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BEAST Page 12

by Measha Stone

  Peter raised an eyebrow but didn’t ask any further questions.

  “How are things in the Annex? I need to get over there this afternoon, but I wanted to get a run in first.” He hadn’t gone for a long run in weeks, and his body craved the burn.

  “It’s all going like it always does. You don’t need to oversee every detail, you know. That’s what you pay these assholes a shit ton of money to do.”

  Ash downed his drink. “Yeah. I know. Did you want something?”

  “Are you bringing Ellie tonight?”

  “To the party? Fuck no. I told you, she stays with me.” Of course his men had reasons for their questions. He’d never not shared. Not once had he hidden away a treasure not to be at least admired by his men.

  But Ellie was different.

  A rarity. Pure. And as much as he would fuck up her world, turn it all upside down and inside out, he would not let that dirty world touch her.

  “Don’t worry about her. She’s really pissed at me right now, and an angry Ellie is a hiding Ellie. She won’t come out of her room tonight. Just make sure the kitchen knows to bring her dinner upstairs for her. Text Daniel and tell him to stop at an art store and let her get some books or a new sketch pad. Hers are mostly full.”

  Ash had checked on her the night before, after he came out of the closet and found the leather cuffs on the bed but no Ellie in sight. She’d been sound asleep in her bed, her hands tucked under her chin. Her sketch pad had been on the dresser he walked past, opened to a drawing of the rose bush and the window behind it.

  She’d been sketching in the gardens earlier. When he picked up the pad and examined more closely, he made out his own figure in the window. She had been studying him.

  He left the pad on the dresser and her to sleep in her own bed. She acted before he could. Run from the room before he could banish her from it. Protect and save. So predictable.

  “Got it.” Peter finished tapping out his message and put his phone away. “Anything else?”

  Ash waved him off. “No. I’m going for a run. I’ll meet you in the Annex in a few hours.”

  “You can run as many miles as you want; the thing you’re running from will be right here when you get back,” Peter said with a knowing grin then left him in peace.

  But could he really ever have peace?

  Or did he want it?



  For over an hour, Ellie stood at the window in her bedroom overlooking the gardens. People had trickled in at first, but now they strode through the gardens in one thick line. Men in suits, mostly, but a few women sprinkled throughout the mob as well.

  “What are they all doing here?” She pressed her face into the chilled glass to see better.

  She couldn’t make out many faces with the dimness of the evening, but when they passed an overhead light, she studied their features. Several of the men were familiar from newspaper articles and magazine photos. She couldn’t recall any of their names, but remembered a few were on the city Council. Others appeared as menacing as Ash.

  And where exactly was Ash?

  She hadn’t seen him since Daniel, the overgrown baby who’d been assigned to babysit her, brought her home. Daniel had kept his mouth shut for the most part, only using words when he needed her to make a turn or pass her something. And when he didn’t, he kept his hand far enough way to be sure they didn’t touch. Did Ash tell his men she had cooties?

  Checking the time, she sighed. Only ten o’clock. She could climb under the, but the likelihood of her falling asleep knowing some secret party was taking place didn’t exist.

  Ash had told her he’d never let her go. She lived there full time. Forever. So, what stopped her from exploring? He might strap her again? She could handle it. Well worth the spanking to find out what the hell went on in that wing of the house.

  Ellie dug through the bags of clothes Daniel made her buy at the little boutique to find the little dress. She’d only picked it out as a way to torment him at the time. She tried on the slinky number and modeled it for him, asking his opinion. It was the first time she smiled all afternoon, seeing his cheeks flush. Well, he could get pissed at his boss for making him go in the first place.

  But, now, the dress would serve another purpose.

  Dressing quickly and finding some pins in the bathroom she managed to pull most of her hair up to expose her neckline. She couldn’t very well wear one of her cotton dresses; she wouldn’t fit in.

  The quiet of the house made her slow her steps. Any sound coming from her might alert one of his men she figured he had posted throughout the house.

