Vital Company (Company Men Book 6)

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Vital Company (Company Men Book 6) Page 3

by Crystal Perkins

  But yeah, all that info made my brain want to explode. A glass of wine and a change of clothes later, I’m ready to check on Bianca. She’s in great hands with Knox, but I don’t know this best friend of his who’s teaching the kids along with him.

  Walking outside, I stop in my tracks when I see my daughter swimming towards him. Cohen. He’s smiling and cheering her on, making me want to punch him. He shouldn’t be here. This is supposed to be a new start, and he’s definitely not a part of that.

  “Why are you here?” I ask him, trying to keep my voice calm.

  Her turns to look at me, his grey eyes widening. Why do we have to share an eye color? Hardly anyone has my eye color, but this man who used to invade my fantasies before he hurt my daughter, has them.

  “I live here.”

  “Here? In this building?”


  “Cohen’s nice again now, Mommy. He’s helping me.”

  I force a smile on my face, because Bianca’s the important one here. “That’s great, honey.”

  “She’s doing a wonderful job.”

  “Thank you for helping her.”

  I turn away, taking a seat on one of the chaise lounges nearby. I wasn’t planning to stay, or else I would’ve put on something more pool-worthy instead of yoga pants and a tank top. No matter. I’m not leaving here until this lesson is over.

  I watch in silence for around twenty minutes, before other parents start arriving to pick up their kids. I’m a little shocked by the trust they’re showing Knox and Cohen, but then I remember we’re always on camera in any public spaces. Plus, they know Knox—and maybe Cohen—enough to trust them.

  “Hi Quincy,” Tegan Hall says, sitting next to me. I met her earlier, and we went to lunch with Waverly. Her husband is responsible for much of the chemistry in play on the medical ward.

  “Hi! I see your little redhead over there with Knox.”

  “She’s a handful, but I couldn’t love her more.”

  “Bianca’s almost robotically good, but that comes from trying to please her father when he deigns to allow her to see him. I sometimes wish she’d act up a little.”

  “Be careful what you wish for. Ethan’s the best kid anyone could have, but he has his teenage moments.”

  “Didn’t we all?”

  “Well, yes.”

  “Mommy, Cohen said he can help me tomorrow, even though there isn’t a class. Can I?”

  I look up at my daughter, who looks happier than I’ve seen her look in a long time. Then, I look further up, to the man standing behind her. He looks sheepish and apologetic.

  “Sure. Thank you, Cohen.”

  The words don’t taste as bitter coming off my tongue as I would’ve expected them to. That’s all Bianca, because she’s dripping wet and smiling. I’d do anything for her. She hugs me, and runs over to Knox and the other kids.

  “Glad you remembered my name,” Cohen tells me with a smirk, and there goes my goodwill.

  “I always knew your name. It was passed around by the other moms as someone to avoid.”

  His smile drops, and his eyes go hard. “I don’t go for moms, but you shouldn’t believe everything you hear about someone without talking to them first.”

  Damn it. He brings out the worst in me. I know it, yet I still let it happen.

  “You’re right. I’m sorry for judging you. You’ll just have to prove me wrong.”

  “Challenge accepted.”

  Chapter 3


  Matt’s Third Assistant, Beckham, is in charge of going over all of my duties with me. I didn’t know people had more than one assistant, which illustrates the difference between being rich and being rich.

  “Matt said he gave you a broad overview of everything.”

  Beckham doesn’t phrase it as a question, but I answer her anyway. “Yes.”

  “Sully is Miles’ assistant, but he can’t be here today. We went over everything last night, so we won’t have to wait to meet with him.”

  “Last night?”

  “He’s my boyfriend.”

  “Oh. Cool. I guess.”

  “It’s very cool, but we can talk about my personal life some other time.”

  “Gotcha. You’re a busy woman.”

  “I am. Beyond busy. I’m sorry if I’m being abrupt, but things are always crazy around here. Basically, we’re looking for you to free things up for us, so we can actually assist them.”

