Beast: Death Dealers MC

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Beast: Death Dealers MC Page 9

by Kacee Kupser

  “Really? Are you sure? They’ll put you through your paces.”

  “Hey I’m all in with this. I’m going to be there through everything, including telling your family, just like I’d like you to be there when I tell my mom. Although, I want to wait to tell her. Just to be cautious.”

  “Okay it’s a deal. I’ll wait until the family dinner, which will be this weekend. I’ll call my mom and let her know I’m bringing someone, that alone will throw them into a tizzy, so I should probably give them a heads up.”

  Now it was my turn to give her shit. “Oh, you mean you’ve never brought a guy home before? Not even Cody?”

  She shook her head at me and let out a giggle. I could see the wheels turning in her head, she was going to try to give me more shit. “Of course I’ve brought Cody for dinner. He’s very important to me.”

  “Stop giving me shit woman and tell me who Cody is.”

  “All right all right. It’s just been so much fun seeing you get jealous. Cody is my work husband.”

  Okay I was confused. “Babe, what is a work husband? That sounds like something I won’t like.”

  “Well, I don’t really think it’s anything for you to dislike. If his husband Ethan isn’t jealous, so you probably shouldn’t be either.”

  “Ah, so not jealous, but you still haven’t told me what a work husband is.”

  “It’s not that big of a deal. Cody is my closest male friend. We went through nursing school together and now we work together and we know each other so well and are so close we always have each other’s back and can tell each other anything.”

  I wasn’t sure I liked her having that close of a relationship with another man, even if he was gay, but I would just have to get over it. I wasn’t going to be one of those assholes who made her drop her friends and only be with me. I wouldn’t do that to her, and I sure as hell wouldn’t expect her to do it for me.

  I leaned over and gave her a peck on the lips before heading into the kitchen. “I’m just going to get everything ready for the chilli. Do you want grated cheese?”

  “Yes please.”

  I left her in the living room, watching the TV and relaxing. I pulled out the pre-grated cheese I purchased at the store and poured it into a bowl. Then cut up the French bread and put it on a plate. I set everything up on the island so that we could just grab what we want buffet style.

  I walked over to the kitchen door to let Brenna know that dinner was ready, but she was asleep. I walked over to her and tapped her on the shoulder. “Bren, babe you need to wake up and eat.”

  Her eyes flickered open and she smiled at me. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to fall asleep. Your kid takes it out of me.”

  “Yeah that’s good, just keep blaming the baby and call it mine when it’s something you don’t like.”

  I reached down and grabbed her hands, pulling her up from the couch and putting her in front of me, holding onto her shoulders as we walked to the kitchen.

  “You better get used to it buster. Didn’t you know when your child does something you don’t like it’s the other parent’s fault? Come on, that’s common knowledge,” she said while walking up to the island and dishing out her dinner.

  “Good to know. I’ll keep that in mind when it’s time to turn the tables.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m like Mary Poppins, practically perfect in every way, so there’s no way the baby will ever do anything that could be my fault.”

  “Sure babe, you keep telling yourself that. We’ll discuss it again once the baby comes along.”

  We took our food and brought it back out to the living room and quietly ate it while the TV droned on in the background.

  Once we were finished with dinner I grabbed the dishes and took them to the kitchen to clean up. “You head to the bedroom and get ready for bed. I’ll be in there soon.”

  “Thanks Grayson. I appreciate it,” she said as she headed back to her room.

  I’ve noticed that she calls me Grayson more and more often. I like it. I get the kitchen cleaned up and the leftovers put away before going around the house to lock up. It’s a habit I’ve had since leaving the Navy.

  When I walk into the bedroom she’s already in bed wearing her grumpy nightie again. “You tired baby?”

  “Yeah sorry. It’s been a long day and I can’t keep my eyes open.”

  “It’s all good.” I walk over to her side of the bed and pull the comforter back. “I have a new rule though. No pajamas in bed, even if we are only sleeping.”

  “But I like sleeping in pajamas.”

  “I know you do babe, but I don’t so I want us to be naked. Give it a try and if after a few days you don’t like it you can go back to the pajamas.”

  She sits up and lifts her hands in the air. I grab the bottom of her night gown and pull it up over her head and throw it in the laundry basket. I walk over to my side of the bed and take my clothes off before climbing in beside her.

  I turned over on to my side so that I was facing her. “Come here.” Brenna scooted over towards me and wrapped her arm around my waist with her head resting on my chest.

  “What time do you work tomorrow baby? Did you remember to set your alarm?”

  “Yeah I set it for 5:30. I’ve got to shower in the morning and get my lunch ready before going in. I’m on the same shift tomorrow as I was today, but this time thankfully Cody is on shift too so it’ll be a fun day.”

