Song of Smoke: A Dragon Shifter Romance (The King's Series Book 1)

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Song of Smoke: A Dragon Shifter Romance (The King's Series Book 1) Page 16

by Jillian James

  “Sorry- I’m not-” I stammer.

  He shakes his head and tsks.

  “Don’t apologize. It’s fucking beautiful ̶ you are fucking beautiful, Seda. Your body tells me I am doing things that you enjoy. It’s driving me mad to know that I’m giving you pleasure like this,” he says and leans forward to tease a hard nipple through my nightgown.

  “Dederic,” I breathe.

  A satisfied growl vibrates through his chest as he kisses and licks and tugs.

  “I could listen to you moan my name like that forever, little fire.”

  He inserts another finger inside of me and I am overcome. I turn feral and press my mouth to whatever exposed skin I can find on him. Sucking and kissing and biting blindly as I am overcome with the swelling desire building inside of me.

  He drops to his knees and yanks me down to the end of the bed, planting his mouth at the center of my need. My magic breaks on that swell and crackles through the room as I shatter and explode on his tongue.

  I am a living flame, the churning sea, the warm earth and the soaring wind ̶ and Dederic and that feeling become the only thing bringing me back down to earth, winding me back into my body just to feel more of his.

  My vision goes fuzzy around the edges, and I lie still and dazed as he kisses his way back up my body and stretches out beside me on the bed.

  I roll onto my side to face him, nuzzling into that place between his neck and shoulder. I inhale the smell of wind and cedar and sweat and the way it mingles with something earthier that belongs to both of us. He slides a hand over my waist and massages his fingers up and down my spine. I lean my head back and stare at his handsome profile for a while until his eyes meet mine.

  “Can we do that again?” I breathe.

  A huge dimpled grin splits his face as he laughs.

  “Which part? Do you have more enemies for me to slay?”

  His words slice through the contented fog in my brain and I push off his chest, sitting up and pressing my hands over my face.

  “Mother above! I’m so sorry! You’re injured and I just-”

  Dederic laughs again and pulls me back down onto the bed, shifting to kneel above me.

  “Stop. I’m fine. I’m already healed,” he murmurs into my flesh.

  I run my hands over where I had noticed scratches on his face and neck and find nothing but smooth, healthy skin.

  “Well that’s convenient,” I mutter.

  He kisses just beneath my ear, making me shiver.

  “What were you thinking, tonight?” he asks gently, eyes searching mine. “Why would you go out there like that in the middle of the night?”

  “I’ve been crawling out of my skin for the past two days and I woke up and couldn’t catch my breath,” I say defensively. “I thought some fresh air would calm my thoughts - and I assumed I was alone until I peered over the wall and that Dragon was crawling along out there.”

  Dederic relaxes onto his side and pulls me into his arms, stroking his fingers through my hair.

  “I thought Dragons didn’t want to kill humans?” I ask in confusion. “He looked like he was going to toss me off the cliff or slice me in two.”

  “I don’t think he intended to kill you, but his mind wasn’t right anymore, and he couldn’t comprehend the consequences of his actions,” he says. “There was no reason, only instinct and action.”

  “You killed him,” I whisper remorsefully, and Dederic nods.

  “It probably would have come to that anyway, but he went too far tonight; tracking you to the castle and actually attempting to take you.”

  “You think he tracked me? Why? Because I’m human?”

  “Because you’re an unmated female. And you were vulnerable. Alone. Aroused.”

  My mouth drops open and I sputter and scoff in outrage.

  “He wouldn’t have known that!”

  “Yes, he would. I could smell you well before I reached the castle, I’m sure he could too.”

  He presses his heavy body down on top of mine and kisses me passionately. His teeth nip at my bottom lip and his tongue slides inside of my mouth, hot and demanding until I push him away.

  “You can smell my arousal? Apparently my humiliation is never ending.”

  He rumbles a growl in answer and slides a hand up the inside of my thigh.

