Lynxar Series: Books 1-6 (6-Book Bundle)

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Lynxar Series: Books 1-6 (6-Book Bundle) Page 3

by Hart, Melissa F.

  The communications system on Lynxar’s ship was a miracle of technology, and Rachel was learning things that would change science—as humans understood it—forever. She took avid notes and worked tirelessly on formulas, codes, and practice models in an attempt to contact Lynxar’s people. Still, after nearly two months, she hadn’t made any progress and her patience was growing thin. She also felt a growing pressure and fear that soon General Kriptoff would find them.

  Lynxar had set up a laptop computer with internet connections for Rachel on the roof of the warehouse. Every evening, when the darkness hid them, they’d go on the roof to watch the news reports for the day. General Kriptoff was becoming more aggressive, as his squads of super soldiers robbed bank vaults, attacked science labs, searched people’s homes, and terrorized citizens across Colossal City in a quest to accumulate wealth, power and find Rachel and Lynxar. The Colossal City police department was virtually helpless against them. Kriptoff’s men were enhanced with speed and strength far beyond normal human abilities. Lynxar, however, could outmatch them easily, and felt obligated to do what he could to help.

  As Rachel worked during the day, Lynxar often patrolled the city, disguised in regular clothes with dark sunglasses to mask his violet eyes, and did what he could to protect people from Kriptoff’s men. Lynxar was able to battle small groups of Kriptoff’s super soldiers, saving countless people across Colossal City. When people asked who he was, he simply gave them his name, and was soon being heralded as a superhero in news stories. Many guessed that he was a genetically modified soldier created by General Kriptoff himself, who refused to follow in his evil plans and rebelled to become a vigilante. No one guessed that he was really an alien from another world.

  The daily battles were taking a toll on Lynxar, though, and the wound on his side never did heal completely and was slowly growing worse. As Rachel watched the man she had grown to care for degenerate, and the enemy she had come to fear grow stronger, she pushed herself harder and harder to get the communicator working. Soon, she was hardly sleeping at night in her effort to help Lynxar get back to his planet Flonar.

  “No, that will never work!” Rachel yelled in frustration, slamming a notebook in front of Lynxar. “Look at the data we’ve accumulated so far! The power levels just aren’t adequate to send the signal, but when I increase the levels, the circuits just keep overloading! Your idea will do the opposite of what we need and make the power even lower!”

  “I’m sorry,” Lynxar said. “I just thought we should try something different, since what we’ve been doing isn’t working.”

  Rachel felt guilty for her angry outburst and rested her head on Lynxar’s shoulder. “Ugh, don’t apologize. You’re right to try and think of new ideas. I’m sorry I’m so short-tempered. I don’t mean to take it out on you.”

  “You should rest. You’re exhausted.” Lynxar said, seeing the clock read 2:30a.m. and sensing how overwrought Rachel had become.

  “I know. Everything will have a fresher look in the morning. I just don’t think I could get my mind off these calculations long enough to fall asleep. I need something to distract me so I can relax long enough to let myself fall asleep.”

  “I know what could distract you.” Lynxar said, flashing a playful smile at Rachel.

  “I doubt it.” Rachel said, turning her back on him in mock disinterest and pretending to work on fusing some connectors on her workbench, but Lynxar wasn’t fooled. He could sense her desire and knew she wanted him too.

  Lynxar gently pulled her to him with the powers of his mind. He gently wrapped his arms around her narrow waist and began to kiss the tender slope of her neck, the way he knew she liked it. Rachel craned her head, giving him better access, as he kissed his way up to nibble on her earlobe.

  She turned her back to him, glanced over her shoulder, and smiled at him teasingly. With nimble fingers, she undid the buttons of her blouse and let it fall from her shoulders, performing a provocative striptease for him. Lynxar slid his hands up her ribcage to fondle her breasts from behind, as she leaned back into him, enjoying the sensation. Her luscious breast filled his hands perfectly and a gentle moan escaped Rachel’s lips as he kneaded them gently, and then she gasped in pleasure as he found her nipples and gave each one a firm pinch.

