Seduced by the Stranger

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Seduced by the Stranger Page 4

by Allison Gatta

  On a nearby armchair, the ginger cat dozed on a bright red throw pillow and Antone approached him carefully, trying not to wake him. Still, the cat looked up and, apparently unimpressed with what he found, jumped from the seat and stalked into the adjoining kitchen.

  Antone was on the cusp of following the beast when he heard a door creak open in the next room.

  He rounded the archway to find Tess staring back at him, her face lined with sullen determination.

  "So?" he asked.

  "So. We wait. It's over-the-counter, but it's not magic."

  "Wait? For how long?" How had he not thought of that?

  "Ten minutes. Didn't you read the box?"

  He shrugged. In truth, Luca had handled the whole situation. Antone had been too overcome to bother with the details of the operation. He'd only known that it needed to be done. And fast.

  "What do we do for ten minutes?" he asked.

  Tess shouldered past him, then plopped onto her sofa with a sigh. "We wait."

  "Right." He glanced at the space beside her on the couch, but then opted for the armchair her cat had so recently abandoned.

  "So, when you find out I'm telling the truth, do I get an apology? Or does your royal position keep you from accepting that you've made mistakes?" Tess arched an eyebrow.

  "On the contrary, my position forces me to confess that I am capable of making many, many mistakes."

  "Maybe you could save yourself some time and just apologize now, then." She surveyed him for a long moment, and he opened his mouth before snapping it closed again.

  He weighed his words, trying to decipher what she'd most like to hear from what he most needed to say. Finally, he landed on: "What might save us the most time is if you began to pack."

  "Pack?" she asked.

  "You are certain this child is mine. That means you will be returning to Napoline with me."

  She guffawed. "I think not."

  "But you will. If you are carrying my child--"

  "It doesn't negate the fact that I have a job and a life here. I can't just drop everything and leave."

  "And what is this job that is so important to you?"

  "My job doesn't--"

  "Tell me."

  "I'm...a waitress." She squared her shoulders, then continued with an air of importance. "At the cafe down the street. They count on me."

  He choked back a laugh. "Ah yes, such a job is clearly too important to leave behind. You're right."

  "Listen Your Highness.Just because I'm not running a country from on high doesn't mean my job isn't important."

  Antone rubbed his chin, silently wondering whether ten minutes had ever passed so slowly before in his life. "Fine. Do not pack. You will need a new wardrobe as it is, I'm sure of it."

  "To be your royal incubator? I don't think so. This baby--whether it's yours or not--is staying right here in New York. He or she is going to yell at taxi drivers and take the subway just like everyone else."

  "I do not think you understand. This is not a request. If you are carrying a royal child, the baby will need to be legitimized before the story comes out. We will need to be wed and--"

  "Wed? What are you--" She glanced out the window, then met his gaze with wild desperation. "If you think I'm marrying you after knowing you for one night then you really have lost your marbles." Tess jumped from her chair, and stalked into the foyer.

  He followed, hot on her heels until he was mere inches from her. Grabbing her bicep, he spun her around to face him. "Tess, we have no choice. You do not and I do not."

  "I'm not going with you." She stared up at him and for a moment he was reminded of the fiery uniqueness that had drawn him to her that first night. Even now, even in her ridiculous outfit, tension and determination rolled off her in waves.

  "If you do not go by choice, my men will bring you by force. Your customs are not mine. If you are carrying my child, I will ensure that child is being cared for in the best way possible."

  "I...I..." She blinked up at him, then a jangling little tune sounded from the pocket of her frock and she glanced down to pull out her cell phone.

  "Time's up," she murmured.

  Before she had the chance to head him off, he made his way into the bathroom and collected the testing strips.

  He blinked.

  "It appears I owe you an apology," he said, hardly hearing his own words.

  His ears were stuffed with cotton and the room was spinning. This woman, this stranger, was carrying his child. Now, undeniably, the future heir to his throne.

  He looked up at her with new eyes.

  "You're damn right you do," she shot back.

  "Again it appears I must give you bad news, Tess," he said.

  "What do you mean?"

  "I've given you enough time to come to the proper conclusions and I've finished arguing with you."


  Without waiting to hear her response, he crossed the foyer in a few bounds and swung her door wide. With a nod, he motioned for his guards to seize his future wife, and then he made his way down the stairs and back into his waiting car.


  She was pregnant.

  She was kidnapped.

  And apparently?

  She was also engaged.

  Or, at least, she was engaged according to His Royal Highness Antone Pain-in-the-Ass, crown prince of Napoline. She, however, had other plans. Like, for example, trying to claw her way out of a personal jet before take off.

  Antone's security brutes has held her in place all through the limo ride to the hangar and had carried her up the steps into the plane, but apparently they thought now that she was securely in the jet, they had nothing to worry about.

  Which, of course, only went to show how little they knew about Tess Strickland. Princess she might not be, but escape artist? That was a title she could sink her teeth into.