  Keeping her away from the party had been a big deal to Ash.

  And she was going to find out why.

  Finding her way to the door leading to the west wing hadn’t been hard at all. The staff had already gone home for the night to bed, leaving no one around to stop her.

  Someone laughed in the garden. Ellie could make out shadows through the garden door, and she crouched down. Another laugh- a woman’s, full of flirt and seduction.

  “C’mon let’s get inside before they come looking for us. We’re not supposed to be paired up yet. You know the rules,” a deep voice chastised but didn’t sound anything like Ash when he wanted to take her to task.

  “Such games. But you know Ash. By the book.” The handle shook, and Ellie jumped her feet, flattening herself against the wall.

  The couple entered the mudroom and paused at seeing her. The man looked her up and down her, sizing her up, while the woman glanced at mysterious sealed entrance with apprehension.

  “What are you doing?” the man asked, stepping inside and pushing the garden door closed quietly. The woman pressed herself into his back. They weren’t supposed to be there any more than she was, Ellie guessed.

  “I was…I mean, I’m supposed to be at the party, but I’m late.” Ellie tried to give her most desperate smile, but threw a little seductive pout in as well.

  From the odd expression the man gave her, she figured she had a lot of work to do in the seduction department. She’d never had to seduce anyone before. Nor did she ever want to.

  “John, she’s Ash’s girl.”

  John’s complexion grayed.

  “I am not—well, I mean we aren’t together. Not really.” Ellie finally recognized the girl behind him. The blonde who had been on Ash’s arm in the garden.

  “We have to get in there, John. They are going to start with the announcements,” she whispered and shoved at his shoulder.

  “If I’m not there…” Ellie hoped they’d fill in the blank and feel partially sorry for her. Seeking out pity made her stomach ache, but the ends would have to justify the means in this circumstance. Having them help her and giving her some cover when she entered would make it easier than trying to slip by any guards she came across.

  John blew out a long breath and groaned. “Fine. Fuck. Fine.” He pulled a key card from his pocket and passed it over the knob. After a soft click, the door opened.

  Ellie stared at the knob for a solid moment before grabbing the closing door and following them. She’d seen key cards used, but not in such a way. No wonder she couldn’t figure out how to get in on her own.

  Once inside, Ellie sucked in a breath. She quickly caught up to her unwilling escorts and stayed a few steps behind them while they navigated the hallway.

  It didn’t look much different from the rest of the house, other than the darker, sexual appeal of the décor. The paintings depicted sexual acts. Some sensual and some downright dirty. She couldn’t help but stare at the more explicit of them.

  Get a grip, dammit.

  The couple led her to a ballroom that mirrored the dining room she’d eaten several of her meals in, except candles—real candles, not the electric sort in Ash’s office—flickered in the chandeliers.

  She saw no trace of delicate china or golden candlesticks. Instead, she found leather and bla
ck wrought iron. Along one wall, across from where she stood taking everything in, hung various implements. A few like those she’d seen in Ash’s drawer, though these paddles and floggers were larger, heavier, made of leather instead of the wood he’d used against her bottom.

  “We missed the announcements.” The blonde cursed and surveyed the room, letting go of John’s arm. “Peter is going to have my ass.”

  “Don’t worry about him,” John reassured her. “We’ve gone through this before. We know what to do. Let’s mingle for a bit then I’ll put in the contract. It will be fine.” He grabbed hold of her hand and walked off into the room, leaving Ellie alone and exposed in the doorway.

  Unsure of where exactly she could hide, she sidestepped and pushed herself into the background. Her black dress would blend into the darkened furniture and the deep coloring of the walls. The dim lighting would help her as well.

  Slinking along the edges of the room, she took in the woman sauntering around. No one went unescorted, but all seemed to be mingling as though they were on their own. The man walking each of them, brought them to a single man standing drinking whiskey or seated at a table sipping some other dark drink and leave her there for a few moments. She would smile and chat, and make no move to stop him even when he pinched her hip or boldly cupped her breasts through her corset.

