Protected by Emeralds (A Dance with Destiny Book 5)

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Protected by Emeralds (A Dance with Destiny Book 5) Page 3

by JK Ensley

The man didn’t even flinch when she suddenly appeared beside him on the top limb of one of the tallest trees in the forest. He only cut his eyes sideways at her, not turning his head to fully face her proper.

  She was just casually sitting there, feet dangling from the limb, swinging them back and forth like a child.

  “Looking for something in particular?” She spoke with a nonchalant air, sighing quietly, examining her nails.

  In her peripheral view, Jenevier watched as the corner of his mouth slowly turned up. She smiled, chuckling on the inside.

  I like him. He reminds me of… me, she thought.

  Careful, Kagi Naga, Nilakanta warned again.

  She clicked her tongue against the roof of her mouth and blew out a loud breath. “So… the strong silent type. Huh?”

  Still, they did not turn to face each other, both looking down upon the serene Valley of Dragons.

  “What makes you think I am strong?”

  His voice was deeper than she had imagined, but gentle.

  “Well… I fail to see wings upon your back. Neither do I see sweat upon your brow. Yet you sit atop one of the highest trees in the forest. I personally do not know many weaklings myself. But I should say one would be incapable of climbing up here minus cuts, scrapes, and severely stained armpits. You, my good man, look as fresh as the dawn.”

  He turned to face her then, a smirk playing at the corner of his mouth. “And you gleaned all of that without even looking at me?” He half snorted, half laughed. “Color me impressed.”

  She met his sparkling lavender gaze. “Eh… I have my moments.” She winked at him and turned back toward her waiting Dragon. “So, have you never been told what too much curiosity can cause?”

  He continued to stare at her profile. “Multiple times a day. Ask anybody.”

  She snickered and glanced back to his mischievous smile. “Well then, you cannot say you weren’t properly warned.”

  Jenevier heard him suck in a startled breath when she grabbed him. To his credit, he did not struggle nor did he speak as she winged him from the treetop and gently lowered him to his feet, right in front of the mighty sapphire Dragon.

  The man straightened out his tunic and stiffened his back. Other than that, he seemed unfazed.

  “You are stronger than you look.” He spoke to Jenevier but kept his gaze fixed with the mighty Dragon’s.

  She flew back up to her favorite resting place atop his giant sapphire shoulders. “There are many things about me, not apparent at first glance.”

  Nilakanta spoke to her as she translated to the man.

  “Tell me. Why do you feel entitled to pry into matters that will never concern you?”

  The man glanced up at the tiny woman with her arms lazily draped about either side of the great Dragon’s neck.

  He cleared his throat. “Apologies. Was your conversation meant to be private?”

  “Well, I don’t exactly recall sending out invitations.”

  The man only smiled by way of response.

  Naga, I believe you may have just met your long lost snarky little twin.

  Dragon and Guardian shared in their silent amused laughter.

  “Besides,” the man said. “I have never needed an invitation before. Yet this is my first time being delivered via diamond pinions, Empress.”

  Ah, yes. I know him now. This is a child of Munenori. He lives just through the mountain pass, in the Iga village.

  Realization sparkled in her pink eyes. She flew down to stand beside him.

  “You stand as proof of my years, little one.” She smiled and crinkled up her nose. “I remember… only yesterday you were picking on poor little Mika and climbing upon rooftops.”

  He smiled with only one corner of his mouth. “It has been a bit longer than that, Milady. But if I had been blessed with seeing Mika only yesterday, you would be correct.”

  “Goemon Ono, gifted son of Hanzo and Hinata, little brother to my son’s lovely wife, and the only Shinobi who can understand Dragons. Wow… You grew up too fast. Yui has told me so much about you.”

  He turned then and stared deep into her magical eyes. “He has told me much about you as well. That mighty ninja loves you too much, Empress Naga.”

  Her smile beamed. “He and I are of like-mind in that regard. So, tell me. Why was Goemon Ono pulled down from his favorite rooftop this day? I have heard you can plainly read their thoughts whilst remaining in the village. Why venture so close and risk discovery?”

