Boss Me, Daddy: An Older Man Younger Woman Romance

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Boss Me, Daddy: An Older Man Younger Woman Romance Page 3

by Penny Grey

  “You really are in love. How sweet.”

  I cock my eyebrow at her. Love? I haven’t loved in a long time. But these feelings were more intense than the usual bouts of lust. Willow makes me feel alive, makes me feel like I matter.

  “Just follow your instincts and follow your heart.”

  “That’s going to be a hard thing to do when they both pull in different directions at any given time. I have corporations to run, I worked hard to be where I am today. Willow isn’t the bad one here, it’s me.”

  “Hmm, you are complex, Mr. G,” she sighs.

  The thought crosses my mind. What if my daughter had been going out with an older man? Pray tell, my reaction wouldn’t be so subtle. I’d think the man was after her body rather than her heart. Mr. Roman would probably try to slaughter me. Bridges would burn. I sip the whiskey straight from the bottle now. Too much is happening and the only thing I want to do right now is go to sleep.

  “Well, go off and work your expertise, Ms. Chevelle, we need to find out where all that money’s going to,” I say stifling a yawn.

  “Okay I’ll be back in a week with more information. But for now? I wait and join that threesome menage I promised my girlfriend I’d do tonight.”

  I cock my eyebrow again. She’s too honest about her sexual libido sometimes.

  “Do have fun with that.”

  She prances out of my office, brushing her hair back as she slips through the door.


  I lock up my office after reading some more emails. While I walk towards my bedroom, I get a notification that the front door is opening. I take a peek and see Bella with her head hanging down, looking upset and disappointed.

  “Bella, what’s wrong? You look upset.”

  My father mode kicks in and I go over to her to help make her feel better.

  “It’s nothing,” she whispers. Bella is usually vocal about things, so her silence worries me.

  “Tell daddy, maybe he can help you feel better.”

  I begin to think about how busy I’ve been the last few months and realize that this must have taken its toll on her by now. Bella is definitely a daddy’s girl by all means.

  “No, it’s fine. I’m just gonna go to sleep. See ya, daddy.”

  She walks off to her room, sighing with each step.

  “Goodnight, darling.”

  Today has been both wonderful and daunting at the same time. Back in my bedroom I throw myself into bed and try to let the good memories of today sing me to sleep. Innocent thoughts turn into raunchy dirtier ones of Willow being tied up and spanked. I don’t want to hurt her, but she just might like it.

  All innocent girls have dark desires. The lighter the light is, the darker the shadow it creates behind it.

  Chapter Five


  Today is my day off…

  And I’m not sure if I should go to his office or home. I have no idea why I feel so… guilty.

  Yesterday was half a dream come true. I tasted him, felt him, came to him.

  But now? I’m afraid to see his face. What if he doesn’t want me again? What if it was all a fluke of some sort.

  Ugh, what am I saying to myself?

  Still in my pajamas which consist of a baggy pair of sweats and a cute halter top, I crawl down the stairs and mosey into the kitchen. My father sits by the floor to ceiling window, sipping his coffee and reading the paper. I smell the fresh scent of coffee beans and opt for some orange juice instead.

  “How’s the new job going? Getting into anymore trouble?” my dad asks, out of the blue.

  “It’s going well! I mean, I only broke a five thousand dollar cup the other day.”

  My dad sighs, shaking his head.

  “Where on earth did you learn to be so clumsy?”

  “I don’t know.”

  I pour the juice into a random mug and go to sit by the window with my father. He looks up at me from his newspaper and smiles.

  “Well, if you clean that clumsy act of yours up, then this would look outstanding on a resume. Mr.Gold and I know how much you want to climb the ranks on your own. That’s highly admirable. But first you must master the arts of not breaking everything expensive in sight. Okay?”

  I roll my eyes. “Okay.”

