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BEAST Page 16

by Measha Stone

  “I’m aware.” He held her tighter.

  “Where are you taking me?”

  “To our room. You need a nap, and I need to get to a meeting.” He climbed the stairs, and she rested her head against his neck, inhaling the salty smell of him.

  “What about my room?” she asked when he laid her on his bed.

  “Unless I tell you to use it, it’s off limits. You’ll sleep with me from now on.” The gruff answer was softened only by the hint of a smile tinting his eyes.

  “You aren’t as much of an asshole as I thought.” She snuggled into the pillows.

  He pinched her ear to get her attention.

  The chill returned to his expression. “Don’t make me anything that I’m not. I’m not your Prince Charming.”

  She swallowed, feeling the sternness in him.

  “I know.” She nodded.

  He stared at her for a long moment then left, closing the door quietly behind him.

  She looked at the door, hoping he’d come back, leaving his hard exterior outside and showing her the warmth, she’d seen downstairs.

  The flogging had left her breasts tender, and her body warm, but it didn’t hurt as much as being shoved away from him. He would keep her at arm’s length, no matter what she saw in him. She needed to remember beneath the kindness he’d shown her lived a beast,

  No, he wasn’t her Prince Charming.

  He was more.

  And she hated it.



  Delilah, Ash’s first all-male strip club, stood across town from Sampson. His mother’s infatuation with their love story underlined his undertaking the two clubs. The others c he owned catered to both sexes, whereas these two were exclusive in membership defined by the gender of the patron. Maybe watching his mother treated like just another female by his father had more impact on him than he would admit.

  Although his mother had been a woman of the Annex, she had been allowed to move into the main house when she became pregnant. Ash would give his father at least that much credit. He’d always thought there had to be something there, something his father felt for his mother. She wasn’t the first girl his cock impregnated, but she was the first, and only, one he didn’t force into an abortion. He may have ignored her existence for the most part after Ash was born, but he didn’t put her back into the Annex. He didn’t force her to spread her legs for money anymore. She had a comfortable, but loveless, life.

  Seeing her pretend to be content as he grew up, Ash realized love could only bring pain. It wasn’t that his mother loved Samuel Titon. She hardly mentioned him, or even looked at him should he enter a room they were in. But she wanted love, and not just the kind her doting son could give. She wanted to be held and cherished, and it never happened. Samuel didn’t want her, but he wasn’t about to let some other man have her, either. She was the mother of his son, after all, and how would that look?

  To business associates, they were a typical family. Sure, they didn’t marry, but his mother had been dragged to business dinners when required. No one said anything, at least to his face, about the oddity that a man in his position didn’t take a wife.

  But Ash knew the circumstances, knew what went on behind the closed doors of the massive estate overlooking the city. Maybe Samuel was too chickenshit to think about love. Maybe he thought it made him weak, or he figured loving her would make her have value. And from what he witnessed from his father, he placed no value on anyone, aside from monetary. And women were a product that made him limitless sales.

  He didn’t care if they didn’t like the buyer. They were product, and product didn’t choose who made the bids. The only line Ash ever saw his father draw was kidnapping, but even that wasn’t completely believed. His father put on a big show in front of him about not dealing with traffickers, but Ash never quite believed him. The women in the Annex weren’t always there by their choice. His father may have explained it away, saying they were like prostitutes- coming from bad circumstances, but the girls expressions often told another story.

  When Ash took over the Annex and the rest of the businesses, he made sure every woman was there at her own request and of her own will. Anyone who wanted to leave would be given a healthy severance and help to set themselves up outside the estate. A dozen women took him up on the offer, but he figured it was the new management policies that kept the other twenty or so girls from fleeing.

  Letting Ellie see the Annex for what it was, giving her the tour and the truth, lifted a weight from his chest. Now she could see him for what he really was, and she could stop needling her way into his every thought.

  Except, from the time he tucked her into his bed until the moment he stepped into the back room of Delilah, she had captivated every passing thought.

  He’d have to spank her for it when he got home.

  “Ashland.” Kristoff extended his hand in greeting as he was escorted into the room. Ash took his hand and after a brief grip dropped it.

  Ignoring Kristoff’s irritated expression, he turned to the two men who had accompanied him.

  “Mr. Jansen. Mr. Bertucci.” Ash kept his curiosity to himself for the moment. “I assumed it would just be Kristoff and myself.”

  “He’s brought us into the fold. I was sure you wouldn’t mind. We did a lot of work with your father.” Jansen, the oldest of the three, gave him a crooked grin that pushed the deep wrinkles of his cheeks back.

  Which was exactly why he didn’t do business with them. Everything his father touched had been tainted, and none of the men from that circle would play nice after they knew the new rules of the game.

  “I still haven’t changed my mind about the offer you made after my father passed. I’m doing well enough following my own direction.” Ash took his seat at the table and gestured for everyone else to do the same.

  “As much as I know it would hurt your father that you haven’t followed in his footsteps, I understand. You’re your own man, and have your own aspirations. This is a new deal, a new offer. Nothing unsavory, I assure you,” Bertucci said.

