Rescuing A Runaway Bride

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Rescuing A Runaway Bride Page 11

by Jans, Honey

  “Him?” Jake sputtered.

  Samantha turned to face him. “Yes, a male stripper hired for a bachelorette party this evening.” She noted the startled expression on Jake’s face. “It’s part of my business. He’s new and needs a bit of coaching before his debut.”

  Jake’s eyebrow quirked up. “Let Gary coach him.”

  Samantha crossed her arms, standing up to Jake’s disapproval. “No, that wouldn’t do at all. The man needs to be reassured he can perform in front of a woman.”

  “Then how about Monica?”

  “Listen here, Jake, this is my business, and I’ll run it as I see fit. Now go out front and help Gary while I get on with things.” She watched him hesitate for a moment before breaking into a rueful smile.

  “You’re the boss,” he said, shaking his head. “Just see that all you do is watch.” He leaned down to brush a scorching kiss across her lips, then turned and walked away.

  Samantha sagged against the shelves, still tasting his sweet mouth on hers. Gathering her senses she straightened up and headed toward her office. Jake’s kisses still packed the same punch and no buff hunk would take him off her mind.

  Inside her office a tall, dark, good-looking man dressed in a police uniform stood next to her desk. The ladies would definitely go for this one. “Thanks for coming in, Lance.”

  “Glad to meet you.” He held out his hand.

  Samantha shook his hand. “Nice costume. Did you bring your music?”

  “Sure did,” he said, grinning.

  “Well, let’s get to it then. And remember you’re there to entertain and that’s all. Look but don’t touch, if you know what I mean.”

  Lance popped a tape into the player while Samantha took a seat behind her desk. Lance started a sexy bump and grind. Samantha admired his slow and sexy style. “You’re doing just fine. But slow down a little. There’s no rush. That’s right, make eye contact. Okay, now start to unbutton your shirt. That’s terrific, slow and teasing. Now turn and let it slip down your body. That’s great. Now turn back around and unsnap your pants.”

  “That’s good enough, kid.” Jake walked through the doorway, stopping to snap off the music.

  “Was I any good?” Lance asked Jake while he slipped on his shirt.

  “You’re a natural, kid,” Jake said tersely.

  Samantha turned to smile at Lance, knowing that he needed reassurance. “You were just fine. You’re going to do a fabulous job tonight.”

  “You’d better get going, so you can practice at home.” Jake popped the tape out of the player and handed it to Lance, ushering him toward the door.

  “I thought you were going to let me run my business my way.” Samantha leaned back in her desk chair, shaking her head. The man was so plainly jealous that it was amusing. “That was a pretty pitiful way of letting me be in control.”

  “So sue me.”

  After five, Samantha climbed into Jake’s car after a good day of work. At least she felt more like herself. Then she noticed Jake turn in the opposite direction from her apartment. “Where are we headed?”

  “Logan Industries. I told your father we’d check in.”

  Samantha glanced down at her wrinkled clothes. “Like this?”

  Jake shrugged. “Sure, why not? It’s after hours so we won’t have to worry about unfriendly scrutiny.”

  She nodded. It might be good to see the scene of the crime. In spite of her misgivings, she was curious to find out what her father learned. For Tad’s sake, she hoped Jennifer had been duped, but she really didn’t believe it. Once in custody, Jennifer was sure to be a fount of information. And, hopefully, she could lead them to the source of the thefts.

  Jake stopped the car in his slot at Logan Industries and turned to look at Samantha. “Ready?”

  She smiled at his tone of concern and nodded. Then fell into step beside him.

  Jake put a possessive and protective hand on her back as he scanned the nearly empty parking lot then he ushered her into the building. Their footsteps rang as they walked down the office building’s marble halls.

  Samantha glanced at the empty offices noting that the staff didn’t hang around after hours. Probably a good thing if they wanted to keep this meeting quiet. Samantha followed Jake to her father’s office. Her father sat at his desk looking at a piece of paper, and Tad occupied a wing chair across from him. One look at her brother’s solemn expression told her the news wasn’t good. She cleared her throat, and they both looked up. She was buoyed by the twinkle in her father’s eye as he looked at the two of them. “What did you find out?”

