Song of Smoke: A Dragon Shifter Romance (The King's Series Book 1)

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Song of Smoke: A Dragon Shifter Romance (The King's Series Book 1) Page 23

by Jillian James

  “What are they saying?”

  My throat is dry and raw, and the cool water is an incredible relief.

  “That you left to avoid marrying Alderon. That you were captured selling our secrets to another city and are waiting to face judgment for your crimes.” Her voice is gentle, and her face is open and kind, as though she really cares to hear my side in all of this.

  I shake my head.

  “The first part is only partially true,” I say and proceed to tell her the entire, unimaginable story.

  She listens quietly and passes me bites of food through the bars. I describe finding Eira and orchestrating our escape. I tell her about my own reluctance to go to Ruarden and their refusal to cut me loose with Alderon and Raimund searching for us. I tell her about learning of the Dragon’s history and heritage involving human women ̶ and about the way that their magic is dying out without those pairings and causing the kind of destruction we have been finding on our own lands.

  The furrow between Rosamel’s brow grows deeper and deeper.

  “Do you truly believe all of that?” she asks, not unkindly.

  “I do. I know it in my heart. The way I was treated ̶ the way they treated each other; they are not the monsters that we have been led to believe,” I say.

  “Then why did you return?”

  “Because I needed to keep Alderon from finding them. And because I am not enough,” I say sadly. “One human knowing the truth won’t change anything. I wanted to get the word to our people here that there is hope and happiness and a future outside of this cave. Dragons are not our enemy. They are our future.”

  “Alderon won’t allow you to undermine the stories that we’ve all grown up hearing. If the High King has really sown this division in order to bring the Dragons to their knees… it will be an uphill battle to change everyone’s mind.”

  “I know. I thought I would have more time to show everyone the truth. But Celestra is planning to use me to lure their warriors onto our lands and transfer our bond to herself.”

  “Why would she do that?”

  “Her goal is to infiltrate their minds and enslave them as weapons for the High King.” I lean my head against the cold, damp wall of the cell.

  “Can she do that? Can she distort the magic that way and bend it to her will?” Rosamel sounds as horrified as I feel, and I shake my head in dismay.

  “I have no idea. Her magic is all tricks of the mind, but they don’t seem to work on the Dragon males. If she was able to forge a connection through a bond, though… I don’t know.” I squeeze my eyes shut and fend off the despair lurking at the edge of my mind.

  “She has no choice at this point but to try and accomplish it, now. My being here moves up her timeline significantly.”

  “What can I do?” she asks quietly.

  “I need your help to let the others know. Share what I’ve told you and encourage them to get out. Go north towards the two curved peaks. They will find you and they will take you to safety.”

  “What about you?” Rosamel’s voice is so sweetly concerned I have to turn away before she can see the tears sliding down my face.

  “I’ll be fine. My fight is not over.”

  We sit in silence for a few moments, only the sound of slowly dripping water somewhere down the hall keeps me anchored to the present.

  “Do you regret leaving? After everything you’ve been through and all of the uncertainty - do you ever wish you could have continued on in ignorance and lived out your life down here?” she asks.

  “Celestra asked me tonight if it was worth it.” I shake my head. “And the answer is yes. To forge a path towards freedom and happiness for everyone. To have spent the past few months living under open skies and fresh air. To feel the weight of fear lifted from my chest. All of that has been worth it. And him. He is worth it. Whatever happens tomorrow… I’m so happy that I lived it all as I did.”

  Rosamel nods and stands, and I do my best to find a comfortable position with my arms still chained and the iron leash anchoring me to the floor.

  “Thank you, Seda. For coming back.” Our eyes meet and she offers a small, sad smile. “Perhaps the next time we see each other we will be in your Dragon city.”


  The next morning, Alderon’s men come to retrieve me early - too early for any witnesses to be in the great hall as we leave. He and Celestra were waiting outside with an entire army of soldiers on horseback, and I’m not sure what I expected, but walking barefoot in a nightgown for hours was not it.

