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by Clay, Verna


  Sweet Whimsical Romance Novella

  Verna Clay


  Copyright © 2011 by Verna Clay

  Copyright © 2014 by Verna Clay (2nd edition)

  All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever.

  For information contact:


  Published by:

  M.O.I. Publishing

  "Mirrors of Imagination"

  Cover Design: Verna Clay

  Picture: artshock at CanStock

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  Jazmine is a story I wrote several years ago that has become part of my backlist. I simply adore the little fairy that yearns for an assignment in the human realm. To that end, she attends Fairies-in-Training School in Flitter Town. After three classes, she has yet to be selected for assignment. Sadly, she accepts the fact that she'll be returning to her clan, the Fragrant Flowers, to resume her duties as a jasmyster. Yes, she loves keeping her namesakes fragrant, but a human assignment has always been her dream. Unexpectedly, she is chosen by Boss-at-the-Top for a most important task.

  Ryan Lucas is grieving the loss of his wife and unable to connect emotionally with his eight year old son. Both their hearts have holes the size of the universe in them.

  During a short drive from his home in Bend, Oregon to his office in Sunriver, he almost crashes into a woman following deer across the highway. He can't believe anyone would be so reckless. He screeches to the side of the road and jumps out of his car to lecture her. Her beautiful eyes keep distracting him. They're not quite blue and not quite lavender.

  Young Jake Lucas just wants his dad to spend time with him. He desperately misses his mother because she's dead. And although his father is very much alive, he spends more time at his office than with Jake. Since his dad ignores him, Jake turns his attention to his new neighbor. After he sees her spying on him, he decides to spy on her. Snagging his dad's binoculars and hiding in his tree house, he watches her through her dining room window. Maybe she's with the FBI or CIA? Actually she's pretty boring until he witnesses an impossible feat. Then he wonders if she's a witch, which makes him wonder if she's a good witch or a bad one.

  Jazmine has been revised and reedited. She has also received an amazing book cover. I hope you enjoy the endearing misadventures of this fairy in human form as she tries her best to complete her assignment to reunite father and son.

  Verna Clay

  Table of Contents
















  Excerpt: Christmas Kisses

  (Romance on the Ranch Book 5)

  Novels and Novellas by Verna Clay


  "Here…here…listen up, fairies-in-training, I have your human assignments from Boss-at-the-Top."

  At the mention of Boss-at-the-Top's name by Teacher-fairy, the fairies-in-training gasped and rushed to their appointed toadstools—their hard work was about to be rewarded. Ten specially chosen fairies-in-training would receive human assignments. For some, like Jazmine, this was a last chance to visit the human realm. So far, Jazmine was the only fairy from her clan who had succeeded in making it to Fairies-in-Training School in Flitter Town. Even so, making it this far did not guarantee a human assignment. Although Jazmine had completed three trainings, the maximum number allowed, she had yet to be chosen by Boss-at-the-Top for a real assignment. If she wasn't chosen this time, she would return to her clan, the Fragrant Flowers, and continue her work to ensure that her namesakes maintained their sweet fragrance. It wasn't that Jazmine didn't love her job as a jasmyster; it was just that, in her heart-of-hearts, she had always longed to experience the mysterious world of humans.

  Teacher-fairy opened a rose petal and cleared his throat. "Hmm…hmm...."

  Jazmine crossed her fingers and held her breath.

  He called loudly, "The first assignment goes to…goes to…Honey Dew!"

  A squeal erupted from Honey Dew and she jumped off her toadstool to run and stand before Teacher-fairy.

  Teacher-fairy squinted at the rose petal again, and said, "Your assignment is in—goodness, goodness—it's in New York City."

  Honey Dew let out another squeal because New York City was coveted by all fairies hoping for assignment among humans. Previous fairies who had trans-located to that city had returned with amazing tales of its grandeur, and swore they would always treasure their time spent in the Big Apple.

  Honey Dew's face lit with excitement when she was given the details of her assignment by Teacher-fairy.

  "You will become a hotel maid at the Waldorf Astoria and befriend a young, single mother working in the laundry room. She is lonely and impoverished. It is up to you to make sure she meets the nephew of the hotel manager. His uncle is training him to assume the running of the hotel. The young man is also lonely. Boss-at-the-Top believes these two will be very happy together. Can you be ready to leave at first-ray-of-sun tomorrow?"

  "Oh yes, Teacher-fairy, I'll be ready."

  "Good…good. Meet me at the raspberry boundary of Flitter Town." He scanned his pupils. "In fact, anyone who receives an assignment must meet me there at first-ray-of-sun. Understood?"

  "Yes, Teacher-fairy," the class replied in unison.

  "Good…Good." Teacher-fairy perused another rose petal and called another name. "Pink Petunia, you've been chosen."

  Jazmine listened as name after name was called, her heart sinking each time she was passed over. "I guess it's just not meant to be," she sighed, blinking back tears.