  Tad’s sighed. “Jennifer’s gone.”

  “I thought I told you not to contact her.” Jake scowled.

  “You did.” Tad’s shoulders sagged. “I wanted to make sure she was okay. I dropped by her place. She’s gone. Her apartment’s been empty for a week according to her landlord.”

  Samantha gasped. “That’s right before I was stalked.” She felt Jake stiffen beside her. Could the high-pitched laugh from her stalker have been a woman’s voice? She’d had the impression the blurry figure in the woods was bigger and male, but fading light could play tricks on a person.

  Tad frowned. “I know you’re probably wondering if Jenny is involved in attacking you, sis. But she couldn’t be. Jenny isn’t capable of that kind of thing. I think it’s more likely she ran away because she was scared.”

  Jake frowned. “I’ll have my staff scour her apartment. They should pick up something about her location.”

  “Sounds like a good idea. I already had them start on her office.” Samuel said, with a nod.

  There was a knock on the office door. Delbert Logan stepped through the doorway. “Hope I’m not interrupting anything.”

  Samuel looked up. “What’s up?”

  “I just wanted to tell you the sales figures will be delayed a week. My secretary was out today, and the temp they got me is a bit slow,” Delbert said, with a smile. He turned to look at Samantha. “Samantha dear, is that you?”

  “Yes, it’s me.” She immediately felt uncomfortable. He’d been instrumental in her doomed engagement, introducing her to Grayson and playing matchmaker. She only hoped this wouldn’t wreck her close relationship with her uncle.

  Delbert peered at her closely, his gaze focusing on her sympathetically. “Are you all right, my dear? I’ve been concerned about you since you ran away.”

  Samantha bit her lip at his choice of words. No doubt Delbert thought she’d flipped her lid after Grayson’s infidelity and her shocked reaction now didn’t help. “I’m fine, Uncle Delbert. Back at work as a matter of fact, as you can see by my costume.”

  “Well, that’s good to hear. We must have lunch some time and talk it all out. If you ever need any help, come to me.” Delbert cast a quizzical glance at Jake.

  Samuel stood up. “I’ll see you on Monday then, Delbert.”

  “Yes, Monday,” Delbert said before he walked away.

  Samuel waited for Delbert to get out of earshot then picked up another slip of paper off the desk, handing it to Jake. “Jake, your staff just found this behind Jennifer’s desk a few minutes before you arrived. It must have slipped back there without her noticing.”

  Jake smoothed out the crumpled note. “Looks like a list of tasks. Pick up tickets. Meet with Jimmy. L.V.” He handed it to Tad. “Is this her handwriting?”

  Tad frowned. “Yes.”

  He glanced at Tad sympathetically. “Do you know a Jimmy?”

  Tad shook his head. “No.”

  Jake shrugged. “Maybe she ran off with him.”

  Chapter 12

  “Samantha, do you want pasta or an omelet for dinner?” Jake asked from the kitchen.

  “Surprise me.” Samantha stretched on the sofa and closed her eyes. Between a full day’s work and the meeting with her dad, it had been an exhausting and troubling day. Jake had volunteered to cook dinner, and she’d gratefully taken him up on his offer.

  “Here you go,” Ja
ke’s voice announced in front of her. “I thought you could use this.”

  She opened her eyes to see him holding out a glass of lemonade. He had an annoying habit of sneaking up on her. She idly wondered if she could break him of it as she reached for the glass. “You were right. Thanks. Thank you again for making dinner.”

  You’re welcome, sunshine.” He bent down to place a quick kiss on her lips. “Dinner will be ready in half an hour. In the meantime, I’m going to get cleaned up.”

  She watched him walk away, thinking that despite his sometimes high-handed tactics, it was amazing how well Jake could fit into her life when he tried. But is it enough to build a relationship on?

  Samantha heard the shower start. A moment later, the doorbell rang. She got up to answer it, stopping to peer out the peephole. Oh, good grief! Grayson stood on her doorstep, leaning heavily on the bell. Given the crazy afternoon, she’d forgotten to call him and tell him not to come. Maybe if she pretended she wasn’t home, he’d go away.