  The sun is beating down hotly and a sheen of sweat covers my stiff and sore body. The soles of my feet are raw and bloody, and every step is excruciating, but my feet move nonetheless, thanks to Celestra’s magic smothering my own will.

  Alderon holds the iron leash and moves at a steady pace until we come to a large clearing and Celestra shouts the command to halt our procession.

  “This is far enough,” she says and dismounts into a cloud of luxurious black silk. My chest is heaving with exertion and Alderon gives the chain a sharp yank so that I fall to my knees. He laughs and dismounts before coming to stand over me.

  “Stop playing with your food, my lord. We have more important tasks at hand,” Celestra murmurs.

  “No harm done. Just keeping our lovely Seda alert.”

  Alderon passes me off to another man before instructing the soldiers to tie up the horses in the trees and follow Celestra out into the clearing.

  “No one makes a move unless your commander or myself gives the word,” she instructs the men gathered around her. Over two hundred men have marched out today and the sea of leather and armor behind me is overwhelming.

  “The creatures are physically imposing, but they won’t strike to kill while we have the prisoner with us - unless we give them a reason to.”

  “We’ve no need of a woman’s instruction on how to handle ourselves around Dragons. Just do what you need to do and let me worry about the rest,” Alderon growls, and Celestra’s eyes glint with fury. She may be one of the most powerful women in the High King’s army, but for a man like Alderon, she is still just another female to tolerate.

  “See that you do,” she grits out. “Our success is precarious at best and if you wish to walk out of this with your half of the prize then make sure that your men fall in line.”

  Alderon growls and takes my leash back, pulling me with him to the front of the formation. A single rider bursts from the other side of the clearing and comes flying towards us on his white mount.

  “They’re coming!” he calls from halfway across the field. “They’re coming! At least fifty! One minute out!” He pulls his horse to a hard stop and panic is written across his face as he dismounts and reaches to draw his weapon. The other soldiers look back and forth between each other and a wave of unease seems to ripple and move through the ranks.

  Two hundred humans stand little chance against twenty Dragon warriors, let alone fifty.

  “Ready yourselves, boys.” Alderon pulls his sword and the others follow.

  “No weapons!” Celestra shrieks. “We don’t want them to see us as a threat!”

  “Fuck that. They’ll know who they’re dealing with. We won’t strike unless they do, but there is no way in hell we’re going to stand here with our thumbs up our asses, you stupid cunt.”

  Alderon’s men seem to calm and fall in line under firm command. They circle around us, the scout still panting and watching the sky with huge eyes.

  The forest behind us goes still and silent as the wind starts to change. A sound like thunder slowly builds and comes sweeping through the clearing and a dark shadow appears on the horizon. Alderon’s scout hadn’t been exaggerating. At least fifty massive Dragons are flying through the sky, and even from this distance the pounding of their wings sends my hair whipping around my face. The breath rushes from my lungs but my mouth stays clamped shut and my legs frozen in place under Celestra’s hold.

  “Fuck it all to hell,” someone murmurs fro
m behind me.

  Celestra moves in front of me and raises her arms like a queen welcoming visitors to her court. The smile on her face is crazed and devotionally excited in spite of the sight before her.

  The first few Dragons to close in on us lower themselves overhead and trumpet a loud angry cry. Two of them sweep in a huge arcing circle, breathing a ring of fire around our party ̶ essentially trapping us in place. The heat and wind and noise of their wings is overwhelming and the faces of the men around me pale in terror.

  “Hold firm!” Alderon calls as more and more Dragons circle the clearing and observe from the sky.

  Dederic’s black Dragon approaches and sends a furious blast of sound echoing across the earth, causing many of the men to cover their ears in pain. My heart pounds in my chest at the mix of relief and terror and dismay at his presence here. Because if Celestra really can transfer our bond to herself and use it to control him and his armies… I couldn’t bear it.

