Rescuing A Runaway Bride

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Rescuing A Runaway Bride Page 6

by Jans, Honey

  Samantha bit her lip. Would she be a hindrance? At that moment, the problem was taken out of her hand when the boat’s engine stopped. “Too late,” she whispered.

  He clamped a restraining hand on her shoulder. “Stay here while I go check this out.”

  She nodded as his will came close to breaching her defenses. The only way to get him to back off was to capitulate. She schooled her expression into one of submission. “Fine. I’ll stay behind.”

  His eyes narrowed. “You’d better, or I’ll paddle your ass so hard you won’t be able to sit down for a week.”

  She glowered up at him. “My hero.” When he continued to glare down at her, she let out a sigh of defeat. “Fine. Just make sure you’re extra careful.”

  He scowled. “Don’t worry. I’m not going to do anything to your brother.”

  “It’s not just Tad I’m worried about. I care about you too, you hard-headed jerk.” She watched his eyes widen and saw his startled smile. His pleased reaction told her that she might just as well have said she was crazy about him. Jake bent to brush a quick burning kiss across her lips. When he pulled away, Samantha blinked up and noticed his fierce, totally macho smile. “What was that for?”

  “For being worried about me. It’s a new experience for me.” He turned and moved away to blend into the shadows, heading toward the boathouse.

  Stunned by his outburst of affection, she hesitated for a moment, and then drew her wits back together. They still had a crisis to get through, and she was well known for being calm in a crisis. She’d do her best to stay out of Jake’s way, but she had to be close enough to help. She sprinted to the corner of the shed and glanced at the pier. The boater was tying up to the dock. In the dark, she couldn’t tell who it was. She had to get a little bit closer.

  A few quick steps took her back to the gloom of the tree line. She picked her way through the pines until she reached the boathouse. Holding her breath, she glanced left and right but she didn’t see Jake. Was he hiding inside? She made a quick dash to the door. As quietly as possible, she turned the handle. It turned silently and easily. Jake must have oiled it for just such an occasion.

  The darkness inside the room was oppressive. The moonlight shining through the dusty windows gave only a tiny bit of illumination. She didn’t see Jake. Just then, the door on the dockside began to squeak open. Samantha quickly stepped inside, closed the door, and dove for the shadows.

  Footsteps rang on the concrete floor as the intruder stepped inside. A flashlight beam split the darkness. “Is anyone there?” the trespasser shouted.

  Samantha gasped and sprang to her feet. “Tad?”

  Suddenly, there was a thud followed by Tad’s outraged, male bellow.

  Samantha scrambled out of her hiding place. The fallen flashlight illuminated Tad and Jake wrestling back and forth on the floor, struggling for domination. She rushed over to grab the flashlight and beam it at the fighting men. “Stop it immediately, you two idiots!” she shouted in time to catch movement next to her. She swung the beam into the darkness only to find two of members of Jake’s security crew creeping toward them guns drawn. She sucked in a shocked breath and turned to glare at Ramsey. “You fucking lied to me. Telling me you were working this case alone. Who else is going to show up, the FBI?”

  Jake hesitated for a moment, then said, “Now, sugar, it isn’t what it looks like.”

  “FBI,” Tad screeched, landing a glancing blow off Jake’s chin, then glanced up at Samantha and let out a startled gasp. “Sis, what are you doing here?”

  Samantha gazed at her little brother in horror. How could he have betrayed their father this way? She was barely aware of the security team anymore she was so shocked. “That’s what I want to know. How could you be disloyal to Dad this way?”

  “Stay out of this, Samantha.” Jake rolled to his feet. “This is police business now.” He bent to jerk Tad up by his collar then turned to his men saying, “Stand down, guys.”

  “What the hell’s going on?” Tad gasped, shooting a worried glance around the men. “And why is the goon squad here?” He reached for his dropped attaché case. His feet stumbled for a steady footing as he jerked out of Jake’s grasp.

  Samantha willed herself to calm down as Jake’s men faded into the background. How long have they been here guarding the house? Not long or they would have responded to her rude arrival. Pushing back those questions, she decided to focus on Tad. His genuinely shocked reaction at the mention of the FBI wasn’t that of a criminal. “Before we take this any further, we should take this inside. I need to fix you both up with ice packs for your wounds.”

