The Edge Of Darkness

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The Edge Of Darkness Page 6

by Melissa Andrea

  I wanted to tell him not to get dumb with me, but I really needed him to help me distract Annie. Sebastian ran his hand down his mouth and placed the toothbrush back in its holder. He turned around, crossing his ankles and his arms over his bare chest, and frowned.

  “Listen, all I need you to do is cause a distraction, break something, break a limb, anything to get Annie out of the sitting room for a few minutes.”

  “Break something?” His head tilted and his lips thinned as he thought it over. “I could break something.”

  I laughed. “Try not to go overboard, okay?”

  “Why are we doing this again?”

  “Since when do you care about details to raise a little hell?”

  “Since it involves Annie.”

  He turned back to look in the mirror and ran his fingers through his wet hair. We were nearly identical, from the same dark dirty-blond hair to the blue eyes to the square chin and height.

  There was only a year difference between the two of us, and most of the time people thought we were twins.

  “You don’t piss off that woman unless it’s for a damn good reason.”

  This was true. “It’s worth it.” I promised.

  “Who are you trying to nail?” he asked, disappearing into his closet.

  I hated that I instantly felt protective over Araya. I wasn’t going to lie and say I hadn’t thought about what it would be like to have her twisting and arching beneath me. To catch every sigh and moan with my mouth. To feel her against me, surrounding me…

  I shook my head, trying to remember where I was going with this. It wasn’t just about sex. Although it should have been, it wasn’t.

  “No one.”

  “This is about a girl, right?” He came out of the closet pulling a shirt over his head.

  “Kind of, sort of. Are you going to help me out or not?” I demanded, annoyed.

  He rubbed the back of his neck and sighed. I had won. His eyes narrowed, and he warned, “But if your plan goes to hell and shit gets real, you can bet your ass I’m taking you down with me, little brother.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Easy, Cujo. We’re not trying to escape Alcatraz here. Just do your part, and I’ll take care of the rest.”

  He nodded.

  “What’s the plan again?”

  There were only two ways out of the sitting room and I was covering one and Sebastian would enter the other. I stood with my back against the wall and waited until Sebastian did his part before I moved in to steal Araya from Annie.

  I turned my head to the side, waiting and listening. It occurred to me that Sebastian was probably going to screw this up. Even after explaining to him once again that all he had to do was get Annie out of the room, I still fully expected him mess up his part.

  “Annie!” Sebastian hollered from the hallway on the other end of the room.

  Showtime, I thought and waited for my cue.


  “For goodness sakes, Sebastian, why are you yelling?” Annie snapped and I knew she was up and moving around the room.

  “Who is this?” Sebastian said, and I instantly frowned at the way he said it.

  I tried to peer around the corner without getting caught by Annie.

  Lucky for me her back was to me, but Sebastian could see me and his stupid grin widened when he realized why he was helping me. That’s it! I thought to myself. I was going to punch the stupid grin right off his face.

  Annie’s voice was a warning in disguise. “This is Araya Noelle. She’s Cara’s friend.”

  Translation: keep your hands to yourself. And he damn well better.

  “It’s very nice to meet you, Araya,” Sebastian drawled.

  He swore by his ability to make any girl throw their panties at him just by the sound of his voice. I’d call bullshit on that if I didn’t swear I had the same effect on girls too.

  “You as well…” She waited for him to fill in the blank.

  “Sebastian. Sebastian Dare.” He whistled. “Worth it indeed,” he muttered, probably confusing everyone but me.

  I gritted my teeth. Yeah, I was definitely going to kick his ass.

  “What exactly did you need, Sebastian?” Annie scolded, and I wanted to thank her.

  “Does anyone else smell that?” Araya voiced, sounding worried.

  I sniffed the air and frowned. What is that?

  “Oh, right,” Sebastian said. “About that… Annie, I need you in the kitchen right quick.”

  “Why?” she asked, suddenly nervous.

