended it with some fruit that countered the drunk effects so that us earth girls wouldn’t get super-sloshed.

  Oh yeah, I was helping with the business, too. I was learning how to read and speak the Phallyxian language. Technology had been invented to temporarily turn off our implants if we wanted and Daxx was learning English. I’d started to help him in his office and it was freeing up his time a little, which was great, because he had more time to spend with me than our first few weeks when he was working constantly. It was a busy part of the harvesting season for him.

  It truly did warm my heart that he had all this money but yet loved to get his hands dirty, work in the sun, growing things. My hot alpha alien husband was sexy, smart, successful, capable.

  The week before, he’d even made me a meal in the old-fashioned kitchen. It was only pancakes and bacon (aka: breakfast meat, which I’d found out was definitely bacon) so clearly pretty simple for most, but given the technology at his fingertips, it made me happy that he’d done that.

  I was ecstatically happy with him. He was the best husband I could’ve dreamt of. And he acted like making me happy was his primary goal in life.

  “It’s my wife’s home’s tradition to say a few words, called a toast, at a wedding and that’s what I want to do. If you’d all like to come and have a glass and raise it. Pomberry juice for you, Ollie, Sindy, Elaina.”

  Everyone wandered over.

  “A toast to Jetta, the only one for me. My love. My partner. My everything. Thank you for embracing our marriage and for making me the happiest man in the Universe. And thank you for introducing me to space pizza.”


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