Vital Company (Company Men Book 6)

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Vital Company (Company Men Book 6) Page 6

by Crystal Perkins


  I could lie and say it’s good to be back at work. Don’t get me wrong—I’m loving my job. I just love being in bed with Quincy even more. We haven’t done more than make-out in my bed yet, but it was hot as hell. Even her ridiculous striptease had my dick at full mast.

  The knock at my door is a surprise, but it shouldn’t be. “You got a sec, Cohen?”

  “You’re the boss.”

  “Thanks for the reminder,” Matt tells me with a smirk that puts mine to shame.

  “What’s up?”

  “I wanted to check on you and make sure you’re doing okay.”

  “I’m good. My head still hurts a little, but Quincy says I’m out of the woods.”

  “You sound a little disappointed.”

  “I’m not gonna lie—having her with me the last day was pretty damn great.”

  “You don’t need a head injury for that. Or maybe you do,” he tells me with one eyebrow raised.

  He seems to be looking for something and I’m not going to hide my pursuit of Quincy from anyone. “I’ve always had good game. With her, I want it to be real and I’m not sure how to do that.”

  “That’s when you know it’s real—when you stop trying to be smooth and realize you want more.”

  “Yeah. It’s just hard to know what to do.”

  “You’ll figure it out.”


  “Now that we have that out of the way, we can talk about what I really came here for.”

  “That wasn’t it?”

  “No. It was just an added bonus.”


  “Don’t look so nervous. I wanted you to know I love the recommendations you sent over for me and Miles. Everything you suggested is a yes. Also, thanks for getting me and Rei out of the San Diego thing this weekend.”

  “I did that before I knew Mika’s married to Quincy’s ex and tried to make her life hell. Now, I’m even happier to have declined her family’s invitation for you.”

  “I’m not a fan. I didn’t know about their connection to Quincy, but I’m glad I do now. I’m here if you need help dealing with them. More than happy to help in that area, actually.”

  “Right now, they’re leaving her alone. If that changes, I’ll let you know. I can throw my weight around, but I’m not going to turn down some reinforcements.”

  “Anything you need. Toss my name around all you want. No one messes with my people. Reina’s even more fierce when it comes to the Society.”


  “Keep up the great work. I’m glad we brought you on board,” he tells me, walking back out the door.

  A sense of pride fills me. I haven’t felt like this since I stopped diving. I never thought anything could make me feel even close to how I felt then. I’ve found my place here. A place for me and Shane, and hopefully, a place for me and Quincy too.

  My next visitor a few hours later is less welcome. It’s the girl from the hallway. She steps inside my open door and starts to close it.

  “Leave it open.”

  “You want everyone to see?”

  “There’s not going to be anything for them to see.”

  “I wanted to finish what we started the other day,” she informs me, setting her lips into a pout.

  “No thanks.”



  “Oh, am I interrupting?” Quincy asks, walking into my office.

  “No,” I say at the same time as the girl says “yes” to her.

  “Since it’s his office, I’m going with his answer.”

  Yes. Praise God, yes. She believes me.

  “Whatever. You’re not worth the trouble.”

  She walks out, and I smile. “Close the door, Quince.”

  My girl does what I ask, leaning against it to turn the lock too. “Unwanted visitors can be so annoying.”

  “They can. Thanks for believing me.”

  “A week ago, I probably wouldn’t have,” she admits.

  “A week ago, I wouldn’t have deserved your trust.”

  “I won’t say I’m grateful for your head injury, but…”

  “You’re grateful for my head injury,” I say as she walks over to perch on the edge of my desk.

  “Off the record.”


  She leans forward until her mouth is inches from mine. “I’m going to kiss you now. You might want to close the blinds.”

  “Or not.”

  “Or not.”

  The kiss is a little more chaste than I’d like, but I know it’s because anyone walking by could see us. From her book I skimmed through, I know she likes the idea of someone seeing her, but the idea is different than an actual act. She wants to try, but she’s still unsure about how far she can go. I’m more than willing to let her experiment with me.

  “I missed you today.”

  “It’s only been a few hours. I came to see how you’re feeling.”

  “Right now, I’m feeling horny. You didn’t miss me?”

  “I did. I shouldn’t because it’s been so short a time, but I did.”

  “Good. I like to be on an even playing field with you.”

  “We both know I’m not even on the sidelines when it comes to this stuff.”

  “As if. You’re the MVP.”

  “Flattery is not going to get you into my panties.”

  “Truth. It’s the truth. I may have some extra experience, but you make me more turned-on than any other woman ever has. Swear.”

  “Thank you.”

  “No need to thank me for speaking the truth.”

  “Do you want—”


  “You don’t even know what I’m going to ask you.”

  I shrug. “It’s always going to be a yes if you’re asking.”

  “Even if I want to act out the shower scene?” she blurts out, her eyes going wide as though she didn’t mean to say the words out loud.

  “That would be a ‘hell yes’ but only if it’s in my outdoor shower.”

