Bedding the Babysitter

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Bedding the Babysitter Page 4

by Sam Crescent

  “You’re going to stay close to home? Not moving to the big city?”

  “I don’t think so. I’m a small town girl, and happy to be so as well.” She started to chop the vegetables for the salad. Jon stood close to her.

  His body surrounded her, making it hard for her to concentrate on anything but him.

  “You’ve got to head back to college right?”

  “Yeah, I’ve got like another couple of semesters, and then I can finish within the next year. I took extra classes so I could finish early. I don’t like being away from what comforts me.”

  She had missed home something fierce. In the beginning, she’d tried to embrace the partying and experimenting, but the truth was, she wasn’t that kind of woman. Elise knew what she liked, and she didn’t see the need to change herself for other people.

  He paused, and she looked up at him to find that he looked troubled.

  “What is it?” she asked.

  “This isn’t just sex for me. I want to get it out in the open. I’m not using you for a bit of fun. I like you, Elise, and I see this going somewhere, and I’d like it to be with you. My kids like you, so it’s not like they’re going to be a big shock.”

  “What are you trying to say?”

  “I want to go on a few dates with you. Just us, leaving this house, together. I don’t want it to be a secret. George and Alicia love you, and I’m sure they’d be more than happy to know you’re my girlfriend.”

  “You want to date me?”

  “I don’t want us to hide. When you go to college, I don’t want other men thinking they’ve got a chance at you.”

  Elise couldn’t help but smile. “That is … sweet.”

  “I’m being serious here.”

  “So am I. No one has ever said anything like that. You want us to be exclusive, like boyfriend and girlfriend.”

  “Yes. I’m not embarrassed to call you mine,” he said, cupping her face. “Be mine, Elise.”

  She covered his hands with her own. “Yes. I’ll be yours. I want to finish college though, and I don’t want to jump into this. The twins may love me now, but they may also hate me. Being a babysitter is different from being a girlfriend.”

  “Would you like me to tell your parents?” he asked.

  “No. I’ll do it. Are you sure about this?”

  “Yes.” He tilted her head back, locking his lips against hers.

  She melted as he slid his tongue against hers, seeking entrance into her mouth. Elise opened for him, more than happy to give him what he wanted.


  The following morning, Elise let herself in, tiptoeing down the long hall, hoping her mother was out in the garden, or doing something that meant she wouldn’t notice her daughter’s absence.

  “Don’t even think of trying to sneak off. Your father believes you got in late, but I know your bed hasn’t been slept in.”

  She turned to find her mother standing there with her arms folded.


  “You didn’t call or text. This is the modern world, and you don’t text.”

  “I was kind of busy.”

  “Doing what?”

  “Mr. Ross.” Elise slapped her hand to her mouth, shocked that she had said that.

  Her mother pressed her lips together but it wasn’t in annoyance. She was trying not to laugh. “You were doing Mr. Ross. Elise, if you were younger I’d have sent you to your room for your smart mouth.”

  “I’m twenty-one.”

  “I know, and it looks like you could use some coffee.”

  Her mother turned to head back into the kitchen, and she cringed at what she had said.

  “Doing Mr. Ross, what the hell was I thinking?” she mumbled to herself as she followed her mother into the kitchen, sitting at the counter.

  The scent of coffee was a welcoming one. Her mother placed a cup in front of her, and she stayed standing.

  “So the guy you were going to meet yesterday was Jon Ross?”

  “Yes.” She spoke the word slowly. “Are you mad?”

  “Why would I be mad?”

  “I babysit for him.”

  “Elise, you’ve had a crush on the man since you were a young teenage girl. Unless you tell me right here and right now that he abused his position and hurt you, then I don’t have a problem.”

  “Jon would never do that. He’s not that kind of guy. You’re not mad?”

  “You’re a young woman, twenty-one years old. You can make your own decisions now, right?”

  “Yeah, I guess. You’re not going to try and talk me out of it?”

  “Honey, your father is ten years older than I am. I’ve got no problem with you loving a man who is older than you. There’s a lot to learn from them.” Her mom gave a wink, which made her cringe.

  “Gross, Mom, totally gross. I may be old enough to know you both had sex, and deal with it, but I don’t need that kind of open reminder.” Elise held her hand up, shaking her head. “Gross.”

  Her mother was laughing. “You should see your face. It’s worth it. Do you want me to break the news to your dad that you’re dating Jon?”

  “Do you think he’ll care?”

  “Your father will care. He loves you a great deal. No one is ever going to be good enough for his little girl.” She was pulled into a hug. “You do know he has kids, right?”

  “Yes, I babysit them remember?”

  “Yeah, I remember. I also remember they’re supposed to be the devil’s kids.”

  “They’re not.”

  “Let’s hope they like you now that you’re going to be their stepmom.”

  She shook her head as she made her way upstairs.

  Elise was afraid that the kids would no longer like her if she was to become their step-anything.

  Easy, baby steps.

  There was no need to get ahead of herself.