  Ash rested his hands on the table. Keeping a level expression trained on the three men staring at him, he nodded. “What’s the deal?”

  They weren’t used to a straightforward question only moments after exchanging their greetings. They were used to the old-school way. Long-winded fake interest in each other’s wives, or mistresses, or kids, anything to try and make the others believe they saw each other as something more than business associates one scandal away from being enemies.

  After shifting in his seat, Kristoff cleared his throat. “Your father once offered us shares of the Annex. At the time, we didn’t see the value. However, we’ve watched it grow under your management. Even my son seems infatuated with it. Imagine if you were to expand.”

  Ash curled his toes inside his boots, unable to make a fist without them seeing or commenting on it.

  “I have no need to expand,” he responded and motioned to one of his men to get him a drink.

  “If we each were to have a piece, we could have multiple houses. We could offer women internationally,” Jansen chimed in excepting the glass of whiskey offered to him.

  “My father offered you a piece of the Annex?” Ash sipped his drink. Samuel Titon didn’t share. No way he wanted to bring these assholes into the business with him.

  “Yes. And we should have grabbed the chance.” Bertucci looked over at his partners.

  “My father’s business with you went as far as the garbage contracts, the underground gambling bullshit, but the Annex was his prize project. His to control. Why would he want partners?”

  Jensen narrowed his eyes. “Are you calling us liars, boy?”

  Ah, and there it was. No matter how much of the city Ash owned and controlled, these old-timers would always see him as Samuel’s son, his boy.

  “I’m saying it doesn’t sound like my father,” Ash qualified. As much as he w
ould enjoy calling these jackasses out right to their faces, he had no doubt the evening would end in bloodshed if he did.

  “But it doesn’t really matter. The Annex is mine and will always stay mine. I don’t need or want partners. I thought I had made myself clear after my father died.”

  He had made it perfectly clear. Crystal, in fact, when he dropped out of all the dealings his father held. He didn’t accept any money from the garbage contracts, and he pulled all his interest and support from the underground gambling ring they ran.

  “I heard there was some trouble at the party last night.” Komisky said, looking as though he’d just found the way into a secret laboratory.

  “Nothing that wasn’t handled.”

  “Marcus told me what took place.” He shook his head. “Seems as though maybe your Annex can’t handle the number of girls you have, or cater to some of the buyers’ more unsavory tastes.”

  Ash leaned forward. “If you’re talking about your son’s fucked up tastes, then no. We don’t offer rape as a product. We also don’t force our girls to wear a fucking diaper and breast feed in front of the buyer while he jerks off on her if she doesn’t agree to it.”

  Jansen visibly shrank back while Bertucci’s eyebrows knitted together in disgust.

  “Is that what your son wanted?” Bertucci asked with a pointed finger.

  “His tastes are his own. My point is the Annex could expand, and we could all become even richer.”

  Ash shook his head. “I took this meeting as a courtesy. Again.” He gave a pointed glance at Komisky. “You were good friends to my father.” The lie tasted like shit sitting on his tongue. “And I’ve heard you out. I am not in the market for partners or to expand. For those men who can’t find what they are looking for with our services, they are free to search elsewhere. I’m sure there is someone out there who does offer them.”

  “For the second time, you tried to humiliate my son.” Komisky’s noncommitted smile dropped, and anger bubbled to the surface. “You’ve insulted him.”

  Ash rolled his shoulders back and took a deep breath.

  “Your son came into my establishment and put his hands on a girl that wasn’t his. My girl. Knowing full well she belonged to me and wasn’t on the menu. He’s lucky I let him leave with both hands still attached.”

  Jensen and Bertucci exchanged glances.

  “Wait. Is this what this is about? Your pervert son didn’t get what he wanted at a party? Are you shitting me?” Bertucci stood from the table.

  “Expanding the Annex would be profitable for all of us,” Komisky argued.

  “Yeah, it would. But you heard him. He’s not interested. And after hearing what shit you want to bring to the table, I’m not interested either.”

  Jansen followed Bertucci’s lead and stood, buttoning his jacket as he did so. “Thanks for the meeting, Ashland. I’m sure you have more important things to do be doing with your time than trying to placate a few old men.”

  Ash rose and accepted Jansen’s hand. “Of course. You would do the same for me.” He nodded. And they would. He didn’t deny their manners, but he would never have business dealings with the other families again.

  Jansen didn’t speak to Komisky, only giving him a disapproving glare before following Bertucci from the room, leaving Ash with a red-faced Kristoff.

  “You fucking asshole.” Kristoff burst from his chair. Ash’s men were on him in a flash, ready to take the party outside if need be. The club was packed, and making a mess in the back room would be bad for business.

  “I think you should follow your partners lead and get out of my club.” Ash moved from the table and took up a spot near the door.

  “You can’t humiliate my son twice and get away with it. Your father never would have allowed it, and I won’t either.” What started out as a light crimson soon morphed into a full red rage. “Disrespecting Marcus is disrespecting me.”

