Azar's Prize

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Azar's Prize Page 4

by Reese Gabriel

  Actually, it might be great fun to have him at her mercy, too. She would chain him down, mount his magnificent cock and ride him until he came, spurting helplessly into her hot, tight sex.

  The pirate ravished by the woman with super genetics. Now there was a twist on the old kidnapping plot. How would he react? Something about him was so different than she’d expected. He was dressed like a pirate, doing a damn good job as one…but there was more to him.

  Why did she feel like he was play acting as much as she? She’d love to ask. She’d love to drag the truth out of him.

  Except she couldn’t reveal herself. She had to keep her powers under wraps. For as long as necessary to get the information she needed. And if that meant playing along with the man’s sex games, then that’s what she would have to do.

  Up to and including pretending to be overpowered.

  And pretending to like it, as well.

  Somewhere in the back of her mind, though, she could see Seria smiling indulgently, reminding her of the damn twenty-five percent fem that might make her enjoy it for real.

  “You seem quite agreeable.” Azar moved toward her, seemingly oblivious to her internal chaos as he touched a finger to her cheek. He was so much larger than she, seemingly so much stronger. “Are you telling me you will not fight me…no matter what I choose to do to you?”

  His finger sent waves of raw energy, like hyper-drive fuel, coursing through her veins. She opened her mouth, which was suddenly quite dry. “How…could I?” she said, her voice a hot whisper. “As strong as you are?”

  “Fighting is an instinct. You are offering me reason.” Azar brushed her hair behind her shoulders, arranging it as if she were already his woman, to do with as he chose.

  The tenderness, the heat of his eyes on her made her melt. If he were to ravish her now, she would not need to fake surrender.

  “I will release you from the chains.” Azar slipped the knife into his belt and reached for a key in a small pouch beside it. “If you promise to be good.”

  She suppressed a sudden urge to tell him to shove it.

  Her eyes darted to the jeweled handle. She could, if she wished, take it from him and hold him hostage, even dispatch him. That is, if she could stop her body from trembling.

  “You hesitate. Is it that you’re afraid you can’t be good or do you like being chained?”

  “Neither,” she snapped, unable to stay in character.

  He smiled, looking much more the pirate. “What are you? Obedient or fem? Surely you’re not obedient.”

  Try primale, asshole, as you’re about to find out. “I’m fem.”

  His hand moved to caress her arm. It was an itch and a scratch all in one. “That’s too bad.”

  “Why’s that?” she whispered.

  “The things I’m going to do,” he rasped, “are better suited to an obedient.”

  Her mind surged with the implications.

  He’s going to take me…use me.

  “Do you know yet who I am?” he asked casually.

  Her heart pounded. “No,” she lied.

  “I am Azar.”


  “You know me?”

  “Everyone knows you.”

  “What about me,” he queried, “do people say?”

  She swallowed. How much of her real knowledge should she give? “They say you enslave women. Steal ships.”

  “So they do.”

  She recoiled slightly—very out of character—as he reached for the steel collar at her neck.

  “Don’t be afraid little one,” he rasped.

  I’m not your fucking “little one”, she wanted to shout. I’m a trained warrior, and I’ll see you rot on a prison planet for the rest of your life before I’m done with you.

  On the other hand, there was something almost endearing in it…

  She couldn’t succumb, though. He would have her eating out of his hand, like Galina, begging to be used and abused.

  “There, much better,” he approved, removing the collar. “Now I can see your lovely neck.”

  Theryssa felt her cheeks pinkening. Suddenly her neck felt quite naked.

  “Let’s see about those wrist shackles, too, shall we? Turn about, little one.”

  He had said it again. Like he had the fucking right to give her pet names. Quickly, she turned her back before he could see the expression on her face.

  “You do realize,” he undid her cuffs, “there is no hope of escape from this ship. Even if you managed to get out of my quarters.”

  So you say, buckaroo.

  “I understand.”

  “You should call me Sir,” he suggested. “From here on out.”

  “I understand,” she let the charged word off the end of her tongue. “Sir.”

  Azar whirled her about, catching her completely off guard with a kiss. His lips were red-hot, searing against hers. Her initial resistance gave way to openness, complete and total.

  He had her. The fucker had her.

  His tongue was in her mouth. Probing, playing with her, like she was any captured maiden he was about to possess. Desperately, she fought to keep her wits about her, even as her nipples pushed against him, hard as pebbles.

  His body was so firm. She could feel every muscle. His cock was rising, too, against her delta, pressing between her damp, needy thighs. She could feel her arms lifting, her own hands, wanting to hold him.

  How she had dreamed of this moment, masturbating over his image, picturing his cock, hard and exposed, sliding inside her, conquering her sex, making her his lover, his object of plunder.

  Stars, she wanted him to be a primale, strong enough to just take her.

  But that would destroy everything.

  At last he broke the kiss. He seemed perfectly calm and in control, unlike her—she was on the verge of panting.

  “Tell me your name,” he said.

  “Theryssa,” she breathed. “I’m Theryssa.”

  “Theryssa.” He weighed the sound on his tongue. “That is a beautiful name. It suits you. Such a pity it was chosen at random. By computer.”