  I look out the window and watch the birds fly in a blue sky with the occasional cloud drifting by. Then I think about Bella. My gut drops. We tell each other everything. But how on earth am I going to tell her that I kinda screwed her daddy? A frown pulls the corners of my lips down as my thoughts wade into dangerous waters. Secrets are only timed explosions waiting to happen.

  My friendship with her is everything! Men come and go, but friends are harder to find. Mr. G is sweet, and I really do have feelings for him. I just can’t hurt everyone to get what I want though.

  “Willow? Are you okay?” dad asks, seeing my face sullen in deep thought.

  “Yeah, just thinking about some things.”

  Dad takes a sip of his coffee. “Like what things?”

  There he goes again, being the nosy father I know him to be.

  I get up and stretch. “It’s fine, Daddy. Don’t worry about it. It’s nothing. See ya, I’ll be in my room.”

  Instead of resting, I grab my phone and decide that I need to break the glass and tell Bella what’s going on. Before I can text or call her, Mr. G’s number shows up. My face gets all hot and flush. I slide the red phone to the side, sending him straight to voice mail. Damn it, he’s making me feel so… weird. I want him so badly. I want him to take my fucking virginity, but there are so many—too man damn things that could go wrong.

  My father.

  My friend.

  Hell, life.

  And even still, I can’t stop wanting him inside me. I can’t stop wanting him period. Picking up my phone, I dial Bella’s number and begin to freak out. I am not in the right emotional state to hear her voice and not back out.

  Take a deep breath, Willow. You can do this. Just text her instead.

  I take a moment to look for a good spot to talk at. One that preferably doesn’t have Mr. Gold as a constant customer or my dad. A coffee joint pops up on the map of nearby restaurants and I decide to text Bella to meet me there instead. This might get messy or this might go well, but the longer I keep this to myself, the worser it will be when it comes out!

  I get ready, throwing on a simple outfit and flat shoes. Nothing too sexy today since I’m completely avoiding Mr. Gold at this point. I don’t know why I feel like such a dork. I still heart him badly, I just feel, I don’t know… embarrassed that I enjoyed the punishment so much?

  Yeah that has to be it.

  “Dad, I’ll be back in a few hours, I’m going to go meet Bella.”

  “Okay, Willow, enjoy yourself. Tell her I said hi,” he says, raising his cup as I make my way out the door.

  The coffee shop isn’t too far. So I decide to walk there to take my mind off of Mr. Gold.

  Too damn bad everywhere I look I see him. I can’t stop thinking about what he did to me. Dragging me down the hall by the ankle, blindfolding me, and then teasing me without fully giving me his cock.

  Mr. Gold… he makes me feel so… in love?


  The coffee shop is right ahead of me and I see Bella in the window drinking something topped with lots of whipped cream. That’s so like her.

  The door bells ring as I walk through. Bella’s face perks up when she realizes that it’s me.

  “Hey, Willow,” she squeals. She’s super happy and I return the enthusiasm.

  “What’s up? You look chipper. I sent you some texts last night and you didn’t even respond.”

  “Ahh, don’t worry about it. Just got rejected by some dude is all. No need to fret about that for too long, right? So what’s swinging with you?” She dives back into her drink, licking at the whipped cream.

  Ohh, the things Mr. Gold and I could do with that cream—damn it, stop, Willow!

  “Well, I wanted to t
ell you something.” My throat begins to tighten and my head feels hot and heavy. This isn’t going to be easy. Especially if she makes a scene. I inhale and exhale deeply. Now the words are caught in my throat.

  “Willow? Something wrong? Did you break something really important this time?” Bella chuckles.

  Now I’m getting a reputation for being a ditz, great

  “Umm, do you think older guys would be into me?”

  Perfect, Willow. Real cheesy.

  “Yeah, why not? Young girls are into older guys all the time. I had the hugest crush on your daddy.”

  The feeling that bubbled up inside me made me swallow my words. That should make me more comfortable coming out to her right? But it doesn’t and I keep the shit a secret instead. I don’t even know if Mr. Gold and I are a solid thing yet, and here I am going to tell my friend that we are in love when it might be some one night stand kind of thing. Mr. Gold might not even take this to the next level since there is so much at risk.

