Rescuing A Runaway Bride

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Rescuing A Runaway Bride Page 8

by Jans, Honey

  “How many people are in the boat?”

  “It’s hard to tell. They’re running without lights. I can see the silhouette of one man.”

  “Okay, stand by.”

  “Be careful, Jake, whatever you do. Your life is worth more than this case.”

  Samantha watched, frozen with apprehension, while the boat crept toward the dock. The pilot blended into the darkness like an apparition. Is Jake right? Is this a new fall guy heading their way? Or is it someone more sinister?

  The motor shut off, and she watched the boat glide up to the dock. This was where she’d helped out last night, but this time Jake wouldn’t be dealing with an innocent kid like Tad. She felt a powerful need to run outside and help, but the knowledge that she could ruin everything kept her at her post. “Jake, he’s out of the boat and heading your way.”

  “Thanks, sunshine,” Jake whispered back. “Now, let’s maintain radio silence. And remember, don’t get any bright ideas about coming out here to help me. If things look bad, call the cops.”

  Samantha waited breathlessly for some sound to tell her Jake had the upper hand, but heard only silence. She bit her lip, knowing she couldn’t call out to him for fear of giving him away. She kept her eyes glued to the telescope and listened hard. Then a shot rang out and her heart leapt in her throat. Jake was hurt. She could feel it. Forgetting her promise, she ran outside to find Jake crumpled on the ground, his men converging, and the sound of a motorboat roaring away. She made it to Jake’s side just as Emergency Services did and crouched next to him sobbing as she saw the bloody hole in his shoulder. The furious look he pinned her with was almost enough to kill her but she knew it was just the pain making him reject her. “Oh my god, help him,” she cried out vaguely aware of Kathy and Tad coming alongside her.

  Jake gave her a lingering look and then cut his glance to Kathy. “Get her the hell away from me, now.”

  She let out an appalled gasp as he shook off her touch picked himself off the ground and strode up to the ambulance feeling rejected all over again. My god did he blame her for all this? Well her family was to blame. She stood up a bit wobbly as the ambulance tore out of there.

  “You okay, sis?” Tad asked, touching her shoulder.

  She doubted that she’d ever be okay again but she nodded mutely.

  “Come on let’s do what he said and get her the hell out of here,” Kathy said.

  Samantha let them load her into the police car feeling numb. All the color had gone out of her day. But at least Jake was still breathing. That was something to be thankful for, even if he’d dumped her.

  * * * *

  Two hours later she reluctantly let Kathy treat the burn on her hand. She’d been so upset she hadn’t really felt it until her friend slicked on the burn ointment. Then answering a half-million questions Kathy’s superior officer peppered her with Samantha sagged back in her seat in the interrogation room exhausted. Tad, she knew, was undergoing a harder going over by the FBI agent assigned to the case. Unfortunately she couldn’t tell them a damned thing to help. If only she knew who was responsible for the attempt on Jake’s life, she’d gleefully tell them.

  “Here I think you could use this,” Kathy said, thrusting a cup of coffee at her.

  Samantha clutched it inhaling the coffee’s bracing aroma trying to center her thoughts. “Thanks.” One thing she knew for sure was that she needed to check on Jake, make sure he was okay. Then she saw Tad heading her way and surged to her feet. “You okay?”

  He nodded. “I’m fine, sis. Let’s go home.”

  Samantha stood still. “I need to go to the hospital, check on Jake¼”

  “He checked himself out,” Kathy said, adding softly, “Besides he doesn’t want to see you.”

  It was like being doused with cold water but it was true. Samantha sucked up her pride and managed to nod. “Then he’s okay?”

  Kathy nodded. “As for how you can get home, he had your car brought round along with your things.”

  “But Jerry’s body shop wasn’t going to get to it until next week.”

  Kathy shrugged. “Apparently he pulled a few strings.”

  He sure as heck wanted to get rid of me fast. Good golly the repairs must have cost a fortune. He’d even taken care of the old dings and abrasions. Maybe it proved he cared a little bit. Yeah then why is he sending you packing? There’s only one good way for me to find out, track my reluctant erotica instructor down in Chicago and ask him.