  “Well, I didn’t want to alarm you, but…”

  “But what, Sebastian? Spit it out!” she snapped, growing anxious.

  “I may or may not have started a teeny, tiny fire in the kitchen.” He said it as if a small kitchen fire was no big deal.

  I did a face-palm and dropped my head forward. Really? A fire? I wanted to be angry, but I couldn’t help but laugh. Coraline was going to flip.

  “What?” Annie freaked and apologized to Araya before yelling at Sebastian to hurry up.

  Wasting no time, I stuck my head into the room. “Psst!” I hissed, and Araya jumped, turning in my direction.

  “Ryland?” she asked.

  “The one and only, sweetheart.”

  Walking into the room and toward her, I grabbed her hand. “Come on.” I tugged.

  “What? I can’t go with you! What about—”

  “I think Annie’s going to be a while.” I smirked, tugging again, and she bit her lip nervously. “Besides, you owe me. You did stand me up, after all.” I wasn’t beneath using guilt.

  She took a deep breath and I knew I’d won. She stood when I tugged this time and, smiling triumphantly, I led her from the room and down the hall, pulling her into my mother’s study a few doors down.

  Leading her into the white room, it was like stepping into a magazine layout. Coraline never used this room unless she was hanging out with the mini drink cart.

  Expensive furniture draped in different shades of white scattered the room and it smelled of lingering brandy.

  I let go of her hand and slid the double doors closed. When I turned around, she was nervously twisting her hands together, her back still toward me.

  That nagging feeling was back, and I stood there secretly observing her and wondering what the hell I was missing. Why couldn’t I figure out what was different about her? It was driving me crazy!

  Unexpectedly, she spun around and placed her hands on her hips.

  “You started that fire!” she accused.

  I grinned. “Are you accusing me of arson, sweetheart? That’s a major accusation.”

  I advanced on her. The bottom of her dress brushed my legs and she backed up. Her hands braced out at her sides behind her, helping her feel for the wall. I didn’t stop until she was pressed up against it and I was trapping her.

  “Besides, why would I need to start a fire?”

  She swallowed. “Because you’re afraid.”

  “Afraid of what exactly?”


  “Annie’s a big softy. Don’t let her fool you.”

  “It seems like the only one trying to fool me here is you.”

  I watched her lips as they moved. They distracted me from wondering how she was able to see right through me. If I were afraid of anyone, it was going to be the tiny girl in front of me. She packed one hell of a punch, and I felt myself trying to consume more air than normal.

  “You have very distracting lips.”

  My face was only a few inches from hers, but I couldn’t see her expression through her sunglasses. I braced my hand next to her head and leaned in close. Close enough that I could feel the warmth from her body and the erratic beat of her heart.

  I was close enough to her that I could feel the hum I created within her body and the way her soft curves teased me. I was close, but not nearly close enough.

  I traced my thumb over her bottom lip, and she sucked in a sharp breath.

  “Why do you we
ar these glasses?” I traced her cheek below the rim of the lens. “Who are you hiding from?”

  “I’m not hiding from anyone.”


  If she was going to call me out on my crap, it was only fair that I get to do the same to her.

  “I’m not! I—”

  I had flustered her. If I didn’t take it down a notch, I was going to take it further than I intended. At least she was out in the open about it. I hid from everyone, including myself.


  Araya jerked beneath me, like we’d just been caught doing something I was only thinking about doing. I groaned, knowing I’d picked a too obvious hiding spot. The stain of red blended into Araya’s hairline, and it made me wonder when was the last time I’d seen a girl blush so much.

  Dropping my head forward, I felt Araya’s wild curls brush across my temple. She was so close. Her skin, her scent… It was messing with my head and I wanted nothing more than to bury my face in the curve of her neck, but the angry foot tapping behind me reminded me that we weren’t alone.

  Turning away from temptation, I didn’t completely spin to address the pain in my ass, nor did I move away from Araya. I wanted steal all the seconds I could close to her. She would definitely be guarded very close after this stunt.

