Drama in the Church Saga

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Drama in the Church Saga Page 8

by Dynah Zale

  One woman kissed him passionately and spoke to him in French. He thought this was very sexy as she said things to him he couldn’t understand. Each woman kept grabbing at him.

  One woman pointed her long finger at him, beckoning him to sit up. Payce was mesmerized by her wild make-up and big hair. The woman’s eyes were painted with lots of green and pink paint. She wore a green mini skirt with a matching green halter.

  He sat up and the woman went to him; satisfying Payce’s sexual desires.

  After she was done, each woman wanted a turn, and Payce turned no one away. Two hours later, Payce lay on his back, exhausted. A soft bell rang and instantly the girls untangled themselves from their twist around him and quietly left the room. That was the end of their night together.

  “I never thought this night would end like this,” he whispered.

  After he had a chance to catch his breath, he retreated back to the massage room. He found his clothes lying on the table. As he was buttoning his shirt, he heard a knock at the door.

  “Come in,” he called.

  Darshon entered, smiling like the cat that ate the canary. “How you feel, player?”

  “I’m tired.”

  “I bet you are. Did they work you over?”

  Payce smiled as he tied up his boots and looked for his coat. The curtain that covered the huge window was pulled back. Inside, two women were having sex.

  “This is a night I will never forget,” Payce said out loud.

  They watched for a second as the two women pleased one another.

  “Man, let’s go. I’ve got to go home and get some sleep. I have to be to work later on tonight,” Payce told him.

  As they prepared to walk out the door, Darshon yelled, “Hold up man. Let’s watch this real quick.”

  The door inside the window opened and another woman entered. She wore a black leather cat suit with a matching facemask. She held a whip in her hand that she repeatedly swung around. She moved around like she was a cat on the prowl. They watched her gracefully dance around the room. She plotted out a strategy as to which woman she would overcome first. Payce watched as the cat woman pushed one girl to the floor, spread her legs, and before she buried her head down to taste the nectar of the woman, she removed her mask.

  At that moment she looked directly into Payce’s eyes. “Oh shit.” Payce recognized the woman. “What?” Darshon asked. “That’s Reverend Kane.”

  Chapter 6

  Elise slammed her office door shut, leaving behind the chaos of yelling clients, tight deadlines, and late building permits. Glad to escape it all, she looked forward to beginning her new workout regimen at the gym.

  After the stitches were removed from her leg, she desperately wanted to get back out to the park and continue her regular jogs, but Miles did not approve. He felt it was unsafe for her to go jogging by herself, so he suggested she join a health club.

  Elise knew Miles was only trying to help, but she thought gyms were so commercial. Health clubs advertised fitness, but it was a multi-million dollar scam. Over ninety percent of members who frequented the gym regularly never obtained the results they desired. It amused her to watch a 250 pound woman cycle on the bike for thirty minutes while eating an entire box of Krispy Kreme donuts.

  She would choose the park over a crowded gym any day.

  Elise also didn’t want to lose the time she spent in the park talking with God, but that wasn’t the only reason she wanted to return to the park. She secretly looked forward to running into the man who rescued her like a damsel in distress. Images of his muscular body flashed in her mind. It was hard for her to concentrate on anything besides him.

  Elise arrived at the gym and went straight to the treadmills. She started her workout by doing a light one-mile jog to increase her heart rate. Afterwards she followed a strict cardio routine.

  After her strenuous workout, she retreated to the locker room to take a shower. She put her hand underneath the spray of water to test it. It was just right. Before she stepped in she noticed that the complimentary towel rack was barren. Elise knew she could use her own towels, but the club kept their towels heated and she savored the feeling of stepping out of the shower and wrapping her body in a warm towel. She left the water running and ran out to the receptionist’s desk.

  “Excuse me, could you ask someone to bring some fresh towels into the ladies locker room? We’ve run out,” Elise explained.