  When Antone's team of goons disappeared into the cockpit, she rushed for the door, clutching the escape handle for all she was worth. Then, without warning, a pair of strong arms wound around her and picked her up like she was a rag doll. Weightless. Powerless.

  Antone's low chuckle thrummed in her ear and she looked up to find him holding her.

  "You're going to hurt the baby by crushing me to you like this," she warned.

  "I very much doubt that."

  "Antone, I'm warning you. This is kidnapping."

  "Diplomatic immunity can go much farther than you think," he shot back. "Now it is time to give up and relax."

  He set her back down on the carpet, but didn't release her from his hold.

  "You must promise that you'll sit. We'll be taking off soon and we cannot put the baby in danger."

  She gritted her teeth, but, seeing no other option, gave a firm nod.

  She glanced around the cabin, really taking it in this time. It was small--intimate enough for only a few select passengers. Today, that included Antone, his team of guards, Tess, and, she was surprised to see, Arnaldo. He was curled up on a velvet cushion, licking his paws like he'd been born to a life of luxury and privilege.

  Good, at least one of them felt at home here.

  "Arnaldo," she said and the cat looked up at her before returning to his grooming.

  "Ah, the beast has a name." Antone nodded. "Luca had quite the time rounding him up."

  "Yes, well, that's what happens when you take something from its home against its will." Tess shot back.

  Antone sighed. "You are a stubborn little thing, aren't you?"


  Antone held up a hand, then grabbed her waist and led her to her seat.

  Unbidden, a coil of heat rolled over her at his touch and she did her best to shrug it away before strapping herself in for the flight.

  "I've finished arguing with you, Tess. From now on, you will operate under my command--"

  "Over my dead--"

  He glared at her and she fell silent despite herself. "I have discussed this at length with my team and with my
sister, the crown princess of Napoline. As heir to the throne, I have many responsibilities and cannot school you in all the intricacies of culture and society. When we arrive, my sister will become your instructor in teaching you how to carry yourself like a princess and, eventually, like a queen. Our wedding is set to take place one month from today."

  One month. Tess' mind was reeling and she opened her mouth before closing it again.

  He expected her to learn how to be a princess in a month? And all that while trying to come to grips with being someone's mother? Someone's wife?

  "And if I refuse?" she asked at last.

  "You will not."

  "And why won't I?"

  Antone folded his hands in his lap. "Because you love your baby. You will not want to put him in danger of being scorned, or embroiled in political scandal as he ages. A marriage is best for him. It is best for him to have a mother and father who love him. He cannot travel from one country to another all his life. You know this."

  Tess closed her palms over her stomach and frowned. "I see."

  "I will take that as an acceptance of my terms." Antone nodded.

  "So...has anyone alerted my parents of where I've gone? People will look for me eventually."

  "My team will call your family and your employers."

  "Maybe I should--"

  "I've arranged that they not share any of your personal information. The news of the baby and our marriage will be yours to share."

  She started, momentarily surprised by the thoughtfulness of his actions. Given everything he'd done so far, she was tempted to believe his momentary lack of monstrousness was more of an oversight than anything, but she needed to give him the benefit of the doubt. Just this once.

  "Thank you," she choked out the words, then looked him over again.

  His dark eyes were appraising her coolly. Probably wondering what sort of wife he'd saddled himself with. What sort of life they might have.

  "I'm not interested in being your wife. Not in...that way." She blurted out the words quickly and a smile tugged at the corner of his mouth before he answered.

  "You mean you don't wish to share my bed?" He framed it as a question, but they both knew the answer. When she gave him a shaky nod in return, he offered her a tight-lipped smile.

  "You needn't worry, princess. I've prepared the guest quarters for your arrival. I'll not force you to sleep in my bed."

  She blinked. She should have expected that. Of course, married or not, he wouldn't remain celibate for the rest of his life. And yet...

  Something twisted low in her stomach at the idea of walking down the hallway of the palace and finding a scantily clad woman slinking from her husband's quarters.

  Still, she nodded again and said, "Of course."

  "Then we've come to an understanding."

  For the rest of the trip, she sat in her seat, twisting her fingers and wondering what exactly she'd say when she finally got up the nerve to call her mother or Lydia. About what her life would look like now. What her child's life would be like.

  Her child...

  The baby hadn't even been born yet and already she was mourning all the play dates he'd never have. All the peanut butter and jelly sandwiches he'd never eat. All the swing sets he'd never jump from.

  The normal, quiet life that was all she'd ever wanted for herself, for her baby. Gone.

  All because of one night.

  One stupid, stupid mistake.

  As the day turned to night, Antone took a break from the work that had occupied him during the day and rejoined her in the main cabin. When he entered, Arnaldo stalked from his corner of the room to curl up in Tess' lap protectively.

  "The guards tell me you've barely spoken all day," he started.

  "My wardens, you mean?"

  "Come, Tess. They are here to protect us both now. You'll have to accept them as family."

  She eyed the tall, muscular man leaning against the doorway. That one, she'd learned, was Luca. Handsome, she thought. Too handsome to spend all his time lounging around Antone instead of chasing women.