  “Your son put his hands on my girl. The disrespect was given to me, not the other way around. You tell him, he’ll have to have his—desires—filled elsewhere. He’s not setting foot in the Annex or any of my clubs. He’s blackballed.”

  Since Ash owned nearly all the clubs in the city, he’d just cut Marcus from any society worthy of roaming.

  “You don’t know what game you’re playing, boy.”

  Ash shrugged. “I don’t play games. Now, I think our meeting is done.”

  Kristoff kicked the chair out of his way and stormed out. Ash gave a nod, and his men followed. If Kristoff decided he wanted to say something else, he would find himself unable to speak.

  “Well, that could have gone better,” Peter spoke up from the corner. Ash narrowed his eyes.

  “How long have you been standing there like some stalker?” Ash swiped his drink from the table and downed the liquor.

  Peter laughed. “Long enough. You know that back panel is starting to squeak. I thought for sure they’d hear me. Might want to have maintenance oil it.”

  “You’re an ass. I can’t handle those fucks.”

  “Yeah, I know.” Peter shrugged. “Kristoff isn’t going to let this go. And blackballing his son? That’s not going to be the end of it.”

  “I know.” Ash poured himself another drink. “At least it’s just Kristoff. Jensen and Bertucci won’t go to war with him over this.”

  “And Ellie?” Peter asked.

  “What about her?”

  “What happens with her? Kristoff is going to go after her. You just publicly claimed her, Ash. Don’t tell me you don’t know what that means.”

  “I’m aware of what it means, Peter.” Ash sighed.

  “You just put her in danger.”

  Ash slammed his glass down on the table. “I said I know what the fuck it means. I’ll handle Ellie. You just keep the other girls safe. I want earlier curfews for the time being, and I want escorts when they leave the grounds. If there isn’t someone available, they stay put until there is.”

  “Ellie’s classes?”

  Ash tucked his hair behind his ears and glared at his cousin. He knew he was right, but it only fueled Ash’s irritation.

  “Daniel can go with her. Stay outside the room. She just has the one class this semester. The other two she picked up don’t start until the next term.”

  “Her father?”

  “I don’t give a fuck about that asshole. Marcus won’t go after him. I’m sure enough Ellie’s story has been rumored and they know her father isn’t in contact with her. Going after him wouldn’t serve them.”

  “You’re going to war over a woman.” Peter didn’t laugh when he made his statement. There wasn’t an ounce of playfulness in his expression, either.

  “I’m defending what’s mine. That’s it, Peter. Do not make this more than it is.” Ash readjusted his jacket and headed for the door. Staring at Peter would piss him off, and Peter would keep needling him if he let him.

  Going home and getting into bed would suit him much better. Holding her—that would calm his spirit.



  Ash was acting weird. Even for Ash, he was being strange. Ellie had breakfast with him every morning, but by the time she finished he’d head off to a meeting. He returned for dinner every night, though, and demanded she wait for him to eat.

  When they were together, he seemed to be present, but by the end of their meal, his mind would wander. It was like he would start enjoying her company and just as he realized he wasn’t a brooding ass, he’d shut down and run off.

  He always returned to their bed at night, giving her more pleasure than she thought one body should be able to tolerate without exploding before taking his own. Each night he showed her something new. A new toy, a new position, a new part of her body that had more nerve endings than she thought possible.

  She learned she didn’t like wood implements nearly as much as the leather flogger. And she learned he tasted best after he’d been drinki
ng whiskey.

  But, today, he exceeded his strange behavior.

  “I have something to show you,” he said when she arrived home after her class. Daniel left them standing in the hallway, eager to get away, she had no doubt. For whatever reason, he’d been standing guard outside her class for the past week. She hadn’t bothered to ask, sure he wouldn’t answer and positive Ash would disregard the question altogether.

  “Okay, I’ll just put these upstairs and—”

  He took the books from her and put them on a random table.

  “Okay, then.”

  He turned and walked away. She sighed and rushed to catch up with him. She followed him down the hallway that led to his office, but instead of going there, he opened a door and waved her up a stairwell.

  She gave him a curious look, but he still didn’t give her a clue. As she climbed up the steps fear and anticipating mingled. Ash rarely looked joyful, so his scowl didn’t put her on edge, but she didn’t know where he was taking her.

  Had he finally had his fill of her, and was throwing her in a tower to live out her days? Or was this another secret sex room where he’d mess with her head and pleasure her body until she screamed her release loud enough to shake a few shingles loose on the roof.

  At the top of the stairs, the room opened before her. A loft. He’d brought her to a loft.

  He stepped behind her and flicked a light switch, illuminating the room.

  It was a studio.

  She sucked in her breath and turned to him. When his blank stare remained unwavering, she walked around to explore.

  Easels had already been put up. New, clean canvas perched on both easels. Each station was fully stocked with brushes and paints.

  She ran her hand over the brushes and jumped when the shades rolled up and snapped, letting in all the afternoon light. The outside wall of the room wasn’t a wall at all. Floor to ceiling windows let in the light and gave a beautiful view of the town below.

  “This is… Wow, Ash, this room is beautiful.” She went to the windows to peer out.


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