  “Sure, I’ll have someone bring some in right away,” the young receptionist replied.

  As Elise turned to retreat to her shower, she heard a man call out, “Elise.”

  She recognized the voice, but hoped that it wasn’t who she thought it was. She turned around and it was him—her hero—standing before her eyes.

  Embarrassed, her face quickly turned red. Not only had he caught her wearing only a towel, but she also had a stupid shower cap on her head. He walked over to her smiling that handsome, devilish smile.

  “Hi,” he said, sounding as if he were approaching his high school sweetheart.

  “Hello.” She flinched at the sight of seeing him. She wanted to run and hide. “What are you doing here?” she asked.

  “The fellows and I usually come here to play basketball.” He pointed to a group of guys entering the men’s locker room. “How’s that leg? Are you all better?”

  “Yes,” Elise flexed her leg in and out. “It’s all better. I’ve been waiting on you to send me the hospital bill.”

  “I put it in the mail a few days ago. You should have gotten it by now. Don’t worry, you’ll wish I never sent it once you get a look at it.”

  “You’re probably right about that.” She laughed. Elise noticed him staring at her and it made her more uncomfortable. “Well I must be going. I was about to take a shower.”

  “I’m sorry,” he said. “I didn’t mean to keep you.”

  She turned to run back into the locker room.

  “Elise, wait a minute,” he called out to her. He walked back over to her. “Would you care to join me for a cup of coffee?”

  Elise intended to turn down his offer, but her mouth betrayed her. “Sure, I’d like that,” she replied.

  “Great. I’ll wait for you out here.”

  She walked back into the locker room. What have I just done? she thought. I should have said no. I was supposed to say no. But the excitement that danced in his eyes while he talked to her changed her mind.

  An hour later, Sheridan and Elise sat in Starbucks sipping French vanilla lattes. Sheridan watched Elise as she drank from her coffee cup. He couldn’t believe his luck. He thought he was never going to see her again. Since the day of their accidental meeting, his mind had been consumed with thoughts of her. He hadn’t spent that much time with her, but what he did know intrigued him. He couldn’t figure out what was so alluring about her, or why he asked her out for coffee, but he did know that he couldn’t allow her to vanish from his life again. He knew she was married, but it was hard for him to fight the magnetism he felt toward her.

  “You know I really shouldn’t be drinking coffee. I won’t be able to sleep tonight,” Elise commented.

  “Neither should I, but sometimes I find it’s best to stay up and work.”

  “What do you do?” she asked.

  “I’m a sports agent. I represent a lot of the Philadelphia sports figures—McNabb, Iverson, Randy Wolf.”

  “That must be interesting work.”

  “It can be. It can also be stressful. It’s hard trying to keep my clients on top. I have to always present my clients in a positive light, whether it’s to another sports team, or for an endorsement deal. And that’s not always easy. When Kobe got into all that legal trouble out in Colorado, he lost a lot of money. Everything an athlete does is scrutinized by the media, so I try to make sure my players stay out of trouble.”

  “Doesn’t your job require you to travel a lot?”

  “Yeah, I do travel a lot of the time, but since a majority of my clientele resides
in Philadelphia, I’m able to work from home through the use of e-mail and fax machines. What about you? What do you do?”

  “I work for the city. I’m director of the Urban Enterprise zoned areas in Philadelphia.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “I’m responsible for strengthening the more impoverished areas of the city economically by recruiting businesses into those areas.”

  “How do you do that?”

  “Well, I contact large retail stores, companies, or businesses that are interested in setting up regional distribution centers in Philadelphia. Ultimately, if they agree to establish their business in the city, they are entitled to certain tax breaks. For instance, all materials needed to build the outside structure or furnish the inside of office buildings can be written off. It’s one hundred percent tax-free. Plus businesses receive an additional fifteen hundred dollar tax break for every city resident they employ.”

  “That’s a real bargain,” Sheridan said.