  She patted Arnaldo's ginger fur. "Is that how you see them? As friends?"

  "Best friends." Antone said. "And trusted companions. Of course, I know it is harder for women to connect with males. When you are queen, you will have ladies-in-waiting who will help you--"

  "Ladies-in-waiting? What, like, medieval times?"

  Antone grinned. "Not quite. These will simply be important women of our society. They will care for you and spend time with you. Share your concerns and your council."

  "I'm gonna go ahead and vote no. But thanks anyway." She looked down at Arnaldo.

  "Would you rather we flew in a few of your friends to keep you company?" he asked.

  She sucked in her cheeks, unsure how to answer. After what had happened during her father's campaign, most of her friends had abandoned her and the few she had left were work acquaintances more than anything. In the years since the scandal, she'd discovered that she enjoyed her own company more than anyone else's--after all, at least she knew she could trust herself. With anyone else, she could never be too sure.

  Still, he needed an answer, so she settled on the simplest one. "No. You don't need to fly anyone in."

  "My princess--"

  "Please don't call me that," she cut through his words. She couldn't handle that. Not yet.

  He surveyed her for a long moment, then gave her a weary nod. "Of course. Tess, then. What about your sister? Your family?"

  Without meaning to, she let out a low sigh and imagined the look on her mother's face when she got the call from the palace. Pictured the way her surgically tightened skin would pull even tighter when she discovered the news about her bastard grandchild. About her wayward daughter, the princess.

  The conflicting emotions would drive her to insanity. Tess was almost sure of it.

  Then there was Lydia... Her sister who'd worked so hard to be everything their parents had ever wanted for them. The look on Lydia's face when she'd seen Tess the night of her gala.

  Tess tilted her mouth to the side, then said, "I have Arnaldo. I'm fine. Really."

  "All right." Antone folded his hands in his lap, then stared down at them for a long moment. Apparently, he was content to let the silence wash over them for the rest of the ride. Logically, Tess knew she should have been, too. Knew it was better to keep her distance from this man she knew so little about.

  But she couldn't. She didn't know why, she just...couldn't.

  "What were you working on?" She nodded toward his laptop bag and he shook his head.

  "Nothing. Bits of state business. Things my father left behind when he left for his journey."

  "Your father isn't going to be in the palace?"

  Antone shook his head again. "The king and his royal consort--my father and his new wife--have left for an extended stay in the Alps."

  "I see. Are you disappointed they're gone? Are you close?"

  "To have a father who is also your King is...a delicate balance," Antone said simply.

  Tess nodded. "Right. I guess that would be hard." And harder still to tell them the heir to their throne was conceived with an American nobody knew a thing about, she imagined.

  For the first time, she saw this as it must have seemed to him. As a diplomatic nightmare. A tragedy for his personal and political life.

  She closed a hand over her stomach protectively, then said, "I can imagine this...isn't what they were expecting."

  "It is not," Antone agreed. "But it is lucky for us that I am a crown prince and not a servant to their every wish."

  Tess raised her eyebrows at that. Did he mean he was happy to have the baby? That it was more than just the right thing to do from where he stood? She wanted to ask, to eek out his feelings about their situation, but she thought better of it.

  Instead, she said, "You have a sister."

  "I do. Two of them, actually. My youngest sister will not be in the palace either, I'm afraid. It wil
l only be you, me, and the princess Ellaria."

  "Right. And what can I expect from Ellaria?"

  Antone's lips twisted into an expression she couldn't quite read, and then he said, "Best to sleep for a while. For the baby. We will be touching down shortly."

  She blinked, unsure what to make of his response, but decided it was best not to argue. After all, given all she had to say to him, it would be best for her to choose her battles now more than ever. So, she leaned back, closed her eyes, and before she knew it she was opening them again to find Antone's arm pressing her back against her seat protectively as the plane jerked and quaked.

  "There is always turbulence before landing." He explained and she glanced down at the place where his hand rested protectively against her shoulder , doing her best to suppress the sudden rush of heat that spread over her at his touch.

  "Right," he murmured, then blinked awake and glanced out the window.

  For as far as she could see, the plane was surrounded by luscious sapphire water. It was so close that if she didn't know better she might have thought they were landing on the water itself. Still, when the wheel scraped against the ground and she looked out the window again, it was to catch sight of a huge rock-like structure. At first, she'd thought it was simply part of the mountain itself, but then she noticed the turrets and walls jutting up from the stone face.

  "The Palaca del Napoline," Antone said and nodded toward the building.

  She'd never seen anything more breathtaking. Of course, she knew she couldn't let Antone know that, either.

  "So this is where you're locking me up from now on?" she asked.

  "I think you would be hard pressed to find a better jail, princess." He said the word pointedly as something dinged down in the front of the plane. He pulled himself to standing, then held out a hand for her. "Come, there's nowhere else for you to run."

  She stared from his hand and to the palace out the window, then back again. This was it. Her new home. Her cell.

  And she was staring at her jailer.

  Finally relenting that she had no choice, she unbuckled herself and placed her palm against his.


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