  Things are getting too uncomfortable, I need air, room to think. So I look at my phone and jolt up.

  “I’ve gotta go, Bella, got an emergency and need to jet. See ya.”

  “You’re always on the run lately, aren’t you. I can’t wait until you’re done working for my dad. We can hang out more often like we used to.”

  “I know, we’ll balance all this responsibility adult nonsense somehow and act like immature brats again soon.” I wink my eye and dash off. The cool wind feels good brushing against my skin. My phone is littered with a lot of missed calls and texts from Mr. Gold.

  Maybe I should answer him? It could be a legitimate emergency?

  Turning the corner, I push to call him and hear a car beep twice behind me.

  “Hmm? Mr. Gold!” I gasp, wondering how he found me.

  “Hurry, get in.”

  He’s driving his black custom made $100k Mercedes. It looks so damn sexy and good on him. My cheeks have butterflies in them and my stomach does too. The scent that comes out of his car hypnotizes me and lures me in like bait. His face is stitched with worry and I almost melt. No wonder I love this man. He’s the epitome of perfect.

  “You gave me a scare. None of my calls or texts were replied to. Are you okay?”

  I’m still dizzy with love and awe. “Uh huh. I mean, yes! I’m not scared. Last time was… good.”

  “Very well then,” he says, smiling at me, the faint lines in his face showing his age tenderly.

  “Is there something you need or um…”

  This is totally the virgin in me speaking now.

  Mr. Gold leans in and draws me into a kiss. The windows are tinted and I thank all the God’s in the universe that tinted windows exist. His mouth tastes like sex on a cloud, making me wet again. At this rate, if I don’t were a panty liner, I’ll be soaking through my skinny jeans.

  Mr. Gold slowly breaks the kiss and takes us for a drive…


  We finally park in a spot that over looks the city we live in. Heat flies to my cheeks when I glance over at his confident face.

  This is surreal. Unreal. But holy shit is he handsome and majestic. Will this last? There’s so much at risk with us being together.

  Mr. Gold takes me by the chin and draws me over for another kiss and I can’t help but get lost in his touch. His hands roam down to my sides and under my shirt, trailing up to my breasts. My body tingles and I feel myself getting wetter with each inch his fingers conquer. I gasp a little as he goes under my bra and teases my hardening nipples.

  My body begins to take on a mind of its own. I swing one leg over and next thing I know, I’m hovering over him like a slut. Mr. Gold yanks my bra down and begins to suckle hard on one nipple, pleasing the other with his free hand. I grind down on his crotch, his throbbing erection rubs against my wetness, making me moan.

  When his fingers go down to my jeans, he unbuttons and unzips them down quickly and slips inside. The shocking feeling of his finger against my slit sends my back into a powerful arch. Moans escape my mouth and I’m losing control.

  But when he slips his finger further in, something in me snaps. Fear.

  He doesn’t know!

  I throw myself off of him and back into my seat.

  “Willow? Did I hurt you?” he asks, worried.

  “No, not at all, I just… I remember I have something important due for class tomorrow. Take me home?”

  His face, my god, that look. Did I hurt him? “I’m sorry. I just—”

  “Willow, darling, it’s okay.” He takes my chin and shakes it a little, giving me that award winning smile. I gush again, wishing to hell I’d have been more honest.

  But what if he turns me away for being a virgin? I don’t even want

  Chapter Six


  The morning begins with her in my mind. Willow’s body, her curves, her rebellious nature and her youthful spirit is infectious. I get out of bed and go to my shower and I’m ready to relieve my cock from the stiffness I woke up with. Yes, I dreamed of her last night and now I was hard from that very dream.

  “Willow, what are you doing to me?” I whisper to myself as I walk into my walk-in shower. I have both heads of the shower on and they are set to medium. My cock throbs in my hands while I gently stroke it to relieve it of it’s back up. Thoughts of her wrapped tight around me, the way her breasts would move and her small raspy high pitched moans sends shivers down the head of my cock.