  “Will you slow down?” Tad exclaimed as she stepped on it.

  “Take it easy, little brother. I’ll get you home in one piece. I’m on a mission to save my reluctant hero.” She didn’t like the worried frown Tad gave her.

  “Sis, he told you to go home. You should listen to him.”

  “That was just the pain talking. He didn’t mean it,” she shot back, wishing she could be sure. Then she cranked on some tunes to drown out any objections Tad might have. She didn’t need his doubts exacerbating her own. All she knew was that she had to fight for Jake’s love.

  Hours later she pulled into her parents’ driveway knowing she had to mend some fences there and set things right. She was through running thanks to Jake and she had to see this probably unpleasant task through.

  Chapter 10

  Tad turned to study Samantha. “You sure you’re ready to beard the lion in his den, sis? I can go tackle him if you like, and get a few clues to Jake’s whereabouts.”

  Samantha smiled at the kind offer proving just how right she’d been about Tad’s character but she couldn’t take him up on the easy out. Tensing as she looked up at the estate’s white colonial façade she told herself that she could do this. Let’s do this before I chicken out.

  “We might as well get this over with,” Tad said reluctantly.

  “Right.” Time was of the essence if she was going to find Jake. Samantha opened her car door and got out. Their father was strong but rigid. A self-made man, he’d always expected model behavior from his kids. Samantha always fell short of the mark, but Tad was his pride and joy. This was going to be tricky.

  Her stepmother, Carol, opened the door, her eyes widening with surprise and delight. “Well, if you kids aren’t a sight for sore eyes. Your father will be so happy to see you.”

  Samantha relaxed realizing there wouldn’t be any recriminations from her about the wedding that wasn’t. “We need to see Dad. Is he at home?”

  “He’s in a private meeting in the den.”

  Her father’s loud booming voice, obviously in heated conversation, stopped her short. Oh great, he’s already ticked off. She shifted her gaze to look through the open doorway between the rooms focusing on the man standing across the desk from her father. Even from the back she recognized Jake’s wide-shouldered stance. Well, at least she wouldn’t have to track him down. Her father looked up at that moment and saw her standing there. He said something, and Jake spun around to see her. Samantha fought the urge to turn and flee from his irritated gaze. Gone was her lover and in his place was the granite-faced investigator.

  She found herself snared and held motionless by his compelling gray eyes nevertheless. Samantha felt as if she was standing in quicksand. She broke eye contact and turned her attention to her father. He looked a bit haggard. She felt a pang of regret for any pain she’d caused him.

  “Hello, Samantha,” Samuel said gruffly. “It’s good to see for myself that you’re in one piece.”

  “I’m fine, Dad,” she said, walking into the room, surprised by her father’s display of emotion. She flicked an inquisitive glance Jake’s way. Her presence had probably messed up his plans. But just what were those plans? “Mr. Ramsey,” she said with a nod, acknowledging his presence.

  “So we’re back to Mr. Ramsey now,” Jake said, his mouth kicking up with reluctant humor.

  “Would you prefer goon?” Samantha replied sweetly.

  “No,” Jake said solemnly, “I’d prefer to go back to a first-name basis, if you don’t mind, Sa

  “No problem,” Samantha said, feeling a deep pang of regret. The last time he’d called her that they’d been making love. Was he trying to remind her of that sweeter time? She couldn’t afford to relent. For her brother’s sake, she had to see this through.

  Her father cleared his throat. “Samantha, if you’re through sparring with my Chief of Security, I propose we get down to business. Your brother’s got a lot of damage to fix.”

  “Fine,” Samantha said in a clipped voice. So Jake told him about Tad’s involvement. She pinned Jake with a steely gaze. “Well, Jake, as you can see, the lettuce has hopped out of the icebox. And my question to you is, what kind of crap have you been telling my father?”