  “Our senses are heightened in Dragon form. It’s the most intoxicating scent, though, like sunshine and lavender and you.”

  His finger slips easily inside of me, and I wrap my arms around his neck as he presses soft kisses along my shoulders. I move against his hand and I can feel the smile pulling at his mouth as he explores my body again.

  “Dederic,” I breathe over and over as he skillfully teases me into a tense bundle of nerves.

  I’m completely consumed by him.

  He pinches gently and tugs at my sensitive flesh, and I come apart in his hands, moaning my pleasure loudly. He lets me ride his fingers until the spasms quiet and a heavy blanket of satisfaction covers me and threatens to pull me under.

  Dederic kisses my cheek, and I watch him stand and stoke the fire. He turns down the blankets and lifts me up onto a pillow before removing his boots and sliding in beside me. Our gazes lock in the flickering light of the fire in the hearth.

  “Sleep, little fire,” he whispers.

  I close my eyes and fall asleep to the feel of him rumbling a contented sound in his chest.


  The sound of early dawn stirs me awake, and I stretch my arms and arch my back, rolling over on crisp, cool sheets. I rub a hand over my face and make an irritated, grumbling sound at whatever pulled me from blissful unconsciousness before punching the pillow and burrowing back down.

  A small sound from one corner of the room has me jolting up in surprise and clutching a corner of the blanket to my chest. I hear Dederic’s low rumbling laugh off to the side and I look over to find his green eyes dancing with amusement.

  I exhale in relief and try to subtly pat down the nest of tangled blonde curls that are currently shooting out in every direction from the top of my head.

  “Good morning,” he whispers and comes to plant a kiss on my forehead.

  “Good morning,” I respond shyly.

  He strokes a hand over my hair and collects his shirt from the floor, and I watch in sleepy fascination as he stretches those muscled arms over his head and slides it on over his chest.

  “What time is it?” I ask, shivering at the chill in the air and glancing out the window to find a still-dark sky.

  “Early,” he says and nuzzles another kiss under my ear. “I have training this morning. Get some more sleep, little fire.”

  He replenishes the nearly extinguished fire before shooting me a small smile and closing the door quietly behind him.

  I lie back down and scrunch under the blankets, inhaling the scent of him still lingering there. I close my eyes and reflect on everything that happened the night before and wonder what it means for how we should approach things today. I’m at a loss for how to behave with him now in front of other people.

  Will he want to pretend like nothing happened? Will he behave affectionately towards me in public? Will he become jealous and possessive?

  I’m not fully convinced that there will be no backlash if we were to be as openly intimate as we were that night after my oath, but perhaps we will find a comfortable middle. Somewhere between brazen acts of debauchery in public and platonic modesty in private.

  After a while, it becomes apparent that sleep is not possible.

  I bathe quickly and don a practical dress for working in the gardens with Cecily before rushing down the hall to Eira’s room.

  She flings the door open, and I see shock and relief on her face before she wraps me in a tight hug.

  “I’ve been so worried about you! What happened last night? Tell me everything.”

  So I do.

  I tell her about the rogue Dragon cornering me on the rampart. About watching Dederic fight
him mid-air. And about spending the night together afterward.

  She listens raptly, her smile growing until she’s practically beaming with excitement.

  “How was he?” she asks, and we settle comfortably onto her bed.

  I laugh and shake my head at her question, racking my brain for the right words to describe last night and how he made me feel.

  “He was… wonderful,” I say simply.

  “Was he rough or gentle? I’m betting on gentle. Generous? He better have been generous with you for your first time-”

  She stops at my look of open-mouthed shock and her face falls slightly.

  “What?” she demands.

  “We didn’t- that is… We-”

  She leans in, eyes wide as she listens in confusion.

  I sigh in embarrassment and wave my hands in front of my face in agitation.

  “I don’t think that we necessarily consummated the relationship,” I say, cheeks flaming.

  “Well if you don’t know then you definitely didn’t,” she says and smiles. “Is he courting you, then?”