  “I was going to ask you and Shane to dinner tonight. Rain check on the shower, because you probably need another day of so before you should be—you know.”

  “Oh, trust me, I know. I also want. And need.”

  “You’re trying to make me drop to my knees right now, aren’t you?”

  “I mean, I wouldn’t deny you, but I was talking about dinner. Get your mind out of the gutter.”

  She crosses her arms over her chest and glares down at me. “Remember when I said I kind of hated you? The feeling’s returning.”

  “Even when I’m offering to bring dessert?”

  “You don’t even know what I like.”

  “I could give you another suggestive answer, but I really want to come over and hang out with you tonight. So, I’ll just ask what you’d like.”

  “Good idea.”

  “I have them every once in a while.”

  “Pretty much anything from Drago Sisters, and the Foret Noire cake from Patisserie Manon.”


  “I should let you get back to work.”

  “One more kiss before you go?”

  She leans down, kissing me long and slow. Her hands move through my hair as I hold her thighs in mine. “See you later, C.”

  I smile at her, feeling like a member of a secret club. I don’t know the meaning of the letters, but I love that I’m included. She’s definitely getting more desserts than she could possibly eat in one night.


  I don’t know what it’s like to be spoiled. My parents live a comfortable life, but I was never given too much more than I needed. Rick has more than enough money, but he never cared enough about me to lavish me with anything but jewelry he could show me off in. Who knew a guy who I once thought of as a beach bum would be the one to make me feel cherished.

  I’m not talking about the fifteen different kinds of desserts her brought over, either. It’s the fact h
e did it that makes it special. Cohen went to both bakeries, bringing me all manners of desserts from Drago, along with an entire cake from Manon. I’d go into a sugar coma if I ate it all tonight.

  “Are you going to come over every night to help me eat all of these?” I ask him with a smile.

  We’re all spread out on the floor around my coffee table. It feels like we’re a family, and I like it. I know it’s too soon, but I also know it feels right.

  “Count on it.”

  “I’ll help too!” Shane says, shoving half a macaron into his mouth.

  “That’s my boy.”

  “Can I have a cupcake, Mommy?”

  Bianca’s had a cookie already, but she deserves a little pampering too. “Yes.”

  “Shane and I will grab the dishes once we’re done for the night.”

  Swoon. “You don’t have to.”

  “You and B cooked. It’s the least we can do.”

  “I’m not going to protest too much.”


  We finish a few minutes later, and I help B with her homework while the guys do the dishes. Shane is totally adorable, and Cohen is just plain sexy as he helps his little boy. My ovaries are sitting up and begging for his attention right now.

  Down girls—he’s still recovering.

  “Shane, do you want to play a game with me?” B asks, once her homework and the dishes are done.


  Cohen pauses in wiping down the stove, and ruffles his hair. “Go on. We have to leave in a half hour so you can get ready for bed.”


  They run out of the room together. I have a moment to smile at them before I’m being pulled into a pair of sexy arms. “You did a good job cleaning up. Thank you.”

  “You were eye-fucking me in front of our kids, Quince.”

  “I know,” I tell him, letting my mortification show. “You’re so damn sexy in my kitchen.”

  “Tonight was good. The kids like each other, we like each other.”


  “I meant what I said about coming over every night. If you meant it, that is.”

  “I meant it.”

  “I can make sandwiches and order in.”

  “I don’t mind cooking.”

  He shakes his head. “That right there. You said you didn’t mind, but you didn’t say you loved it.”

  “True. I also know how to use an app to order dinner if I don’t feel like cooking.”

  “How about we take turns doing that ordering?”

  “I’d like that. We can go to your place too. B loves it.”

  “I honestly worried about Shane running wild in here.”

  I look around at the apartment I chose. It’s luxurious, but comfortable. I picked it for how girly I felt, but I can see how boys would feel out of place.

  “I wouldn’t care if he messed it up. It’s just stuff.”

  “Yeah, it is. I love that you think the same way about it.”

  “You keep throwing that word around.”

  “I think I could love you. I think I’m already starting to. I’m falling for you, and for the first time in my life, I’m not scared of that happening.”

  I reach out to run my hand over his stubbled jaw. “I’m falling for you too.”

  “I don’t want to take advantage of our friends, or pass our kids off all the time, but I’d like to take you on a date this week.”


  “I’ll ask Wave and Knox when they’re free.”

  I lean forward to kiss him softly, placing my forehead against his. We just stay there, looking into each other’s eyes and smiling. We’re doing this, and I’ve never felt more sure of anything in my life.

  Chapter 9


  “Do you want me to leave?” Quincy asks when I walk into Kenny’s office a few days after our dinner together.

  I’ve just had another scan, but he asked me to meet him in his office after, instead of just giving me the results right away. I’m a little surprised to see my girl here too, even though she’s technically my doctor.

  “No. If you weren’t here, I’d tell you anyway. Although, you know, don’t you?”


  She comes over from the other side of the desk, taking my hand as we both face our mutual friend. “Go ahead and lay it on me.”