  Rachel pushed her hips back, grinding her buttocks against his loins as he rolled her nipples between his thumb and forefinger, sending ripples of pleasure shooting through her body. She could feel him growing hard as she pushed herself against him, and she reached back with her hand to stroke him into readiness.

  Lynxar wanted to return the favor, and slid his hand down the front of Rachel’s jeans, and under her panties. His fingers found her most sensitive folds and massaged her there, moving inside of her. His mindreading abilities allowed him to know exactly how to touch her and what rhythm of motion she liked best, as he made love to her with his fingers. Rachel’s breathing quickened into rapid pants and soon she was gripping the workbench in front of her and screaming in pleasure as an orgasm ripped through her.

  “I want you inside me! Now!” Rachel gasped as her orgasm subsided. Lynxar used his mind to remove her jeans and her panties, now soaked from her own juices, and sent them flying into a corner. He removed his own clothing just as quickly, so he, too, was completely naked. Rachel bent far forward at the waist, gripping her work bench for support, and he entered her from behind, sinking deeply into her dripping wet folds. He could feel her muscles rippling around his hard member, and feared he might climax right then. Fortunately, he was able to use his mind powers to force his body to maintain control.

  Slowly, Lynxar began to stroke long, deep thrusts, while he gripped her hips with his strong hands. Each stroke made Rachel cry out louder in pleasure as he brought her to the brink of orgasm again. Knowing it would drive her over the edge, he slid his hands up her torso to pinch her nipples in time with his thrusts.

  “I’m having another orgasm!” Rachel gasped, clutching the work bench to keep herself upright as wave after wave of pleasure pulsed through her every nerve.

  “I know!” Lynxar breathed, grabbing her by the waist and plunging into her with unbridled passion as he spilled his seed deep inside her. “I am too!”

  When at last they had finished, she collapsed onto the double mattress they had put in their makeshift apartment, utterly spent and completely satisfied. Within moments, she drifted into a deep sleep, with a smile of contentment still on her face.

  Chapter Four

  “Oh my God! How long have I been asleep?” Rachel asked, as she opened her eyes to find the sun streaming through the windows.

  “About eight hours.” Lynxar said, greeting her with a good morning kiss.

  “Ugh! You should have awakened me!” Rachel admonished, but she didn’t sound angry, she sounded rested and at peace again. She found the pair of jeans and blouse she had left strewn on the floor and began putting them on. She saw that Lynxar had already dressed himself in the odd jumpsuit he always wore and smiled that he always preferred it over his human clothes.

  “You looked so peaceful; I didn’t want to disturb you.” Lynxar smiled. “Besides, I like watching you sleep. It’s the only time you don’t yell at me. ”

  “Ha ha.” Rachel smiled at the teasing and gave him a kiss. He handed her a piece of bread for breakfast and a bottle of water.

  “Sorry there’s no coffee today,” he said. “Although I don’t know how you Earthlings can stand the stuff. It’s way too stimulating. My people prefer a less intense form of fuel that sustains us throughout the day, instead of these sudden bursts of power that you humans seem to enjoy.”

  “You’re right!” Rachel cried out excitedly, giving Lynxar a huge kiss, and dropping her breakfast on the ground

  “What?” Lynxar asked.

  “Last night, you wanted to use less power on the communicator, just like you want less power now. I’ve been working under the assumption that a communicator designed to transmit over the huge distances
of space needed more power. Everything I’ve been doing has been in an effort to increase power, and thus we keep running into the roadblock of overloaded circuits. You’re systems are more advanced than ours. Who’s to say that they can’t do more with less power? Let’s try your plan. I’m going to decrease all my calculations on energy output and power generation. Let’s see what happens.”

  Working without any breaks, by sunset Rachel and Lynxar had modified the communicator to new specifications that worked on just ten percent of the power she’d originally thought it needed.

  “Here goes nothing!” Rachel said, crossing her fingers and putting her finger on the power switch.

  “What’s that mean?” Lynxar said, frowning with confusion at the phrase.

  “It’s an expression. It means this might not work, but I sure hope it does.”

  “Me too.” Lynxar said, pulling her to his side and holding her close. “Turn it on.”

