The Bear Detective’s Mate (BBW Paranormal Romance)

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The Bear Detective’s Mate (BBW Paranormal Romance) Page 15

by T. S. Ryder

"We need to move quickly," he said standing.

  Without Naomi's warmth, the air seemed far chillier than it had moments ago. A quick look at the sky gave him the reason why. The sky was growing dark. They had maybe a couple of house before nightfall. Not to mention that both their clothes had shredded when they shifted.

  Joshua picked Naomi up, cradling her in his arms. She yelped in surprise but didn't protest, in turn cradling Sapphira. The Alpha jogged back the way they had come, able to move quickly since the path had already been carved by their bodies.

  When they emerged onto the old burial grounds, he stopped dead.

  Susan was propped up against the truck, eyes wide, a single round hole in her forehead. Joshua didn't need to check her pulse to know she was dead. His heart pounded as he stared at the sight. Wolf tracks were everywhere in the snow. The tires on the truck were slashed.

  "We need a safe place to spend the night," he said automatically. The Wolves were moving quicker than he thought. But Naomi remained the priority. He had to make sure she was safe above all else. "Bears are more diurnal and Wolves are more nocturnal. They'll have the upper hand over me once night falls."

  "The Mating Caves." Naomi gripped his shoulder. "There is a system of caves just inside Wolf Territory where couples will go to mate for the first time. It's a sacred place. They won't dare attack us there, only couples who have not yet joined are allowed inside."

  Joshua hesitated. If they went to these caves, then the Wolves could easily accuse him of trespassing on their sacred area. But on the other hand, it was getting colder. A cave would at least be sheltered from the wind, protecting Sapphira. And if they were attacked, it was a position he could defend.

  He nodded. "Lead the way."

  Chapter Six – Naomi

  Naomi had never been inside the Mating Caves before. The one that she and Joshua had ended up choosing was quite cozy. There was a fire pit in the center of the cave, with a small hole in the roof for the smoke to escape. The entrance was curtained off for privacy, but anybody standing outside would be able to see their silhouettes. Still, Naomi appreciated the curtain.

  A steel drum was at the back of the cave, filled with some pots, pans, and a variety of canned food. It was good for the adults, but Naomi was glad that she had had the foresight to bring a diaper bag. She hadn't thought they would need it, but she still had some extra diapers, clothes and formula for Sapphira. With these supplies, she was reasonably certain that the baby was going to be good for the night.

  Joshua built the fire a little higher as Naomi tucked the baby into the car seat. It wasn't ideal, but better than letting Sapphira sleep on the cold stone floor. At least she wouldn't end up chilled, nor would one of the adults accidently roll over her.

  "This is quite a mess, isn't it?" Joshua took her hand and tugged her next to his side.

  She sighed as she borrowed from his warmth. The sensation of their naked skin pressing together was one that she quite enjoyed. It was definitely something she wanted more of.

  "It is a mess," she agreed.

  "We both want to help bring peace, and instead we cause this." Joshua paused. "And as if not being with the pack right now isn't bad enough, I feel like I'm letting my dad down. He was a great Alpha."

  "So are you."

  Joshua shrugged. "Most of the time, yeah. But it's not easy. Sometimes I don’t know what I'm doing."

  "Only sometimes?" she teased.

  "Of course. Most of the time I know exactly what to do. But considering what is going on between Wolves, Bears and humans these days… it's not easy to strong all the time, to take care of everybody. And if something happens to my pack when I'm not there…"

  Naomi traced her fingers across his torso. She understood what he meant. She was filled with a nervous energy like she should be doing more than what she was. But the future seemed so bleak right now, and what could she do?

  "I didn't go with you just because I wanted peace."

  "You didn't?"

  She shook her head and buried herself deeper into his side. "I wanted to get away from my father. My mother died when I was very young. He's not a good man. Or a good Alpha. For ages I've had this clawing desire to challenge him, but how can I? He's my father."

  Joshua grunted. "The more I learn about your father the more… Wait. Your mother was the Alpha of the pack before him. That means that you should be the Alpha, not him."