  “The new swelling has gone down, but the swelling I was concerned about it still here. I’d hoped it might decrease like the new injury did, but it hasn’t.”

  “Okay. I thought we were going to look again in like a month.”

  “We were, but Quincy and I are both worried about another random accident happening.”

  I turn to her. “You haven’t said anything.”

  “I wanted to wait until after your scan.”

  “I’ll be careful.”

  “Will you? I heard you telling the kids you’d dive for them last night. Your first concussions came from diving boards.”

  “I’ll just dive, no stunts.”

  “Will you consider wearing a helmet when you’re in or around the pool?” Kenny asks as Quincy squeezes my hand.



  “No. Absolutely not.”

  “I told him you’d say that,” she says quietly.

  “I’ve already been wearing swim shoes all the time. They have a grip, and I won’t slide again. Plus, the kids are being extra careful about where they leave their stuff.”

  “Kids don’t always remember.”

  I don’t want to do this, but I will. “I’ll do it for you.”

  I’d do anything for her. If that means wearing some weird helmet to protect my brain, I’ll do it. She means more than a little embarrassment.

  “I’d rather you did it for you, but I’ll take it. Thank you.”

  “If it’s any consolation, Scott Griffin’s offered to design it, and promised to make it look cool.”

  “If Scott’s designing it, there’s technology in it.”

  “We hadn’t gotten to that, but yes. It will have sensors inside to monitor the swelling and let us know if something’s wrong.”

  “In that case, I’m surprised you’re not expecting me to wear it all the time.”

  “I told him you wouldn’t.”

  Whoa. Neither one of them is laughing, letting me know just how serious this is. I thought I knew, but their frim expressions are telling me it’s worse than I thought it was.

  “What aren’t you telling me?”

  “We’re not sure what will happen if you have another concussion,” Kenny tells me.

  “I’ll be careful,” I tell Quincy as she moves her mouth to her hand to contain a sob. “I promise.”

  “We have the medical guys on Ainsley’s team looking for ways to safely relieve the pressure on your brain, but it’s going to take time.”

  This is bullshit. I’ve had these headaches for years, meaning I can live with whatever swelling there is. I don’t need to wear some stupid helmet thing. I will for Quincy, though. The worry in her eyes slays me, so I’ll do it for her, if not for me.

  “Just let me know when you need to get me fitted for this thing.”

  “Scott’s waiting in one of the other rooms.”

  “Great. Let’s get this over with.”

  I kind of storm out of the door, but a firm hand on my shoulder stops me. “Don’t treat this as a punishment, Cohen. And whatever else you do, don’t project your anger over the situation onto Quincy. She cares for you.”

  “I wouldn’t be doing this if she wasn’t part of it.”

  “You can’t resent her for trying to keep you safe.”

  “Logically, I understand what you’re saying.”

  He nods. “Emotions aren’t logical, but I’ve learned just how necessary they are. Tread carefully with both of yours.”

  “I’m trying to.”

  He motions back to his office and I get it; she’s still in there. “I’m on it.”
  “We’ll see you in a few minutes.”


  “How mad are you?” she asks when I walk back inside.

  Sitting down next to her, I reach out and take her hand in mine. “At you? Not at all. I’m frustrated and wish things were different with my stupid head, but I’m not mad at you.”

  “I just want you to be safe.”

  “So you can act out some of your favorite book scenes with me?”

  “There’s that. I also want to keep getting to know you.”

  “You know almost everything.”

  She doesn’t know how rich I am, because I haven’t brought it up yet. I don’t think it’s a big deal in general, but because of her ex, I’m holding back. I want to show her it wasn’t the money or privilege that made him the way he is. It helped, but people choose how they’re going to be, money or no money.

  “I want to know it all. There’s so much more to you than I first thought, and that’s on me.”

  “I’m glad you find me so intriguing.”

  “I do,” she tells me, leaning forward to touch her lips to mine.

  It’s too brief. I know there are people waiting for us down the hall. I know I need to do what I can to keep myself safe. Right now, though, I wish there was time for more.


  Bianca and I get down to the pool early for her lesson today. It’s Cohen’s first day wearing his helmet and I’m not sure if he’ll need—or want—my support, but he’s getting it anyway. The sight of him kneeling in front of Shane with it in his hands melts my heart.

  “I have to wear this to keep my head safe, okay?”

  “I wear too?”

  To my surprise, Cohen reaches into the bag next to him and pulls out a mini helmet for his son. Swoon. Swoon. Swoon.

  “It’s not exactly like mine, but it’ll protect your brain.”


  I watch as the man I’m almost willing to admit I’m in love with fastens the silver helmet on his beautiful little boy. Bianca is quiet beside me, watching it all go down. After fastening his own helmet, Cohen must see us out of the corner of his eye, because he smiles and stands up.

  “Our favorite ladies are here, buddy.”

  “B! Look at my cool helmet.”

  “It’s cool,” she says, looking down at her feet.

  “What’s wrong?”

  She shrugs her shoulders. “Nothing.”


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