  "And now…now for the last fairy assignment, Boss-at-the-Top has chosen—Jazmine!"


  "Jazmine, are you coming forward? Do you want to pass on the assignment?" Teacher-fairy furrowed his forehead and squinted at her.

  "Yes! I mean, no! I mean, yes, I'm coming forward, and no, I don't want to pass on the assignment." Jazmine slid off her toadstool and missed her footing, landing on her backside and crushing her new tulip-skirt. Ignoring the snickers of the other fairies-in-training, she rushed to stand before Teacher-fairy.

  "Now…now, Jazmine, Boss-at-the-Top has given you a very important assignment. You will be trans-located to the town of Bend in the State of Oregon in the United States. There is a boy, eight years of age, whose mother transitioned to the other-realm a year ago. His name is Jake Lucas. He's very precocious, and constantly in trouble. His father has been unable to fill the void left by his mother's transition and the father's own grief has made him incapable of giving his son the guidance and understanding he needs. Your assignment is to help father and son surmount their sorrow and get back on track with each other."

  Jazmine inhaled sharply—Boss-at-the-Top had entrusted her with the care of a little boy! She was truly blessed.

  "I'll see you at first-ray-of-sun, Jazmine."

  "Oh, yes, sir. I'll be there!"


  Jazmine was so excited she slept very little. Long into the night, she read and reread her assignment from Boss-at-the-Top. Since her youth as a wee-one fairy she had devoured writings describing the human-realm. Throughout Fairies-in-Training School, she had diligently listened to Teacher-fairy and passed all of her exam
s. Yes, she felt confident she had learned her skills well.

  She unfolded the rose petal Teacher-fairy had given her and whispered to her friend, a firefly-nightlight, "Will you please shine one more time, Phossy?"

  Phossy yawned loudly before flying directly above Jazmine's head. He lit his abdomen and aimed it toward the rose petal.

  Jazmine said, "I know you're tired, but this is the last time I'll ask you to light up," she promised.

  "You go ahead and read to your heart's content, Jazzy. I know what a momentous occasion this is for you."

  "Thanks, Phossy. If you don't mind, I'll read my assignment aloud again."

  "I'd like that."

  Jazmine focused on the rose petal and read:

  1. Your assignment is Jake Lucas, an eight year old boy who needs reconciliation with his father.

  2. Jake's father, Ryan Lucas, is just as emotionally vulnerable as his son.

  3. Jake's mother, Annie Lucas, made her transition to the other-realm a year ago.

  4. Jake misses his mother and is unable to connect emotionally with his father. This has caused mischievous behavior and tension between father and son.

  5. You will be living in the house next door to Jake and his father. In an effort to make your move appear normal, a moving van has already delivered furniture and household goods.

  6. Your trans-location drop point will be in Deschutes State Park just outside of Bend, Oregon. A deer family will lead you to the parking lot of the High Desert Museum where a taxi will pick you up and drive you to your assigned home. For your transportation throughout the city, a bicycle is available in the garage of your new home. Riding a bicycle is similar to riding a pinwheel flower. You should have no difficulty learning this skill.

  7. Your assignment will last four months of human time, which will bring you through the holiday seasons of Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas; special times for families.

  8. On the morning after Christmas a taxi will pick you up at ten and return you to the High Desert Museum parking lot. The same deer family will guide you to your trans-location spot to be returned to Flitter Town. Upon your return, you will report to Teacher-fairy and discuss the outcome of your assignment.

  9. It is no accident that you are being sent to accomplish your mission during the holidays. It is hoped that by combining your skills with these special seasons, reconciliation between father and son will be accomplished.

  10. Remember, fairy magic can only be used without human knowledge. It goes without saying that you are aware of the dire consequences of breaking that rule. Best wishes for a successful assignment!

  "Ah, that sounds so exciting, Jazzy!" said Phossy.

  "Just think, Phossy, I'll be helping a child!"

  "Boss-at-the-Top must have a lot of confidence in you to give you such an important assignment."

  "Phossy, what if I fail…"

  "Impossible! Jazzy, you've been preparing for an assignment like this all your life."

  "Thank you for your vote of confidence, Phossy."

  "Jazzy, you must get some sleep."

  "You're right. Rooster flower promised to wake us before first-ray-of-sun. Sweet dreams, my friend."


  Just before first-ray-of-sun, beneath the illumination of a brilliant moon, the fairies-on-assignment gathered and chattered excitedly about the details of their respective missions.

  Anima, a nature-spirit fairy, said, "I'm going to Bolivia to work with an organization trying to save the Blue Parabas Macaws. Boss-at-the-Top wants me to communicate with the birds and convince them to reveal their location to the human workers. The birds have been reluctant to disclose where they're hiding because of their distrust of humans. These humans, however, genuinely care, and will help them to survive."

  "Well, my mission is to…." began Butter Lettuce. He was interrupted by Teacher-fairy who had just arrived.

  "Listen up…listen up."