  Twenty or so Dragons drop down to the ground, low enough that we cannot see them beyond the huge ring of swirling red flame. Celestra glances back at Alderon and checks his grip on my leash. The soldiers begin cursing and shifting their weapons in their hands as a human-looking Dederic comes walking through the flame into the circle before us. He’s shirtless, painted with black war paint and strapped with an arsenal of weapons. Behind him comes Odin, Duran, Warin, Moris and fifteen or so other decorated warriors.

  “Welcome, Dragon. I am Celestra and I have come for an audience with you,” she says over the crackling, spitting fire around us.

  Dederic’s eyes are fully black and murderous as he tilts his head and takes in the scene before him. Alderon holds me chained to him with a small army behind us and Celestra stands at the front looking like she is welcoming back an old friend.

  “I know you have come for your lost property,” she says and glances back at me. “Unfortunately, there has been a misunderstanding as our darling Seda was already promised to the Lord of Cradick. And as she has returned to us, he has reclaimed his stolen bride.”

  Alderon yanks on the chain and I lurch to the side, where he wraps an arm around me and then raises the point of his blade a few inches below my throat. Inside I am screaming at Dederic to run, but I cannot make my mouth open. His gaze finds mine and sweeps me from head to toe, paying special attention to my bloody feet and the shackles at my wrists. Odin and the other warriors are slowly fanning out around the edges of the fire and sizing up the human soldiers.

  “I have an offer for you, Dragon. Allow me to transfer your claim on the human whore to myself… and fight for me. We can conquer this land and more - eliminate the High King and his opposition and bring everyone under our power.”

  Alderon whips his gaze to her and growls low under his breath at her betrayal.

  Dederic circles around Celestra, the paint covering his chest, arms and face has him looking like he flew straight from the pits of hell. She purrs at his attention and speaks again.

  “Rule by my side. Free yourself from this weak child and fight for me. Land. Slaves. Wealth. Power. It will be ours to take. Bind yourself to me, and I will see that you have anything you wish.” Celestra pulls her beautiful mouth into a smile and extends her hand to Dederic. He slowly pulls his sword from over his shoulder and points it steady and straight at Alderon.

  “Release her,” he snarls, his voice barely human.

  Alderon bristles at the command.

  “She is insignificant!” Celestra snaps, but Dederic silences her with a look.

  “I am in no mood to bargain. Release her or this conversation is done.”

  The warriors behind him chuckle in anticipation and Celestra shoots a distressed look to Alderon. My magic stirs at Dederic’s nearness and I strain and struggle to break from Celestra’s hold, but it’s too much.

  “Go fuck yourself,” Alderon rumbles, and Dederic tilts his head in animal focus.

  “Alderon!” Celestra hisses. “Let her go. You will have your choice of conquests when we get back. But while we negotiate, do as he asks.”

  There is a tremor of panic in Celestra’s voice as she realizes that this may not be going the way she had planned. Dederic keeps his gazed fixed on Alderon, whose stink of fear and filth is seeping from his pores.

  “Do as the lady says,” Dederic taunts and his warriors smile and chortle. While the Dragons have no qualms about female leadership, they are also extremely aware that the human soldiers before them absolutely despise being made to answer to a woman.

  The jab finds its mark and has Alderon seething.

  “Fuck y-”

  “Release her, you imbecile!” Celestra commands, and Alderon snarls and presses his blade gently into the soft part of my throat.

  “I’ll fight you for her. Man to man. You surrender, you lose, and the issue is done. I have waited too long and paid too much money for a taste of her cunt to surrender this bitch to some Dragon prick.”

  Dederic smiles widely and nods.

  “I accept,” he says, and Celestra’s gaze darts between them, watching her control slip away faster and faster.

  “Let’s see if you fight as well on two legs as you do on four, you stupid animal,” Alderon spits.

  Dederic merely shucks off the other weapons strapped to him in easy silence. Odin catches each item and affixes them to his own body while Dederic spins a lethal-looking blade at his side.

  Celestra takes my leash, and I feel the squeeze of her control loosen as fear takes over her focus. My magic bubbles and boils just below my skin, but the weight of her hold is still too heavy.