  Jake pushed Tad forward. “All right, Tad, let’s follow the lady.”

  Samantha noticed Jake’s limp as he followed a glowering Tad. His knee was clearly acting up again, thanks to the tussle with her brother. The Logan family was responsible for causing him a lot of pain this week. “Your knee’s bothering you again.”

  “I’m okay.”

  Noting the grim set of his mouth, she knew he was far from okay. She walked up to him and put her arm around his waist. His taut muscles rippled at her touch. “Lean on me.”

  Tad turned, scowling. “You two are pretty cozy.”

  She felt Tad’s scornful glare rake over the two of them, and her temper boiled over. “You have no right to question my conduct after the stunt you pulled tonight.” From the corner of her eye, she noticed Jake’s masculine, self-satisfied smile and sighed. Men! She thought about moving away, but Jake seemed to read her thoughts and clung even closer to her side. Samantha and Jake followed Tad through the cabin door. “You’ve got a lot of explaining to do, Tad.”


  She let go of Jake and rounded on Tad. “Have you been stealing from the firm? I told Jake it couldn’t be you, that there had to be some explanation, some mitigating circumstance.”

  “Why don’t you both leave me alone?” Tad backed away. “I haven’t done anything wrong.”

  Jake held up a hand. “Hold the interrogation while I make us some coffee. I think we’re going to need it.”

  Samantha cast a concerned glance Jake’s way. Was he hurt worse than she’d thought? “I’ll go get some pain pills.” She rushed to the bathroom and got out the bottle, then ran back to the kitchen with it.

  “Thanks,” Jake said, taking the bottle from her. He glanced at Tad. “Want one, kid?”

  “No thanks,” Tad said.

  “I’ll pour the coffee,” Samantha said, looking for something to do. She glanced up at Tad, standing close to the door. He wouldn’t meet her eyes, a sure sign he was guilty. She still couldn’t wrap her mind around that horrifying fact. Heartsick, she turned back to the coffee maker. Jake took one look at Samantha and took the cups out of her shaking hands. “I’ll do that, sunshine, you sit down.” He turned to look at Tad. “Well, Tad, why don’t you tell us what’s been going on.”

  Tad set his attaché case in the corner, and then dropped down into a chair. “What makes you think there’s anything going on? This is my family’s cabin after all. I’m here on vacation.”

  Jake chuckled. “Boy, does that ever sound familiar. Seems to run in the family.”

  Samantha chose to take the high road and ignore Jake’s comment.

  Tad frowned at her. “What are you doing here, sis? Grayson’s been pretty tight-lipped about the whole thing.”

  “I’m here because I want to be and Grayson can go screw himself.”

  “So it’s like that, is it?” Tad questioned, scowling. “I’ll kill the bastard.”

  “You’ll have to stand in line for that privilege,” Jake said, shoving a mug Tad’s way. “But first you’re going to tell us what you’re doing here. And spare me any of your cock-and-bull stories. I know you’re not here on vacation. I intercepted your email about the drop.”

  Tad gulped. “I don’t know what you mean.”

  Jake slanted a pointed look at the attaché Tad had leaned against the wall. “How long have you
been stealing from your father?”

  Samantha tensed, dreading her brother’s answer. She glanced at the attaché he’d brought with him and her heart sank. At his continued silence, she turned to glance at Tad. His outrage seemed to evaporate right before her eyes. He now looked like the scared kid he was.

  “This is the first time.” Tad’s voice broke. “I promise.”

  “I find that hard to believe. The losses have been going on for the past six months, ever since you joined the firm in fact.”

  Tad gulped. “I swear this is the first time. And, anyway, I didn’t really steal anything.”

  Jake shook his head. “Oh sure, you were going to sell false information.”

  Tad nodded. “That’s exactly what I was going to do.” He got up and retrieved the attaché, opening it to pull out a manila envelope. “I swapped the file they wanted.”

  Samantha noticed Jake’s intrigued expression and felt hope bloom back to life. Her faith in her brother’s innocence wasn’t misplaced, after all.