  “Matt mentioned invites and sponsorships, but also said he wants me seeking things out for him and Miles as well.”

  “Yes. You’ll receive everything coming in. It’ll be up to you to look into every person or organization, check to see if the guys are available, and send out responses. I’d suggest checking the master calendar first, because it’ll save you time if they’ve got something else going on.”

  “Everything’s on there?”

  “Yes. There’s also blocked out time that can’t be touched. Matt and Miles put Reina and Alex and their kids above all else.”

  “Got it. Do I send my recommendations to you?”

  “No. Matt said he trusts you to choose for him. Just input everything, and send a weekly email to all of us.”

  Whoa. I wasn’t expecting to have full control over the social activities of two of the most powerful men on the planet. It’s a lot of responsibility. I know I’m up for it, but I didn’t think they’d know it until I spent a few months proving myself.


  Beckham smiles at me. “They don’t trust a lot of people, but you’ve made a good impression.”

  “I guess.”

  “You were right when you said I’m busy, but please don’t hesitate to contact me—or Sully—if you get stuck.”


  “You’re welcome,” she says, standing. “Your HR paperwork is on your tablet, along with information about your physical.”


  “We have an in-house medical team, and Matt likes to know everyone is healthy. If you’re not, he has a team that will help you get there. It’s very important to him.”

  “Okay. I know I’m healthy, but I’ll do whatever he wants.”

  “Don’t tell him that,” she says with a laugh. “He’s a great boss, but he’d have you do something stupid just to mess with you. Not in a mean way—he’s not like that—but he does like to have his fun.”

  “I get what you’re saying.”

  I really do. Matt is cool, and I have no doubt he’d be into some practical jokes with his best friends, who all work here too. I’m looking forward to having some fun of my own once I get a little more comfortable here. I already know a bunch of people, but I don’t know my co-workers. I’ll feel them out, and then the fun will begin.

  The HR paperwork is straightforward, and I’m done with it pretty quickly. I’m still a little in awe of everything we get here, but I’m not complaining. After stopping in to have a snack with Shane in the daycare center, I make my way down to the medical ward.

  A nurse meets me at the elevator and walks me to an exam room. Handing me a tablet, she asks me to enter my medical history onto it, and answer the questions as honestly as possible.

  “Thanks,” I tell her, hopping onto the exam table.

  The gown she hands me is a step up from one I’d get from a public doctor’s office, but it’s still going to test the limits of my modesty. Good thing I don’t have a problem with that. Getting naked isn’t a big deal.

  “The doctor will be with you shortly.”

  “I know Kenny.”

  “So I’ve been told. It will actually be our new doctor giving you your physical. After, I’ll show you to Waverly’s office. She’d like to have a word with you.”

  New doctor? I didn’t know they had more than one here. It really doesn’t matter since I know I’m healthy.


  She leaves me alone and I scroll through my phone for a few minutes after changing. I look up when the do
or opens, expecting someone as formal as Kenny to walk in. I can’t help smiling when I see Bianca’s mom is the one entering the room.

  She startles back for a moment, but recovers quickly. “Of course, my first patient here has to be you.”

  “Don’t sound so excited to see me.”

  She ignores my smirk, holding out her hand for the tablet. “I’m not.”

  “Before you look me over, I think you should tell me your name. I mean, that’s usually how it works, isn’t it? You know each other’s names before getting naked.”

  “You can just call me Dr. Morris,” she tells me, ignoring my innuendo.

  Damn. That shouldn’t be hot, but with her, it is. She’s so fucking uptight with me, but so loving and fierce with her kid. I know if I had the chance to unleash her passion, we’d probably both go up in flames. Bad idea. Bad idea. I know it, but it doesn’t stop me from pushing her a little.