  “Courting me? I don’t think so, at least we never talked about it like that. We’re just-” I search for the right word, “enjoying each other for now. And taking it slow.”

  Eira lifts a disbelieving brow and rolls her eyes at that.

  “I see. So, he won’t mind if others seek you out?”

  I shake my head dismissively.

  “There’s no one else. And we agreed to keep things just between the two of us.” I shrug.

  “That sounds pretty serious to me.”

  “It’s not like that. This is new for me and I want to keep it simple,” I reply.

  She snorts in amusement and strokes a hand over my hair.

  “I hate to be the one to tell you this, but it’s never simple where these kinds of things are concerned.” Her smile is kind and apologetic.

  “Dederic made it seem like Dragons were much more open and accepting of physical… relationships.”

  “We are. But that doesn’t mean it’s uncomplicated. Our males are very jealous and territorial and even at the best of times, these things often end in competition and fighting. With the way things are right now, something is bound to come up.”

  “Oh,” I murmur and consider this. Terick told me something similar the night I decided to stay in Ruarden as well, and it seems I should have given more weight to the warning.

  “I don’t mean to dim your excitement, Seda. I’m sorry. Just-” She chews her lip and thinks carefully before finishing her thought. “Just be honest if things come up ̶ and know that they probably will come up.”

  She pats my arm and I try and dispel a whole new set of worries.

  “Come on. Let’s go eat.” She drags me up off the bed and we leave her room to head to breakfast.

  I don’t see Dederic that night and the next day. Nervousness flutters in my stomach as I head down to the great hall for breakfast. I feel unsure of how I’m supposed to behave or who knows or doesn’t know about us, but he’s gone before I arrive, and the day seems to drag on as normal.

  The next day I wake with the same anxiety as before and I have to fight my own feelings before I decide I am ready to journey downstairs. And again, I’m dismayed to find that Dederic is nowhere to be found.

  By the third morning, annoyance has replaced any lingering unease, and I dress with casual boredom for a day spent helping Ademar dust and re-alphabetize the library.

  Eira links her arm through mine as we chat and wander down to breakfast. Apparently, there was a disaster yesterday where Ismeina had instructed one of the soldiers on rotation to restock the pantry. He forgot to label anything, and supplies were so out of order that Lily hadn’t realized until it was too late that she had dumped a heap of sugar instead of salt into the evening stew.

  “It was dreadful. It tasted a mess and Ismeina nearly chewed off the poor man’s ear and shucked him right out of the kitchen! I felt awful for him,” she tells me, and we giggle at the mishap.

  “I wondered about the odd combination of food last night,” I muse, recalling the leftover pastries, cheese and vegetables that had been served.

  “If you value your skin at all, you’d best not let the old bat hear you,” she whispers, and I laugh knowing she’s probably right.

  We enter the hall and the warm smell of coffee and a morning fire fills my lungs.

  We weave through tables, and the hair on the back of my neck prickles as I feel a pair of eyes tracking me. I glance around and find Dederic’s green eyes watching me intently. He’s seated already, the sleeves of his white shirt pushed up to his elbows and a small smile lights his face as he meets my gaze.

  Eira pinches me and drags me over to where he is seated with a small group of other men who I recognize from the few times I have joined Alina to watch soldiers train behind the armory.

  Eira clears her throat and they greet us warmly and she returns the address.

  “Good morning!” she chirps happily, glancing between Dederic and myself.

  I barely notice, however, since my eyes are glued to his. Something small and excited tugs at my heart as I watch that small dimpled smile grow wider.

  “Good morning,” I murmur politely.

  “Good morning,” he practically purrs.

  Eira bumps my hip with hers and nudges me forward.

  “Join me?” Dederic asks and holds out a hand for me.

  I accept it hesitantly and gasp when he tugs me gently beside him.

  “There are no open seats,” I whisper and start to back away.