  He looked back to the waiting Dragon. “Sorrow,” he whispered. “All my days, for the whole of my life, I have heard the inner thoughts of the great fire lizards—bragging, boasting, comparing everything from the size of their gemstone cache to the size of their manhood. Well… Dragonhood, I guess you would say.”

  Jenevier blushed while Nilakanta only laughed within her head.

  “But this is the first time I have ever felt one moved to tears. I did not realize they could feel such sadness. They are always so happy and carefree.”

  Jenevier and Nilakanta shared a knowing glance.

  “When I felt such crippling pain enter such a noble heart, well… I just had to come see what was wrong for myself.” He turned to her then. “And what do I find? Our tiny Empress stretched out atop the greatest among them, pouring out her broken heart. Apologies, Milady, but I simply couldn’t look away.”

  “That was an extremely private thing you heard, Goemon.” She narrowed her eyes. “Can I trust you to keep it to yourself?”

  “If you but ask it of me, I will tell no one… ever.” He looked down for a moment, then met her celestial gaze once more. “But… shouldn’t someone know if the Empress leaves this realm? Don’t you need to let someone at the palace know of your whereabouts?”

  “My Dragon knows. That is all that matters.”

  “Pardon me, Empress Naga, but that is not all that matters. Not to us.”

  He could tell by the confusion dancing plainly within her bright eyes, she didn’t understand.

  Goemon cautiously took her hand, relaxing when she did not tense or withdraw. “Aside from all the people who love you and worry about you… think of your loyal subjects, Milady. We would sleep better at night if we knew one of your trusted Angels could contact you in case of emergency.” He lightly squeezed her hand as he continued speaking. “You live amid oceans of blood and rivers of death, daily. We do not. Although we are a formidable people, even the Shinobi are comforted by the knowledge that one as great as you will always be there upon the battlefield—tearing through the mud and the muck right alongside us.”

  She almost teared up. “How did a child as mischievous as you, turn into such a chivalrous man?”

  He blushed slightly. “By watching and following in the footsteps of that fair Hand of yours, Your Majesty. You know not what you took from us when you tempted good Yui away.”

  She smiled brightly. “I know exactly what I took, and you shan’t have him back. Not ever. Alas, I was not the one doing the tempting where we were concerned.”

  He chuckled. “Ahh… so you will admit it, will you? You find that young man as beautiful as do all the other maidens in our village, do you not?”

  “Well… let’s just say… I have never robbed my eyes of the glory that is his fair face.”

  Goemon cocked one eyebrow and gave her a knowing look. “Is it only his face you enjoy gazing upon?”

  Jenevier sighed and shook her head. “He told you, didn’t he?”

  What’s this, Naga? Are you holding back the juicy bits from me?

  She glanced sideways at her Dragon, but it was Goemon who answered his unspoken question.

  “You mean… she never told you about how she would sneak around—”

  “I do not sneak.”

  He chuckled wickedly. “About how she would sneak about, hide in the shadows as her faithful Hand to the throne went through his daily Kata? An unsuspecting young ninja, stripped bare to the waist, concentrating on nothing save his skills an
d training.”

  He playfully squeezed her fingertips and winked. She jerked her hand away, blushing.

  “I never withheld it on purpose, Nilakanta. It just never came up. That’s all.”

  “Oh please, do let me be the one to tell him. Please, please, please.” Goemon continued without waiting for her consent. “We Shinobi must practice our gifts regularly, or they fade. But since Yui is the only Iga warrior at the palace, he had to keep his talents honed through his Kata alone. Since no suitable sparring partner was available to him, he made a habit of training every evening at dusk in the little garden hidden along the side of the palace, just below his own balcony.”

  “The garden is not hidden,” she protested.

  Goemon ignored her and continued to delight the Dragon with his theatrical tale.

  “Yui’s daily routine was months along before he noticed her essence.” Goemon chuckled when he glanced over and saw her crimson cheeks. “He said she smells like roses and moonbeams, both of which were abundant in his chosen training spot. Only when an early frost bit the lovely pink blooms and caused their beauty to fall from the blackened stem, did he realize the enchanting smell came not from the dusk and the flowers… but from the magical woman standing before you now.”