  “Okay, goodnight.” I leaned over and turned the light off and pulled her closer to me, my head on top of hers and my arms wrapped around her. I loved the way she felt up against my body. I could get used to this.

  When the alarm went off Brenna was still lying cuddled up in my arms, but she had turned over in the night. She was slowly waking up and rubbing her ass against my morning erection.

  “Baby Girl, you better stop doing that or you won’t have time for your shower.”

  She rubbed one more time before pulling out of my arms and reaching over to turn off the alarm. Once it was off she turned back over to look at me. “I don’t know what the problem is. I was just waking up, whatever did I do?”

  I grabbed her around her waist and pulled her pussy into my cock. “You know exactly what you did. You see what you do to me?”

  “Well, sorry buddy, but I’ve got to get up and get going. Maybe if you’re lucky you’ll get some when I get home from work. We’ll just have to have leftovers for dinner.”

  “Bren, if you didn’t need to keep that baby fed we wouldn’t be having dinner when you get home. You get in the shower and I’ll go in the kitchen and get breakfast started. Do you have anything in particular you want?”

  Brenna stood up and started walking to the bathroom and I could tell she was looking over her shoulder to see if I was checking her ass out. “I’m good with whatever. Maybe not something too…”

  Suddenly Brenna went pale and raced into the bathroom. I jumped out of bed and followed her in to see her getting sick again this morning. I came up behind her and pulled her hair back and rubbed her back trying to sooth her as much as I could through this.

  Once she had finished retching, she sat up looking red faced and sweaty. I put her hair down and got up to wet a facecloth. I kneeled back behind her and wiped down her face and then put the cold cloth on her neck. “How you doing? Do you need anything?”

  “Thanks Beast. I wouldn’t mind trying some saltines. I have some in the kitchen.”

  “Okay baby. I’ll be right back.” I got up and ran into the kitchen to find the crackers and grabbed her a cold glass of water while I was at it. I didn’t want her to feel like shit for longer than she had to.

  Chapter 20 – Brenna

  I thought this morning was going to be okay, no morning sickness just like yesterday, but as soon as I started walking to the bathroom my stomach started to protest. Beast followed me in and was a great help. I hated him seeing me like this though.

  He came back from the kitchen with the
crackers and a glass of water for me. I sat up with my back to the wall and reached out for the crackers hoping they would help settle my stomach.

  Beast sat down across from me and put the glass of water beside me. I ate a couple of crackers and my stomach seemed to settle. I’m going to have to keep a package beside my bed so I can try having some before getting up in the morning.

  Once I was feeling up to it, I stood up and leaned against the vanity, taking some calming breaths. The morning sickness took a lot out of me.

  “How you doing baby?”

  “I’m okay. Thanks for your help. I’m sorry you had to.”

  “Oh Bren, I told you I’m here for you and the baby. Whatever you need. Let me turn on the shower and I’ll go get breakfast ready.”

  He turned the shower on and walked out to the kitchen, but not before giving me a kiss on the top of my head. I turned the sink on and splashed some cold water on my face to help cool myself down.

  Once I was out of the shower, I finished my morning routine and headed into the kitchen to find that Beast had made me some toast and juice. It was perfect, I didn’t want anything too greasy. I feared it might upset my stomach.

  “Thank you for this. I’m starving.”

  We sat side by side quietly eating breakfast. It was nice that he didn’t feel the need to talk in the morning. I preferred to just get everything done in the quiet because my days were always loud.

  “You still going to go with me to and from work?”

  “Yeah, until further notice you’ll have me or one of the boys on you wherever you go.”

  With a nod, I got up from the island and grabbed our dishes and put them in the sink. I would deal with them when I got home.

  After my lunch was all packed, we headed out of the house and Beast drove me to work. When I got to the hospital, I sent a text to my mom to let her know I would be bringing someone with me to dinner on Saturday. She wouldn’t be up yet so I wouldn’t have to deal with all of the questions until I checked my phone on my lunch break.

  When I got up to the ward, nobody was at the nurse’s station. For once I had beat Cody to work! I put my stuff away and started walking the ward. After my first lap, Cody was at the nurse’s station waiting for me.

  “Hey Bren. How the hell did you beat me to work?”

  “Hey hon. Well it helps when you have a man at home to make breakfast for you. It takes some time off of my morning routine.”

  “Oh ho, baby daddy spent the night again?”

  “Oh my God, don’t call him that. Call him Beast. Yes he spent the night again. I have a feeling he’s going to be there most nights. He seems pretty determined to help me out through the whole pregnancy.”

  “Damn girl. You seem to have one of the good ones,” he said with a look of satisfaction on his face.

  I smiled dreamily. I know I looked like a fool, but I really didn’t care. After the story that Beast told me last night I was starting to think that maybe we weren’t moving too fast. “Yeah, seems like. I thought we were moving too fast, but the more I’m around him the more right this feels.”