  "No. Well, maybe technically. But I was so young, and by the time I was old enough to take charge, my father—"

  "Your father had destroyed your confidence to the point where you thought you couldn't be the Alpha." He pulled her tighter against him. "We'll fix this, Naomi. Somehow, we'll fix this."

  Naomi shivered, though not from cold. And not, as much as facing her father frightened her, from the thought of challenging him for the leadership of the pack. Rather, it was how close she was with Joshua. Out in the forest when they both shifted to find themselves pressed against one another naked, everything else had disappeared except for Sapphira's crying.

  Now with the baby sleeping soundly in her car seat and the warmth of the fire… Naomi twirled her fingers through the light smattering of hairs on Joshua's chest. She had never really liked the look of men who waxed everything off. Joshua kept his body hair neatly trimmed, but very much there. It made him look even manlier.

  As if that was possible.

  Naomi shifted even closer to her mate, running her foot up and down his leg. Joshua looked at her with a raised brow and desire dark in his eyes.

  "We are in the Mating Caves," she reminded him. "According to my people's customs, this is where we should join in union for the first time."

  She found herself wanting to know what the tanned skin at the base of his throat tasted like. Joshua groaned when she flicked her tongue over his collarbone. He tasted more like salt than anything else, but considering how much he had been sweating as they got here, that wasn't a surprise.

  "We should remain vigilant, just in case," Joshua said, but he was already pulling her up over him. "After what happened to Susan…"

  "They won't attack us here," Naomi assured him, though she winced to remember the Bear that her pack had killed.

  Even her father wouldn’t be so bold as to violate the sanctuary of the Caves. And if the Wolves knew where they were… well, seeing her in the Mating Caves with her Bear would only cast doubt onto whatever kidnapping story her father had told the others.

  Another shiver ran down her spine as she gripped Joshua's hips with her knees. The heat from the fire soaked into half her body, and it seemed to pool and concentrate between her legs. One of Joshua's hands gripped her hip tightly, while other slid up the inside of her thigh.

  "Have you ever been touched here before?" he asked, pupils dilated as she gasped.

  Naomi shook her head, biting her lip as his fingers began to stoke the fire inside her, building pleasure. "I'm a virgin."

  "I know that. You told me. But have you ever been touched by another person?"

  "No. I've never even been kissed before." As soon as the admission was out of her mouth, she wanted to take it back. Joshua's fingers stopped moving. He stared up at her, a look of disbelief on his face. Naomi sucked her lower lip between her teeth, uncertain. "That doesn't mean I won't know what to do to please you. I've read. Lots of steamy romances. I can demonstrate—"

  Joshua shook his head. "It's not that."

  "What is it, then?"

  "I just realized that I have never kissed you. Here we are, on the verge of making love and I… Did you want to have the ceremony first? We can wait until Christmas to mate, Naomi. And we can work our way up to the actual mating part of mating. I know it can be overwhelming to go from virgin lips to going all the way."

  Naomi felt a lump form in her throat. She was so unused to seeing a man caring about her more than himself that the worry in her mate's eyes made her want to cry. She sniffed, rubbing her nose to try to get rid of the uncomfortable sensation.
  "I don't want to wait. I want to declare myself as yours, Joshua. I want… I want to make you mine. I know it's not the same with Bears as it is with Wolves, but the ceremony means nothing to me. Only the act is important. And I know that the timing sucks. So much has happened in only a few days. But even if it wasn't happening, I would want you."

  A sly smile stole over his face. "You know, this morning when we were running through the woods, before you picked up Sapphira's crying, I had every intention of seducing you in the snow. I would have tried it the first night you were with me if I thought you would have said yes."

  Naomi laughed and laid down over him, pressing every inch of her body to his. "I wanted to seduce you, too. But I was uncertain if you would end up like my father. But you're not like him. You're good and kind. I want you for my forever mate."

