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FirePrincesBride Page 9

by Rebecca Airies

A rolling pulse rippled through her body. Karissa came, trembling as the warm Elemental beings stroked her slick skin. The building heat exploded, rushing through her. A half-stifled cry fell from her lips as every muscle in her body contracted and relaxed, pulsing with sheer bliss. Spent, she sagged between them, limp and utterly satisfied.

  Her eyes fluttered open and with effort, she forced some strength into her legs as the two Fire Spirits stepped away from her, gliding briefly to Ijina.

  “Goddess, that was good. I could almost be satisfied with just those two,” she said. She watched as the Fire Spirits strode over to Callan and Tyral.

  “Luckily, you get the benefit of all of us,” Callan chuckled and watched as her Spirit dissolved, flowing into her body.

  Tyral swaggered over to Karissa. “I know what you’d miss if you didn’t have us.” He grasped her wrist in his hand and brought her palm down to the hard ridge of his cock. “You want this, don’t you? You want to feel it, hold it, taste it and take it inside of you.”

  “Sometimes I just want to smack you.” Karissa couldn’t contain her chuckle. He was completely outrageous and far too confident. “I haven’t forgotten all of your sins. I owe both of you some pain for the way that you remained silent during our stay on the planet. Your excuses don’t right the wrong.” She twisted her wrist, freeing her hand. She poked her finger into his chest with each word.

  “Tana, you know you won’t hurt us.” Tyral grasped her hand and brought it up to his mouth, lightly nipping at her inner wrist. He smiled down at her with supreme confidence.

  As galling as it was, his confidence was well placed. Although she was angry, with just a few strokes of their hands over her skin, she’d be pleading for their touch. Wrenching her hand away from him, she glared at them. “There are ways to inflict pain without physically harming you.” She raised her eyebrows and smiled. A wicked idea rolled into her mind. The perfect punishment for two such rogues.

  “We can handle anything you try.” Callan strode over to her, a predatory hunger in his leering smile.

  “Do you know where your fathers are?” She tilted her head and tried to keep her smile sweet and innocent.

  “Why?” Callan frowned. She could see the suspicion and the caution in his eyes as he looked down at her.

  “I need to ask them some questions. They are the Kings of this Realm.” She shrugged as if it should have been obvious. Struggling to keep a gleeful expression off of her face, she dressed.

  Ijina chuckled. Do you think they’re just going to let it happen? When they figure out just what you’re asking, they’re going to ask they’re fathers to deny your request. I don’t think the Kings are going to help you torture their sons.

  The Ice Spirit’s cheerful doubt didn’t alter Karissa’s plans even a little. Even if it gave them only a few moments of worry, it would be worth it.

  “Whatever punishment you think to inflict on us, forget it, eli moru,” Tyral advised. “You’ve been away from us for too long. We’re not going to let you torment us any longer.”

  Karissa raised her brows and smiled. They could try to stop her, but she was answerable only to the Kings and they would have no reason to deny a reasonable request. She’d make sure her appeal was sound. Tyral and Callan deserved a little frustration for their crimes.

  “You’re plotting to get even for the way we left you in ignorance of our bond. Forget your schemes right now, my lady. We’ll not let you succeed with whatever plan you’ve brewed.” Callan leaned toward her, never breaking eye contact.

  She saw the determination as they looked down at her. They’d try to stop her. She smiled. Watching them fume was amusing.

  Tyral looked over Karissa’s head at his brother. “We’ll have no problem with your scheme. There are some advantages to being Princes.”

  Callan curved his arm around her waist and began guiding her toward the door. Karissa frowned. They were cooperating much too willingly. There were some rumors that some sets of twins had an ability to communicate without speaking. She suspected Tyral and Callan were using just such a talent now to plan.

  “We’ll take you to our fathers. They’ll be in the public Audience Chamber hearing petitions at this time of day.” Tyral tangled his fingers with hers and tucked his arm over hers.

