Lynxar Series: Books 1-6 (6-Book Bundle)

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Lynxar Series: Books 1-6 (6-Book Bundle) Page 5

by Hart, Melissa F.

  It was useless, however. Lynxonna brushed Rachel off her arm with just the power of her mind. Rachel was sent flying from the force of it, and fell to the ground hard. Just then, Lynxar appeared on the balcony of their apartment building, enraged that someone had harmed his new bride. He jumped down to the ground from the balcony, landing next to Rachel, and gently picked her up to a standing position. He lovingly kissed her bruised and abraded palm, and then turned to the alien woman with an angry glare. “Hello, Lynxonna. Didn’t you get my message? I sent one when I returned your flight pod back to you.”

  “I got your message, but I do not accept it. You may not remain here with the human woman. You will evacuate this planet with me. We are departing for Flonar immediately.”

  Rachel clasped her hands to her mouth to stifle a scream as the alien woman pulled a device from her belt and pointed it at Lynxar. Was it a gun?

  “This is a stasis inducer,” Lynxonna explained to Rachel with a condescending tone. Rachel blushed, realizing that the woman had heard her thoughts. Lynxar refrained from invading her mind as a courtesy, or at least refrained from making her aware of it when he did it. This woman had no such compunction.

  “I will not leave with you.” Lynxar said in a calm, insistent voice, squaring off to Lynxonna as Rachel carefully backed away. “I have married Rachel; we are forever bonded.”

  “You were meant to bond with me!” Lynxonna screamed, and fired the inducer. Rachel cried out in fear just as Lynxar dodged the blast. He rolled across the street and dove behind a parked car, just as Lynxonna fired the inducer again. The force of his dive made a large dent in the asphalt of the road, and several cars skidded to a stop to avoid falling into it.

  “I’m sorry, Lynxonna. I know we were betrothed, but I never felt a connection with you.” Lynxar called out. People who ran the local businesses began to close their windows and lock their doors, seeing the rage in the alien woman’s eyes.

  With her superior speed, Lynxonna closed the distance between her and Lynxar, leaping over the car and tackling him to the ground. The sidewalk beneath them cracked from the force of the impact as they both landed against it and began wrestling for the upper hand. Lynxonna managed to pin Lynxar beneath her powerful legs and said, “How can you say that? You will return with me to Flonar. Your marriage here will be null and you will bond with me as planned!”

  Lynxonna was extremely strong, but Lynxar was even stronger. He managed to flip Lynxonna onto her back and pinned her flat to the ground, cracking the sidewalk even further. “Can you honestly say that you love me?”

  Struggling wildly beneath him, Lynxonna cried out, “No; but most arranged bondings don’t start out with love.”

  In a sudden move, she tucked her legs between her body and Lynxar’s and kicked hard, sending him flying through the air with superhero speed until he hit the wall of a distant building. Several bricks were knocked loose and began falling around him. Using his mind powers, he created a shield over his head, and the bricks tumbled off of it like raindrops falling off an umbrella.

  The spectators on the street screamed and pointed as the remainder of the building began to topple, threatening to crush them. Lynxar used the power of his mind to pull a telephone pole from the ground, and with his incredible strength, used it to brace the building, keeping it from falling. As he secured the building, Lynxonna searched the ground for the stasis inducer she had dropped. She called it to her hand with her mind powers and pointed it at Lynxar like a gun. However, the distance was too great to put him to sleep with it, and she slowly began to walk toward him, keeping her weapon focused directly at his core.

  With the danger of the falling building averted, Lynxar turned to face Lynxonna, finding her already close enough to him to fire the inducer and put him into stasis. He knew there was no way he could effectively dodge the blast at this close a range. His only hope now was to appeal to her emotions. He said to her, “I have found love, here, with Rachel. Would you really want me to be your bonded mate, knowing that I loved someone else?”

  Lynxonna had no answer for that, other to suddenly charge at him, catching him in the stomach like a football team’s defensive tackle, and knocking the wind out of him as he fell to the ground. She stepped on his throat as he lay prone and breathless and pointed the inducer directly at his head.