  He pressed the bell again for an extended ring. Groaning in disgust, she pushed the sequence of buttons on the control panel Jake taught her to disable the alarm. She had to get rid of him before Jake came out to see what the ruckus was. She didn’t have the energy to deal with two outraged male egos right now. Jerking open the door, she frowned at the man on her doorstep.

  Grayson thrust a bouquet of flowers into her hand while flashing a suave smile. “Here you go, sweetie pie,” he said as he stepped forward, forcing his way inside.

  Samantha scowled and took a step back. She could understand a need for closure but this invasion was too much. “Hold it right there, buster. Just in case you didn’t notice, I haven’t invited you in. As a matter of fact, I’d like you to go. Now!”

  A flash of cold anger flitted across his handsome face before it resumed its smooth façade. “You said you wanted to talk.” His tone was confident as he leaned forward to kiss her.

  Samantha dodged the kiss. “I meant far in the future, and you know it.” His wounded expression was the last straw. She knew now she’d never had the power to move him. He was probably just worried their split would hurt his standing in her father’s company, and as far as she was concerned he could stand or fall on his own merit. Grayson St. James wasn’t her problem anymore. Her problem was, thank goodness, busy in the shower.

  “I’ve been waiting for you to wash my back, darling.”

  Samantha watched Grayson’s jaw drop as he gazed beyond her. She spun around, already knowing what she would find. Jake stood in the middle of the living room, naked but for a towel wrapped around his hips. Sunlight glistened on the water droplets on his chest.

  “So that’s why you tried to get rid of me,” Grayson hissed.

  Samantha was too busy frowning at Jake to pay much attention to Grayson’s accusation. Jake stood there resolutely with a dangerous glint in his eye. She’d wait until she got rid of Grayson to deal with him. She turned back to confront Grayson. He was focused on glowering at Jake, and took no notice of her. This situation was rapidly spinning out of control. Grayson had no hold on her anymore, and it was high time he accepted that fact. Determined to resume control of the situation, she waved her hand in front of Grayson’s face to draw his attention.

  After a moment, he slanted a scornful gaze her way. “Really, Samantha, sleeping with the hired help is so low class!”

  Her sense of outrage boiled over, as she stalked up to him. How dare he criticize her? “You ought to know. What did you do, sleep your way through Logan Industries? At least I love a man before I sleep with him. I thank my lucky stars I had the good sense not to sleep with you, jerk.”

  Grayson’s eyes widened in alarm as he backed away. He scuttled toward the door and safety.

  Samantha caught up with him in the doorway. “Get out of my house!” Reinforcing the demand with a shove over the threshold, she threw the bouquet at him. It felt so good to toss him out of her house. It was payback for the humiliation he’d put her through.

  Grayson went still, the bouquet bouncing off his chest. “Sweetie pie, please don’t be hasty. I’m sorry if I made you mad. It’s just that seeing Ramsey naked in your house made me crazy.”

  “Sorry, my ass. And as for crazy, yeah, I think you are.” Samantha shook her head as she watched him try to backpedal. He had a hidden agenda. She realized that now. She wasn’t falling for his apologetic act again. “Tell me what you really came here for.”

  Grayson hesitated, shifting a nervous glance down to the ground. “About my job.”

  She sighed as her suspicions were confirmed. She’d always been just a commodity to him on his climb to the top of the corporate ladder. “You can stand or fall on your own merits, Grayson. As Rhett Butler once said, ‘frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn.’”

  His suave mask melted as he scowled at her. “I don’t know what I ever saw in you, you spoiled little bitch.” He turned, and stalked away.

  “Vice versa, believe me!” she shouted at his retreating back. She slammed the door, and then spun around to look at Jake.

  He had the pleased expression of a tabby cat with a bowl of cream.

  “Good work, sunshine,” he said.

  She was irritated by his confident tone. “You are not off the hook just because I threw that jerk out.” Samantha put her hands on her hips. “The stunt you pulled made me look like a fool.”