  “What can I help you with, Careless?”

  I smiled smugly because I could practically feel the scorch of her glare against my back.

  I knew she would like nothing more than to unleash hell on me at this exact moment, but she would bite her tongue until Araya was no longer in the room.

  “How about we step outside?” she said, biting off each word with a clenched jaw. “Just the two of us,” she added.

  What she really meant was where there were no witnesses to testify against her. I looked at Araya again.

  “If I’m not back in fifteen minutes, come save me.” I winked at her and she swallowed hard.

  “Ryland!” Careless screeched, like I somehow offended her. “Outside! Now!”

  She stalked past me, grabbing a fistful of my shirt and pulling me with her.

  “We’ll just be a minute, Araya,” she said sweetly and pushed open the French doors with one hand.

  She led me out onto the patio and I breathed in the smell of fresh roses and I knew I’d never be able to smell another flower again without being reminded of Araya. Careless shoved me into one of the expensive pieces of patio furniture and I slumped in the sun-warmed seat, while she stood there glaring at me.

  “What exactly do you think you’re doing?”

  “You mean besides being annoyed by you?”

  “You know exactly what I mean! You set the kitchen on fire? Seriously? What is the matter with you?”

  “Are all those rhetorical questions?”

  “Damn it, Ryland! This isn’t a game!” she hissed and I was starting to realize she was actually pissed off. “She isn’t like the other girls you’re used to.”

  I rolled my eyes. “You’re being dramatic, Cara.” I rarely used her real name.

  “I’m warning you, Ryland.” She pointed a stern finger at me, and her eyes narrowed dangerously. “Stay away from her. She is off limits. Period.”

  Careless didn’t normally hand out warnings, so when she did, she meant business. I’d eat dirt before I admitted that to her or anyone else, though. She wasn’t the kind of person you wanted to have on your ass.

  She was normally very thoughtless, which is where she got her nickname. I won’t lie; Cara was pretty damn intimidating when she wanted to be, and when you pissed her off, she dedicated her life to making yours miserable.

  However, this time, she didn’t have me thinking twice about her word of caution before I would eventually do whatever she was telling me I couldn’t.

  It gave my brother and me nothing but pleasure to piss off our sassy baby sister, and today would be no exception to that rule. Slouching in the patio chair, I tilted my head so I could see past her to the tiny girl trying to sit so elegantly on our mother’s fifteen thousand-dollar couch.

  That alone made me want to walk up to her and kiss her long and hard until her feet were no longer touching the ground. She was defying one of the many rules of Coraline Dare, and anyone who didn’t have a death wish in their pocket would never do that.

  I knew she was anything but the prim and proper girl she masqueraded as, and her little display sparked my curiosity even more. We Dares… we were full of disguises. By the time I was six, I’d learned to spot a phony from a mile away.

  She looked like any other girl from my parents’ crowd, but she stood out like a rose in a thorn bush. She was sitting there in a room void of all color, except for the flare of long red hair, pink lips, and soft curves wrapped in a dress the color of a sunny summer day.

  A strong ache settled into my bones, making me want to bathe in her glowing warmth. She was still wearing those same sunglasses and they looked out of place against her ivory skin.

  She shifted nervously on the couch, crossing and uncrossing her long legs. I couldn’t help but stare at them, wondering what they would feel like wrapped around—

  “Ryland!” Careless snapped, interrupting my thoughts.

  It was probably a good thing.

  Focusing back on my sister, who all but had steam rising from her body, my eyes lazily drifted up to hers.

  “That sounds an awfully lot like a dare, Careless,” I drawled challengingly. “And you know how I feel about dares.” I taunted her. Just to add fuel to her fire, I gave her the infamous Ryland Dare stare. “Besides, there’s something about her that is begging me to—”

  “Finish that sentence, Ryland Dare, and the only one who’ll be begging for anything will be you, and it will be for air.” She threatened.