  Lynxar struggled to catch his breath, and wheezed, “You deserve love, Lynxonna. You deserve love.” The ground beneath him split and cracked from the pressure, and he was unable to escape from Lynxonna’s hold.

  Rachel and the crowd of spectators ran down the street as fast as they could, terrified on behalf of their fallen hero. Lynxonna kept the inducer pointed directly at Lynxar’s head, but her hand began to tremble. Removing her foot from his throat, she dropped the inducer, covered her face with her hands, and slumped to the ground, crying.

  “I just wanted to be bonded to a mate by now. I didn’t even care who it was with. All of my sisters have have had their bonding ceremonies. It’s humiliating to still be alone.”

  Lynxar finally caught his breath, and put a comforting arm around Lynxonna’s shoulders. “You’ll find the right bond mate and you’ll be glad you waited. You don’t want to be mated to me, I’d make you miserable, and you deserve so much better.”

  Lynxonna sniffed loudly and wiped the tears from her eyes. She looked up and was surprised to see dozens and dozens of humans surrounding them. She stood up and yelped, “Who are they?”

  Lynxar stood beside her and laughed. “These are the people of Colossal City. They’ve welcomed me here with open arms, and I’m sure they’ll do the same for you. Why don’t you stay for a few days and get to know them?”

  Looking at the crowd filled with many handsome men, Lynxonna smiled and said, “Well, I could use a vacation. Who here is willing to show a new girl around town?”

  A dozen hands shot up in the air, and Lynxonna was thrilled to have her pick of any one of them. Then the Mayor himself stepped out his car on the disheveled street, took her hand, and gallantly kissed it. He said, “Let me welcome you as our honored guest, distinguished ambassador of Flonar.”

  Smiling broadly, Lynxonna let him guide her to his luxury car, giving Lynxar a wink as she climbed into it with the Mayor right behind her.

  Rachel turned to Lynxar and said, “You didn’t tell me you were engaged to a gorgeous alien woman!”

  “Well, she doesn’t even bear mentioning, next to you.” Lynxar said, giving Rachel his most charming smile.

  Laughing, Rachel swatted at him playfully and said “I think the Mayor would disagree.”

  Chapter Three

  “Thank you for the fine tour. Colossal City really is quite impressive and you run it so well.” Lynxonna smiled at her escort, Mayor Mike McIntire. They had just finished having dinner together at the finest restaurant in town and he had driven to a hotel, where she was granted a free room, in the ambassador suite. Lynxonna easily saw why Lynxar liked living here; the people were friendly, the atmosphere was inviting, and she enjoyed a sort of celebrity for coming from the same planet as their beloved superhero. They even seemed to have forgiven her for the expensive damage done to their city during her brawl with Lynxar.

  As the evening came to a close, neither Lynxonna nor Mike wanted the night to end, so she invited him up to her room for a drink. She liked the way he couldn’t stop staring at her, and liked absolutely everything about her. Mike thought Lynxonna was positively intoxicating with her violet eyes, striking features, and sexy figure. He couldn’t help but wonder if her physical anatomy was the same as a human woman’s.

  “Would you like to find out?” Lynxonna asked him with a sultry smile.

  Mike blushed and looked flustered. “I’m sorry,” he stammered. “I forgot that you can read minds. I didn’t mean to be so inappropriate. The thought just popped in there, you know, as a scientific curiosity.”

  Lynxonna laughed lightheartedly. “Don’t be so embarrassed. There are no secrets on my plan
et. Everyone can read everyone else’s minds, unless we consciously block someone out. Sexual curiosity is a natural thing. I wouldn’t expect anything less from human males, especially given the fact that you’ve never seen an alien female before.”

  Mike visibly relaxed, “So you’re not insulted?”

  “I might be if you thought I was ugly, but I’ve been listening to your thoughts about me all night. No one’s ever given me such lavish compliments. Do you really think I’m the most gorgeous, mesmerizing, sexy woman you’ve ever seen?”

  Mike blushed again, and looked deep into her eyes. He whispered, “I do.”