  He handed the envelope to Jake. “I was trying to buy some time. I thought maybe if I could catch the blackmailer, I could turn them in.”

  “Blackmailer?” Jake said tightly.

  Samantha gasped. “You’re being blackmailed? Why? About what?”

  Tad shook his head. “Not me. A friend of mine is being threatened. I’ve got to help her. I’m her only hope.”

  “Her?” Jake asked dryly.

  “Who is she?” Samantha asked.

  “I promised I wouldn’t tell.”

  “You don’t have any choice,” Jake said flatly.

  “You can’t make me talk. I don’t care what you do to me, Ramsey.”

  Samantha shook her head. “Can’t you see, Tad? The best way to help your girlfriend is to let a professional take care of it. Even if you don’t like Jake, you must agree he’s good at his job.”

  Tad hesitated a moment, then sighed. “She works at Logan Industries. Her name is Jennifer Mitchell.”

  The name sounded familiar. Samantha racked her brain for a face to go with it. Oh yes, she’d met a Jennifer a few weeks back when she’d visited her dad. She was cute and blonde, just her kid brother’s type. “Uncle Delbert’s new secretary? I had no idea you two were an item.”

  “Nobody does. Jenny wanted it to be our secret.”

  Jake frowned. “So, what does this alleged blackmailer have on her?”

  “It’s all a big misunderstanding.”

  “Of course it is,” Samantha broke in, ignoring Jake’s raised brow. Couldn’t he see a gentle approach would work best? She reached out to touch her brother’s hand. “We only want to help. Answer Jake’s questions, okay?”

  Tad nodded and leveled a defiant glance at Jake. “She took some petty cash, but she was going to put it back soon. Honest.”

  Jake frowned. “How much?”

  “Seven thousand dollars.”

  “That was fast. She’s only worked for the firm for three months.”

  “She had car problems, and she needed quick cash. She meant to put it back, but now it’s too late for that.”

  “Is it, Jake?” Samantha cast a curious glance his way. He was the head of security. Didn’t he have some leeway over things like this?

  Jake’s jaw firmed. He glanced resolutely at Tad. “I’m not making any promises, but we may be able to work things out. We’ll deal with it when we get back to town. That’s the best I can do.”

  Tad nodded eagerly. “I never thought to ask. I didn’t think.”

  “That the goon would understand,” Jake said dryly.

  “Yes, well.” Tad turned to look at Samantha. “That still leaves the matter of the man you’re supposed to meet, Tad, if he actually shows up. Are you sure you don’t know who you’re dealing with?”

  “Jenny said she didn’t have a clue who it was. Otherwise, I would have punched the sucker out.”

  “Right.” Jake nodded.

  “Oh, great,” Samantha said with a frown. “Don’t you two know violence never solves anything?”

  “I could call Jenny and ask again.”

  “No, I don’t want to tip anyone off.” Jake’s jaw tightened. “Someone served you up like a fall guy on a silver platter. I think it’s important to play this out.”

  “What do you mean served me up as a fall guy?” Tad scowled.

  “It isn’t a coincidence I’m here, kid. Logan Industries has been plagued with a loss of technology for the last six months. We were closing in on the culprits when your friend Jennifer was blackmailed and you were set up to take the fall. The question I’m asking now is by whom?”

  Tad shook his head. “I can’t believe it. You must be mistaken.”

  Jake picked a paper off the counter. “It’s here in black and white. Whoever it was sent copies of your email to me.”

  Tad’s jaw dropped as he scanned the paper. “But who? Why?”

  “It could have been someone trying to divert suspicion. Or it could have been someone who’s out to hurt you or your father.”

  Samantha felt chilled by Jake’s grim deduction. It was true. Setting Tad up for a fall would be the perfect way to destroy their father. But Jake wouldn’t let that happen. He was too good at his job to let the crooks slip away. She had complete faith in his abilities but now saw that it went farther, he cared personally for her family.

  Tad went pale. “What can I do to help?”


  Samantha nodded. “Yes, listen to Jake. He’s the only one who can untangle this treacherous mess.”