  She eyed the two men walking at her side with suspicion, certain they were trying to outmaneuver her with this easy cooperation. Their expressions had that confident, arrogant cast again, a sure sign they believed they could handle anything she threw at them. She planned to shake that belief and, with a little luck, they’d soon be looking nervous again. She smiled and contemplated a little revenge for their silence.

  Guards wearing Volirian red tunics and black pants stood at the door to the Kings’ Audience Chamber, a different chamber than she’d visited earlier. One of the two uniformed men immediately snapped into a stiff straight-backed stance and opened the door for them. She tried to disengage her hand from Tyral’s but was towed along with them in spite of her reticence. They led her over to a wall at the side of the room where they leaned back against the wall and waited.

  It was a larger room, but aside from that there was very little difference. Rugs and tapestries provided the only color. This chamber was just as formal, although there were a few benches here for the petitioners to use while they waited to be heard. Would she ever get used to this formality, or would it always seem this strange?

  Karissa frowned and glanced up at the two men. What were they doing? She stepped away from the wall, intending to go speak with one of the King’s advisors of her need for a few words with the Kings as was custom. There was a certain protocol to these things that Tyral and Callan seemed to disregard. Tyral caught her arm and pulled her back between them, his hand clamped at her wrist. Callan’s hand clasped her free hand.

  The Kings had glanced their way once, but then turned their eyes to the business at hand. They made their way through a few more of the people waiting to speak to them before they turned their attention to the three people waiting at the side of the room.

  This isn’t going to work. They don’t abide by the same rules you do. Ijina observed.

  I couldn’t do what they just did. Even with King Amir, after years of serving him, I wouldn’t do that. Karissa was still amazed at just what they’d done.

  They’re the Princes. They can get away with it. You’re going to have to find another way to make them pay. Ijina said.

  “Did you have a reason for coming before us, my sons, or were you just showing your bride-to-be some of your more infuriating court manners?” King Marit leaned back in his chair. He smiled at them, a thoroughly amused flash of white teeth.

  Callan and Tyral didn’t immediately respond. They came away from the wall in a smooth flow of muscle, leading Karissa forward until they stood before their fathers. Karissa dipped into a curtsy and the Kings smiled, nodding acknowledgement.

  “We’ve come to ask for the right to see to our Lady’s needs so that she needn’t come to you for every small thing that she wants.” Callan grinned at his father, that grin widening rakishly as Karissa’s surprised gasp reached his ears.

  A smile tilted King Tovin’s lips. “I don’t see any reason that we should need to do so. She would only be coming to us for the important matters, such as traveling, and surely that wouldn’t be often.”

  “Father…” Tyral winced at the mention of Karissa traveling.

  “Tovin, quit teasing them,” King Marit reproved with an amused chuckle. “I see no reason why there should be a problem with you seeing to her affairs. Just remember, when you make your decisions, you do answer to us.”

  “Come, Rissa, we have finished here.” Callan tugged her hand, turning her toward the door.

  She was so incensed she was tongue-tied. It wasn’t that they had managed to find a way around her plan, although that did infuriate her. Anger rippled through her at the way Callan had ordered her to come with them, as if she were some mindless pet without her o
wn plans. Before she could say more than “Ah…” they’d ushered her out of the room.

  Out in the hall, as soon as the doors closed behind them, Tyral and Callan turned to face her. Large smiles stretched across their faces. They waited expectantly for her reaction and Karissa had plenty to say to them.

  “You’re arrogant, unscrupulous and impossible and I’m tempted to Ice you right now because all you do is cause trouble for me.” She threw up her hands and paced a few steps away from them before turning to glare at them. “First with that spell that left me powerless, now this.”

  Tyral chuckled, watching her ignite. “Your Ice Spirit may have some objection to your plans. She likes us.”

  “She knows that you’re angering me. She knows exactly why I’m angry with you and in most cases agrees with me.” Her hands slammed onto her hips and she surveyed the two satisfied men smirking at her. “I’ve had enough of your gloating and of your presence. I want to go to my room.”

