Drama in the Church Saga

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Drama in the Church Saga Page 39

by Dynah Zale

  “The doctors told me I could die if I didn’t get any treatment, but those procedures are so exhausting. Afterwards, I feel sick and sluggish. I might as well be dead because I’m missing out on life.”

  “But if that’s going to keep you alive, then I think it’s worth it. Don’t you?”

  “Is it? Is it really worth it? How am I supposed to teach Bryce how to play baseball? Or make love to my wife when I can’t even muster up the strength to get up out the bed?”

  “I’d rather lie in a sick bed than my death bed.”

  Thirty seconds of silence passed before Colin spoke again.

  “How long have you known?”

  “For almost two years. I found out right after I started dating Olivia,” Dean confessed. “When Olivia and Bryce walked into my life, I knew God had finally answered my prayers. She’s not just a dream come true. She’s my reality. If I acknowledged the cancer, it would put such a strain on our relationship that I would have to be totally dependent on Olivia. The Bible says the man is supposed to be the head of the household. I couldn’t do that to her. I would allow nothing to interfere with fate bringing us to this day.”

  “And you still haven’t told Olivia?”


  “How can you claim to love her and not tell her the kind of life she’s marrying into?”

  Dean looked up with tears in his eyes. “Don’t think I haven’t thought about telling her, but I have to be sure she’s marrying me because she loves me, not out of pity.”

  “Olivia loves you, and she deserves the truth.” He grabbed Dean by his arm. “Man, you’re making a big mistake. There’s still time before the ceremony. I’m sure she’ll understand.”

  A light rap at the door interrupted their conversation. “Fellows, it’s almost time to begin. We better take our places.” Reverend Simms stuck his head inside the room.

  Colin and Dean looked at one another. Then Dean shrugged his shoulders. “I promise I’ll talk with her after the ceremony.”

  Olivia stared at the heavy raindrops that fell outside the limousine window. She prayed the weatherman’s forecast for torrential rains was wrong, but the way the rain was pouring from the sky, it didn’t look like it was going to stop just for her wedding.

  The limousine stopped right outside the church doors. Each one of her bridesmaids dashed out into the rain carrying dresses, shoes and makeup cases.

  “Livie, be careful.” Aunt Stephie held her umbrella open to protect the bride. “We don’t want to get your hair wet.”

  Olivia carefully climbed out of the limo and stopped momentarily when she heard the church bells loudly ringing. The rain washed away any ill feelings she had about her wedding day being a washout. In her heart she knew the Lord was going to bless her union.

  “Olivia!” Her aunt gave her a slight nudge. “Hurry, before we both get drenched by the rain.”

  They ran into the church foyer together.

  Her aunt closed the umbrella and pointed down the long corridor. “This way to the dressing room.”

  Chaos was the only word Olivia could think of when she entered the dressing room. Val rushed past her holding the back of her neck, while Tressie chased behind her apologizing for burning her with the curling iron. Olivia chuckled as she watched Danyelle struggle to get her dress up over her wide hips.

  “Now look at your sister. She is well aware that she inherited her big thighs from our side of the family. Why didn’t she buy a girdle to wear underneath that dress?” Aunt Stephie rushed over to help Danyelle. “Olivia, go put your things down in the next room, and I’ll be there in a minute to help with your hair and makeup.”

  The adjoining room was reserved especially for the bride. Olivia stepped into serenity. The light blue walls were soothing, and the scent of lavender reminded her of being in an enchanted garden. The room was so comforting that it made her want to pray. She had to take a moment to just give the Lord thanks. The moment she closed her eyes, she was disrupted by her aunt charging through the door, followed by Danyelle, Val and Tressie.

  Olivia wasn’t mad they were intruding on her time. This was another blessing from the Lord to be surrounded by so many people who loved her. They may have been loud and annoying at times, but He couldn’t have chosen a better group of friends.

  Val’s cell phone rang from the other room and she rushed to answer it.

  “Do you think Val has a new love in her life?” Danyelle said.