  She starts to run her hand through her hair, remembering too late it’s up into a loose bun. Several black strands pull loose, causing my dick to push against the thin gown. Because, holy hell, she looks so good when she’s a little undone. With a growl, she places the tablet on the counter next to her, and fixes her hair.

  “I’d appreciate it if we could be professional in here.”

  I’d keep playing along and pushing her, but I can tell she means it. “Sure.”

  She nods and proceeds to ask me about every answer I’ve given. She has me cough, which means she knows I’m hard for her. Not sorry, but I do wish she’d given me just a little tug. She’s too professional for that, but a guy and his cock can hope.

  After she’s done with the exam, the nurse comes back in and draws my blood, using some device I’ve never seen before. I’m weighed and measured using another device. Once the nurse leaves, hot mom turns back to me.

  “Everything looks good so far. You’ll need to set up a full-body scan before you leave. Just stop at the main desk. One of the nurses will call you with the results of your blood tests.”

  “You’re not doing the full-body scan? I enjoyed the full-body exploration.”

  “No. As for this exam, did you feel I was in any way appropriate? Ken informed me they don’t require nurses in the room her unless a patient requests it as everyone trusts him. I should have asked you if you were comfortable.”

  There I go again, being an ass. She did nothing wrong, except give me a few more fantasies to jerk off to later. That’s on me, and not her.

  “You were perfectly professional.”

  She nods. “They’re waiting for you at the desk once you get dressed.”

  I can tell I’m being dismissed, but I’m not ready for that yet. “Have dinner with me.”

  “Even though that didn’t sound like an invite, no.”

  “I can’t get even a ‘maybe.’”

  “Nope. I don’t have a babysitter.”

  Oh. Neither do I, but I know there’s concierge for that. “Tell me when.”

  “I don’t think it’s a good idea. I’m not a sure thing on the first date, Cohen.”

  “I can take a woman to dinner without expecting sex,” I tell her, getting a little angry.

  “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that. I’m sure you’re a great date, but I think we’re in different places, and I prefer not to spend time on something that won’t work out.”

  Well, damn. I’m usually not put in my place by women I’m interested in dating. Mostly because I don’t “date,” but still.

  “You never know until you try, but I’m not going to beg you for a date. Unless you’re into that kind of thing.”

  Her eyes flash for a second, but it’s gone before I can even comment on it. “No. Begging isn’t necessary—or expected.”

  Interesting. She turns her back while I get dressed and walks me to the main desk to set up my appointment. I think about what she said. It may not be necessary, but I think she might like it if I begged. Under the right circumstances, of course. Naked circumstances.

  “Then it’s not a no?” I ask again, once we’re almost to the lobby.

  “It’s a no. Have a great day, Cohen.”

  “Quincy, I’ve sent the reports you asked for to your tablet,” the nurse at the desk says.

  I can’t help but smirk. “You have a great day too, Quincy.”

  She flinches a little and I almost miss the smile on her face when she shakes her head. Oh yeah, I’m wearing her down. I don’t know why it matters so much, but for some reason it does.


  Ugh. Why does Cohen have to be so sexy and sweet. Sexy I could deal with, but this sweet side is too much.

  “Mommy, look at me!” Bianca yells, jumping off the smallest diving board into Cohen’s waiting arms. He laughs and helps her swim to the side of the pool.

  “You’re doing great!” I yell back.

  Cohen’s eyes meet mine, before sliding down my body. Okay, so I didn’t need to be wearing my own bathing suit as I watch the swim lesson. I just put this one on because it feels weird to be lying by the pool in regular clothes. Yeah, fine, I didn’t need to choose a bikini, but I did. Sue me for wanting to have a man look at me the way Cohen’s looking at me now.

  “She is,” he agrees, pushing up on his muscular arms and lifting himself out of the pool.

  Do not pant at the sight of his abs. Do not do it! Damn, I’m doing it.

  “Thanks for helping her out.”

  There. I spoke without sounding breathless.