  Nilakanta’s laughter was ever increasing within her.

  “Watch it, you two,” she warned.

  Goemon bumped her with his elbow. “Seems our beautiful Empress, here, was treating herself to a nightly feast of the eyes.”

  “Yui would never say such as that,” she snapped.

  “No. Those words were my own.” He chuckled. “Good Yui only told me how he thought he was dreaming when he saw your shadow standing there.” His laughter died away as his tone turned more serious. “He told me his body froze, but his heart raced,” Goemon said, in little more than a whisper. “He refused to believe his eyes, Milady. Since his mind was continually on you, on everything about you… he thought his deep desire and constant longing had conjured up a specter of your likeness.” He gently touched one of her curls. “Until you moved, that is.”

  Why? Tell me, boy. What happened next?

  She glanced toward her eager Dragon but did not speak.

  Goemon’s mouth perked up at one corner. “If you refuse to tell him, I will.”

  Still, she did not speak.

  The way-too-cheerful Shinobi waited a moment more before he continued recounting the parts she had kept hidden away in her heart.

  “When their eyes met, Yui’s world screeched to a halt. He said… When she stepped from the shadows into the pale moonlight, it made her ethereal skin sparkle like she had been sprinkled with stardust.” Goemon tucked a loose curl behind her ear and gently lifted her chin. “You stole his breath away, Milady… and what bits of his heart you had not already claimed. In that moment, any piece of himself he had hidden away from you… he willingly surrendered.”

  Is that all that happened? You just stood there in the moonlight, breathless, staring at each other?

  Jenevier slowly shook her head. Her gaze was still locked with the young ninja’s when she felt the painful burn of her coming tears.

  “…No,” she barely whispered.

  “No,” Goemon echoed softly. “She did not stop, Master Dragon. She walked right up to that frozen Iga warrior… and tenderly ran her tiny fingers into his long magical hair.”

  She bit her lip, trying to cease its trembling.

  Come. Finish the story, boy, Nilakanta coaxed. Tell me what happened next.

  Jenevier’s glistening pink eyes wavered as her gaze remained locked with Goemon’s.

  “I kissed him,” she whispered through her tears.

  The young Shinobi touched her cheek and smiled as he nodded his agreement.

  “And when I did, I could not stop… never wanted to stop.”

  “Neither did he, Milady,” he softly said. “Master Yui has never kissed another since that night. Did you know that, Empress? He desires no woman’s touch… save yours.”

  “I was afraid of that.” She drew in an unsteady breath. “I have done one of my dearest friends a grave injustice. I shall find a way to rectify this wretched harm. I will make things right by him. I swear it.”

  Goemon’s warm smile remained as he gently shook his head. “No, Little Fire. Continue to love him… just as you always have. He desires nothing more. Trust me in this, Empress Naga. Master Yui is blissfully happy exactly the way his life is. If you changed toward him in the slightest… it would destroy him. He loves the part he has been given to play in your world—taking care of you, seeing to your every need—his perfect heaven, in every sense of the word.”

  She smiled then and her shoulders relaxed. “Swear it?”

  Goemon nodded his head. “I swear it, Empress. I only brought it up because… well… it’s the most romantic love story I have ever heard. It has become legend in our village, our favorite fairytale.”

  And I like the way you tell it, young Son of Munenori. Especially the way you started it in the beginning… the way it made Naga’s cheeks burn. That was my favorite.

  “Mine, too.” Goemon chuckled. “I never miss the chance to tease Yui with my colorful rendition. It makes him blush… every single time.”

  “You two are horrible,” she said through a smile.

  Goemon yanked on one of her curls. “Horrible, but fun.”

  He winked at her. She shook her head and rolled her eyes.

  “You are as insolent a man as you were a child, Goemon. How have you managed to stay out of trouble up until now?”

  “I’m just lucky, I guess.”

  Nilakanta’s deep laughter rolled through them. Kin Ryu, Brother. Come. I have someone you will definitely want to meet.