  “What’s the deal with this girl? Why are you acting like she’s made out of fine china, and why does she wear those sunglasses everywhere?”

  She gaped at me like I was stupid, and then her head cocked to the side. Slowly, her expression phased into a frown of confusion.

  “You don’t know, do you?” And it was like the last piece of the puzzle was found.

  “Know what?” I asked, sitting up in the chair.

  The corner of her mouth tilted and she hissed in warning, “I’m actually going to let you figure this one out on your own, my dear brother. It’s going to be fun to watch and as far as the sunglasses, she has scars around her eyes.”

  “Scars from what?”

  She shrugged and her face set stubbornly.

  “If this is your brilliant plan for keeping me away from Araya, you suck at it.”

  “As long as you don’t touch her—and by touch I mean have sex with her—you’re free to talk to her all you want.”

  I felt like I was being set up, but I wasn’t sure how. “Thanks for the permission, Mom.”

  She hated when I called her that and she flipped me off before walking back into the room with Araya. I watched as she walked up to Araya, who seemed to be lost in thought and was startled when Careless said her name.

  Rolling out of the chair, I moved to lean against the doorframe and watched Careless introduced herself. Her face transformed as she gave Araya one of her rare genuine Cara smiles. She didn’t give those out often, but when she did, they always managed to light up the entire room.

  I wished she had more to smile about, but maybe having Araya as a friend would help. God knows she needed one. Maybe she’d be less wary of people. I wasn’t going to help that if I started something with Araya that I knew I wasn’t going to finish.

  Yeah, I wanted her now. That’s how it always started out, but it wouldn’t last. It never lasted. And if I ruined this for Careless, I’d only be pushing her further away from having a normal relationship with another human being.

  I didn’t need to add to the unraveling of my sister that our parents had started. So I would leave Araya alone. I would listen to Careless and move on to the next girl.

  Pushing away fr
om the frame, I walked past Careless and Araya. I saw Careless glance up at me. A small crinkle formed between her eyebrows and her eyes lifted. She knew I didn’t give up so easily and that left her suspicious.

  I tried not to notice the way Araya glanced in my direction. The movement was subtle; I barely even caught her and probably wouldn’t have if I hadn’t been so focused on her. She didn’t look up or try to catch my attention as I walked past, and I pushed away my disappointment.

  “You girls have fun,” I called out as I walked out of the room.

  The hallway seemed to have grown a couple of miles as I walked away from the room, stuffing down the image of Araya’s red hair sprayed across my pillow. I definitely needed to stay away from the house while she was here.

  Sebastian was waiting for me in the sitting room. He was leaning against the wall, arms folded, and smiling like the Cheshire cat.

  “Touch her and you die,” I warned, walking past him.

  He lifted his hands, shaking his head and chuckling. “I’m the least of your worries. Annie’s waiting for you in the kitchen.”

  I’d rather face the devil himself than Annie.

  “Dead man walking,” Sebastian said, walking behind me, humming the march of doom.



  By the end of the week, I was surprised at how disappointed I was that I wouldn’t be seeing Careless again for a few days.

  I found it strange to call her Careless, but she assured me no one called her Cara, except her parents. I couldn’t be sure and she didn’t come right out and say it, but I could tell she didn’t get along with her parents.

  I had yet to meet either one of them. They didn’t seem to be all that involved with any of the Dare siblings. During my last day with Careless, I heard arguing and the sound of glass shattering, slamming doors the echoes to end the fight.

  I pretended not to notice, remaining nonchalant when Careless got up to shut the door to the study. If she was fazed by any of it at all, she didn’t say anything. Not that I expected her to, but most people would have felt embarrassed and apologized for what happened. But she didn’t feel the need to keep up appearances for her parents. She was exactly what her nickname suggested: care-less. After that, she said it was nice enough outside that we could spend our time out there from now on.


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