  The following day, Elise waited at the local restaurant for Jon to bring the twins. She had already taken a seat at the table, and she was nervous as hell. What was she supposed to do? God, what if the kids hated her now, and had only liked her because she was the babysitter?

  Tucking her hair behind her ears, she let out a breath, trying to find ways to look cool, or calm, or anything.

  “I can do this. I’ve been babysitting the twins for years.”

  Folding her arms, she stared at the door, aware of several people glancing her way.

  She never sat alone in a restaurant.

  It wasn’t her style, but this time she wasn’t here for herself.

  When she thought she was about to throw up with her nerves, she watched as Jon led George and Alicia into the restaurant.

  Everything inside her just relaxed at the sight of them.

  This was what she wanted.

  Standing up, she eased out the chairs, helping first Alicia, and then George.

  “I’m sorry we’re late,” Jon said. “Alicia needed to use the bathroom.”

  “Elise doesn’t mind.”

  “I don’t.” She smiled down at Alicia before looking up at Jon.

  He cupped her cheek and pressed a kiss to her lips.

  Both kids gasped, and she pulled away to see them covering their mouths.

  “Erm.” Her cheeks were bright red, and she sat down, more than aware of the whispers going on.

  She looked at Jon just as he sat down, too.

  “Are you dating my dad?” George asked.

  Elise glanced at George.

  Jon reached across the table, and she took his hand, grateful for his support. “Yes, Elise is dating me.”

  “Does that mean you won’t like us anymore?” Alicia asked.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well, stepmoms are only ever nice when Daddies are around. You’re nice all the time. Are you going to be mean and stop making cake, and being nice?”

  “No, of course not.” She let go of Jon to hold onto Alicia’s hand. “I love you guys very much, and I would n
ever be horrible or mean.”

  “What does this mean?” George asked.

  “It means that Elise will be staying with us sometimes, and she’ll be home in the morning sometimes, and we’ll do things together as a family.”

  “Does this happen with all babysitters?” Alicia asked.

  “No, not all of them,” Elise said.

  “Do you love my dad?” George asked.

  Her cheeks were on fire. She hadn’t told Jon that she loved him. “Yes, I do.” She meant it as well.

  Glancing over at him, she saw he was smiling. “I love you, too.”

  His words warmed her up from the inside out.

  It may not be orthodox, or something out of a porn film, but this babysitter had fallen in love, not only with the man, but also with his adorable kids.

  “Are you staying forever?” Alicia asked.

  “She has to finish college soon, and when she graduates, we’re going to be there, aren’t we?”

  They all cheered, and in that moment, she didn’t want to go back to college. She wanted to stay home, and finally live out her dream.


  Jon sat in the back with his twins, watching his woman, his future wife, graduate from college. It had taken her a year and a half to finally graduate, a lot of driving between the two of them. When she couldn’t make it home, he’d travel to her college, taking the three hour drive with the twins in the back just to see her and spend some time with her.

  Her breaks were the best for him. Elise no longer stayed at her parents’ house. She stayed with him, sharing half his space. The closet that used to be half empty was now full with her stuff. She had put her stamp on the place, her feminine touch, so much so that she even left him shopping lists of what to buy for when she was coming home. He loved it, and he loved her.

  He’d already asked her to marry him, and Elise had said yes.

  There was a rumor around town that some of the folks had placed a bet on how long they would stay together.

  What none of those people had a clue of was that this was the real deal, and not just about the screwing the babysitter. He was in love with her, and what he felt for her was a lot more than sex. Jon had even made sure that Elise finished her education, so she got the qualifications she needed to be whatever she wanted to be. He was with her for all of it, and not looking for a mother for his kids. Elise belonged to him. She was the love of his life, and he was so damn proud of her. His patience, and waiting for Elise to graduate, was finally what won her father over, which he was happy about.

  “There she is, Daddy,” Alicia said, standing up.

  A wave of applause came, and Jon stood up with his twins on either side of him, clapping, cheering, and offering her all the support she needed.

  “She looks so beautiful,” her mother said.

  Elise’s father glanced back at him, nodding. It had taken some convincing on his part to finally bring the older man around. At first Elise’s father hadn’t liked Jon, nor had he agreed with their relationship.

  Over time, Jon hadn’t given up, and he showed Elise’s father that he was there for life.

  When the ceremony was over, Elise rushed toward him, wrapping her arms around his neck. “I graduated college.”

  “I know, and you looked downright sexy while you did it.” He kissed her lips, and his cock thickened for a chance to be inside her.

  “Congratulations, honey,” her parents said at the same time.

  Elise groaned, pulling out of his arms, to embrace her parents. She already had George and Alicia holding onto her.

  The engagement ring he’d given her shone on her pretty little finger. In no time at all, he’d have the wedding band on her finger, too, and every guy would know who she belonged to.

  Later that night, after dinner when they had put the kids to bed, Jon showed her in every single way how much he loved her, and how he was never going to let her go.

  No one won the bet.

  There was no time limit on love.

  The End

  Other Books by Sam Crescent:

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