  Rachel held her breath and flipped the switch. The communicator whirred to life, blinking and buzzing with activity, for the first time since before the crash. Lynxar expelled a breath he didn’t even realize he’d been holding as Rachel squealed with joy.

  “We did it!” she cried, hugging and kissing him.

  “No, you did it. Thank you so much Rachel.” He kissed her in return, softly and sensuously, drinking her in as he held her tight. Finally he let her go, and they both had tears of joy in their eyes.

  “Well, get to it. Send a message to your people.” She said, grinning widely. The moment was bittersweet. This was the purpose of all their days of work, to send him home, but now that it had come she didn’t want to see him go.

  “I can’t.” Lynxar shook his head.

  “Of course you can. It’s why we built it. So you can go home.” Rachel insisted. “Don’t worry about me or Kriptoff. There will always be skirmishes on Earth, but you can’t let them be your worries. You have to go home; the wound on your side still hasn’t healed and is getting worse every day. I don’t have the kind of medicine you need. If you don’t go, you could die.”

  Lynxar was touched by Rachel’s heartfelt speech, but he chuckled at her softly. “No, I mean I can’t. The building is shielded, remember? We’ll have to transport the communicator outside, away from the shielding to successfully send a message.”

  “Oh.” Rachel blushed, feeling chagrined.

  They carefully checked the perimeter outside the warehouse before Lynxar used his powers to move the communicator outside, to the alley behind the building.

  “Do you sense anyone nearby?” Rachel asked nervously.

  “No. No one.” Lynxar said, somewhat hesitantly.

  “What’s wrong?” Rachel asked, understanding his expression meant something wasn’t quite right.

  “I don’t know.” Lynxar said. “It’s just that I don’t sense anything at all. Normally I’ll pick up a few wandering stray animals, a passing pedestrian in the distance. Something. Right now, the area is completely void of all life, except for us. It doesn’t feel right.”

  “Well, this is a deserted part of town. Let’s just get this communicator out here so we can contact your people and get you home.”

  Lynxar kept a lookout as Rachel double checked all the connections, calibrations, and connections on the communicator. Finally, she told him it was ready.

  “Going nothing here.” Lynxar said as he flipped on the power switch, and Rachel stifled a laugh at his mispronunciation of the common phrase.

  The machine came to life, just as it had inside the warehouse, only now, in the open air, Lynxar could see that a connection was being made with his home planet. “I’m sending a distress call to Flonar asking for a rescue pod at this location. It looks like the signal has gone through! They’re sending back a confirmation!” Lynxar said excitedly.

  “Oh! That’s so great!” Rachel squealed, jumping up and down and squeezing his neck. “Now you’ll be able to go home. I must admit, I’m going to really miss you.”

  “I know. I’m going to miss you too. I never thought I’d have gotten so attached to this planet or to you. Maybe I should cancel the rescue pod, and just stay.” He leaned forward and kissed Rachel lovingly.

  “Don’t worry. The doctor won’t be lonely for long. We’ll take good care of her.” A strange male voice rasped from above them. Rachel and Lynxar both looked up to see General Kriptoff himself standing proudly on the roof of the warehouse, surrounded by fifty men in uniforms. Sergeant Morris stood by his side, glaring angrily. They had learned that Lynxar could easily take care of up to a dozen modified soldiers on his own, and had come fully prepared.

  “You’ve been hard to find, Dr. Deering.” Kriptoff said in a voice that reminded Rachel of a snake. “Men, please bring her to me. Do what you want with her friend; he’s of no use to me.”

  Rachel screamed in terror as the fifty soldiers descended upon them, leaping the fifty feet from the roof to the ground, like they were simply jumping from a porch step. Four of them grabbed Rachel all at once, and leapt back to the roof with her in their arms. As much as she struggled, she couldn’t escape their grip. She looked down in horror to see the remaining men, nearly four dozen of them, surrounding Lynxar and closing in on him. Even with his superior abilities, there was no way he could defend himself from so many modified soldiers.