  The firelight flickered, their shadows heaving against the walls as their mouths met. Sparks exploded in Naomi's brain, her skin tightening and tingling. It seemed to sizzle under Joshua's touch. The sensations were overwhelming, just as Joshua had warned her, but she gladly drowned in them. He rolled her over, laying her on her side as he pulled her leg higher over his hip. His fingers found her target again, and now the pleasure crashed over her like waves. His mouth concentrated on her neck and Naomi clung to him, eyes rolling into the back of her head as she cried out.

  We're going to wake the baby, she thought, but when Joshua put a finger inside while he continued to use his thumb a little higher, all thoughts fled. Everything disappeared except the Bear that held her in his arms, pulling her closer, even though there was no room left between their bodies. The touch of his hands, the smell of his skin, his grunts in her ear as she managed to find him with her hand; it all drove her crazy.

  He rolled again, pulling her back on top, and positioned her before slowly guiding her down over him. Naomi groaned again as her mate filled her. His hands returned to her hips and he helped her set a rhythm, their bodies moving together so that even when there was a sharp sting here and there, Naomi cared about nothing but the pleasure.

  Everything was too much, and it was only Joshua's hands moving her hips that kept her going. She fell over him, biting his shoulder, clawing at the ground beneath them. He never stopped, manipulating her body expertly, until she could no longer breathe. She longed for release and yet never wanted this to end…

  Everything exploded inside of her and she went limp.

  Joshua held her for a long time, softly stroking her hair while she struggled to gain her breath back. Finally, she found the strength to prop herself up with her arms and smile at him.

  "We are mated," she said simply.

  "Yes. Whatever tomorrow brings…" Joshua kissed her gently. "I belong to you now. Forever."

  Chapter Seven – Joshua

  When Joshua woke the next morning, he was at once angry at himself for falling asleep and grateful that nothing had happened during the night. Naomi slept soundly, her arms under her head, a small smile on her face.

  He stretched as he moved to the edge of the cave, peering around the curtain into the early morning light. The forest was quite thin here, giving him a good view of the surrounding area. No sight of Wolves. Either they didn't know that he was here, or Naomi was right, and they didn't dare break their rules as far as this place went.

  His stomach growled, but there wasn't any time to waste making food. Already his blood with pumping with anxiety. He needed to get back home, to make sure his people were still okay.

  The only problem was he also needed to protect Naomi but wasn't certain what was best for her. He needed her to be safe. There was enough firewood and food here that she would just fine if he left her. But he had the distinct feeling that he would have a hard time convincing her to stay. They had used up all the formula she had brought the previous night when Sapphira woke throughout the night. Would it be safer for the baby to let her go hungry here, or to risk getting back to town when they could potentially be attacked by Wolves?

  Naomi stirred at that moment, and Joshua returned to her side.

  "I have to go now," he said, and then explained his dilemma to her.

  When he was finished Naomi frowned. "I see. That is a problem. On the one hand, maybe if I was with you, they wouldn't attack as readily. On the other hand… Would we be putting Sapphira at risk? Or would we be putting her at risk if we left her here? Or if you left her and me here? We've mated. My pack has every right to forcibly eject me if I stay."

  "If they even know you're here. And if they don't, then can we trust your father not to…" He trailed off.

  "Kill me? I don't want to believe he'd go that far." Naomi swallowed hard. "But right now, I don't know how we can trust him."

  That decided it, then. He couldn't leave her behind when there was a chance that she might be attacked, and he wasn't there to protect her.

  "I'll shift. You hold Sapphira and ride."

  Naomi shivered. Was it because she was remembering the last time they had such an arrangement he had actually gotten shot? He rubbed his shoulder, reminded that there was still a bullet inside him. Had it really only been yesterday? He shook his head. Life was moving so fast…

  But he was going to keep up. He was going to surpass it. There was no other option.

  "Should we bring the car seat and diaper bag, or should I just hold her in my arms?" Naomi asked, making sure Sapphira's hat was tucked down around her ears. The baby stretched her arms up, making a face, and took off the hat.