  I grunt as I feel my groin tighten up with that familiar feeling and I come rope after heavy rope of come down the drain.

  God, I hope that doesn’t clog up anything.

  The shower and masturbation helped clear my mind. But she’s still there, refusing to leave. I need Willow, I need to have her all the way and show her how dark I can become so that if she runs, she does it earlier rather than when it’s too late and I’m hopelessly addicted to her. Sink my cock deep inside her and let her feel how a real man is supposed to fill her up

  Knock knock knock.

  “Yes?” From the knocking I can already tell who it is at my door. “Come in, Bella.”

  “Daddy!” she sings, prancing into my room. I know that body language well, where’s my check book?

  “Bella? How much is this going to cost your dear daddy?” I ask, grinning at her renewed enthusiasm. She had been down for the last few days and it’s a nice change of scenery to see her happy again.

  “Well, since I’ve been getting such good grades, I figured I was ready for my first exotic car?”

  I should have known this was coming.

  “Bella, dear, you have many cars already.”

  “But those are yours and the ones that are mine aren’t exotic. Luxury and exotic are two different things, Daddy!”

  If it wasn’t for the last few days, I would have said no. But… “Fine, fine. One. I don’t want you speeding around the city with this car, or else I’ll have it towed myself. What is it you’re thinking of buying?”

  “I don’t know yet, but could you tell that car place you buy from to open up charge whatever I choose?”

  I sigh. “Anything below a B and—”

  “Daddy, I know. Please?”

  “Fine, I’ll let the manager know. Don’t go over a million. Okay?” Her squeal of happiness is a delight to my ears. Bella wraps me in a big hug and vanishes out of the room.

  I finish putting on my shoes and walk down to my office. I almost forget that Willow has class today and that she won’t be in until tomorrow. I can’t wait that long.

  Ryan, what’re you thinking? You have a business to run. You can’t go running around chasing a girl less than half your age.

  I try to listen to the better part of me, but her body and her whole existence drives me up a wall. The chains and bondage lingerie I could get for her!

  Everything about her is perfection. Danger and desire wrapped in one very special package.


  I wait to make sure Bella has left off to school s
o she doesn’t see me close behind. I want her to see nothing when it comes to me and Willow. This is a dangerous game I’m willing to play. A game that will be played to the very end, if there is an end.

  An hour painfully drags on and then I fly down into my garage so that I can get in my modest Mercedes and drive off to Willow’s university. It’s a local Ivy league, and has the best teachers. Not only is she downright sexy, but she’s a bottle of knowledge at all the right times.

  My phone rings in my pocket, and I can tell from the ring tone that it’s no other than Ms. Chevelle.

  “Ms. Chevelle, good morning,” I say, greeting her in a usual dry manner. “Tell me you have good news.”

  “Nothing yet. However, I think they may have slowed down. You know, paranoia. They’ll bite the bait though, trust me. I just wanted to keep you updated. Silence for too long isn’t a good thing, now is it?”

  “No it isn’t. Well, I’ll call you later, I’m in the middle of something important.”

  “Oh? Toodles then.”

  I hang up and rev the motor to life. I won’t be able to sleep or eat or even do business properly until I drain my cock inside her and dominate her to the fullest. I can’t even see clearly without seeing flashes of her body tied up.

  I pull out of the garage and I glance down the street to see if cars are coming when I see Willow’s home. I drive by just to see if she’s there. Both her and her father’s cars are gone, so I keep going to head to her school.

  I feel silly, an old man rich and divorced, running after a young girl. It would serve me right if she were to break my heart. Smash it to pieces to make me realize how much of an old fool I was. A forty-two year old fool.

  The traffic lights are a bitch. They turn red at every turn as if something wants to tease me just a bit longer. Looking at my phone, that I tossed into the passenger’s seat, I pick it up and dial Willow’s number.


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