  “I guess so,” he said with a sigh.

  Jake cued his pager letting out a crackling sound that had Tad jumping and in a moment there was a knock on the door. “Want me, boss?” Hunter said, stepping into the room.

  “Yeah we need to have a strategy session,” Jake said.

  “That’s right. We’ve got some work ahead of us.” He glanced from Samantha’s open gaze to Tad’s suddenly cautious one. His gut told him Tad was telling the truth, but he wouldn’t be completely crossed off the list of suspects until his story was checked out. In the meantime, Jake intended to keep close tabs on him. He couldn’t afford to drop the ball now and let down his guard.

  He’d take whatever steps he needed to solve the case. Hopefully, by the time he was done, Samantha would still be by his side. In addition to the allegiance he felt for his boss, this went deeper than his loyalty to Logan Industries. He wanted to stay right here and teach sweet Samantha all the love lessons she could handle, and then some. He’d come to a startling realization last night. He needed her like a thirsty man needed water. And in spite of their age and class differences, he intended to go after her.

  Tad frowned. “What kind of strategy session?”

  Jake turned his focus on Tad. It was too great a coincidence that blackmailing was going on alongside industrial espionage. He wasn’t sure how, but instinct told him the crimes were linked. While Tad viewed Jennifer’s actions with a loving eye, Jake had to be more critical. She might not be the victim Tad thought she was. Time would tell, but until he knew for sure he had to insure Tad’s cooperation. “We need a long-range plan, Tad.”

  Tad’s jaw tensed. “Such as?”

  “Some of the things I need to do during this investigation may upset you, but I’m going to need you to step back and give me a free hand.”

  “You’re talking about Jenny, aren’t you? I’m telling you right now, she would never have set me up.”

  “Probably not, but her role in this has to be examined.”

  Tad sighed. “I suppose, but you’ll be wasting your time. You haven’t changed your mind about giving her a break, have you?”

  Samantha shook her head. “Of course not, Tad. When Jake makes a promise, he keeps it.”

  Jake felt bolstered by her fervent approval. “No, I haven’t changed my mind. In the meantime, we’ve got the drop to deal with.”

  Tad nodded. “Right, I’ll go ahead with it as planned.”r />
  “No, it’s too dangerous.” Samantha looked at Jake.

  Jake was relieved to see she was turning to him for backup. “I agree. I’ll make the drop instead of you. We’re about the same build. If they actually show up, the crook won’t be able to tell the difference in the dark.”

  Samantha nodded. “I don’t like the thought of you risking your neck any better, but at least you’ve got some experience. I’m just hoping the creep won’t show up. You don’t think he will, do you?”

  Jake was buoyed by her faith in his expertise. “Probably not, unless they arranged for another patsy to complete the scam. They’re probably watching and freaking out because Tad came here early. I’ve got to convince them I believe you’re guilty, which brings me to the second part of our plan. Tad, I’m afraid you’re going to have to go to jail.”

  “What!” Samantha cried out. “That’s out of the question. You said he was innocent. How can you, in good conscience, put him behind bars?”

  Jake’s jaw tightened at her appalled gasp. She still didn’t trust him, but then he hadn’t given her much reason to.

  Tad leaned forward. “Actually, he’s probably right. With me out of the picture, they might drop their guard.”

  Samantha bit her lip as she slanted a worried glance Tad’s way. “Are you really okay with this?”

  Tad nodded. “I want this whole mess cleared up. I think I can trust Jake not to betray me.”

  She turned to Jake. “All right, go ahead and call. But, please, I don’t want Dad to find out about this until we know who’s really behind it.”

  “No problem. Kathy will work with us to help us cover our tracks.” Jake dialed the phone and was patched through to Kathy, who was out on patrol. “Yeah, Kathy, Jake Ramsey here. Say, we’ve got a situation here we need your help with. No, Samantha’s okay. It’s something else. Okay, we’ll see you.”

  “When’s she coming?” Tad asked.

  “She’ll be here in about ten minutes. I’m afraid you’ll have to spend the night in jail to make it convincing.”

  Tad nodded grimly. “I’d better get ready.”


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