  “Samantha Katherine Logan,” Samuel said harshly. “I’m surprised at you using that kind of language. Jake is a friend and a valued employee. I can assure you anything he tells me is the honest truth.”

  Samantha continued to scowl at Jake confused and angry. Jake reached out to touch her and she pulled away and noticed a flicker of distress cross his hard face. Why was he so hurt after he’d been the one to reject her? Unless he’d done it to protect her. Then she remembered his wound and looked at his shoulder.

  “I’m fine,” Jake said tightly.

  She sighed. How the hell had he gotten into her heart in such a short time? “I don’t need you to baby-sit me,” she said out of pure self-defense.

  “Oh, but I think you do.” Jake’s smile was harsh.


  “He’s right, Samantha,” Samuel cut in. “Jake told me about Tad’s involvement in the thefts…”

  “In Tad’s defense,” Samantha began her plea.

  Her father shook his head. “Don’t worry about it, Samantha, honey. I understand there were extenuating circumstances.” He added with a tender smile, “I love you and Tad very much.”

  Astonished, Samantha could only gasp and her father’s delighted smile warmed her heart. Maybe she owed Jake an apology.

  Her father continued on, “Jake has also filled me in on the reason you fled your wedding, and more importantly on the events that happened at the cottage.”

  Samantha’s smile faded. Jake had told her father about her finding Grayson in bed with another woman? He’d led her to believe that he’d let her broach the subject in her own way and time. His high-handed tactics were irritating. But, in a way, she was glad she didn’t have to talk about it. Still, it was embarrassing.

  Samuel’s voice broke in on her musings. “I was, of course, upset to find out about St. James’ infidelity. I’m sorry, Samantha honey, don’t you worry. I’ll deal with him.”

  The idea of Grayson being fired appealed to her, but did she really want to be responsible for ruining his career? He hadn’t bothered her since she’d scared him that night. “Don’t. Let him stand or fall on his own merit. I don’t care.”

  Samuel nodded. “I want you under Jake’s personal protection until we get the individuals involved in the thefts and attack on you arrested. Jake has agreed to stay on with the firm until the case is solved.”

  Stay on in the firm. Where the hell is he thinking of going? The thoughts flashed through her head before she focused on the words. His last case. Oh great! It was probably the least sexy, least romantic prospect she could think of. She wouldn’t keep him by her side with strings attached. But maybe that’s all she’d ever been to him, just a job. On that painful thought, she surged to her feet. “No thanks. I’m going to take care of myself from now on,” she said and then turned on wobbly legs and collided with Jake’s hard chest.

  His arms came out to hold her fast. “No way, sunshine. This little lettuce is not getting out of my sight.”

  She snuggled against him for one blissful moment weakening before telling herself to suck it up. “No thanks,” she said troubled by Jake’s worried look. However, even in her state of fury, she couldn’t help responding to Jake’s nearness. Inhaling his natural, masculine scent, she was transported back to the nights he’d touched her and she’d tasted him. Would she ever get the chance again? If she had the chance to go back into his bed, would she? He liked her, he lusted for her, but he didn’t love her.

  Looking over her shoulder, she saw Carol and Tad standing in the hall. Tad had a militant expression on his face and Carol looked concerned. She hated the distress she was causing them by rejecting Jake’s protection. She turned her head to glance at her father. Worry lines bracketed his mouth. He seemed to have aged overnight. Oh hell, Jake had her trapped in his web and he knew it. She glanced up at his victorious expression. She really had no choice but to become his last case.

  * * * *

  Samantha slid into the driver’s seat of her car frowning as Jake slid into the passenger seat beside her. What the hell was she supposed to do now? With a sigh, she turned the key in the ignition. She was just going to have to make the best of an awkward situation. She gazed back at him, confused and off balance. She wasn’t at all sure she’d be able to resist him day and night but she was damned determined to. This time he’d have to make all the moves if he wanted her. She was through throwing herself at him.

  “You can turn left,” he said.

  She frowned at him and cut her wheels to the right. Oh no, she was not going to his place. If she had to deal with him, it would be on her own turf. “No way. I’m not going to your place,” she stated flatly.