  Cody came up to me and wrapped me in his arms. He was a hugger and I loved it. He gave great hugs. “I’m so happy for you Bren. I’ve waited so long for you to meet someone who deserves you. I can’t wait to meet him and judge him.”

  I pulled back and looked up into his face. “You just watch it, he’s not a guy who will take your shit quietly, he’ll dish it right back. I told him about you last night and it was hilarious to see the jealousy. Even when he knew you were gay he still wasn’t too happy about our relationship.”

  “Oh don’t you worry, Ethan and I will win him over. Everyone loves us.”

  With one final squeeze I pulled away and went back around behind the desk to see what the day would bring. The ward was full today so we would probably be kept on our toes.

  Once the day finally came to an end, I was glad for it. My feet were killing me and I was ready to get home and have some dinner before I let Beast have his way with me. I had two more shifts this week and then I was off for four days. I worked four on, four off 12 hour shifts. The shift work wasn’t the greatest, but I’ve been doing it for so long that I was used to it. It was definitely going to make things interesting for daycare. Oh well, I had months to figure that out.

  Cody and I headed down the elevator together. He was excited to meet Beast and I was just interested to see how Beast would react to Cody. He could be quite over the top, especially when first meeting someone. I think he liked to see how they would take him.

  When we got to the entrance to the hospital, Beast was already there sitting in a chair typing away at his phone. I’m guessing he was working on whatever the problems were with the club. As if he could sense me, he looked up as we walked up to him.

  We stopped in front of him and wrapped our arms around each other. It was another way to push Beast’s buttons and he didn’t disappoint.

  Beast stood up with a growl and pulled me away from Cody and into his arms crashing his mouth down on mine. I could hear Cody chuckling behind me so I put my hands on Beast’s chest and pushed slightly away. I turned in his arms and leaned back into him taking his hands and wrapping his arms around me.

  “Beast, as I’m sure you figured out, this is Cody. Cody, this is Beast.”

  Cody stepped forward and stuck his hand out for Beast to shake. “Hi Beast. It’s a pleasure to meet you. I’ve heard practically nothing about you.”

  Beast pauses before taking Cody’s hand. He let go of me and shook hands. “Nice to meet you Cody. I’ve heard a lot about you.”

  I pulled out of Beast’s arms and turned around to look at him. He was standing there glaring at Cody, seemingly trying to intimidate him. Little did he know Cody had a shitty childhood and not much intimidated him.

  “Beast, chill out. You aren’t going to be able to intimidate Cody. You need to be nice.”

  Beast broke off his stare and turned to look at me. He smiled down at me, “Oh Baby Girl. If I really wanted to intimidate Cody I wouldn’t have a problem.”

  “Come on, let’s get going. I’m starving.” I gave Beast a look to let him know I wasn’t just talking about dinner.

  Chapter 21 – Beast

  Meeting Brenna’s friend Cody took a load off of my mind. He was obviously a good looking guy, I was comfortable enough with myself to admit that, but I could tell right away that even if he was straight, he wouldn’t be Brenna’s type of man.

  I followed Brenna home and went into the kitchen to get dinner ready while she got changed. With the look she gave me in the hospital, I wouldn’t be able to wait long before I made her live up to the promise I read in her eyes.

  She came out of the bedroom and we ate our dinners at the island. Once she was finished, I put our dishes in the sink and picked her up to carry her to the bedroom.

  “Beast, what are you doing? We need to clean up the kitchen.”

  I looked down at her to see that she was grinning up at me mischievously. I stopped and put her down in front of me, leaning down and putting her up over my shoulder with her ass sticking in the air. When I started walking down the hall I slapped her ass to punish her for pushing my buttons.


  “Watch it baby. You’ve been tormenting me since we woke up this morning. We may have been separated all day, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t been anticipating this the whole time.”

  We entered her bedroom and I put her back on the bed. She tried to get up, but I pushed her back down. “Stay where you are.”

  I grabbed the top of her yoga pants and pulled them down her legs, revealing that she wasn’t wearing anything underneath and she was already soaked. I pulled her further towards me so that her ass was on the edge of the bed. I knelt in front of her, pushing her legs apart and leaned in to her pussy. She had been tormenting me all day without even being there and it was time to pay her back.

  I pushed two of my fingers between her sopping wet li
ps, pushing them up on to her G. spot. “Oh God, yes Beast!”

  I dragged my fingers down to her ass, pushing my wet fingers in and leaning forward to take her clit between my lips. I started sucking on her clit and moving my fingers back and forth between her pussy and her ass.

  When I could feel the walls of her pussy start to contract I pulled back from her and looked at her face. “What?! Don’t stop, I was so close.”

  “Oh baby, don’t worry. You’ll get yours, I’m just going to prolong it as long as I can.”


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