  “Stop gossiping in the church.” Aunt Stephie swatted her comb at her.

  “I’m not gossiping. Tressie, how many times has Val’s phone rung in the last fifteen minutes?” Danyelle asked.

  “At least twelve,” Tressie said, “and every time she answers, she whispers into the phone and turns away from us.”

  “I told you.” Danyelle smiled at proving her point.

  Olivia had to admit, she was curious about Val’s mysterious behavior lately. She seemed to have moved past the stage of depression, but something else was occupying her time. Every time she called, Val claimed she couldn’t talk. Then while everyone’s back was turned, Val moved out of her parent’s house. Aunt Stephie was hysterical. Her father was concerned. But Olivia was suspicious of her one-eighty degree change in behavior.

  Val walked back in the room carrying a huge bouquet of calla lilies.

  “Where did they come from?” Aunt Steph took a huge whiff.


  Olivia looked around. Her gorgeous son stood in the doorway beaming with pride. Olivia called him over and gave him a huge hug.

  “I hope you like them, Mommy.”

  “I love them, and you look so adorable in your mini tuxedo.” She kissed Bryce on the cheek, leaving traces of her lipstick on his face.

  “Dean told me to come and spy on you,” her son confessed.

  Everyone laughed.

  Aunt Stephie took him by the hand and led him toward the exit. “Well, you go back and tell him he is gonna have to wait with everyone else.” She turned back toward Olivia. “I’m going to walk him back around to where the fellas are. I’ll be right back.”

  “You look beautiful.” Val admired Olivia’s makeup. “This will be our last time together with you as a single woman. I’m so happy for you.”

  The girls embraced with tears in their eyes.

  “Val, you know it wouldn’t be the same without you, but I hope none of this is going to be upsetting for you.” Olivia turned back into her mothering mode.

  “No.” Val patted her hand. “Listen, I will always love Julian, but he is gone and I can’t break down every time somebody else finds happiness.” She looked around. “Here comes my mom. I’m going to allow her to help you finish getting dressed.”

  The organist started to play. On cue, Aunt Stephie sent the girls down the aisle one by one. Dressed in candy apple red gowns, each girl carried a unique look of elegance.

  Tressie’s sandy brown medium-length hair was neatly curled into a motif of spiral curls. Her slender frame and striking features made her look like a model walking the runway. Everyone admired her beauty.

  Like a vision of loveliness floating on a cloud, Val made the way for the maid of honor. Her long tresses were pinned atop her head, and tiny strands of hair cascaded down her back.

  Danyelle’s transformation was stunning to the guests. Her entrance was grand. The entire church was blinded by her radiance. She never looked lovelier than she did that day. Her eyes twinkled from the bright lights.

  Bryce had the most important job. He paved the way for his mom by strutting down the aisle, doing his own version of a pimp walk. He confidently walked up to Dean, slapped his hand and took his place next to him.

  Suddenly the tune changed, and everyone stood. The doors at the back of the church swung wide open. Escorted by Val’s father, Olivia stepped out surrounded by a reminiscent glow of innocence. Dressed in a cream gown and wearing the same wedding veil her mother wore, she marched down the aisle. Camera bulbs flashed throughout
the church.

  Olivia looked straight into Dean’s eyes. It was the longest journey of her life. The trek down that aisle represented her walking away from life as a single person and stepping into a union with the man of her dreams. When she reached him, he took her hand in his. In her ear she could hear her mother’s voice, “A godly man will appreciate and value you.” In Dean she had found unconditional love. He unselfishly gave everything he had and never looked for anything in return. She knew he was a blessing.

  Reverend Simms greeted the couple then instructed their guests to be seated. The ceremony began by him explaining the sanctity of marriage. Then he spoke those famous words, “If any person can show just cause why they may not be joined together, let them speak now or forever hold their peace.”

  Silence filled the church, and Reverend Simms proceeded as usual. As the reverend spoke, Dean reached out for Olivia’s hand and squeezed it lightly.