  "Will she fit comfortably in the diaper bag? So you can wear it like a sling or something." Joshua's eyes darkened as he considered what would happen if they were attacked. "I want you to be able to run if you need to. You can't do that carrying a car seat."

  Naomi considered for a moment. "I think she'll fit. Just… if Wolves show up, try to let me talk to them. Maybe we can resolve this without violence."

  Joshua nodded, although he doubted it would be that easy. If the Wolves came at them… well, he wasn't entirely certain that they would give him and Naomi time to explain what was happening before attacking. Still, he didn't say it out loud. Every minute they wasted here was a minute they couldn't afford to waste.

  He shifted and Naomi climbed onto his back with Sapphira nestled in the diaper bag (although she was quite unhappy about it). They set off at a trot. Joshua kept his ears rotating as he made their way through the forest, listening for any sound of attack.

  They were almost to the town when a howl rent the air. Joshua picked up his pace, but it was too late. Within moments, there was a wall of Wolves charging at him through the trees. He felt Naomi tense.

  "Wait," she called.

  A few of the Wolves hesitated, but the three biggest only howled again and leaped at him. Naomi slid off his back, and without stopping to think, Joshua bellowed his own challenge and charged back at the Wolves. He could hear Naomi shouting at them all to stop, but it was too late to heed her. The Wolves broke around him, surrounding him. Their sharp teeth tore into his flesh as he turned and swatted at them.

  They jumped aside, barking and growling their taunts. One of them jumped onto his back, tearing at his neck. Pain lanced through his body, but so did rage. Joshua threw it off and caught another wolf by the hind leg. It howled in pain as his teeth crushed the bone.

  Another wolf latched onto his foreleg, snarling as it shook his whole body. Chunks of fur flew every which way. Somewhere behind him, Sapphira was screaming, but Naomi's own voice had gone silent. He batted the wolf clinging to him, making it roll several times before it came to a stop and lay still, whimpering. He swiped his massive paw at another one, tearing long strips from its side.

  Naomi's grey-brown form darted in front of him. She tackled one of the wolves, snarling fiercely as she grabbed it by its scruff and threw it back. Joshua was brought up short, so shocked for a moment he stopped fighting altogether.

  He hadn't seen Naomi in comparison to other Wolves before. He had known she was bigger than the
non-shifter variety, but she seemed so small running next to him that he hadn't realized how much bigger than the other shifters she actually was. She stood a full head higher than them.

  She barked out a growl, making the other Wolves flinch. Their tails tucked up under their bellies and they ran from before her. Joshua grunted, fighting the urge to chase after them. He could have defeated them. He knew that. They might have caused a bit of damage, but he would have killed them all in the end.

  But instead, Naomi had stopped it, just like that. They had responded to her position as true Alpha. Did she even understand how momentous this was? As she raced back to Sapphira and shifted once more to bring their child back to him, Joshua's heart pounded in his chest.

  He wasn't sure if it would work, but if these events were anything to base it on, then if he could unseat her father from his place, she could step into the role she was born for. The Wolves would follow, and they would at long last have peace.

  "Can you still carry me?" Naomi asked, her eyes huge as she took in his injuries. She cradled Sapphira, still in the diaper bag, patting her back gently. It did nothing to calm the screaming child.

  Joshua grunted and nodded. Once Naomi scrambled onto his back again, it didn't take them long to get to the town. Hasty fortifications had been built everywhere. Windows were boarded over, braces had been erected for men to crouch behind, and the streets were deserted. When he jogged into the main square, Matt came rushing out of the courthouse. Relief was written all over his face.

  "You're finally back."

  Joshua waited until Naomi slipped off him before he shifted. "We ran into some trouble. Susan is dead."

  Matt's body jolted as though he had been punched. He swallowed hard. "Wolves?"


  Matt lowered his head a moment and let out a deep breath. He nodded. "We've had a few small skirmishes already. I think they're testing our defenses. And…" He glanced at Naomi. "The Alpha's other two daughters turned themselves over to us as prisoners."


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