  But it wasn’t, she thought. My name is a combination of my parents’, as I am a combination of their love.

  “Your name,” she said, “it’s natural, like you.”

  His eyes showed pain. She didn’t understand why. The fact that he was born of a woman’s womb was one of the main things that made him so fearsome, strange and formidable.

  “This isn’t about me,” he dismissed. “You’re the prisoner, Theryssa. You’re the one who will answer…or face punishment.”

  Her pussy sizzled. “Yes, Sir. And I thank you, for the compliment. No one…no one’s made my name sound so good.”

  “You are unique,” he told her.

  Theryssa was lost in his eyes. So very deep and complicated. Was this man good or evil?

  “Indeed,” he continued, “I do not recall ever running across a courier with such a beautiful name. Or face.”

  She gasped inwardly as he caressed her cheeks with the tips of his fingers. She was completely helpless as he moved to her mouth, running them across her lips. Light and wet and teasing.

  Electric surges shot down her belly. Spasms gripped her pussy.

  He was staring at her intently. But what was he thinking? She could imagine all kinds of things. Not least of which was taking his fingers inside her mouth and licking and sucking them.

  “You should know, Theryssa, I will interrogate you. Thoroughly and without mercy.”

  Theryssa arched her back. She wanted him to touch her breasts. To rip off her uniform and bare her swollen globes, not to mention the rest of her. She wanted to be naked. She wanted…everything.

  “I’ll tell you whatever you want to know,” she assured him.

  “Yes, little one, you will.”

  The way he said it, it was like he was inside her already, enjoying her body, making it sing.

  Slowly, agonizingly, he moved his damp fingertips down to her
chin. He tipped it back ever-so slightly, so he could touch her neck. With thumb and forefinger, he took her pulse. “Your heart is racing. Are you nervous about something…or just scared and aroused?”


  He angled her head backward a little more, so she could no longer see what he was doing.

  “And aroused,” he repeated, brushing his finger over a single nipple, all too evident against her tight uniform.


  “But not nervous…”

  “Why would I be nervous?”

  He touched her other nipple, making her moan softly. “Perhaps you are concealing something.”

  “You only have to ask me…”

  “I want you out of your uniform, Theryssa. Release yourself from it.”

  “Yes…Sir.” She gave the voice command, initiating the opening sequence in the tiny computer brain concealed in the emblem on her breast. At once the courier’s uniform divided into two halves, right down the middle of her chest. Simultaneously, seams opened on her sleeves and down each leg. The built-in boots did their own separating routine.

  Theryssa had only to lift each foot and take a step forward. She was naked now, entirely exposed to the pirate’s viewing pleasure.

  “Stand for me,” he said. “Over there.”

  Azar indicated a place in the center of the cabin. She walked on tingling bare feet. The thick, white fur was luxurious against her skin. Theryssa fought an overwhelming desire to lie down upon it, feel the surface of it against the rest of her body.

  Hands at her sides, goose bumps on her skin, Theryssa put herself in position, under inspection by the sexiest, most devilish man she had ever encountered.

  “You stand like a soldier,” he said, his tone neutral.

  Theryssa considered her posture. Damn it, he was right. Instinctively, she had stood straight and tall, almost at attention. A captured damsel would display a good deal more modesty.

  Quickly, she cupped her hands over her pussy, her lips puffy and moist against her equally damp palms. She hunched her shoulders, too, trying to look a little more overwhelmed.

  Azar stood there watching.

  Damn it, could he make her feel any more self-conscious? She clenched her toes, digging them into the fur. By the second he was gaining more control over the situation…and over her.

  “You covered your sex,” he observed. “But I can still see your breasts.”

  She moved to rectify the situation, quickly realizing that left her dripping wet pussy exposed. She moved to cover her mound, only to leave her breasts vulnerable. “I can’t do both!” she protested.

  “No,” he agreed, “you can’t. Reason tells a woman that. But instinct…that makes her want to try nonetheless.”

  Theryssa was losing her patience. Cat and mouse had never been her game and she was not about to start now. If indeed he saw through her disguise, better to find out so she could devise some new strategy. “I’m sorry I’m not meeting your expectations for a hysterical kidnap victim. I’m doing the best I can.”

  The pirate was nonplussed. “Tell me, Theryssa, are you a virgin?”

  “No,” she stiffened. “I am not.”

  “You have made sex with many men, or only a few?”

  “Enough,” she replied curtly.

  “You would consider yourself a good lover, then? You know how to please a man?”

  “I haven’t heard any complaints, if that’s what you mean.”

  He nodded. “I didn’t think so. And tell me, do you like being a fem?”

  “It’s all right.” She shrugged. “It’s all I know.”

  “Indeed. You’ve never had the chance to explore any other part of yourself.”

  “I know who I am.” She was tiring of the game. She wished he’d step up the pace.

  “You won’t ever submit to a single man as husband,” he mused. “No fem ever will.”

  “We all serve our function.”

  “For who? The corrupt Council? The power elite?”

  Theryssa had to hold her temper. This was her family he was talking about. “The Council serves humanity.”

  “How, exactly?” He snorted.