  Dederic and Alderon circle each other, and for the first time I see how similar they are in size and intensity. Alderon has held his seat as lord for decades because he is powerful and bloodthirsty. He has never lost a battle, and the scars his skin carries tell the story of a man who has fought tooth and nail to maintain control.

  Alderon strikes and the clang of steel meeting steel sends a jolt through my body. I glance at Celestra to see her eyes have gone white as she lets the magic take control, and I realize that she is working to transfer the bond, even as they battle.

  Alderon throws powerful blows over and over and pushes Dederic around the circle as he deflects and blocks each one.

  A blast of power causes me to sway, and I look over at Celestra again who is still and consumed by the effort she is using to pull the Dragons into her web. I try and send my magic outward to reach for Dederic’s fire or even the flame circling our party, but it’s too far. I close my eyes and turn my energy inward to the place inside of me where the fire lives. I let the swell and heat and flame from inside my own soul spread through my body until it becomes a real tangible blaze inside of my chest.

  “Attack, you Dragon filth!” Alderon snarls and slams his sword down towards Dederic’s shoulder, but he moves easily out of the way.

  Alderon’s massive chest is heaving with labored breath, and I am struck with the realization that years of always being the biggest and baddest fighter may not be to his advantage today. In the past he has been easily able to overwhelm and overpower his opponents, but Dederic appears calm and unhurried as he allows the other man to tire himself out.

  I kindle the fire inside of me and flood the web of magic that Celestra is holding my mind with. My magic pushes and strains and fights until finally I feel her power yield to mine. Like swimming up towards the surface, your lungs burning and aching until you finally take that first breath of air.

  “Hurry up, you bitch!” Alderon yells to Celestra who snaps from her trance and releases the magic that she has been trying to force through the minds of the warriors.

  Dederic strikes and slashes a huge gouge across Alderon’s gut. Blood sprays and he roars in agony and drops to his knees in the dirt, scrambling back and away. Dederic raises his sword again, calmly watching the other man drag himself away.

  “I yield! I yield. Take her. That whore is more trouble than she’s worth.” He gasps and pr
esses a huge swarthy hand across the wound.

  Dederic wipes the blade of his weapon and walks slowly to stand over his felled opponent who tosses his own sword to the ground. My champion crouches down in front of the bleeding man and smiles wide, waiting until the warlord looks up into his churning green eyes.

  “Not good enough,” he growls and hauls Alderon up by his meaty throat.

  The man screams and struggles but the wound in his abdomen makes it impossible for him to fight. Blood sprays and Alderon pleads as Dederic drags him towards the ring of fire and presses him down into the flame. The screams are stomach-turning and one of the men behind me vomits loudly as the smell of charred hair and flesh hits us.

  “Kill them!” Celestra shrieks, and the human soldiers explode into a violent ball of chaos.

  I lunge and throw my arms over her head, pressing the iron chain to her neck. She rips and claws at me, and I can feel the pressure as she tries to take control of my mind, but my magic cuts and burns through hers. Swords clash and men scream behind us as the Dragons and humans battle.

  Celestra slams me down hard and my head bangs off a rock so that my vision goes blurry for a moment ̶ long enough for her to slip away and scramble to her feet. She picks up Alderon’s discarded blade and stumbles toward where Dederic is still holding his writhing body in the fire.

  “Stop! Dederic!” I cry but he’s too far and the commotion around us is too loud.

  Terror rears up in my chest and my own fire surges and crashes through my blood. I focus every ounce of magic I possess and aim it at Celestra. Just before she can move to raise the sword, she screams in pain and is consumed by a current of white fire. She falls to the ground and writhes in blazing agony and my mouth drops open in amazement at the way the flame devouring her thin body heats and cools and dances at my command.

  Celestra claws at her clothing and rolls in the dirt trying to extinguish the fire, but I feed it hotter and wilder as I recall every betrayal and every injustice. The woman lets out one last gurgle of pain before I see her go limp and loosen my hold on the flame.


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