  “Dean, please face Olivia and repeat after me.”

  It was time for them to recite their vows.

  “The couple has prepared their own vows, so I will let Dean recite his first.” Reverend Simms stepped back.

  Happiness covered Dean’s face. He had been waiting for this moment since Olivia was in pigtails. He couldn’t stop smiling, he was so excited. He took a deep breath.

  Then Olivia watched as the smile slowly faded from his face and the joy in his eyes vanished. His eyes rolled up in his head, and he collapsed to the floor.

  Olivia screamed in horror.

  Colin rushed to his friend’s aid. “He’s not breathing.” He checked for a pulse. “Somebody call an ambulance.” He tilted Dean’s head back and gave him mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. Olivia cried hysterically into her sister’s bosom.

  A crowd gathered around. Reverend Simms asked the crowd to stand back.

  Ten minutes later the paramedics wheeled a stretcher in. The EMTs frantically tried to revive him. They worked on Dean until he started breathing on his own. Then they rushed him to the hospital.

  At the hospital Colin stopped a nurse to ask for an update on Dean’s condition. She wouldn’t release any information but told him that the doctor would be out to speak with them shortly. Colin immediately took hold of Olivia’s shaking hand, and they prayed.

  Over an hour passed and they were still waiting on the doctor.

  “Colin,” her voice was flat and lacked any emotion, “what’s wrong with Dean?”

  Colin wanted to tell her the truth. He couldn’t lie to her.

  Tears rolled down her face. “Since the last episode when he passed out from exhaustion I’ve been making sure he’s been getting enough rest and eating healthier.” Olivia needed answers. “What’s going on?”

  “Excuse me.” Colin and Olivia looked up.

  “I’m Doctor Bell, Dean’s physician. Are you his family?”

  Colin nodded.

  “Good! Could you follow me?” He led them to a small conference room, and they gathered around a table. He set a chart down on the table. “Dean was scheduled to have a very important procedure performed this morning and he never showed up.”

  “We were supposed to be getting married today,” Olivia solemnly replied.

  Dr. Bell noticed she was still dressed in her wedding gown. “I’m sorry. Did this happen at the church?”

  “Yes, in the middle of the ceremony,” Colin replied.

  The doctor jotted more notes down in his file. “Now I understand why he skipped out on his appointment. After the procedure, he would be so drowsy, he wouldn’t have been able to stand, let alone get married.”

  “What exactly is this procedure for?” Olivia directed her question toward the doctor. “Is Dean sick?”

  Colin took her hand. “Livie, Dean has cancer.”

  She slowly shook her head.

  “He told me minutes before the ceremony began. He didn’t want to worry you.”

  Olivia stopped crying and looked at the doctor. “Is it terminal?”

  The doctor slowly nodded.

  She cried again, and Colin pulled her into his arms.

  “He has a rare liver cancer. There is no cure. The only thing we can do is slow down its advancement. It had gone into remission for a while, but it came back. We ran tests today, and the results are not as bad as I suspected, but I still can’t offer much hope.”

  Olivia looked down at the floor.

  “He is slowly losing functionality of his liver. This is the calm before the storm. Dean needs to rest as much as possible. No more sports. No lifting anything heavy. He will need all his strength toward the end. I’m going to keep him here for a few days for observation. If his condition improves, I’ll release him. Do you have any questions for me?”

  “Can we see him now?” Olivia asked.

  “Sure.” The doctor pulled out one of his business cards. “If you think of anything you want to ask me later on, call me anytime.” Then he escorted them to Dean’s room.

  Olivia gasped loudly when she walked in. The sight of him connected to so many machines and breathing into a facemask was much worse than she envisioned. Her light brown eyes filled with tears.

  “God, why him?” she cried loudly.

  Colin tried to console her, but she pulled away and stroked the side of Dean’s face as he slept.

  Olivia wondered why this was happening to them. They were the perfect couple. She had finally found the missing piece to make her life complete, and now she felt like God was punishing them. Or was God punishing her?