  The fairies-on-assignment turned toward the sound of Teacher-Fairy's voice.

  "It time…it's time. Form a single line and follow behind. Take your places."

  Jazmine moved into position behind the other fairies and Teacher-fairy. The parade of fairies-on-assignment, with wings humming loudly, followed their leader to the secret spot chosen by Boss-at-the-Top. A different location was always selected for the new assignees.

  Teacher-fairy stopped abruptly, mumbling, "Which way…which way?" Butter Lettuce, the fairy directly behind him, barely missed ramming into his wings. The other fairies-on-assignment, however, did not fare so well. A tangle of wings and arms and legs ensued.

  "Ouch…ugh…eek…look out!"

  Teacher-fairy, oblivious to the pile up behind him, scratched his chin and glanced first left and then right in the glow before dawn. "Oh, yes. Oh, yes. It's this way." He darted left toward a thicket of wild raspberries. "Hurry…hurry, fairies-on-assignment! First-ray-of-sun is about to awaken another day!"

  Teacher-fairy, crisscrossing the raspberry vines with the parade of fairies behind him, finally found the new trans-locator portal.

  Stopping just short of the opening, he turned to face the excited fairies-on-assignment. Raising his voice so all could hear, he called, "Here it is…here it is. This is the portal. As soon as first-ray-of-sun peeks over the horizon, each of you, by turn, must fly inside to begin your assignment. You will experience momentary disorientation, but then you will be trans-located to your human-realm location. By now, you should know your instructions by heart, and proceed as indicated."

  As the magnitude of the moment solidified in the fairies' hearts, a hush fell over them. Jazmine had never felt so proud. Her dream of visiting the human realm and carrying out an assignment from Boss-at-the-Top had finally been realized. The only thing left to do was succeed at her task. "I can do this," she whispered.

  One by one, the fairies-on-assignment entered the raspberry portal. Jazmine was the last to enter and turned to wave goodbye to Teacher-fairy. He nodded encouragingly and she proceeded forward bolstered by determination.


  Dropping onto a forest floor, Jazmine's first thought after her topsy-turvy journey through rainbow light was, "I'm huge!" She had landed on her feet in a small clearing surrounded by ponderosa pines. From her new stature, she was amazed at how the dirt, stones, tuffs of grass, and shrubs looked so different from a human's perspective. Instead of feeling protected by nature, she felt exposed and vulnerable.

  A rustling caught her attention. Seeing the reason for the sound, she smiled. A family of four deer cautiously sniffed the air and slowly approached.

  "Everything's okay, deer family; I'm the fairy Boss-at-the-Top sent for you to lead out of the forest."

  Reassured by her voice, twin fawns ventured closer. Reaching out, she patted each in turn and introduced herself. "My name is Jazmine, but you can call me Jazzy. My assignment is to help a little boy named Jake Lucas. Will you take me to the parking lot of the High Desert Museum?"

  With a nod of their heads, the deer family of one accord turned and pranced back through the forest. Jazmine's heart thumped as she followed. Her assignment had begun in earnest. She followed the deer to the edge of the trees. From the tree line, a road could be seen. The deer remained hidden, but Jazmine was so curious she walked to the edge of the road.

  "So this is a highway." She knelt to feel the pavement. Just then a large vehicle whizzed past and blasted a loud noise. Several smaller vehicles followed that one, also filling the air with shrill blasts of sound.

  Jazmine ran back behind the trees. From a safe distance, she watched vehicles of every shape and size speed past. After the last one, the deer family suddenly leapt from the covering of pines and bounded across the highway. Jazmine watched and then remembered she was supposed to follow them.

  Racing toward the other side, she saw another vehicle fast approaching. She ran faster. The car made a terrible screeching noise and came to a halt at the side of the road. Jazmine stood on the other side wa
tching a man jump from his vehicle that she now remembered was called a car. He appeared to be very angry as he stalked toward her. Jazmine took a step backward. What was the angry man going to do?

  "Are you some kind of nut, lady? Do you realize I almost ran you over? What the hell are you doing running across the highway? I should call the police on my cell phone! You're a danger not only to yourself, but to others! What were you thinking?"

  Jazmine watched the angry man's gestures as he closed in on her. She shrank back some more. "I…I'm looking for the High Desert Museum parking lot."

  "Lady, the museum is through the trees behind you, but the main entrance is farther down the highway. For the love of God, how did you get here? Where's your car?"

  "I don't have a car. I'm supposed to be picked up by a taxi in the parking lot of the High Desert Museum. Do you know Boss-at-the-Top, too?"


  "You said, 'for the love of God.' So do you know Boss-at-the-Top, too?"

  Jazmine saw confusion in the man's eyes. He inhaled a deep breath. "What's your name?"


  "Where are you from?"

  "The forest."

  The man scratched his head. "You said a taxi is waiting for you. Where are you going?"

  "Bend, Oregon."

  "Where in Bend?"


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