  “Of course, tana, we’ll take you to your room.” Tyral smiled at her, holding his hand out to her.

  That was too easy, Karissa, and look at that smile. He’s definitely not thinking about leaving you at the door, Ijina warned.

  Karissa didn’t trust that easy agreement one bit. They’d already shown themselves more than capable of taking advantage of any opportunity given to them. They were sneaky and conniving opportunists, determined to get their way and far too accustomed to succeeding in that area. What had she ever done to deserve the frustration and irritation of being mate to these two princes?

  Callan walked forward and tucked an arm around her waist in spite of her hands pushing at his arm. He began guiding her down the hallway. Tyral strode ahead of them, leading the way. They escorted her into a quiet section of the palace. As they walked down the gray-walled hallway, she frowned. The guest section of a royal palace wasn’t usually this quiet, this deserted. She didn’t even see a servant walking down the hallway. She turned her head to look at Callan as they paused before a door.

  Tyral opened the dark, polished wood door and stepped into the room before her. Karissa rolled her eyes. Presumptuous man. She’d had no intention of inviting him into her room. Callan urged Karissa into the room only a step behind his brother. For a few moments, her mind was too astounded by the sight that greeted her to think about the implications.

  The room was huge. A massive bed held dominion over the sparsely decorated room. Covered in fabrics the color of fire, it was low to the ground and looked soft and welcoming. Fine rugs had been scattered over the floor. Beautiful tapestries hung on the wall, alleviating the dark gray of the stone. She noted three doors other than the one she’d just entered. A large fireplace occupied the center of one wall and a fire danced in the hearth. Golden lanterns hung on the walls, bringing out the red glint from the occasional Fire crystal embedded in the stone.

  It was beautiful. A frown slowly crept across her face as she noted all of the intimate details. This was much too nicely and too personally decorated to be one of the guest chambers.

  “This isn’t my room.” Karissa rounded on Callan, her hands going to her hips.

  “Tana, you’re wrong about that.” Callan smiled as she stood there watching him, her foot tapping expectantly. “Wherever you sleep, we sleep. So this room is very definitely your room.”

  “The bed’s never been used. It’s been sitting here empty and I’ve been sleeping in my lonely bed just down the hall waiting for you to get here,” Tyral coaxed.

  Callan nodded. “I’ve been all alone in my room when I should have been with you every night. We’re going to start our new life together right.”

  “It wouldn’t be right for me to stay here with you before we’re formally bonded.” She heaved a frustrated sigh. Were they lost to all sense of propriety? “I can’t shame my family.”

  “That’s a weak excuse, tana, and you know it. Since our Spirits have bonded—and most especially since your spirit now carries a fire spirit within her—there’s no one who would deny us full access to each other. There will be no shame on your family.” Tyral chuckled and watched as she chewed on her lip as she thought about his statement.

  Karissa wondered for a moment if they were telling her the truth. From what she’d seen so far, Volirian court life was as formal as she’d expected. Moving her straight into their room definitely didn’t fit in with the formal ceremony she expected.

  They’re not lying, Ijina told her after a short time. I didn’t get a full explanation from Tahvir, but this isn’t about the formal rules of the court. The marriage rules here all have a basis in the violence and assassinations that have happened even up to the present Queen.

  That made sense, but Karissa still wasn’t prepared to just stay in the room with them.

  “But—” Her words were cut off as Callan’s fingers lightly touched her lips.

  “The formal bonding will occur at the end of the week. We’ve already sent word to your family and your King, as well as the two other Realms. Preparations for our wedding have begun, eli moru.” Callan briefly replaced his fingers with his lips.

  She thought about everything they’d just thrown at her. Arguing with them was useless in this case. The announcement had already been made public. “Why do you send invitations to the other two Realms?”

  “It’s custom to send invitations to the other Kingdoms when any of the ruling families bond. Most of the time, the rulers of the other Realms simply send congratulations, sometimes a gift, instead of traveling to a bonding that doesn’t involve them.” Tyral stripped off his shirt and threw it away carelessly.