  Olivia had never forgiven herself for breaking the vow she made to the Lord. Giving her virginity to Bryant was a mistake. A mistake she thought she had paid the price for when her son was kidnapped and nearly sold.

  She laid her head down by his side and revisited Reverend Simms’s speech about sacrifice. She sat up and wondered what Dean would do if she was the one lying in the hospital. Her heart spoke back to her. Dean would do everything humanly possible to make her happy, and she was going to do the same for him.

  They sat with him for over an hour before Dean opened his eyes. He lifted his eyelids. This was the first time she could actually see how sick he was. It scared her to see him wither away right before her eyes.

  “Let’s get married,” Olivia spit out. “Let’s get married, today.”

  Dean looked at her strangely.

  “We already have the marriage license, and Colin is here. He can perform the ceremony.”

  Dean shook his head. Then he pushed the breathing apparatus away from his face. “No,” he said gasping for air, “you deserve a real wedding.”

  Olivia touched the side of his face. “What I deserve is to be married to you.” She giggled. “Now will you lie back and let your future wife take care of things?” She smiled at him. “I have a wedding to prepare for.”

  “Partner, you better listen to her. I wouldn’t go against any woman’s wishes,” Colin joked.

  When Olivia saw the sparkle in Dean’s eyes, she knew she was doing the right thing.

  “Olivia, I’m going to run home and grab my Bible.” Colin checked his watch. “Do you want me to call Danyelle?”

  Dean waved his hand to refuse. “I don’t want anyone to know about my illness,” he whispered.

  Olivia looked back at Colin. She really wanted her closest friends and family to witness them getting married, but she didn’t want to go against her fiancé’s wishes.

  “No, that’s okay. I can find somebody else to be a witness.”

  A half hour later, Colin returned to officiate his first wedding ceremony. One of the nurses on the floor agreed to be a witness, and within minutes Olivia and Dean became husband and wife.

  Chapter 20

  The transition between Val and Jonah moving in together wasn’t as easy as they’d anticipated. It was Val who insisted Jonah stay with her until he was able to find a job and decent place for him and Hope, but it wasn’t until late one night that she realized she was living in sin. Her parents would die if they
knew she was living with a man who wasn’t her husband. That’s why she hadn’t mentioned him to anyone, not even Olivia. Livie was her best friend, and they usually shared everything, but she wasn’t ready to explain where Jonah came from.

  Jonah respected Olivia and her house. That’s why he tried to stay out of her way, but it was hard living with such a beautiful sista. He noticed that Val also kept her distance from him, but he thought it was because she wasn’t interested in him. She never flirted with him, but her tight clothes, voluptuous curves and perky breasts seemed to address him every time he looked at her.

  He was attracted to her but didn’t think it was wise for him to try and get close to her. It was obvious by her home, car and clothes that she was definitely out of his league.

  During the day Val spent a lot of her time at the mission fulfilling her obligation to the city. At night she would come home and spend hours on the computer trying to help Jonah find a job. Together they must have applied for over thirty oil refinery and construction jobs. Only two companies were interested in interviewing him.

  As luck would have it, as Jonah was walking home from the store one evening, he happened to overhear two guys talking. The gentleman talking wore a security guard’s uniform, and he was telling his friend that the hospital he was working at was looking to hire a janitor.

  Jonah applied the next day and was hired on the spot.

  After several weeks, Jonah had finally fulfilled the requirements the judge had set for him. Mrs. Chambers was expected to drop Hope off at any minute.

  When they heard a knock at the door, Jonah charged down the stairs with the energy of a boy rising early on Christmas morning. “I’ll get it!” He pulled open the front door, and when Hope saw her father, she broke away from Mrs. Chambers’ grasp and leapt into Jonah’s arms.

  Val could hear Hope squeal with joy at being reunited with her father. She watched the two of them embrace from the kitchen. Hope wrapped her tiny arms around her father’s neck and wouldn’t let go. Jonah kept trying to pull her back to give her kisses, but she was too scared to let go.


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