  “I’m happy to help with anything you need.” The smirk is firmly in place, and yeah, alright—I may have sounded a little breathless.

  “Swimming lessons are all we need.”

  “You sure about that, Quince?”

  “Quincy. My name is Quincy.”

  “That’s so formal.”

  “As am I.”

  “Mommy, are we going to order pizza tonight still?” Bianca asks, reminding me she’s here with us. I didn’t exactly forget, but I did need a reminder of the reason we’re all here.

  “Yep. Pizza it is.”

  “Cool. Bye, Cohen!”

  She grabs my hand as I laugh, watching Cohen’s mouth drop open. Yep, he just got cock-clocked by my kid. Not that there was a chance of his cock coming out to play with me tonight, but still; she totally shut it down before he even had a chance to ask again. I’m not sure if I’m happy about it, or disappointed, but it is what it is. I’m a single mother first. Always.

  Chapter 4


  “Hey, Q,” Waverly says, knocking lightly on my open office door.

  “Wave!” I exclaim, jumping up to hug my friend. She was on one of her spy missions when I arrived, and I haven’t seen her yet.

  “Are you free for lunch?”


  We let the nurses know we’ll both be gone and head upstairs to the cafeteria. It’s one of the best perks of working here, boasting stations serving all kinds of different foods. I decide on Greek food, heaping rice pilaf onto my plate.

  “I didn’t know you were a Vegetarian.”

  I look up to see Cohen looming over me. Wait, that’s not fair. He’s simply taller than me, forcing me to have to look up. He can’t help his height—but he can help that damn smirk. And maybe how hot he looks in that rolled-up dress shirt and tie. Okay, he can’t help that either, but he probably wouldn’t if he could.

  Stay strong, Quincy.

  “I’m not.”

  “Could’ve fooled me.”

  Rolling my eyes, I try to get rid of him. “Not sure why you’re so concerned about my eating habits. You’re not my coach.”

  “I could be. Do you need lessons, Quince?”

  “What I need is to have a peaceful lunch with a friend.”

  He’s laughing when I walk away, and yes, I’m smiling too. Waverly gives me a curious look when I set my tray down. My smile stays on while I grab a smoothie, but it disappears when I find Cohen sitting at
our table.

  “Q, this is Knox’s best friend Cohen. Coh, this is my friend, Quincy.”

  “You’re Knox’s best friend? Seriously? How did I not know this?”

  “You didn’t ask,” he tells me with a shrug.

  “Wait, you two know each other?”

  “I wouldn’t go that far.”

  “I was Bianca’s swim teacher back home, and I’m helping her out here now.”

  “You were—shit—is he the asshole you tossed into the pool? Please tell me it’s not him.”

  “Please! She didn’t toss me. I was pushed.”

  “Because you made my Goddaughter cry!”


  “I could pull you apart piece by piece. You know that, right? And Ken knows his way around a scalpel. He’s her Godfather in case you were wondering.”

  “Yes Wave, I know. I’ve already apologized to Bianca.”

  “He did,” I admit, grudgingly, because I would love to see my friend knock him around a little.

  “Still not totally happy.”

  “Can you do me a favor, and not tell Kenny until after I have my scan thingy?”

  “He’s a complete professional. Always has been. He won’t let anything get in the way of that.”

  “Always? How do you all know each other anyway?”

  “Ken and Quincy went to medical school together. We all lived in the same apartment complex, and she was pretty much our only real friend.”

  “They were there for me when my asshole ex got me pregnant, and walked away at first.”

  “At first?”

  “That’s a story for later.”

  “I’ll be waiting.”

  I see the sincerity in his eyes, and it makes me look at him. Really look at him for once. Past the sexy smirk, and beautiful eyes, is a man who cares. He hides it well, but it’s there. Maybe I need to give him a chance to show me more.

  I’m still thinking that after watching him interact with Waverly. He’s flirty, but respectful. I like that. I think I may even like him.


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