  “No, it didn’t.” He walked back toward the bathroom, then stopped to glance back at her from the doorway. “It made you look like a woman who knows enough to get rid of unwanted males before they get pulverized.” He stalked up to her. She retreated heating up as he stepped into her personal space. How could he think she’d even want Grayson now that she’d had him?

  Before she could say it he grabbed her arm and towed her into the bathroom and she grinned. He was staking his claim and she loved it. When he peeled off her clothes she smiled. Then he pulled her into the shower and she purred. “This is getting to be a habit with you.”

  “Any objections,” he murmured before nibbling her nape as he backed her against the tiles.

  “Not a one,” she said, wrapping her arms around his neck. When he bent to kiss her, she kissed him back feeling claimed and loving it. Her tongue tangled with his making her hot.

  Then he broke the kiss frowning down at her.

  She chilled wondering just how pissed off he was. She hadn’t really asked Grayson to come here. She didn’t play those kind of games. But it sounded lame even to her mind. She should have been firmer with Grayson at her shop.

  Jake’s eyes glittered as he picked her up off the shower floor and stepped her under the spray letting it cascade around her. “Wrap your legs around my waist, brat.”

  Oops, calling me brat isn’t a good sign. Smiling, she did as he said wrapping her legs around his toned middle feeling his muscles ripple, and the hot brand of his cock against her naked ass. Then he positioned her over him poised at her entrance but not taking her. She looked at him panic-stricken afraid for a moment that he was going to refuse her. But then he gave her a wicked smile and plunged into her making her cry out with bliss, her vaginal walls clinging to him as hard as she did.

  He drew back his hand and gave her a wet smack on the ass making her cry out, her ass heating and her pussy rippling.

  “Flirt with another guy again and I’ll give you a spanking you won’t forget.”

  She met his gaze seeing the heat and certainly in them and melted against him wanting to placate him. “I wasn’t flirt—”

  Smack. He spanked her again making her cry out and grip his cock making him groan. “Why don’t you quit while you’re ahead, sugar, and take your punishment like a good girl.”

  She glared at him then ruined it when he spanked her again making her whimper as it drove her clit against him. And then he spanked her hard driving her against him, fucking her that way until she was tied up in seductive knots, her pussy all but wringing him as she spasmed with heat. And then he
did it again grinding against her as he kissed her and she exploded. Coming hard, screaming into his mouth. And with a hoarse shout, he came inside her.

  * * * *

  “Samantha, aren’t you ready yet?” Jake called out from the living room the next Saturday night.

  “I’ll be right there.” Samantha stood in front of the mirror, putting the finishing touches on her make-up. She wanted to look just right for her father’s birthday bash tonight. First it was a big step for her business. But secondly and more importantly in her mind was that it would show to the world that she and Jake were a couple. She studied her image in the mirror wanting to make her erotica instructor proud. Her hair was swept back in a chignon and diamond studs glittered in her earlobes. She was dressed in an elegant silver gown. It was the same color of Jake’s eyes. That was why she’d chosen it.

  It would give her a sense of assurance for the job ahead. How would her father’s employees act, given Delbert’s morose mood last week she wasn’t so sure. Even worse, would Grayson be there? She didn’t know because she’d studiously not pried into whether he was even still employed by LI. And Jake had honored her wishes and not spoken of him. She knew Jake’s staff was still looking for the culprits involved in the crimes. But so far they hadn’t caught them. But now was not the time to worry about the past, now was the time to plan her future. A future that she hoped included her own personal erotica instructor. She opened the door to find Jake, looking drop-dead gorgeous in his tux, pacing the living room and practically drooled. To think that was all hers.

  Jake was pacing the living room. He stopped and gave her an appreciative once-over when she came out of the bedroom. He let out a wolf whistle. “Samantha, you are without a doubt the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.”

  Samantha was warmed by the compliment but thought it went double for him. It was all she could do to keep from touching him but she had a job to do. Still it didn’t stop her from giving him an appreciative ogle. “Thank you. Want to just blow off the party and have our own little party?” she purred, stalking up to him.


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