  Lynxonna couldn’t help herself. She grabbed him by the face, pulled him toward her, and kissed him feverishly. Mike had never felt a woman with such power, and it drove him wild. Their tongues intertwined, and he let his hands run through her silky, soft hair.

  Strip me! Lynxonna’s voice echoed passionately in his mind. Mike had never been communicated with telepathically before and the sensation startled him. When Lynxonna’s voice spoke in his head a second time, he finally understood what was happening. Strip me! I want you to see me naked.

  Happy to comply, Mike slowly removed her flight suit. Her body was even more magnificent than he had imagined. She had full breasts that were high and firm, with round hard nipples that were the same lavender color as her hair. A tone, muscular body that was tight and firm, yet soft and curvy in all the right places.

  I want to kiss and lick her all over! Mike thought desperately in his mind.

  To his surprise and delight, he heard Lynxonna’s response in his head. Do it! Teach me how human males pleasure their females.

  Mike felt a strange sense of responsibility. He was like an ambassador, representing all human males as he taught this one alien female our ways of sexual pleasure. It was an honor and he felt obligated to perform well, and yet it was fun and exhilarating, too.

  Speaking aloud, he said, “Most human males begin with kissing the female like this.” Softly and gently he kissed her lips, then her neck, then down the hollow of her throat, until he came to her ample breasts.

  He cupped them his two hands, fondling them. To his delight, she arched her back and a soft moan breathed from her, like a sigh. He said, “Here is where sexual practices really vary, depending on the preferences of the female. Some like their breasts to be treated gently, like this.”

  He began to kiss and caress every inch of her breasts, then licked her nipples and very gently suckled them. After a moment he said, “Other females prefer a rougher treatment.”

  Mike tentatively gave Lynxonna’s breasts a firm squeeze. When she didn’t object, he began to pinch her nipples, suckle them with hard working of his mouth, and eventually bit them. To his surprise, she seemed to like this rougher treatment the best, panting openly and moaning with pleasure.

  “Which do you prefer?” he asked aloud, for confirmation. Lynxonna’s dirty reply in his mind confirmed his suspicion and he continued the rougher foreplay, while Lynxonna panted and squirmed with pleasure beneath his touch.

  After a little while, he worked his way down her stomach, and spread her thighs with his firm hands. “This is where human females, and males alike, find the most pleasure.”

  “That is true of my people too,” Lynxonna said, and he saw that her anatomy was exactly the same. He taught her every foreplay trick that he knew, caressing, licking, and suckling her most sensitive folds until she was bucking beneath his touch. When he entered her, she orgasmed almost immediately, she was so ready for climax.

  “Now let me show you how my people do it,” Lynxonna said, after Mike had climaxed along with her, and they both lay sweaty and satisfied in each other’s arms.

  “Oh, I’m sorry. Human males can only climax once and then our bodies need rest.”

  “Didn’t Lynxar tell you?” Lynxonna asked, with a mischievous glint in her eye.

  “Tell me what?” Mike asked.

  “Our people don’t just regenerate ourselves; we have the power to regenerate others as well.” She took his organ in her hands, closed her eyes in concentration, and instantly revitalized him. Then she took him into her mouth, pleasuring him with expert workings of her tongue, mouth and lips.

  “Careful, I’m going to climax!” Mike gasped and panted. Lynxonna was the most incredible woman he’d ever been with, driving him absolutely delirious with pleasure.

  “Not yet!” Lynxonna said in a commanding voice. She pinned Mike to the bed, slid herself on top of him, enveloping his manhood with her wet folds. Straddling him, she slowly began to thrust on top of him, driving him deep within her. As she neared orgasm for the second time, she opened up her mind to allow her thoughts and feelings to transfer to Mike.

  The powerful sensation was unlike anything he had ever experienced. He could feel the intensity of the pleasure she was feeling, and it melded with the physical pleasure he was feeling himself, feeding into it and making it all the stronger. As they orgasmed together, neither one of them could keep from crying out from the sheer ecstasy of the moment. When at last they lay cuddling together, tangled in the sheets of her bed, Lynxonna was smiling like she had never smiled before.