  “For one thing, they keep us all from being Narthian bug food.”

  “Maybe death is preferable to some, than living a life dictated by another.”

  “That’s easy to say when you live out here all on your own, doing whatever the hell you want. Some of us humans take responsibility for the race.”

  She watched him pull the knife from his belt. Here it comes, she thought. Badass pirate show time.

  “Theryssa, if there is something you want to tell me, about your real identity, this would be the time to do it.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m a courier.”

  “Really? So there’s nothing special about you?”


  “In that case, I think I’ll let the crew use you for a while. Fems like superficial sex, right?”

  “You know it,” she gave it right back.

  “You will be taken, Theryssa, by a hundred horny men. They will come in every orifice, unless you seek my protection.”

  “I think you’re bluffing. I don’t think you like to share.”

  He weighed the knife in his hand. “You may beg me nonetheless,” he said, not bothering to look up at her, “to not share you with my crew. You may beg me. On your knees.”

  “Go to hell.”

  The invective slipped out before Theryssa could catch herself. Meanwhile, Azar was making his move…

  The events of the next few seconds took place so quickly she was not able to sort them out until afterward, when she was holding the dagger, having snatched it out of midair at lightning speed.

  “You son of a bitch,” she screamed. “You were going to kill me.”

  Azar’s arms were folded across his massive chest. “It is as I thought,” he said, revealing that he had thrown the knife directly at her head as a test. “You have primale genetics.”

  Theryssa’s heart slammed in her chest. What a fool she was. She could have dodged the blade or thrown herself to the floor, maybe allowing it to graze her. But, what could she say at this point?

  Damn it, what had given her away in the first place? He must have been pretty sure of himself to risk her life like that, or did he care so little for her existence?

  “Never mind that—what if you’d been wrong?” she demanded.

  Azar stood his ground. “But I wasn’t.”

  “You could have been…and I’d be dead. Not that you give a damn.” A part of her was angry at this. Another part was a little sad. She had hoped for something more from him. But why? He was a ruthless pirate.

  “That’s a moot point, Theryssa. What you need to focus on right now is telling me the truth.”

  “Why should I? The cat’s out of the bag. We both know there’s nothing you can do to control me. As a matter of fact,” she glared, “I think you’re the one who’d better start taking the orders.”

  Azar continued to be unfazed. A fact that was more than a little unnerving. She could tear him limb from limb. Didn’t that bother him just a little? Or was there more here than met the eye on his part as well as hers?

  “You gave yourself away the minute I walked in,” he said, as if she’d asked him for an explanation. “The way you held yourself in those chains made it obvious. You could break free any time you wanted.”

  “Bully for you. Remind me to send you a galactic detective’s license when I get home.”

  Actually, his accomplishment in guessing her identity seemed to rank more in the category of super-sleuth-works-small-miracle than rudimentary observation. He was hiding something here, too, but what?

  Theryssa ordered her uniform back on her body. The material slid back up her skin, like a banana being peeled in reverse. Instantly, she felt her confidence rise.

  “Speaking of which,” she informed him. “Since we both know what I’m
capable of now, I would like you to take your clothes off and put your hands on your head. It’s time I did a little interrogating of my own.”

  Azar shook his head. “I’m sorry, that’s not going to happen. Guidance computer,” he addressed the empty space above his head. “Initiate self-destruct sequence alpha. Ten second countdown.”

  “Acknowledging captain’s voice print,” chimed the melodic voice of the machine. “Sequence initiated. Ten, nine…”

  “What the fuck are you doing?” Theryssa demanded.

  “I am destroying this ship, Theryssa, and everyone onboard.”

  Great Supernova—is the man completely insane?

  “You wouldn’t dare go through with that.” She attempted to maintain her calm. “You’d die, too. And your whole crew.”

  “We all die sooner or later.” He shrugged. “A pirate lives every day as his last.”

  “Seven,” said the computer, as if to rub it in how nightmarishly real this was. “Six…”

  “You would really die before surrendering to me?” Theryssa asked, feeling a whole new layer of awe for this man. Not to mention blind terror.

  “Yes, Theryssa, I would.”

  “Four,” the computer confirmed, ticking off yet another second of existence.

  “What do you want?” Theryssa blurted, unable to resist the call of her survival instincts.

  “Your submission,” he said simply. “In no uncertain terms. You will yield to me from now on as any ordinary woman.”

  “Never,” she hissed, desperate to call his bluff.

  “Three, two…”

  Azar folded his arms. “Well?”

  He isn’t bluffing…

  “Done!” She exclaimed.


  “Swear it upon your honor.”

  “I swear!” she cried. “Now stop it, damn you!”

  “Abort destruct sequence.”


  Theryssa shut her eyes. Fuck. There went her mission.

  “Destruct aborted.”

  She opened her eyes again. The ship was still here. As was she. And Azar, too.

  Her momentary thrill at being alive evaporated as she considered the implications of what she had agreed to.

  Yielding to a pirate captain…as an ordinary woman.

  Azar’s hands moved imperiously to his hips. There was no mistaking his readiness to enjoy his prize. “Get on your knees,” he dictated. “You will present yourself to me. Naked.”


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