  “I think three thousand is plenty.” A deep voice caught Ellie’s attention as she wandered closer to a corner. Another man she’d seen in the house during her stay was speaking to Peter. A short redhead stood at the man’s side, her arm curled around his, leaning her head against his shoulder.

  “Three thousand for a week? No. Five thousand.” Peter waved at the young woman.

  The man, tall but stout, studied the woman.

  “Five thousand a week?” He tilted her head and trailed a finger over her plump painted lips. “I want to test her first. See if this mouth is as fuckable as she says.”

  Peter gave a nod. “There are some rooms available in the back,”

  “No. Here.” The man shoved the redhead to her knees, and she immediately clasped her hands behind her.

  Peter took on a supervisory role as the redhead opened her mouth, took the man’s stubby cock between her lips, and began to suck.

  What the hell was going on? The “party,” she realized foolishly late, was nothing more than a brothel. Ash was a pimp.

  She retreated a step, shrinking into the corner, as the purchaser gripped the redhead’s face and forced his cock down her throat. At first the girl seemed to manage it fine, but soon he thrust faster than she could handle, and she sputtered. He relented momentarily, letting her take a breath, then shoved right back in.

  The scene reminded her of her own face fucking with Ash. He had taken her mouth in much the same manner, but he hadn’t been cruel. He hadn’t been so cold. This man was using the woman’s mouth as he would any vessel. It meant nothing to him. Or to her.

  A loud grunt, and he stilled, seemingly dumping his cum down her throat.

  “Well?” Peter asked, sounding irritated at having to wait.

  “Fine. Five thousand.” The crude man zipped up his trousers. The redhead started to stand, but he shoved her to her knees. “No. you stay there until I need you again. I’ll sign these and have a drink. Then maybe I’ll let you suck off one of my friends before we head home.” He winked and gestured to Peter for a pen.

  Ellie’s hands fisted as the disgusting man signed a piece of paper and dropped the pen on the clipboard. The man had no decency about his actions.

  “Have her sign, and I’ll be back.” He didn’t even acknowledge the redhead before stalking off toward the bar. A thanks might have been in order, seeing as she just sucked him off with such grace and precision.

  Peter bent over and whispered into the girl’s ear. He showed her the papers before he acquired her signature. After a gentle smile and a pat to her shoulder, he left her, signaling to another man standing behind her to stay with her. Maybe he was her handler. Just as the other women in the room seemed to have one as well.

  “Did you enjoy the little show, poppet?”

  The familiar voice chilled Ellie’s skin. She wet her lips and took a calming breath before turning to see Marcus standing too close to her. She remembered him from the nightclub with Ash, and she remembered what he had said.

  “Ash must have changed his mind, huh?” He ran a finger down her jaw. “Where’s your handler?” he asked, he searched around them before settling his sights on her. She could practically smell the scum on him.

  “I’m not, I mean, I didn’t—”

  “Every woman in this room is for sale. Either for an hour, a few weeks, or forever. Which I want to buy you for is really up to me, though.” His finger slid beneath the neckline of her dress.

  Yanking away from him, she knocked into another man holding a drink. The girl beside him hissed as the amber-colored liquor poured down her dress.

  “Shit. I’m so sorry.” Ellie searched for a napkin or anything to help clean up the mess she’d made but was waved off.

  “It’s fine. Go away.” The man gave her a little shove. “I was about to strip her, anyway.” He shot a glare at Marcus. “You usually handle your girls better than this.”

  Marcus, whose cheeks burned a deep red, grabbed her arm and jerked her to him. “She’s not broken in yet. But she’ll learn her manners.” He spun her around and shoved her into the wall.

  Ellie tried to call out, but he pressed her face flat and before she could free herself from his grip, his hand landed on her ass.

  She kicked out, but he only smacked her ass harder.

  “Get your fucking hands off her.” Ash’s voice penetrated her own yells. Without raising his voice, he pierced the situation.