  “Yeah. A lot of smaller businesses that are trying to grow can benefit from these types of incentives.” She took another sip of her coffee. “You know you never told me your name.”

  Those lips curved into that devilish smile that caused her heart to flutter.

  “I was wondering when you were going to ask me my name. It’s Sheridan.”

  “Sheridan. That’s different.”

  “Yeah, it’s a really old name. My full name is Sheridan Reed the Fifth. It’s a name that has been passed down from my great-great grandfather. It’s a tradition, and when I have a son of my own he will be named Sheridan Reed the VI.”

  “So you don’t have any children?”

  “No not yet; maybe someday. What about yourself?”

  She solemnly replied, “No.” It was torture every time someone asked her that question, a painful reminder of the problems she and Miles were having. She quickly changed the subject. “I’m glad you invited me out.”

  “I’m surprised. I didn’t think you were going to accept my offer.”

  “At first I wasn’t.”

  “What changed your mind?”

  “I thought there was no harm in having a cup of coffee. Plus, I wanted to thank you for coming to my rescue in the park.”

  “It was my fault that accident happened in the first place. I should have been more careful.”

  Her cell phone rang. She knew it was Miles calling to make sure she was all right. She glanced at the clock. She was usually home by this time. She answered.

  “Hey, honey. Is everything all right?” Miles inquired.

  “Yes, I’m fine. I ran into an old friend at the gym and we stopped for coffee. I should have called to let you know I’d be late.”

  “No, that’s okay. I’m sorry if I intruded. I just wanted to make sure you were all right. When I didn’t hear from you I began to worry. I’ll let you get back to your girlfriend. Enjoy yourself. I’ll wait up until you get home.”

  “All right, I shouldn’t be much longer.” She hung up the phone. Sheridan smiled back at her.

  “You are very beautiful,” he told her.

  “Thank you.” His obvious attraction to her sent up warning signs, but she ignored them. She enjoyed his company so much that she didn’t want to leave.

  “You realize I am attracted to you, right?” he asked her.

  “You realize I’m married, right?” she playfully replied.

  “Yes, I do realize that and I don’t want to interfere with your happy home. I just want to get to know you better. You have been on my mind a lot since you left my house.”

  Scared of what he might confess to her next, she abruptly announced, “I must be going.”

  “Let me walk you to your car.” He walked over to the trash can to discard their cups. Elise stood at the door and stared at him from behind. He looks so good in those jeans. Elise closed her eyes and said a silent prayer. Lord, please get me out of this.

  “Will I get to see you again?” Sheridan asked as they walked to her car together.

  “No, I don’t think that would be a good idea.”

  Disappointed by her response, he said, “I understand you’re married. I respect that.”

  Elise could clearly see the hurt in his eyes. Her heart ached for telling him no.

  They stopped in front of her car. “You be careful going home,” he told her. He softly kissed her on the cheek and walked away with his head down.

  Elise got in her car and sat there for a moment. Contemplating her next move, she lowered her window and yelled out, “How about I meet you here next Wednesday? After my workout we can go for another cup of coffee.” It was just coffee, she told herself. She could handle being in his presence for an hour or two.

  That brought an immediate smile to his lips. “I’ll see you then.”

  “I don’t understand how two people can accumulate so much laundry in one week.” Val sat in the family room folding two laundry baskets full of clothes while Julian stretched out across the couch with the television remote in his hand.

  “Babe, you know I change clothes two to three times a day. I get dressed, go to practice, come home, take a shower, and get changed again.”

  “I’ve noticed,” she replied sarcastically. “You’ve been changing clothes and going out so much that I barely see you.”

  “I told you I’m sorry. I’m going to make it up to you. I promise.” Julian pulled on her pants leg and blew her a kiss. She jokingly blew his kiss back at him. “Okay,” he said. “Don’t come over here later trying to cuddle up next to me because I’m going to remind you of what you just did.”