  The smaller golden Dragon approached them. Jenevier bowed to him in her Dragon manner, and the gorgeous creature closed his sparkling eyes as he tilted his head toward her.

  Kagi Naga, Guardian of Dragons and fairest of Angels, I am truly blessed this day.

  “My, my, my… what a charmer you are.” She giggled as she rubbed his proffered snout. “I must warn you, good Kin Ryu. I am quite susceptible to such flattery.”

  Nilakanta suddenly roared, puffing hot air toward them, blowing Jenevier’s curls into a tangled mess. Goemon and Kin Ryu visibly trembled.

  “Dragon!” she yelled. “Did you just growl at me? How dare you! I have never seen you behave as such.”

  How dare I? He roared loudly. How dare you, Kagi Naga. You are mine!

  “What did you just say?” She gaped at him, shocked.

  Do you deny it?

  “Well… no, I would never deny such as that. But still, you don’t have to—”

  I am your Dragon! If you wish to laugh and play, you will do thus only with me.

  “By all that’s holy,” Goemon whispered to the golden Dragon. “I think he’s jealous.”

  Nilakanta blew another blast of hot air over them.

  Of course I am jealous. She is mine!

  Jenevier started to muffle her laughter, but it burst forth unchecked.

  “Aww… you big oaf.” She flew back up and rested upon his back. “Of course I am yours. But I am Guardian to the rest of them as well, am I not?”

  Guardian, yes. And as such, you should act more dignified. There will never be a need for you to flirt with one of them in your role as Guardian, Kagi Naga.

  “Fine, fine. Just calm down,” she said as she hugged his neck. “It was but harmless play.”

  How would you feel if I let another besides you lay upon my back, let someone else scale my wing and hug my neck?

  Her body went stiff, rigid at the suggestion.

  “You wouldn’t dare,” she whispered through a gasp.

  I did not say I would. I simply asked how you would feel.

  “You better never,” she threatened. “I would rip off her head and then yank out your claws, one by one.”

  He chuckled. So… I guess I completely overreacted by only using h
ot air, then. Is that what you’re saying, Kagi Naga?

  “Oh, you.” She squeezed his neck. “Apologies, Brother. I meant no harm. Forgive me.”

  Just never do thus… ever again, he growled. I am extremely jealous concerning you, Little Fire.

  She kissed the side of his neck and smiled. “It is as you say. Very well, I promise.”

  Goemon stood there, mouth agape. “Are you kidding me?” His whisper was meant for no one in particular.

  Such is the power of a Dragon bond, Kin Ryu said.

  The shocked Shinobi put his fingertips to his temples as he spoke. “Wait just a minute. Were you not the one laughing the loudest as I told the story of her admiring and kissing my beautiful brother ninja?”

  Nilakanta snorted at the man. Of course it was me. What of it, little human?

  “So… you’re saying that story did not bother you. But you go all Dragon-psycho when she but pats another’s nose. What am I missing here?”

  Nilakanta huffed. What is it you think you are missing?

  “Umm… did it not make you jealous to hear about her making out with Yui?”

  And why would such a thing as that make me jealous? Yui is but a man. And a mortal man at that. Would you ever believe a hawk would be jealous of a cricket?

  “No, of course not,” Goemon said. “But that’s not the same. They aren’t even comparable creatures to begin with.”

  My point exactly, Nilakanta said. Why in the world would I ever be jealous of any man? Or Angel, for that matter. They are crickets to me, of no consequence. But Kin Ryu… he is Dragon.

  His following growl rattled them down to their very cores.

  Apologies, Senpai, Kin Ryu said as he bowed his head. The fault is entirely mine. I should never have acted so freely with Kagi Naga. I beg forgiveness from both of you.

  Forgiven, Nilakanta said. Yet see that it never happens again, he warned.

  On my honor as a Dragon, Kin Ryu said as he lifted his head.

  “Enough with all this male posturing.” Jenevier blew out an exasperated sigh. “Tell us why you called good Kin Ryu over here, Brother. It surely was not just to compare claws, was it?”

  Goemon had been watching the two Dragons intently. He quickly clamped his hand over his mouth after Jenevier spoke, trying to restrain his laughter.


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