  She looked at General Kriptoff and pleaded with him. “Please! Stop your men! I’ll do anything you want. I’ll help you develop a cure for your soldiers and make sure the enhancement doesn’t kill them. Just don’t let them hurt Lynxar!”

  “I don’t care about them!” Kriptoff laughed cruelly. “When these ones die, I’ll simply make more. I’ve grown to like knowing that they won’t live very long; it keeps them from growing too powerful.”

  “Then why do you want me?” Rachel asked.

  “I need to make sure you don’t help anyone else develop a way to stop me. Come, men. You four bring the doctor to my base. We’ll get every bit of knowledge out of her that we can before we kill her. The rest of you, stay here and dispose of Lynxar. Once you’ve finished, return to the base. We must prepare to take over Colossal City. Now that I know the doctor is no longer out there preparing a way to stop me, I’m ready to take my place as ruler!”

  Sergeant Morris looked at Kriptoff and said, “You said we were capturing her so she could cure us.”

  “I’ve changed my mind.” Kriptoff sneered. “Now take her to the base!”

  Morris released his grip on Rachel and his three comrades followed his actions. He said, “We were willing to fight for your cause, but you will leave us to die needlessly?”

  Below on the ground, Lynxar crouched ready to fight, surrounded by the platoon of soldiers that were closing in on him fast. He leapt straight up into the air to land by Rachel’s side. Shouting down to the soldiers below, Lynxar said “You do not need to die in a vain for another man’s glory. Cease this senseless violence and let Dr. Rachel Deering find a way to cure you.”

  Below on the ground, half of the soldiers nodded their heads, but the other half maintained their loyalty to General Kriptoff. Suddenly, a huge brawl broke out between the soldiers, as they fought each other hand-to-hand over who was right. They slammed each other into walls, breaking bricks with their superhuman strength. One of them picked up a dumpster and threw it at another soldier. Another one tore a tree out the ground and started swinging it like a bat.

  Kriptoff, seeing the chaos his men had fallen into, suddenly grabbed Rachel by the throat. He hissed in her ear, saying, “Never mind them. I don’t need an army as long as I have you, Dr. Deering. I will take you to my base, where you will help turn me into the most powerful super-human ever and I will rule the earth entirely on my own. You will use your research to make me invincible!”

  “Never!” Rachel cried out as best she could, under his strangling grip. Clutching at his hands, she struggled for breath as he dragged her towards the edge of the roof, where he intended to jump with her to the ground.

  Lynxar stretched out with his mind and knew what Kriptoff planned to do before he even did it.

  Lynxar raced to the end of the roof with his lightening quick speed. Before Kriptoff even knew what was happening, Lynxar tore his hands from Rachel’s throat, freeing her. With the power of his mind, he lifted Kriptoff high into the air, and slammed him down onto the roof, knocking the wind out of him.

  “I think you’ll be going to prison instead.” Lynxar said.

  Kriptoff rolled onto his stomach, gasping for breath. Then he said, “And you’ll be going to a funeral!”

  To Rachel’s horror, Kriptoff suddenly lunged forward and pushed her off the edge of roof, sending her falling the fifty feet to her death. “I love you Lynxar!” she cried as she fell, wanting to tell him that with her very last words.

  Fortunately, Lynxar was able to catch her with his mind, just seconds before she would have hit the earth. Gently he set her on the ground, and ran with lightening quick speed down to the ground so he could take her into his arms. He couldn’t believe he had almost lost her. He forgot about Kriptoff, his men, and everything else around him. He just wanted to be with Rachel and know that she was all right.

  Kissing her passionately, he said to her, “I love you too.”

  Just then, Kriptoff jumped off the other side of the roof escaping down the street, along with the men still loyal to him. Enhanced by superior speed, they disappeared beyond Lynxar’s ability to sense them within a matter of seconds.

  “They’ve escaped.” Lynxar stated flatly, as a myriad of emotions swelled inside him. He was of course disappointed that Kriptoff had escaped, but he was also relieved that Rachel was okay, and elated that she had said she loved him and that he’d been able to say it to her in return. He’d never been in love before. He realized he wanted to spend the rest of his life with this woman.


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