  Val folded the last of the laundry and headed upstairs to place his clothes in their bedroom. She opened Julian’s dresser drawer and moved aside some white T-shirts. She noticed an envelope marked “Colorado.” She opened it, and inside were two airline tickets along with brochures of Aspen. Julian didn’t say anything to her about going to Aspen. She quickly retreated back downstairs.

  He was laughing at the television when she walked back into the family room. “Julian, what is this?” she demanded.

  Caught off guard, Julian looked up and his mouth fell open. “What are you doing with those?” he asked.

  “That’s the question I ought to be asking you. When were you planning on telling me about Colorado?”

  For a moment, Julian was speechless. “I . . . I was going to tell you,” he stammered. “I just forgot. The team is going to a health clinic in Colorado to make sure we stay healthy for the season. We’re going down during the NBA All Star break.”

  “What about the brochures to Aspen?”

  “The fellas thought it would be nice if we did a little skiing while we were there.”

  “Oh, OK.” She stared at the tickets in her hand. “Well, I’m glad I finally found out because I need to go buy some ski gear.” Val turned to leave the room.

  “Wait a minute.” He stopped her. “For what?”

  “Our trip to Aspen. You have two tickets here.”

  “No, the other ticket is for David Childs. He asked me to pick up his ticket for him. I’m sorry, honey, but this trip is for team players only. No women allowed.”

  The light that filled her eyes quickly faded away. She couldn’t believe he was leaving her again. She had made plans for them to fly home together for a quick visit during NBA All Star week. Now she would have to make the trip alone.

  “All right,” she replied. She walked back to the bedroom and replaced the tickets. Thoughts of what Pilar had said to her weeks ago filled her mind. She stared at the tickets for two. She hoped Julian wasn’t lying to her.

  Later that day Pilar and Val were out shopping in downtown Seattle. When Pilar called Val earlier and invited her to go shopping, Val initially declined the invitation. Monday was the only day of the week that Julian didn’t have practice or team business to attend to. She liked to reserve Mondays as their special time alone, but when she told Pilar that she’d have to take a rain check, Julian interrupted
her and insisted that she go.

  “Val, why don’t you go? You’ll only be gone for a few hours. You’re always complaining about how you don’t get out the house enough and Pilar was nice enough to invite you to go with her,” Julian pointed out.

  Val knew he was right. She did complain about how she spent most of her time in the house. “Are you sure? I don’t want to leave you alone.”

  “Go. I’ll be fine. I’ll be here when you get back.”

  Persuaded, Val went, unaware that Pilar would buy so many things. Pilar managed to buy herself and her children over fifteen thousand dollars worth of clothes, and that was only in one store.

  She had so many bags that store security had to help carry her bags out to her Escalade.

  “Thanks for going with me. I really hate going shopping by myself, and I would never bring the children with me,” Pilar said to Val as she adjusted her seatbelt. “Every time I bring Alec he has to go to the bathroom every ten minutes. I never get anything done.”

  “I enjoyed this. Maybe we can go out again sometime next week. I really need to go furniture shopping,” Val commented.

  “Oh! I know the perfect place. It’s called the Fine Furniture Gallery, and everything in there is one of a kind. I bought just about every piece in our home from there. Are you redecorating?”

  “No, just decorating. Since we moved into the house we barely have any furniture. The house is so hollow and cold. I’ve tried to wait on Julian so we could go together, but he’s been so busy he told me to go buy whatever I wanted. I need to buy something to give the house a warm feeling.”

  “I understand. Whenever you want to go, just give me a call,” Pilar offered.

  All afternoon, Val tried to think of the best way to ask Pilar about Colorado. She needed to know if Carlos had mentioned anything to her about him going. She knew that once she asked her, Pilar would know that Val didn’t trust Julian as much as she said she had, but the truth was that she did believe Julian’s reasoning behind the two tickets. She just wanted to reassure herself.


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