  “Don’t look so surprised, eli moru. We told you we wouldn’t let you tease and torment us any longer. It would be torture indeed to deny ourselves when we’ve waited so long for you to see where you belong.” Callan nudged her forward with his body as he stepped farther into the room.

  “And seeing you brought to peak by our spirits has intensified the need that has burned within us since you left us on that planet.” Tyral’s voice rumbled in a sexy growl, hunger burned in his golden eyes. “Tell me you don’t want us.”

  “You know that I want both of you, but I’m still angry with you. You could have given me some kind of clue, a hint.” Karissa stalked away and spun to face them, irritated at their arrogance and her own body’s betrayal. She wanted them and they’d barely even touched her. An ache throbbed low in the pit of her stomach and hot liquid seeped onto her thighs.

  “You can be angry with us later. Show us that you missed us,” Callan cajoled, approaching her and then frowning as she took a step back from them.

  “I missed climaxing.” She narrowed eyes at the two men. That should have told her that there was something very strange happening. There were very few things that could have that drastic of an effect on the libido. “I can’t think of anything about you two that I missed, especially right now.”

  “Rissa, we’ve already apologized for not telling you about it. How long are you going to hold that against us?” Callan braced a hand on his hip and contemplated his difficult mate. “If you think we’re going to let you pout and throw an extended tantrum, you’ve forgotten a few things about your mates.”

  Tyral and Callan separated. They didn’t get any closer to her, but Tyral stood a few paces away on her far right and Callan an equal distance on her left. Their positions made it impossible to watch both of them at the same time.

  “Stop stalking me. I have a right to be angry. You’d be furious if I did something similar and I wouldn’t soon hear the end of it.” Her gaze slid frantically from one to the other. She was discovering there was a significant disadvantage to having two mates. She was outnumbered by them and they didn’t play by any rules she recognized.

  “I think she is angry because her little plans for revenge didn’t work. Is that it, eli moru? Are you pouting?” Callan taunted, beginning to circle her. “You can’t deny your reaction to us. You want us. Your nipples are hard, poking against your
shirt, aren’t they? I can see those little nubs through that that silky fabric.” He flashed a feral smile at her and his eyes dropped to those hard points.

  “I think you’re right.” Tyral moved in counter to Callan’s movements. “I think we should take matters into our own hands. Only her stubborn mind resists us. Her desire perfumes the air.”

  “I’m not pouting.” She gritted her teeth. She didn’t even know what she wanted any more. Her body was pulsing with desire to know their touch again, but she didn’t want to give in too easily. She wouldn’t let them believe she could be swayed with sex.

  Tyral pressed his body against her back, his arms circling her waist to pull her close to him. He lowered his lips to her neck and inhaled. His rumble of appreciation vibrated against her back. “I’ve missed you so much, te thali. Have the nights been as long for you?”

  Her eyes closed as his lips whispered over her skin. She felt her resolve disintegrating beneath the fluttering sensations rippling through her. “Yes, they seemed to last forever.”

  Callan stepped in front of her. “We’ve been waiting for you to come to us. You’ll never know the strength it took to let you leave, to allow you to return to your King and Court. We wanted to go to the Frejan Court and demand that you be returned to us.” He reached out and brushed his thumb over one hard, cloth-covered nipple.

  “You were ours and letting you out of our sight went against all of our instincts.” Tyral’s hand slipped down her stomach and cupped her mound through the fine cloth.

  She groaned as two of his fingers slipped between her labia and rubbed the cloth against her clit. “It’s unfair the effect that you two have on me. How am I supposed to remain angry with you when all you have to do is come near me and I want you?” This was definitely not going to be the relationship she’d envisioned when she’d first thought of marriage.

  She’d always thought she would enter a marriage with one man—had never thought she’d find two men as mates. She didn’t even really know how such a marriage would work. What was marriage like in the Fire Realm? And would she ever win an argument with them?


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