  “Now I know why Lynxar likes this planet so much. Making love on my planet isn’t the same. The process of making love somehow shields us from being able to read each other’s minds; but with you, I can feel everything you are feeling. It was incredible!”

  “Must you go back?” Mike asked. “Couldn’t you stay here with me?”

  Lynxonna laughed merrily at the compliment, but then shook her head. “No, I’m afraid staying here would be impossible.”

  “Are you sure?” Mike asked, with a heartbroken look in his eyes.

  “Very.” Lynxonna smiled regretfully, and Mike just wished there was some way to change her mind. He would have wished for something else, however, if he knew disaster was about to strike.

  Chapter Four

  The next morning, Lynxar awoke, feeling very strange. It took him a moment to understand what it was he was sensing, and he walked out into the street, to the same place where he and Lynxonna had fought their brawl the day before. He put his hand on one of the huge cracks in the street, and closed his eyes, listening to the Earth. Suddenly, he understood what was happening. The sharp impact vibrations created during the brawl had reached the tectonic plates deep within the Earth’s crust and were causing them to shift.

  No sooner had he made the realization, then the first earthquake hit, violently rattling buildings, shaking walls, and knocking over everything not secured down. Trees, poles, shelves and dressers toppled all over the city, as people ran for cover from the falling debris. Within less than a minute, the terrifying shaking had ceased, but the devastating damage was already done. Entire buildings had been shaken loose from their foundations, walls had cracked, and ceilings were now compromised and endanger of collapsing.

  As the citizens of Colossal City slowly walked out into the street, dusty and scared, they looked to Lynxar for guidance.

  Lynxar, however, had more important things on his mind. He turned to Rachel and said, “You must lead these people to the community center. I can sense that the ground there is stable, and it will be a safe place for them to take shelter until these buildings can be stabilized.”

  “Where are you going?” Rachel cried out.

  “To find Lynxonna,” he said, and instantly took off running. Rachel gaped in shock that he had just abandoned her for that other women in the middle of this tragedy.

  “Where do we go? What do we do?” a woman holding a crying child asked, snapping Rachel back to reality. She realized she had a duty to perform, despite Lynxar’s betrayal.

  “Follow me! We must get to the community center!” Rachel called, and bravely led the throngs of people through the devastated streets.

  As Lynxar raced through the city with lightening quick speed, he searched for Lynxonna in his mind. He knew there was an even greater danger to the city, and he
wouldn’t be able to tackle it alone. Urgently, he called to her in his mind Lynxonna; meet me at the Vista Lake Dam. I need your help!

  Her reply broke his heart. This planet is too unstable. I’m in my flight pod, preparing for launch. There’s still time to escape. I can wait for you if you want to come, but only for one more minute.

  No! The Vista Lake Dam has weakened during the earthquake and started to crack. It’s holding for now, but when the first aftershock comes; the entire Dam will crack apart, flooding Colossal City, and washing it entirely away. Lynxar called to Lynxonna with tears in his eyes. He was at the dam, desperately trying to find a way to strengthen it as he paced along the length of it. Some of the cracks in the cement structure were so bad that water was actually pouring through them.

  This isn’t our planet. We belong on Flonar, came Lynxonna’s heartless reply. The problems of the humans are not our responsibility.

  Desperately, Lynxar tried one last appeal. The flood will devastate Mayor McIntire’s entire city. Thousands of people will drown, and tens of thousands of homes will be destroyed. I sensed how you felt for him yesterday; how can you abandon him to this awful fate?

  Although she had only known him the one night, Lynxonna already felt a deep connection with Mike McIntyre. No man had ever made her feel so special before. The thought of him suffering such a tragic end brought out the compassion in her. She called out to Lynxar, I have an idea! Do what you can to stabilize the dam until I get there!

  Mike was on the phone, activating a citywide evacuation, but there was no way an entire population could get out in time before the next shockwave came. He was shocked to see Lynxonna suddenly appear within his office. “What are you doing here? I thought you were leaving?”

  The joy at seeing her again lit up his entire face, despite the desperation of the moment. Lynxonna said, “Call the Vista Dam controller’s office and tell them to open the dam, wide open!”


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