  “We were just finishing, Lady Seda. Please, sit,” one of the other men tells me with a smile. The others all rise to stand with him and offer friendly goodbyes before clearing out of the hall.

  Dederic grins and slides his other hand around my waist, pulling me down onto his lap. I gasp as he leans me back to nuzzle into my neck.

  I meet Eira’s eyes and she raises her brows and gives me a smug, knowing look.

  “I’m going to find Warin. Enjoy your breakfast, Seda,” she calls over her shoulder, her words laced with teasing humor.

  “Yes, you should eat. What can I tempt you with this morning, little fire? What sounds appetizing?” Dederic whispers in my ear, and I shiver at the way his breath tickles across my skin and his words sound more wicked than welcoming.

  “I’m not hungry,” I mutter, shifting to the edge of his knee and glancing around at other nearby tables.

  He hums and chuckles under his breath, running his fingers up my spine and sliding his thumb along the small slice of exposed skin at the top of my dress.

  My head involuntarily lolls back at the soft pressure of his fingers and he pulls me back into the curve of his body before murmuring quietly in my ear.

  “You smell lovely today.”

  “Yes, well apparently you can smell me from beyond the castle, so I’ve been especially generous in my use of soap,” I drawl.

  He chuckles and his fingers gently squeeze the curve of my waist.

  “The soap is nice. Although I much prefer the way you smell after a night in my bed - soft and warm and sated.”

  “Oh, I scrubbed especially thoroughly after that,” I snap, and he buries his hands in my hair, tugging gently.

  “Cruel woman.”

  “Does your presence this morning mean we will be training again tonight? Or do you have better things to do?” I ask peevishly, and he leans around to study my face, tugging lightly at my chin. A teasing smile lights his face.

  “I apologize for neglecting you the past few days, love. Did you miss me terribly?”

  “I barely noticed,” I reply breezily, and his smile grows wider.

  “Forgive me?”

  “There’s nothing to forgive. I’ve been much too busy to spend my days thinking about you.”

  “You wound me, human,” he says and rubs a large hand over his heart in mock agony.

  “You’re insufferable,” I mutter.

nbsp; “I’m all yours tonight. For anything you desire; you just let me know,” he whispers, and I roll my eyes, but a flame of excitement burns through my blood.

  “I’ll consider your offer,” I murmur, earning a satisfied rumble that vibrates through my bones.

  “I’ll take it. Coffee?” he asks and offers me his cup full of the steaming hot beverage.

  I glance at him suspiciously and nod a wordless thanks, sipping at the strong brew and enjoying the small rush of pleasure at the act of sharing his drink. He smiles, as though able to read my mind and presses a small kiss along the column of my throat.

  I relax back into Dederic’s lap and we eat in silence, content just sitting and listening to pieces of conversation from nearby tables. He strokes the fingers of his free hand through my hair and passes me pieces of fruit and pastries and sips of coffee.

  Wrapped in his arms and the smell of his skin, I become suddenly aware of the increasing heat thrumming low in my core. He plants a few gentle kisses on my neck, and I try and ignore the desire welling inside me at the memory of his mouth in other places only a few nights ago.

  I shift in his lap and accidentally brush against the growing evidence of his own arousal. It’s thick and hard, and a gasp of surprise catches in my throat at the feel of it pressed against my hip.

  He growls quietly and pins me in place on his lap.

  “Easy, little fire,” he whispers.

  My breath comes in uneven pants and my skin prickles and heats at the contact. I try and keep my face blank, but my body moves of its own accord and I wiggle enough that his erection shifts beneath my dress and grazes the sensitive bud of nerves between my legs.

  I bite my lips shut to prevent a moan from escaping, and I can feel Dederic’s hands clamped over my stomach and my thighs, sending little prickles of heat through my skin.

  From the waist down, we are completely hidden beneath the solid surface of the table. None of the others appear concerned with my position on his lap and continue their lively conversation around us. I try and keep my face blank and I skim my fingers slowly along his thigh and let them find their way down towards where his hardness is seated between my legs.


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