  His jaw tightened momentarily before he let out a sigh. “Fine, we’ll play it your way for now. You might as well keep on going to your place.”

  She frowned. He seemed so determined to remain cool and businesslike. “So you know where I live. I wouldn’t have thought that would be any of your business.” She was unable to resist the temptation to keep on baiting him.

  “I keep tabs on you,” Jake responded evenly. “It’s part of my job as head goon,” Jake said and smiled at her gasp. “I know about your business Samantha’s Special Affairs, and that you’ve gone into debt to get it going. I know that you rarely date. That was until you moved back home and met your ex. I know when I kiss you, your toes curl,” he added with a half-smile.

  She gazed at him in shock at how accurate his info was. He’d obviously been wasting his time working at LI, he should have been a world-class spy or something. So why had he buried himself in this job? Even as she thought it, it rankled that he’d had her investigated. “Snoop.”

  He grinned as she pulled into a parking spot next to her apartment. “Guilty as charged, brat. We need to talk about why I left.”

  She heard his less than apologetic tone and frowned. Didn’t he know how torn up she felt? Or didn’t he care? The last thing she wanted from him was a half-hearted excuse. “No we don’t.”

  Jake nodded. “Maybe you’re right. We can hash this over better inside.”

  She got out of the car, walking up to her front door as she pulled her key from her bag. If this was going to work she had to establish some boundaries. Even as she thought it, he took the keys from her and opened the door pressing her back.

  “Stand back and let me do my job.”

  Well hell, he already thought she didn’t trust his abilities. She didn’t want to add fuel to that fire so she stood cooling her heels for the moments he checked out her apartment. Then a glance over her shoulder told her he had back-up arriving as two of his staff’s vehicles pulled up. She recognized them on sight. Oh great, he was turning her place into an armed camp. Maybe she should have gone to the safe house after all but she’d made her stand and she had to abide by it.

  She froze when he eased into her place gun drawn and her worried gaze immediately went to his shoulder. How badly had he been wounded? He still moved like a predator, even if a slightly wounded predator. She couldn’t let him get shot on her account again. Without waiting for permission she strode into her townhouse but she relaxed feeling good vibes. Her thoughts that the trouble lay at LI confirmed, she relaxed a bit. Then Jake stalked back her way with a fierce look on his face for disob
eying his direct order and she just smiled at him her heart melting. She guessed it was up to her to save the tough guy. Even though he wouldn’t thank her for it.

  She closed the door behind her wanting to block the possible fireworks from her neighbors. Mrs. Morley for instance from two doors down was probably peeking at them through her lace curtains. Then Jake stepped into her personal space and she burned deciding her place suddenly seemed so small and intimate with him standing there. Her breath caught in her throat as she looked into his eyes and knew she had a decision to make—run away—or find out just what it took to make him hers. So why was she so nervous all of a sudden?

  “Now for the rules,” he said. “You do everything I say when I say or face the consequences.”

  She glared back at him even though his sensual threat thrilled her deep inside but she knew it wouldn’t pay to weaken. She had a few demands of her own. Demands that would save his stubborn ass. “Agreed, if you agree to my demands.” She held her breath for a minute as he hesitated.

  “Such as?”

  “No more secrets. I demand open communication from you if we’re going to do this.”

  He nodded his head and bent to kiss her while murmuring, “Okay, but remember it runs both ways.”

  What did he mean by that? His lips touched hers and then she stopped wondering as she kissed him back, her body responding to his even though she had reservations. Then she shuddered when he reached back to unzip her dress melting against him. There were guards outside, guards who might guess what they were doing but she didn’t care. Then he moved a little letting out a pained gasp and she froze. They couldn’t when he was wounded. She pulled out of his arms. “Stop.”

  The fierce look he gave her curled her toes.


  “You’re hurt.”

  He leaned back against the locked door and smiled. “You worried about me, sugar?”

  She fumed because he was making her admit she cared even if he wouldn’t give her the same satisfaction. “What do you think?” she said.


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