  Marcus didn’t release her but stopped spanking her long enough to move to her left and face him.

  “I said get your hands off her, Marcus. You overstep.”

  With Marcus distracted, Ellie was able to maneuver her head around and see Ash.

  She shouldn’t have looked.

  A calm settled over Ash. If she hadn’t seen him upset with her already, she wouldn’t recognize the signs of it standing before her. The bored expression only slightly hid his tense jaw and dark eyes.

  “I told you, Ashland. If she was here, she’d be mine.” Marcus shoved her harder , flattening her breasts. Ellie pushed her hands against the wall, trying to leverage herself against his strength, but got nowhere.

  Ash’s pulse pumped at the side of his neck. Couldn’t Marcus see it? Was he stupid enough to antagonize Ash when he was so angry?

  “And I told you, she wasn’t on the menu.”

  “Every woman here is on the menu.” Marcus sneered. The sweat of his palm saturated Ellie’s dress. Fine time to wear something so flimsy.

  “Not her.” Ash took a step toward them, his hands still at his sides, the calmness no longer evident. Patience waned, and the tic in his jaw strengthened.

  “She’s not marked, and she’s strolling around here like a free bird. Well, she’s going to be caged now.”

  “Not by you.” Ash’s voice hardened, but he still didn’t glance at Ellie. If he did, she feared what she would see. She struggled more against Marcus’s hold.

  “This girl is unattended. Didn’t your precious announcements just say any girl left unattended would be dealt with. Isn’t that what you said? She has no handler. She has no contract, and now you’re telling me she’s not on the menu.” Marcus’s voice rose, grabbing the attention of several other men in the immediate vicinity.

  A small crowd formed.

  “She is mine, and I will deal with her. I will tell you once more to get your hand off of her before I remove it myself. And when I say remove, I mean in the literal sense.”

  Marcus dug his fingers into her back.

  Peter moved in closer. “Marcus, you are a guest tonight but can be easily removed from the list. I would suggest you find yourself another toy to play with.�
�� Tension boiled.

  With a heavy shove, Marcus let her go. Ellie spun around, taking deep breaths she’d been denied by her position. Marcus wiped a fat hand over his sweaty mouth.

  “This is the second time you didn’t deliver what you promised. I’m not in the mood for any of your product tonight. My father will be disappointed.”

  Not a blink or twitch to Ash’s composure over the blatant threat.

  Marcus shrugged off Peter’s touch when it landed on his shoulder. Marcus gave a nod to his two men standing behind Ash, and they stomped off.

  Once they were gone, Peter gave Ellie with a knowing grin. “You really know how to poke the beast, don’t you?”

  Before she could respond, he moved away, and Ash stood in front of her. No. Loomed. Over her. Standing at his full height and so close she had to crane her neck to look up at him. If she wanted to see his face. And, at the moment, she did not.

  “What are you doing in here?” he asked with a clipped tone

  If her knees hadn’t started shaking, she would have pointed out that obviously she had been curious.

  She stepped forward. “I…just…I was passing through—”

  Ash covered her mouth, pinching her nose closed and marched her back to the wall. He pressed her against it, pulling her face upward so he could glare at her, while he cut off her oxygen.

  Tears burned her eyes, and she slapped at his hand, but he didn’t budge.

  “Now, you try to lie to me?” It was a growl, more than a question.

  Her chest heaved; her throat burned. No matter how hard she struggled, he didn’t let up. Her hand smacked against his, then his chest.

  Finally, just as the edges of her vision blurred, he uncovered her mouth.

  She sucked in big gulps of air. Tears fell from her eyes. Space, she needed space, but he denied her still by pressing his hard body against hers.

  “Do you have any fucking idea what you just caused?”

  Shaking her head, she continued to catch her breath. “I didn’t mean to, I was just—”

  “Doing exactly what you weren’t supposed to be doing.” Ash pinned her to the wall by her shoulders then stepped away. “For once you dress in something other than some Goodwill scrap, and it’s so you can sneak in here?”


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